SKU: BT.DHP-0981335-400
ISBN 9789043102902. French.
La méthode de batterie Real Time Drums est une collection efficace et passionnante. Chacun des deux volumes propose en neuf chapitres richement documentés, des rythmes et schémas de batterie développés partir dâ??exercices de technique (les moulins, les accents, les claves, par exemple). Sur les compact discs sont enregistrées une version intégrale de chaque exercice suivie dâ??une version où ne subsiste que lâ??accompagnement pour mettre en pratique les techniques dâ??apprentissage sans plus attendre. Real Time Drums : In songs et Real Time Drums : In songs and styles sont les compléments des méthodes. Les rythmes et les fills présentés dans les méthodes sonttraités dans ces ouvrages. Avec la collection Real Time Drums, la créativité se développe et le bagage musical sâ??enrichit !
SKU: BT.DHP-1043578-400
ISBN 9789043120241. French.
SKU: BT.DHP-1074330-400
ISBN 9789043127752. 9x12 inches. French.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991530-400
ISBN 9789043104296. Italian.
Il metodo di batteria Real Time Drums i è una collezione efficace e appassionante concepita da Arjen Oosterhout, batterista, compositore e insegnante emerito. Le due raccolte del metodo, propongono nuovi ritmi e schemi di batteria sviluppati a partire da esercizi di tecnica immediatamente applicati a stili quali il rock ed il funk. Ogni esercizio è corredato di indicazioni relative allâ??interpretazione, rispettando uno spazio per lâ??improvvisazione. I metodi sono completati dal CD sul quale sono incise una versione integrale di ogni esercizio seguita da una versione senza accompagnamento per mettere in pratica le tecniche apprese. Real Time Drums - 10 brani e RealTime Drums More Great Grooves sono i complementi ai relativi metodi. I ritmi e i fills presentati nei metodi, vengono elaborati in questi due libri. Le parti di batteria comprendono indicazioni relative allo stile del brano. Queste indicazioni servono come punto di partenza per mettere il batterista sulla buona strada. Spetter poi a lui riempire gli spazi lasciati liberi per creare una propria â??storiaâ?. Con la collezione Real Time Drums, la creativit e il proprio bagaglio musicale si arricchiscono!
This method is designed for all Drummers, from beginners to advanced, willing to practise their instrument cleverly, whether alone or supervised, in order to refine both their independence, coordination and, above all, musicalskills.
Through a simple and progressive logic, any Drummer will indeed find what he or she is looking for among the 400 evolving Drum beats & breaks featured in this method. The beginners will spend some time workingon the first pages while the more advanced Drummers will quickly go to the next pages to discover and practise rhythms matching their level.
The MP3 CD features the 400 examples of the book in order. For each audioindex,you will at first hear the Bass/Drum pair for several bars before the Drums are muted to let you take the place.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053798-400
ISBN 9789043122436. 9x12 inches. Dutch.
In Play â??em Right komen rock, jazz en latin aan bod, met uitleg over - en voorbeelden van - de verschillende stijlkenmerken. De partijen zijn zo geschreven dat een eigen interpretatie steeds mogelijk is, en dat is heel belangrijkvoor de muzikale ontwikkeling van de leerling. Deze uitgave bevordert de kennis, creativiteit en muzikaliteit van iedere drummer. De bijgevoegde cd, met voorbeeldtracks en meespeelversies van alle songs, is daarbij een geweldighulpmiddel.Dieses Buch will Drummer mit ein paar Jahren Spielerfahrung herausfordern, verschiedene Stile zu erproben und ihnen damit eine breitere Basis verschaffen - so dass Schlagzeug spielen zu Musik machen wird. Mit Einführungen in die verschiedenen Stile, Hörvorschlägen, Schlagzeugstimmen und technischen Ã?bungen geht dieses Buch abwechslungsreich und effektiv an diese Aufgabe heran. Viel Wert wird dabei auf eigene Interpretation, Kreativität und Musikalität gelegt. Die beiliegende Mitspiel-CD ist eine wertvolle Unterstützung zur Entwicklung des Drummers.Una pubblicazione che rappresenta una sfida per tutti i percussionisti con allâ??attivo alcuni anni dâ??esperienza. Playâ??em Right - Play Along for Drums copre una vasta paletta di stili musicali consentendo, grazie ad introduzioni sui vari generi ed esercizi tecnici, di avere un approccio efficace e gratificante. Molta importanza è data alla creativit , allâ??interpretazione e alla musicalit .
SKU: BT.DHP-1053871-400
ISBN 9789043123099. 9x12 inches. German.
