SKU: BT.SY-2870
10 easy songs in different styles (from Hip-Hop to Latin groove as Santana’s). With CD play-alongGreat fun guaranteed! 10 easy songs of various styles ranging from Hip-Hop to Latin-Grooves la Santana get you to play chords. Short interludes guide your fingers into the right position and carefully prepare for a change of chords.Chord Factory is ideal for slightly advanced students with first experience in melodic lines, complementing lessons in classical guitar for example.10 leichte Songs in unterschiedlichen Stilen - vom Hip-Hop bis zum Latin-Groove la Santana - führen mit großem Spiel-Spaß in das Akkordspiel ein. Kleine Zwischenmelodien, die die Finger schon mal in die richtige Position bugsieren, bereiten dabeibehutsam die Akkordwechsel vor. Ideal für Leute, die schon erste Erfahrungen mit dem Melodiespiel haben, also z.B. begleitend zum klassischen Gitarrenunterricht.
ISBN 9790543573376.
Manana de mercado.!Hoy venden votos!El politico infecto de propinasacaba de besar 12 empleadas,enroscar la cabeza a 7 ninosy, luego de encadenarlas bacterias de 100 manosviene hacia ti...!CORRE!
SKU: HF.FH-3379
ISBN 9790203433798. 9 x 12 inches.
1. Bedrich Smetana: Die Moldau (aus Mein Vaterland); 2. Marc-Antoine Charpentier: Prelude (aus Te Deum); 3. Anonymus: Spanische Romanze; 4. Ludwig van Beethoven: Freude schoner Gotterfunken (aus: Sinfonie Nr. 9); 5. Isaac Albeniz: Asturias; 6. Antonio Vivaldi: Fruhling (aus: Die vier Jahreszeiten); 7. Antonin Dvorak: Largo (aus Sinfonie Nr. 9); 8. Joseph Haydn: Kaiserhymne; 9. Giuseppe Verdi: Donne e mobile (aus Rigoletto); 10. Ludwig van Beethoven: Fur Elise; 11. Georg Friedrich Handel: Hallelujah (aus Messias); 12. Johann Pachebel: Kanon; 13. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Alla turca (aus Klaviersonate KV 588); 14. Modest Mussorgski: Promenade (aus Bilder einer Ausstellung); 15. Johann Sebastian Bach: Menuett (aus Notenbuchlein); 16. Edvard Grieg: Morgenstimmung (aus Peer Gynt Suite); 17. Pjotr I. Tschaikowski: thema (aus Klavierkonzert Nr. 1); 18. Edward Elgar: Land of hope and glory (aus Pomp and circumstances); 19. Edvard Grieg: In der Halle des Bergkonigs (aus Peer Gynt Suite); 20. Luigi Bocchcerini: Minuetto (aus Streichquartett op. 11): 21. Maurice Ravel: Bolero; 22. Pjotr I. Tschaikowski: Thema (aus Schwanensee); 23. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Hochzeitsmarsch (aus Sommernachtstraum); 24. Johann Strauss: An der schonen blauen Donau; 25. Johann Sebastian Bach: Jesus bleibt meine Freude (aus BWV 147); 26. Francisco Tarrega: Gran Vals.
ISBN 9780786683932. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
Esta introduccion facil de entender, paso a paso a la lectura musical y guitarra solista presenta notas basicas en la primera posicion. Incluye un CD de acompanamiento y una seccion especial de tipos de guitarras, preguntas frecuentes, como encordar la guitarra y terminos guitarristicos y musicales.This very easy to understand, step by step introduction to note reading and guitar solo performance presents basic notes in first position. It features a companion play-along CD and special sections on types of guitars, frequently asked questions, how to string a guitar, musical and guitar terms.This easy-to-understand introduction, step by step to music reading and solo guitar presents basic notes in the first position. Includes a CD of accompaniment and a special section of guitar types, frequently asked questions, such as stringing the guitar and musical and musical terms.This very easy to understand, step by step introduction to note reading and guitar only performance presents basic notes in first position . It features a companion play-along CD and special sections on guitars, frequently asked questions, how to string guitar, musical and guitar terms. Written in Spanish only.
