SKU: HL.50607051
UPC: 196288292418. 9.0x12.0x0.1 inches.
Paul Dukas wrote his Villanelle as a demanding exam piece for the horn class of the Paris Conservatoire in 1906. Alongside the technical challenges, the piece is successful because of its refreshing melodies, for which reason the Villanelle is still one of the most popular performance pieces for the horn.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125295-400
ISBN 9789043141819. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Performance pieces for piano and horn in which the level of difficulty for both players is similar are always in demand. The 20 pieces in this book — arrangements of well-known tunes as well as original compositions — are aimed at pupils who have been playing for approximately three years. Both players will learn a great deal and will have double the playing fun. Two is a Team — after all playing together is almost always at the heart of music!Er blijkt steeds weer behoefte te zijn aan samenspeelstukken voor piano en hoorn waarin beide partijen een vergelijkbare moeilijkheidsgraad hebben. De 20 stukken in dit boek — zowel bewerkingen van bekende liedjes als originele composities — zijn bedoeld voor leerlingen die ongeveer drie jaar spelen. Beiden zullen er veel van leren en er dubbel plezier aan beleven. Two is a Team — in de muziek draait het immers vrijwel altijd om samenspel!Es gibt immer Bedarf an Stücken für Klavier und Horn, in denen die Stimmen für beide Spieler ähnlich schwer sind. Die 20 Stücke in diesem Buch — die sowohl bekannte Melodien als auch originale Kompositionen umfassen — richten sich an Instrumentalschüler, die bereits etwa drei Jahre Unterricht hatten. So können beide etwas lernen und haben doppelt Spaß. Two is a Team — denn schließlich geht es beim Musizieren doch fast immer um das gemeinsame Musikerlebnis!La littérature musicale semblerait être dénuée de morceaux de concert pour piano et cor dont le degré de difficulté soit peu près le même pour les deux musiciens. Les 20 morceaux de ce recueil — arrangements d’airs connus et compositions originales — sont destinés aux élèves qui jouent depuis environ trois ans. Ils profiteront tous deux de ce travail et prendront doublement plaisir interpréter ces morceaux. Après tout, jouer avec d’autres est un des grands plaisirs qu’apporte la pratique de la musique !Two is a Team raccoglie composizioni originali e brani del repertorio classico noto al pubblico, indirizzati agli strumentisti con circa tre anni di studio alle spalle. Il livello di difficolt dei brani contenuti nella pubblicazione è molto simile per entrambi gli strumentisti, rendendo così più facile un’esecuzione con l’accompagnamento del piano.
SKU: HL.49045984
The music scene took notice of Erik Satie all of a sudden: The world premiere of his ballet 'Parade' in 1917 caused quite a scandal.The production divided the music scene of Paris, yet made the composer widely known. Satie who hardly had had any solid musical training developed a new musical style, in deliberate rejection of the 'Wagnerisme' of his time, the perfect example being his '3 Gymnopedies' of 1888 the first of which was here arranged for a solo instrument with piano accompaniment: Thanks to its easy playability, it can also be used for educational purposes.
SKU: BR.EB-10704
In Cooperation with G. Henle Verlag
ISBN 9790201807041. 9.5 x 12 inches.
Prank or Color Code? Mozart composed all of his horn concertos for Joseph Leutgeb, a long-standing friend of his family. In Salzburg Leutgeb was in the service of the court ensemble as horn player and violinist before departing for Vienna, where he became known as a performer of Mozart's horn concertos. In 1786 Mozart wrote his fourth horn concerto in E flat major, which, unfortunately, survives only as an incomplete fragment. For the present new edition in Breitkopf Urtext, a reliable early print for the missing sections is used. Nevertheless, this autograph is still a very valuable source, since it contains Mozart's notation of the work in colored ink! The question as to whether this was one of Mozart's typical jokes aimed at Leutgeb or whether he had something else in mind, remains inconclusive to this day. Whoever is curious can take a guess as well, since Breitkopf is printing (in its new edition and in autograph form) the sections in color that were originally transmitted as such.In Cooperation with G. Henle Verlag.
SKU: PE.EP73697
ISBN 9790577023502.
