SKU: BT.DHP-1115098-400
ISBN 9789043135368. 9x12 inches. Italian.
A tutti coloro che cercano un nuovo strumento pedagogico per imparare a suonare, la casa editrice musicale De Haske propone i metodi della serie ASCOLTA, LEGGI and SUONA, unâ??opera educativa e ludica con accompagnamento su CD.Questi metodi attuano un processo decisamente aperto, gratificante e moderno per rivoluzionare lâ??insegnamento musicale: attraverso lâ??ascolto, la lettura e lâ??interpretazione dei singoli esercizi, dei giochi e dei quiz potrete imparare divertendovi. Ogni singolo esercizio prevede lâ??esecuzione con accompagnamento di una vera band sul CD! In più troverete tante notizie sulla storia del vostro strumento, sugli interpreti, e sulla tecnica giusta per suonare.Sonodisponibli in italiano i volumi per tromba, clarinetto, saxofono contralto e flauto. Per tutti gli altri strumenti, il metodo è disponible in inglese.
SKU: FG.55011-555-2
Playing from the Core is a new method for practicing the French horn. With an in-depth understanding of the traditions and history of French horn technique, Tommi Hyytinen brings new perspectives to instrumental practice by examining the interaction of mind and body and incorporating these insights into his method. The body is perhaps a musician's primary instrument, and it is important to become intimately acquainted with this instrument. A thorough understanding of the body makes many musical and technical challenges easier to overcome. Hyytinen also provides comprehensive advice on preparing for a performance and on overcoming stage fright. For instance, understanding the physiology of stress and performance-related nerves helps us better to understand nervousness as a natural state. By employing a range of physical and mental exercises, we learn to control nervous reactions and turn them into something that, rather than hindering, can in fact help and improve our performances. In addition to presenting a wealth of factual information and physical exercises, the book contains many informative illustrations, playing exercises, and an etude exploring different aspects of French horn technique. Through the presentation of information, exercises and examples, Playing from the Core brings students to a realisation that everyone can improve on the technical and musical challenges they face. Tommi Hyytinen is an experienced professional musician and teacher, and he instructs musicians in the holistic use of the body. The exercises presented in the book form part of his own daily practice routine and teaching material. Tommi thus manages to explain and show us the benefit of both body and mental exercises in preparation for musical performance. He shares all his wisdom so generously that I have no doubt that all performing artists, especially brass and wind players as well as singers will profit enormously from reading it. (Radovan Vlatkovic)
SKU: CA.2921531
Score available separately - see item CA.2921500.
ISBN 9790206205187. Key: G major.
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