SKU: UT.CH-330
ISBN 9790215325722. 9 x 12 inches.
Padoana descordata/ Padoana ala francese/ Ti... (Tientalora) baleto/ Spagna seconda/ Non ti spiaqua lascoltar/ O mia ciecha e dura sorte/ Che farala per sua coda/ Qui tolis pechata mundi/ La vilanela/ De to biens plaene/ Gentil princep/ Et in terra pax/ Canto bello/ Sancta Trinitas/ Stavasi amor dormendo sotto a un fagio/ Recerchar I/ Recerchar IV/ Recerchar V/ Recerchar VI/ Recerchar VIII/ Recerchar X/ Recerchar XI/ Recerchar XII/ Recerchar XIII
SKU: HL.49044752
ISBN 9783795749576. UPC: 841886023826. 9.0x12.0x0.14 inches.
Giving your first concert is a special occasion for any young musician, motivating players to keep working at their instrument and music making. Making this a positive experience involves choosing pieces that are technically and musically manageable, so we have chosen 44 easy and well-known solo pieces, all tried and tested in lessons and youth music competitions. This selection of works mainly written for the guitar is arranged in periods of composition, providing a little window on the history of guitar and lute music. TEXT IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH.
SKU: UT.CH-387
ISBN 9790215328235. 9 x 12 inches.
Opus 114 is certainly one of Carulliâ??s most important didactic works, so much so that the author himself made a point of writing in the second edition of his famous Method op. 27 (1819): The student, when moving on to the second part, must continue to practise on the easy pieces which are to be found in opus nos. 50, 15, 35, 36, 93, 7 and above all in opus 114. He maintained this indication also in later editions of the Method itself, unlike what he did with other collections of studies which were no longer recommended.The purpose of op. 114, in particular of the preludes, is clearly explained by the author himself in the preface of op. 265: I have already offered preludes in my opus nos. 71 and 114 to people, but they serve to study and learn to play all sorts of difficult passages, to practise modulating, and learn to improvise on the guitar. Carulli seems to want to provide his students with a large handbook of formulas typical of his musical writing and he does so by making use of the keys which, in his opinion, are most congenial to the guitar. In his Method he points out: Each instrument has its favourite keys: the guitar can be played in all keys, but the best ones are: A major and minor, D major and minor, E major and minor, C, G, F. The others are difficult; [â?¦]. However, some of the difficult ones are included but only in the fourth part. Of course, the easiness of a key essentially depends on the possibility of extensive use of the open strings, especially in the low notes, ensuring the accompaniment on the main degrees.This edition has some unique features. First of all, it is the first complete modern edition of Carulliâ??s op. 114; it presents an important critical apparatus in which the Carullian technique is presented and analysed; finally, Carulli's original fingering is indicated in the score (including that of the thumb of the left hand) and the missing one was obtained from the comparison of his other fingerings present in other works. All this allows an easy and complete reading both for those who perform the pieces following the nineteenth-century performance practice with a historical instrument, and for those who play a modern instrument.
SKU: MB.30943M
ISBN 9781513476933. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
In this expansive book, versatile Argentine guitarist and teacher Pablo Pescatore provides a masterclass in the theory behind creative rock soloing. From the ground up, he presents the theoretical building blocks of major, minor, pentatonic, and modal scales followed by triads and seventh chords in all keys, not just the guitar-friendly ones. Then he proceeds to analyze rhythm in all common and uncommon time signatures before delving into 20 exotic scales.Written in standard notation and tablature, the truly unique aspect of this book is the authors insistence on improvising with an acute awareness of rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, and dynamic valuesnot just playing fast and loud in predictable patterns. Demonstrating his ideas in 120 audio examples and a final knock-out blues progression, Pablo encourages readers to write, sing and otherwise incorporate their own variations into their music, dramatically changing the audio landscape of rock guitar soloing. Includes access to online audio.
SKU: BT.DHP-1053779-401
ISBN 9789043121606. 9x12 inches. Dutch.
