SKU: BT.AMP-386-400
ISBN 9789043135849. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the ANGLO MUSIC PLAY-ALONG Series, Philip Sparkes 15 INTERMEDIATE CLASSICAL SOLOS is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from Sparkes 15 EASY CLASSICAL SOLOS. Specifically tailored to suitthe individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range.
The carefully selected pieces include music from the 17th to the 19th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Handel to Tchaikovsky and from Clementi to Brahms.
The book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglichen die sorgfĂ€ltig ausgewĂ€hlten Melodien noch mehr Spielerfahrung mit klassischer Musik. Die StĂÂŒcke umfassen verschiedene Stilrichtungen und Komponisten wie z.B. HĂ€ndel, Tschaikowsky, Clementi undBrahms.
Jeder Band bietet wertvolles ErgÀnzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthÀlt sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.
SKU: BT.AMP-434-400
ISBN 9789043148658. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-Along Series, Philip SparkeĂąâŹâąs 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from SparkeĂąâŹâąs 15 Easy ChristmasCarols. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the worldĂąâŹâąs most popular Christmas tunes by selecting simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The book willprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkes 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols sind Teil der Reihe Anglo Music Play-Along und richten sich an junge Instrumentalisten, die einen Tonumfang von ungefĂ€hr eineinhalb Oktaven beherrschen. Die Ausgabe schlieĂĆžt sich anSparkes 15 Easy Christmas Carols an. FĂÂŒr diesen Band wurden einfache und zugleich ansprechende Melodien ausgewĂ€hlt, die genau auf das jeweilige Instrument zugeschnitten sind, sich fĂÂŒr dessen begrenzten Tonumfang eignen, und den soSchĂÂŒler an die weltweit beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder heranfĂÂŒhren. 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols bietet damit wertvolles ErgĂ€nzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschulepasst und sowohl eine Klavierbegleitung als auch einePlay-Along-CD enthĂ€lt.Faisant partie de lĂąâŹâąAnglo Music Play-Along Series, les 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols(15 chants de NoĂ«l de niveau intermĂ©diaire) de Philip Sparke visent les instrumentistes qui arrivent jouer environ une octave etdemi. AdaptĂ© pour convenir chaque instrument spĂ©cifique, ce recueil introduit le musicien de niveau moyen aux chants de NoĂ«l les plus populaires en sĂ©lectionnant les mĂ©lodies simples les plus intĂ©ressantes qui correspondent leur registre limitĂ©.Ce livre fournit du matĂ©riel supplĂ©mentaire indispensable qui complĂšte nĂąâŹâąimporte quelle mĂ©thode pĂ©dagogique et inclut un accompagnement pour piano ainsi quĂąâŹâąune version sur CD avec dĂ©mos.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125295-400
ISBN 9789043141819. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Performance pieces for piano and horn in which the level of difficulty for both players is similar are always in demand. The 20 pieces in this book — arrangements of well-known tunes as well as original compositions — are aimed at pupils who have been playing for approximately three years. Both players will learn a great deal and will have double the playing fun. Two is a Team — after all playing together is almost always at the heart of music!Er blijkt steeds weer behoefte te zijn aan samenspeelstukken voor piano en hoorn waarin beide partijen een vergelijkbare moeilijkheidsgraad hebben. De 20 stukken in dit boek — zowel bewerkingen van bekende liedjes als originele composities — zijn bedoeld voor leerlingen die ongeveer drie jaar spelen. Beiden zullen er veel van leren en er dubbel plezier aan beleven. Two is a Team — in de muziek draait het immers vrijwel altijd om samenspel!Es gibt immer Bedarf an Stücken für Klavier und Horn, in denen die Stimmen für beide Spieler Ă€hnlich schwer sind. Die 20 Stücke in diesem Buch — die sowohl bekannte Melodien als auch originale Kompositionen umfassen — richten sich an Instrumentalschüler, die bereits etwa drei Jahre Unterricht hatten. So können beide etwas lernen und haben doppelt SpaĂĆž. Two is a Team — denn schlieĂĆžlich geht es beim Musizieren doch fast immer um das gemeinsame Musikerlebnis!La littĂ©rature musicale semblerait ĂÂȘtre dĂ©nuĂ©e de morceaux de concert pour piano et cor dont le degrĂ© de difficultĂ© soit peu prĂšs le mĂÂȘme pour les deux musiciens. Les 20 morceaux de ce recueil — arrangements dĂąâŹâąairs connus et compositions originales — sont destinĂ©s aux Ă©lĂšves qui jouent depuis environ trois ans. Ils profiteront tous deux de ce travail et prendront doublement plaisir interprĂ©ter ces morceaux. AprĂšs tout, jouer avec dĂąâŹâąautres est un des grands plaisirs quĂąâŹâąapporte la pratique de la musique !Two is a Team raccoglie composizioni originali e brani del repertorio classico noto al pubblico, indirizzati agli strumentisti con circa tre anni di studio alle spalle. Il livello di difficolt dei brani contenuti nella pubblicazione Ăš molto simile per entrambi gli strumentisti, rendendo cosĂÂŹ piĂÂč facile unĂąâŹâąesecuzione con lĂąâŹâąaccompagnamento del piano.