The Country of Larks by Julian Philips is a miniature cantata for Tenor, Horn and Piano that investigates an epiphanous moment of connection with nature. The text was extracted and reassembled from Robert Louis Stevenson's An Autumn Effect, an 1875 essay that describes an autumnal hike through the Chilterns, philosophical, comical and poignant by turns. Stevenson's narrative framework is filleted into a short sequence of short recitative and arioso sections, culminating in an extended musical response to his fascination for the larks. The Country of Larks was commissioned by the 2021 Oxford Lieder Festival, on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary and was premiered at the 2022 edition of the festival on 25 October 2022 by Stuart Jackson (Tenor), Jocelyn Freeman (Piano) and George Strivens (Horn). This edition is published as part of the Peters Contemporary Chamber Series.
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SKU: SU.28040210
A work in four highly evocative movements: From the Sanctuary of Dreams, Dance of the Spirits, Soliloquy, Worlds Passing.Horn and Piano Duration: 18' Composed: 1989 Published by: Abierto Music A perusal score and audio preview are available at the composer's web site:
SKU: BT.DHP-1115159-400
ISBN 9789043145503. 9x12 inches. German.
Starke Töne ist eine Sammlung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Bläserjugend des Bundes Deutscher Blasmusikverbände (BDB) entstanden ist. Die Sammlung enthält eine Auswahl der beliebtesten Titel aus den Literaturlisten zum Jungmusiker-Leistungsabzeichen Bronze (D1) bzw. Junior. Die Vorteile liegen dabei klar auf der Hand: Die Instrumentalisten sparen mit diesem Buch nicht nur wertvolle Vorbereitungszeit, sondern auch bares Geld, denn wer früher mehrere Hefte anschaffen musste, hat mit Starke Töne bereits das Beste in einem Band versammelt. Somit befriedigt diese Ausgabe eine lang bestehende Nachfrage. In jeder Ausgabe ist jedes Stück mit einerKlavierbegleitung notiert; ursprüngliche Solostücke wurden eigens mit einer neu komponierten Begleitung versehen. Der Klavierpart ist in der Regel einfach bis mittelschwer, sodass die Begleitung auch von fortgeschrittenen Klavierschülern übernommen werden kann.Ein großer Vorteil für die Vorbereitung auf die praktischen Leistungsprüfungen ist die jedem Heft beiliegende CD, welche die auf einem echten Konzertflügel aufgenommenen Klavierbegleitungen enthält. Neben Einspielungen im Originaltempo sind die meisten Stücke zum leichteren Einstudieren auch in einer weiteren Version im langsameren Tempo zu hören.Mit Starke Töne ist in Zusammenarbeit mit dem BDB eine wertvolle Sammlung für alle Blasinstrumente und Klavier sowie für Schlagzeug entstanden, die selbstverständlich auch unabhängig von den Leistungsabzeichen das Unterrichts- und Vortragsrepertoire für jede dieser Besetzungen bereichert.
SKU: PR.114422790
ISBN 9781491134795. UPC: 680160685509.
Beloved for his beautifully melodic vocal music and gratifying instrumental works, Adolphus Hailstork combines both gifts in the gracefully contemplative MEDITATION for Horn and Piano. With its processional-like accompaniment and broad solo part, the work is well-suited for recitals, ceremonies, services, and other occasions.