De methode Ik speel gitaar! is geschikt voor gitaristen vanaf 9 10 jaar. Elk deel bevat veel bekende liedjes in verschillende stijlen, zoals klassiek, pop, blues en volksmuziek. In tegenstelling tot andere methoden wordtin Ik speel gitaar! naast het spelen van melodieën aandacht besteed aan het spelen van akkoorden. Met het vele oefenmateriaal, de leuke invulspelletjes en gehooroefeningen zorgt deze methode ervoor dat de leerling vlot notenen akkoorden leert lezen, maar vooral ook gitaar leert spelen!De complete editie bevat de vijf delen van de methode. Met dit praktische, veelomvattende educatieve werk is continu teit in het onderwijs gegarandeerd - de leerinhoudenvolgen elkaar steeds logisch op en het boek is een bron van geschikte speelstukken voor elk leerstadium.De vijf delen zijn ook afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar.
SKU: M7.HLS-699373
ISBN 9780793518340. UPC: 073999993738. German.
Heavy Metal for Rhythm Guitar zeigt Spielweisen von van Halen, Motley Crue, Kiss, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, Ratt, Twisted Sisters und anderen.
ISBN 9790215320604. 9 x 12 inches.
I grandi cambiamenti sociali del secolo XIX hanno determinato nel contesto chitarristico fasi di rinascita e declino, contraddizioni e sovrapposizioni piuttosto difficili da condensare in una piccola antologia, soprattutto se destinata a studenti di chitarra di un livello non troppo avanzato.La scelta, quindi, è caduta su brani che, pur se non collocabili tra i capolavori degli autori proposti, sono in grado di rappresentare le evoluzioni delle concezioni musicali e dello stile compositivo-interpretativo dell'epoca, tracciando delle linee guida generiche (chiarite anche attraverso la sintesi testuale contenuta nelle ultime pagine del libro) ma utili a orientare l'allievo nell'interpretazione del vasto repertorio ottocentesco.Lo studio dei brani, spesso salottieri e in qualche caso con tendenza al virtuosismo, ma sempre gradevoli e scritti con eleganza e stile, può contribuire alla formazione di un gusto estetico e di una tecnica strumentale particolarmente finalizzati allo sviluppo dell'espressività .Accanto ad autori di rilievo quali Sor, Giuliani, Carulli, Carcassi, Legnani e Tárrega, nel volume compaiono autori cosiddetti â??minori, il cui lavoro è in egual modo rappresentativo del panorama chitarristico europeo dell'Ottocento. Sito Web:
SKU: BT.DHP-0991845-401
ISBN 9789043107099. Dutch.
De methode Ik speel gitaar! is geschikt voor gitaristen vanaf 9 10 jaar. Elk deel bevat veel bekende liedjes in verschillende stijlen, zoals klassiek, pop, blues en volksmuziek. In tegenstelling tot andere methoden wordtin Ik speel gitaar! naast het spelen van melodieën aandacht besteed aan het spelen van akkoorden. Met het vele oefenmateriaal, de leuke invulspelletjes en gehooroefeningen zorgt deze methode ervoor dat de leerling vlot notenen akkoorden leert lezen, maar vooral ook gitaar leert spelen!
SKU: BT.DHP-1002165-401
ISBN 9789043111133. Dutch.
De methode Ik speel gitaar! is geschikt voor gitaristen vanaf 9 10 jaar. Elk deel bevat veel bekende liedjes in verschillende stijlen, zoals klassiek, pop, blues en volksmuziek. In tegenstelling tot andere methoden wordtin Ik speel gitaar! naast het spelen van melodieën aandacht besteed aan het spelen van akkoorden. Met het vele oefenmateriaal, de leuke invulspelletjes en gehooroefeningen zorgt deze methode ervoor dat de leerling vlot notenen akkoorden leert lezen, maar vooral ook gitaar leert spelen!
