SKU: BT.MVH10001031
ISBN 9783932839597.
230 songs to sing in the pub, or at a party or other social gathering. This songbook contains a selection of traditional German songs that are joyful and fun to play. All songs are arranged in a melody line, lyrics and chords format. This book is accompanied by 3 CDs that contain the first verse and the chorus of every title to enable the player to become acquainted with them. Die 230 besten Lumpenlieder, Spaßlieder, Trinklieder und frivolen Lieder für die gesellige Runde und fürs Wirtshaus-Singen. Dank des besonderen Formats DIN A5 maxi ( 20 %) ist die Schrift sehr gut lesbar. Die einzelnen Titel sind jeweils arrangiert mit Melodiezeile, den Akkorden und Text zum Spielen mit Keyboard und Gitarre sowie zur Gesangsbegleitung. Als Begleitung zum Buch erhalten Sie 3 CDs zum Kennenlernen aller im Buch enthaltenen Lieder und zum Mitsingen. Der 1. Vers und der Refrain werden dabei angespielt, Gesangsbegleitung inklusive.
SKU: HL.277065
ISBN 9780997643022. UPC: 888680749491. 8.5x11.0x0.17 inches.
Ruach 5777 features today's up-and-coming and most popular Jewish music artists. Their infectious contemporary Jewish rock and pop songs are sure-fire hits for any setting. These tunes will become part of the soundtrack of your Jewish life! New artists, from not only North America but Israel and the United Kingdom, grace this reboot of the Ruach series. Alongside the powerhouse rock and pop that Ruach is known for sits serene, more mellow statements from the youth culture of NFTY and the international Reform (progressive) Jewish movement. This remarkable collection of contemporary Jewish youth music will provide you with new ideas and musical earworms that will stay with you and your community forever. Also included is both the lead sheet and SATB choral version of Becky Mann and Hooshir A Cappella's Oseh Shalom, and a new Ruach series index encompassing all volumes heretofore.