SKU: BT.AMP-154-404
ISBN 9789043165198. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is the first volume of a progressive series of books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, this collection of 20solos starts with pieces based on only a handful of notes and carefully introduces new musical elements, such as articulation, dynamics and key signatures, in a structured progression to speed the learning process. The booksprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Starter Solos comes with an online audio access. The advantages of playing either with piano or audio accompaniment are that the beginning playercan now experience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always a factor when playingalone. Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is het eerste deel van een serie boeken met muziek voor jonge blazers. Deze bundel van twintig soloââ¬â¢s begint met stukken die op een handvol noten zijn gebaseerd. Nieuwe muzikale elementen(articulatie, dynamiek, enz.) worden op een doordachte, gestructureerde manier toegevoegd. Dit studiemateriaal vult elke leermethode aan en is steeds toegesneden op het betreffende instrument. Uitgave met online audio: Devoordelen van het spelen met begeleiding - hetzij met een pianist, hetzij met de opname - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kanaanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo. Bij het alleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial.Für diese Ausgabe beriet sich Philip Sparke mitvielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesen Soli und Etüden in dreiverschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten. Die Stücke in dieserAusgabe können dank der im Buch in Notenform enthaltenen und online als Audiotracks zugänglichen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger sonicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte des Ensemblespiels erfahren, sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, während des Spielens zugleich zuzuhören und das Tempo zu halten.Starter Solos est un recueil motivant offrant une présentation structurée des techniques de jeu et dââ¬â¢apprentissage. Les solos composés par Philip Sparke constituent les premiers pas plaisants de votre entrée dans leformidable monde de la musique ! Les enregistrements sont disponibles en ligne au format MP3 : vous trouverez une version intégrale de chaque pièce ainsi quââ¬â¢une version où ne subsiste que lââ¬â¢accompagnement. La versionpapier des accompagnements de piano est jointe au recueil.Accanto ad un buon insegnante, il materiale da studio valido è senza dubbio la cosa più importante al fine di un buon apprendimento. Eââ¬â¢ quindi importante mettere a disposizione dellââ¬â¢allievo materiale motivante. Nello scriverequesti soli, Philip Sparke si è consultato a più riprese con insegnanti ed allievi per mettere a punto brani che consentono anche ai più inesperti di suonare in modo soddisfacente. Gli accompagnamenti al piano sono accessibilionline come file MP3.
SKU: BT.DHP-1185895-404
ISBN 9789043154550. English.
Look, Listen and Learn sets the bar for brass and woodwind teaching nowadays. These exciting method book/CD packs for beginners contain songs, music puzzles and games to increase the pupilsâ?? understanding of music, information about their instrument, and lots of fun pieces to play. The three volumes of the method that form the basis of this series are enhanced by several books with supplementary material designed to correspond with the progress of the method.
In My First Opera, famous arias, choruses, and overtures have been arranged in increasing order of difficulty so that they can be used in conjunction with all three volumes of the Look, Listenand Learn method series. Some of the loveliest melodies ever written for opera have been collected together with accompanying historical commentary. Pupils can accompany themselves using the piano recordings, which are available online to stream or download. The edition also includes printed music for piano accompaniments, expertly arranged at a moderate level of difficulty.
SKU: FL.FX073951
As its title indicates, this piece, built on a martial style from A to Z, is based on a succession of notes with quarter intervals. - Jerome NAULAIS ; A piece to be played from 4 years of practice. ; Instruments: 1 F Horn 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 3.
SKU: FL.FX072893
As its name suggests, here is a little air that can last a very long time! For young instrumentalists from the first year of practice. - Pascal PROUST ; Instruments: 1 F Horn 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 1.
SKU: FL.FX073551
The young musicians will love playing this piece that will find its place in an exam or a concert. - Pascal SAINT-LEGER ; A piece that can be played from 2 years of instrument practice ; Instruments: 1 F Horn 1 Piano; Difficuly Level: Grade 2.
SKU: PR.114423640
UPC: 680160688562.
The first time I saw slipstreaming in action with professional cyclists, I was in awe. The competitors were riding inches away from each other; when the lead rider would swerve left or right, the pursuers would immediately follow suit. The physics behind what appears on the surface to be sheer daredevil antics are quite solid: the cyclists riding directly behind the leader are benefitting from reduced air and wind resistance. On a larger scale, a peloton (the French term for a pack of riders) benefits multiple riders whoare behind the leaders of the pack. While riding so close to other riders carries great risk of colliding, that risk is outweighed by the benefit of preserving one’s energy.Slipstream was inspired by the love of cycling shared by Haley Hoops, horn, and Stephen Ahearn, clarinet, for whom the piece was commissioned. They are drawn to cycling for the adventure of it, to discover new places, and to meet new people. Haley also expressed her enjoyment of taking solo bike rides. Additionally, I found great inspiration in watching the daily highlight videos of the three-week 2020 Tour de France, which happened to be taking place while I composed Slipstream.The piece opens with The Horizon Beckons. A cyclist hears an enticing call emanating from the mountains, then the cyclist starts pedaling towards the mountains in search of adventure. Riding Solo, the second movement, explores the quiet of riding alone, the beauty of the landscape, and the shifting of the light and clouds, all while we hear the bike’s wheels in constant motion. Adrenaline Rush, the third and final movement, depicts the heat of competition. We hear the constant jockeying of cyclists within a peloton as they slipstream with each other and move with the wind. At the very end of the movement, we hear sprinters race for the finish line with everything they have left in their legs.