SKU: BT.DHP-0991844-401
ISBN 9789043107082. Dutch.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084554-400
ISBN 9789043130899. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Take a Minute is bedoeld voor beginners op de akoestische gitaar. Het bevat vlotte, prettig in het gehoor liggende stukjes in diverse stijlen, zoals blues, latin, pop, klassiek en Spaans. Het boek is bruikbaar vanaf het momentdat tweestemmig spel om de hoek komt kijken. Op de bijgevoegde demo-cd speelt een professionele gitarist alles voor.Take a Minute ist ein Buch fu?r alle Anfänger auf der akustischen Gitarre, die schon gelernt haben, zweistimmig zu spielen und ihr Repertoire um 20 attraktive Stu?cke in den Stilen Blues, Latin, Pop und Klassik erweitern wollen. Einige Stu?cke wurden mit Akkordsymbolen versehen, andere mit einer zweiten Stimme. Stellenweise gehen die Melodien in die zweite, vierte und fu?nfte Lage. Die Demoaufnahmen auf der beiliegenden CD wurden live von einem professionellen Gitarristen eingespielt und geben einen guten Eindruck von Struktur und Klang der Stu?cke.Take a Minute si rivolge a tutti coloro che hanno gi fatto i primi passi nell'apprendimento della chitarra acustica. I brani sono piacevoli e in vari stili (blues, latin, pop, classico e spagnolo). Questa pubblicazione può essere utilizzata da quando si comincia a suonare in duo. Il CD propone una versione demo di ogni brano interpretata da un chitarrista professionista.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002166-401
ISBN 9789043113816. Dutch.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002164-401
ISBN 9789043111126. Dutch.
SKU: UT.CH-395
ISBN 9790215328587. 9 x 12 inches.
Il grande larice rosso; Piccole vite; Requiem per un boscoNever before have I felt the urgency within myself to communicate with my instrument something which goes beyond just the notes, a desire to embrace with music parts of the world which I see as being so neglected and abandoned, as if man were no longer able to see beyond the narrow confines of his home and work spaces. The environment which surrounds us, free and pure, seems to bow more and more to the base instincts of abuse which man brings into play... the destruction of centuries-old forests and glaciers, the construction of harmful and disturbing, useless and polluting elements... and I wonder what we can do, what I, as a musician, can do, at least to show my disapproval of these situations. I have no straight answer but I know that writing the music I love to play, often born in natural and wild environments can help to dream of, or imagine a present time which is more on a human scale, thanks to the strong evocative power which music possesses and emanates.This is the meaning of these compositions, dedicated to a tree, a 700-year-old specimen of the Stura Valley, Lu Merze Gros (The Big Larch), to the small beings which inhabit it, in the bark, among its foliage, in the surrounding soil and to my sense of frustration at seeing a forest of fir trees razed to the ground to allow the construction of a bobsleigh run.This action of mine has been useless and nostalgic perhaps, but it has given me intense moments of emotion in the writing and moves me enormously during its performance.Giorgio Signorile.
SKU: M7.PPV-20046438
ISBN 9783941531444.
So spielt ihr den Woodstock-Rock! In den Sechzigern herrschte in der englischen Musiklandschaft ein buntes Treiben: Eric Clapton, Keith Richards, Pete Townshend, Jeff Beck oder Peter Green waren allesamt bluesbegeisterte Rockgitarristen und mischten die Szene auf. Richtig Schwung in die Szene kam aber erst, als Animals-Bassist und Musikmanager Chase Chandler den Amerikaner Jimi Hendrix nach London brachte. Unter den Musikern setzte ein regelrechter Wettbewerb ein: Wer machte die wildeste Show? Wer hatte die besten Riffs und spielte die schnellsten Licks? Wer setzte die abgefahrensten psychedelischen Effekte ein? Effekte wie Pedal-Fuzz und Wah nutzen Der Uptempo-Song Purple Lady kracht richtig los mit typischen Effekten wie Wah-wah und Fuzz. In Flying Wings findet ihr die Zutaten für eine grandiose Ballade mit den typischen verziert gespielten Akkorden und einem melodischen Heldensolo. Mit diesen und anderen Songs steigst du ein in die wabernden Sounds der 60s und verwandelst deine Gitarre in ein Feuerwerk aus Crazy Licks, fuzzigen Riffs und kreischenden Lead-Sounds.