SKU: BT.DHP-1165697-401
ISBN 9789043150095. English-German-French-Dutch.
An entertaining moment in a magnificent London park depicting the serenity of the foliage and the playing of childrenĂą?Š The composer Pascal Proust has many yearsĂą?? experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundred compositions for the most diverse instrumentations. He wrote Green Park for horn players at the level of approximately 3 4 yearsĂą?? study and paid special attention to an easy-to-follow, attractive musical style. As a result, Green Park is an ideal performance or competition work for young musicians.Een moment van vermaak in een prachtig park in Londen. Tussen de kalmte van het gebladerte en het spel van de kinderen... De componist Pascal Proust heeft jarenlange ervaring als muzikant en muziekdocent. Zijn oeuvre omvat honderden composities voor de meest diverse instrumentaties. Hij schreef Green Park voor hoornisten die ongeveer drie tot vier jaar les hebben, waarbij hij speciaal aandacht heeft besteed aan een makkelijk te volgen, aantrekkelijke muziekstijl. Daardoor is Green Park een ideaal voordrachts- of wedstrijdstuk voor jonge muzikanten.Ein unterhaltsamer Augenblick in diesem wunderschönen Park in London, zwischen der Ruhe im GrĂÂŒnen und den spielenden KindernĂą?Š Der Komponist Pascal Proust kann aus seiner langjĂ€hrigen Erfahrung als Musiker und MusikpĂ€dagoge schöpfen; sein Oeuvre umfasst mehrere hundert Kompositionen fĂÂŒr verschiedenste Besetzungen. Er schrieb Green Park fĂÂŒr Hornisten mit ungefĂ€hr 3 4 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung und legte besonderes Augenmerk auf einen leicht verstĂ€ndlichen, attraktiven musikalischen Stil. Dadurch eignet sich Green Park ideal als Vortrags- und WettbewerbsstĂÂŒck fĂÂŒr junge Musiker.Un moment divertissant dans ce merveilleux parc de Londres. Entre le calme de la verdure et les jeux des enfants Ăą?Š. Le compositeur Pascal Proust puise volontĂ© dans son immense expĂ©rience de musicien et professeur de musique ; son catalogue dĂą??oeuvres englobe plusieurs centaines de compositions pour divers instruments. Il a notamment Ă©crit Green Park pour cornistes ayant environ 3 4 annĂ©es de pratique, dans un style musical accessible et colorĂ©. De ce fait, Green Park est la piĂšce idĂ©ale pour tout examen ou audition de jeunes musiciens.
SKU: HL.48181836
UPC: 888680860950. 9.0x12.0x0.048 inches.
ĂąâŹĆFareway Song is a piece for F Horn and Piano by EugĂšne Bozza. Written for intermediate players, this melodious work is divided into three distinct parts: Slow (6/8), Allegro moderato (4/4) and Slow (6/8). Really energetic, Fareway Song sees the Piano and the Horn answering to each other. The piece lasts a total of four minutes during which the Horn appears as a really majestic instrument. EugĂšne Bozza won different prizes at the Conservatoire de Paris such as the First Prizes for the Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He composed several operas, chamber works and ballets among others.ĂąâŹÂ.