SKU: BR.EB-10702
ISBN 9790201807027. 9.5 x 12.5 inches.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's horn concertos: the Mozart expert Henrik Wiese edits the central work genre of Viennese classicism according to the current status of international Mozart research. Mozart wrote the Horn Concerto K. 417 - like the other works of this genre as well - for his horn-playing friend Joseph Leutgeb. The jokes which the composer made at Leutgeb's expense are wellknown. For example, he called the dedicatee a donkey in the autograph, and, as Henrik Wiese evidences in his preface, Mozart also occasionally enjoyed a bit of tomfoolery with the soloist in the musical text as well.Otherwise the editor's task was anything but amusing. The main source - the autograph score - is incomplete: missing are the close of Movement I as well as the entire slow middle movement. For these two sections, Wiese used a copy of the score from the archive of the publisher Johann Andre. The unusual circumstance that Mozart generally left the horn part almost unmarked recurs in the Concerto K. 417 and was deliberately maintained in the Urtext edition.with parts for horn in F and Eb major.
SKU: HL.48183974
Berce-Moidans tes Bras; La Reine indienne; La Ceuillette des petits Pois; Chanson de Route; Chanson d'Henry Purcell; Robert le Fou; Danse echevelee; La Duperie d'Orleans; Le Cheval endiable; La Timbale; Chanson de Richard.
SKU: PR.114422630
UPC: 680160684793. 9 x 12 inches.
In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont,Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists thegift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided withstudio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I havebeen in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previousexperiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 peopleliving within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up forabundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcardsfrom Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects ofmy residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet,was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lightsdimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie.This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made forcolleagues and friends.In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont, Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists the gift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided with studio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I have been in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previous experiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a 20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 people living within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up for abundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcards from Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects of my residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet, was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lights dimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie. This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made for colleagues and friends.In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont,Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists thegift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided withstudio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I havebeen in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previousexperiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 peopleliving within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up forabundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcardsfrom Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects ofmy residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet,was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lightsdimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie.This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made forcolleagues and friends.
SKU: HL.48182413
UPC: 888680831219. 9.25x12.0x0.092 inches.
Marcel Bitsch: Choral (Horn & Piano).
SKU: HL.48181682
UPC: 888680848804. 9.25x12.25x0.075 inches.
Marcel Bitsch: Variations sur un Chanson française (Horn & Piano).
SKU: BT.DHP-1185962-404
ISBN 9789043154925. French.
La collection Écouter, lire et jouer est aujourd’hui une référence pour l’enseignement des cuivres et des bois. Tous accompagnés d’un CD, ces ouvrages passionnants destinés aux débutants contiennent des chansons, des casse-tête musicaux et des jeux pour mieux comprendre la musique, des informations sur l’instrument concerné, et de nombreuses pièces agréables jouer. Les trois volumes de la méthode qui forment la base de cette collection sont complétés par plusieurs volumes de matériel complémentaire correspondant aux diverses étapes de cette méthode.
Dans Les Airs d’Opéra, des arias, des chœurs et des ouvertures célèbres sont présentés en ordre croissant dedifficulté et peuvent être travaillés conjointement avec les trois volumes de la méthode Écouter, lire et jouer. Certaines des plus belles mélodies de tous les temps ont été rassemblées avec des commentaires historiques. Les élèves peuvent les interpréter avec des accompagnements au piano disponibles sous forme de fichiers en ligne écouter en streaming ou télécharger. La présente édition comprend aussi des partitions pour ces accompagnements, soigneusement arrangées dans un niveau de difficulté modéré.
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