Dieses Buch will Drummer mit ein paar Jahren Spielerfahrung herausfordern, verschiedene Stile zu erproben und ihnen damit eine breitere Basis verschaffen - so dass Schlagzeug spielen zu Musik machen wird. Mit Einführungen in die verschiedenen Stile, Hörvorschlägen, Schlagzeugstimmen und technischen Ã?bungen geht dieses Buch abwechslungsreich und effektiv an diese Aufgabe heran. Viel Wert wird dabei auf eigene Interpretation, Kreativität und Musikalität gelegt. Die beiliegende Mitspiel-CD ist eine gute Unterstützung zur Entwicklung des Drummers.Una pubblicazione che rappresenta una sfida per tutti i percussionisti con allâ??attivo alcuni anni dâ??esperienza. Playâ??em Right - Play Along for Drums copre una vasta paletta di stili musicali consentendo, grazie ad introduzioni sui vari generi ed esercizi tecnici, di avere un approccio efficace e gratificante. Molta importanza è data alla creativit , allâ??interpretazione e alla musicalit . Il CD incluso è un prezioso aiuto per lâ??acquisizione delle tecniche.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002337-400
ISBN 9789043112260. French.
La collection DE HASKE PERCUSSION SERIES est constituée de quatre méthodes en deux volumes qui permettent d’apprendre les techniques de base dans un contexte ludique et motivant. Le contenu est présenté de façon claire et précise. Chaque chapitre s’ouvre sur la présentation d’une nouvelle figure ou combinaison rythmiques suivie d’exercices techniques. Parallèlement au travail du rythme et des techniques fondamentales, les élèves interpréteront de nombreux morceaux (solos, duos et canons) qui leur permettront de se concentrer sur la musicalité. Les deux volumes des Méthodes de Batterie et des Méthodes de Percussions Clavier sont accompagnés d’un compact disc pour développerefficacement l’écoute et l’expression. La Collezione De HASKE PERCUSSION SERIES è costituita da quattro metodi in due volumi per apprendere ai giovani percussionisti le tecniche di base in un contesto ludico e motivante. Gli obiettivi sono facilmente realizzabili e quindi realisti, il contenuto è presentato in modo chiaro e preciso. Ogni capitolo si apre con una presentazione di una nuova figura o combinazione ritmica, seguita da una pagina di esercizi tecnici nei quali si applicano gli elementi studiati. Parallelamente al lavoro del ritmo e delle tecniche fondamentali, gli allievi interpretano numerosi brani (soli, duetti e canoni) che permettono di concentrarsi in modo particolare sullamusicalit . IN FRANCESE.
SKU: HL.288798
ISBN 9780857366429. UPC: 888680929633. 9.0x12.0x0.167 inches. Book with Online Audio.
Whether you are self-taught or taking lessons, learning for fun or heading for a career in the music industry, Trinity College London Rock and Pop exams will help you develop valuable playing skills and achieve your musical ambitions. Available for bass, drums, guitar, keyboard and vocals, from initial (beginner) to Grade 8 (advanced), these exams cover a wide variety of music and artists â?? giving a great choice in all rock and pop styles.
SKU: HL.288797
ISBN 9780857366412. UPC: 888680929640. 9.0x12.0x0.158 inches. Book with Online Audio.
Whether you are self-taught or taking lessons, learning for fun or heading for a career in the music industry, Trinity College London Rock and Pop exams will help you develop valuable playing skills and achieve your musical ambitions. Available for bass, drums, guitar, keyboard and vocals, from Initial (beginner) to Grade 8 (advanced), these exams cover a wide variety of music and artists â?? giving a great choice in all rock and pop styles.
SKU: HL.288800
ISBN 9780857366443. UPC: 888680929619. 9.0x12.0x0.159 inches. Book with Online Audio.
Whether you are self-taught or taking lessons, learning for fun or heading for a career in the music industry, Trinity College London Rock and Pop exams will help you develop valuable playing skills and achieve your musical ambitions. Available for bass, drums, guitar, keyboard and vocals, from Initial (beginner) to Grade 8 (advanced), these exams cover a wide variety of music and artists - giving a great choice in all rock and pop styles.
SKU: HL.288712
ISBN 9780857366399. UPC: 888680913250. 9.0x12.0x0.124 inches. Book with Online Audio.
SKU: BT.RSK200064
ISBN 9781912352739. English.
Learn to play rock and pop with Rockschool. These specially written arrangements develop the skills and techniques you need to help you achieve your musical goals.
For Rockschool's 2018-2024 Drums series, Rockschool have commissioned arrangements of titles reflecting popular music's rich heritage in all its forms and have tailored each piece to make it exactly right for the grade. You can also use titles from Rockschool's Classics series as part of the syllabus.
The arrangements have been written and performed by top session musicians who have worked with some of the biggest names in rock, metal and pop. The tracks were recorded at Real World's acclaimed recordingstudios and feature live instruments and first rate performances for an unrivalled level of feel, authenticity and musicianship.
SKU: BT.RSK200062
ISBN 9781912352715. English.
SKU: BT.RSK200067
ISBN 9781912352760. English.
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