SKU: BT.AMP-303-400
ISBN 9789043138109. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-along Series, Philip SparkeĂą??s 15 Easy Classical Solos is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the beginning player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The carefully selected pieces include music from the 16th to the 20th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Bach to Grieg and from Purcell to Satie. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip SparkeĂą??s 15 Easy Classical Solos, onderdeel van de Anglo Music Play-Along Series, is bedoeld voor de jonge instrumentalist die iets meer dan een octaaf kan spelen. Het boek sluit qua instrumentaal bereik en gebruikte toonsoortenaan bij het Artist Level van Hal Leonards Essential Elements ĂÂź, maar kan ook los daarvan worden gebruikt.De zorgvuldig geselecteerde melodieĂ«n, die specifiek zijn toegesneden op elk instrument, beslaan een breed scala van klassieke stijlen:van Bach tot Grieg en van Purcell tot Satie.Het boek bevat waardevol materiaal ter aanvulling op elke lesmethode en wordt geleverd met pianobegeleiding en een cd met demo- en meespeeltracks.15 Easy Classical Solos ist als ErgĂ€nzung zur bewĂ€hrten Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe gedacht und richtet sich an SchĂÂŒler, die ungefĂ€hr einen Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Das Niveau entspricht dem des Artist Levels der Essential Elements ĂÂź Methode von Hal Leonard, kann aber auch unabhĂ€ngig davon verwendet werden. Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglicht die wohlĂÂŒberlegte StĂÂŒckeauswahl ein erstes Kennenlernen von Melodien aus verschiedenen Epochen der Klassik von Grieg ĂÂŒber Purcell bis Satie. Jeder Band bietet wertvolles ErgĂ€nzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthĂ€lt sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.15 Easy Classical Solos, de Philip Sparke, est un ouvrage qui sĂą??adresse aux jeunes musiciens, maĂÂźtrisant un peu plus dĂą??une octave. 15 Easy Classical Solos a Ă©tĂ© conçu pour ĂÂȘtre jouĂ© en corrĂ©lation avec les sĂ©ries Artist et/ou Master Level de la collection Essential Elements ĂÂź, publiĂ©e par les Ă©ditions Hal Leonard. Mais il peut Ă©galement ĂÂȘtre utilisĂ© indĂ©pendamment.SpĂ©cifiquement adaptĂ© chaque instrument, ce volume rassemble quinze mĂ©lodies Ă©crites par des compositeurs aussi variĂ©s que Bach, Purcell, Grieg et Satie.Comprenant les parties dĂą??accompagnement de piano et une version dĂą??accompagnement sur compact disc, ces ouvrages reprĂ©sentent une sourcecomplĂ©mentaire inestimable toute mĂ©thode pĂ©dagogique. Il concetto della collana Anglo Music Play-Along Series Ăš quello di integrare al piĂÂč presto nel processo di apprendimento dei giovani strumentisti la possibilit di poter suonare accompagnati al piano o con lĂą??ausilio di unĂą??incisione su CD. Ilchiaro vantaggio di questo metodo Ăš che gli allievi imparano da subito lĂą??aspetto fondamentale del suonare insieme, vale a dire tenere il tempo in modo costante. 15 Easy Classical Solos consente agli allievi che hanno una conoscenza limitatadelle note di suonare brani di Bach, Schubert, Purcell, Grieg e altri, grazie alle versioni facilitate. Il livello di 15 Intermediate Classical Solos permette invece agli allievi che padroneggiano lĂą??estensione superiore a unĂą??ottava dicimentarsi nei Ăą??primi concertiĂą? con brani di Haendel, Clementi, Rameau, Glueck, Beethoven e altri. Il CD propone una traccia con lĂą??incisione completa e una con il solo accompagnamento.
SKU: YM.GPW01096597
ISBN 9784636965971.
10 arrangements for solo horn and piano from Disney cinemas. Yong Yuan Hao &Gang Qin Bian Pei De Lai Zi Di Shi Ni Dian Ying De 10Shou Ge Qu . 1. Mickey Mouse March; 2. Someday My Prince Will Come; 3. Chim Chim Cher-ee; 4. A Whole New World; 5. Beauty and the Beast; 6. It's a Small World; 7.A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes; 8. Heigh-Ho; 9. Alice in Wonderland; 10. La La Lu 1. Mi Lao Shu Jin Xing Qu ; 2. Zong You Yi Tian Wang Zi Hui Chu Xian ; 3. Yan Cong Zhi Ge ; 4. Zhan Xin De Shi Jie ; 5. Mei Nu Yu Ye Shou ; 6. Xiao Xiao Shi Jie ; 7. Meng Jiu Shi Ni Xin Zhong De Yuan Wang ; 8. Hai Yo ; 9. Ai Li Si Meng You Xian Jing ; 10. La La Lu.
SKU: HL.49019313
ISBN 9790001180306.
Overcoming the boundaries between 'serious' and entertaining music was what mattered to the musician Eduard Putz (1911-2000). His compositions therefore include stylistic features of jazz and pop music. Many of his works were written for children and young instrumentalists to offer them a break from the monotony of classical sonatinas and studies. 'Blue Waltz' is such a treat - very easy to play, it carefully helps the player to open a listening ear for jazz sounds. The arrangement for accompanied melodic instrument is also suitable for beginner's lessons and the first ensemble playing.
SKU: XC.LS1807
UPC: 812598030129. 12 x 9 inches.
The Legacy Solo Series contains masterworks meticulously edited and set beautifully by one of the most popular composers of music for students today, Larry Clark. These solos are routinely found on many state festival lists throughout the United States and are perfect for use at an adjudicated solo festival or recital. Commonly featured on college audition lists, these works are a cornerstone of the solo repertoire. Piano players will enjoy piano reductions that are clean and feature the solo line in concert pitch for easy rehearsal. Each Legacy Solo, compatible with Smartmusic, comes with beautifully set parts and piano accompaniment. Piano recordings for rehearsal or performance of each piece are available for download from the Excelcia Music Publishing website.
SKU: XC.LS1804
UPC: 812598030099. 12 x 9 inches.
SKU: FT.FM1226
ISBN 9790570791255.
SKU: LM.C05881
ISBN 9790230358811.
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