SKU: BT.DHP-1196117-404
ISBN 9789043157278. Italian.
Ascolta, leggi & suona rappresenta oggi il testo di riferimento dedicato all’insegnamento della musica per ottoni e legni. Questo fantastico metodo, costituito da libro e CD, include canzoni, indovinelli musicali e giochiche permetteranno all'allievo principiante di progredire nella conoscenza della musica, fornendogli al contempo utilissime informazioni sul suo strumento e numerosi brani da suonare divertendosi. I tre volumi che compongonol’opera sono i primi della collana e sono affiancati da testi contenenti materiale supplementare per i differenti livelli del corso.
Incontra i classici offre utile materiale complementare a tutti e tre i volumi dellaserie Ascolta, leggi & suona e include melodie proposte secondo un ordine di difficolt crescente. In un fantastico viaggio nella storia della musica, l’allievo incontrer i più importanti compositori classici, da TielmanSusato ad Anton n Dvo ák. Ogni volume include per ogni brano cenni storici e l’accompagnamento pianistico, arrangiato sapientemente a un moderato livello di difficolt : tale accompagnamento è anche disponibile online e può essereutilizzato per il download o in streaming.
SKU: BT.AMP-298-400
ISBN 9789043138055. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Part of the Anglo Music Play-along Series, Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the beginning player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The carefully selected pieces include music from the 16th to the 20th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Bach to Grieg and from Purcell to Satie. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos, onderdeel van de Anglo Music Play-Along Series, is bedoeld voor de jonge instrumentalist die iets meer dan een octaaf kan spelen. Het boek sluit qua instrumentaal bereik en gebruikte toonsoortenaan bij het Artist Level van Hal Leonards Essential Elements ®, maar kan ook los daarvan worden gebruikt.De zorgvuldig geselecteerde melodieën, die specifiek zijn toegesneden op elk instrument, beslaan een breed scala van klassieke stijlen:van Bach tot Grieg en van Purcell tot Satie.Het boek bevat waardevol materiaal ter aanvulling op elke lesmethode en wordt geleverd met pianobegeleiding en een cd met demo- en meespeeltracks.15 Easy Classical Solos ist als Ergänzung zur bewährten Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe gedacht und richtet sich an Schüler, die ungefähr einen Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Das Niveau entspricht dem des Artist Levels der Essential Elements ® Methode von Hal Leonard, kann aber auch unabhängig davon verwendet werden. Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglicht die wohlüberlegte Stückeauswahl ein erstes Kennenlernen von Melodien aus verschiedenen Epochen der Klassik von Grieg über Purcell bis Satie. Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.15 Easy Classical Solos, de Philip Sparke, est un ouvrage qui sâ??adresse aux jeunes musiciens, maîtrisant un peu plus dâ??une octave. 15 Easy Classical Solos a été conçu pour être joué en corrélation avec les séries Artist et/ou Master Level de la collection Essential Elements ®, publiée par les éditions Hal Leonard. Mais il peut également être utilisé indépendamment.Spécifiquement adapté chaque instrument, ce volume rassemble quinze mélodies écrites par des compositeurs aussi variés que Bach, Purcell, Grieg et Satie.Comprenant les parties dâ??accompagnement de piano et une version dâ??accompagnement sur compact disc, ces ouvrages représentent une sourcecomplémentaire inestimable toute méthode pédagogique. Il concetto della collana Anglo Music Play-Along Series è quello di integrare al più presto nel processo di apprendimento dei giovani strumentisti la possibilit di poter suonare accompagnati al piano o con lâ??ausilio di unâ??incisione su CD. Ilchiaro vantaggio di questo metodo è che gli allievi imparano da subito lâ??aspetto fondamentale del suonare insieme, vale a dire tenere il tempo in modo costante. 15 Easy Classical Solos consente agli allievi che hanno una conoscenza limitatadelle note di suonare brani di Bach, Schubert, Purcell, Grieg e altri, grazie alle versioni facilitate. Il livello di 15 Intermediate Classical Solos permette invece agli allievi che padroneggiano lâ??estensione superiore a unâ??ottava dicimentarsi nei â??primi concertiâ? con brani di Haendel, Clementi, Rameau, Glueck, Beethoven e altri. Il CD propone una traccia con lâ??incisione completa e una con il solo accompagnamento.
SKU: BT.AMP-357-400
ISBN 9789043138802. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Following on from the first two books in the series (Starter Solos and Skilful Solos) this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musicians. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Super Solos extends technical and musical demands, takes the player into new keys with larger instrumental ranges and adds new notes in a gradual and logical manner.The books provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Including play-along CD.Na Starter Solos en Skilful Solos sluit Philip Spark deze reeks met het nieuw verschenen boek Super Solos. De solos in deze boeken zijn qua mogelijkheden en moeilijkheidsgraad perfect toegesneden op het betreffende instrument.Bovendien vult het de vorige uitgaven in deze reeks gestructureerd aan, waardoor het de instrumentalist een zinvol en motiverend vervolg biedt. Elk boek bevat een cd met begeleiding. Het voordeel hiervan is dat jonge muzikanten de belangrijkeaspecten van het samenspel al vanaf het begin kunnen ervaren. Zo ontwikkelen ze essentiële vaardigheden, zoals het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo.Nach STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS vollendete Philip Sparke seine Reihe Solobücher mit SUPER SOLOS. Die Soli in jedem Buch sind genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des jeweiligen Instruments zugeschnitten, im Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasstund schaffen somit einen Rahmen, in dem sich Instrumentalschüler neue Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge aneignen können. Dank der im Buch und auf CD enthaltenen Klavierbegleitung lernen sie außerdem wichtige Aspekte des Ensemblespiels.SUPER SOLOS für fortgeschrittene Schüler hält mitreißende Stücke parat, mit denen neue technische und musikalische Schwierigkeiten gemeistert und ein größerer Tonumfang sowie neue Tonarten gelernt werden können.
Inhalt: Little Overture - Berceuse - March of the Toy Soldiers - Air and Variations - Chicago Blues - Moto Perpetuo - Song of Farewell - Promenade - September Song - Scherzo Finale
SKU: MA.EMR-55019
I. Skalitz 1403 / II. Talmberg & Lady Stephanie / III. Sigismund's Army At The Gates / IV. Losing Father's Sword & Parents Theme / V. Fist Fight / VI. Rattay / VII. Good Luck Son / VIII. Millers Theme / IX. Town Square / X. The River Sassau Theme...
SKU: ST.C440
ISBN 9790570814404.
Five fun pieces, tuneful and rhythmic, named after a favourite location in Italy.Contents1. I don’t know why!2. Gypsy Song3. Honky Tonk4. Carol5. South American DanceFormer Spartan Press Cat. No.: PP388.
SKU: BT.PL3259
The source of the present edition of the Oboe Concerto in A minor by Antonio Vivaldi is the Collected Works of Vivaldi, edited by Malipiero, published by Ricordi 1955. The title of the original score is Concerto in La minore per oboe, archi e cembalo the original setting: Oboe, Violini I-II, Viole, Violoncelli, Contrabassi and Cembalo. The arrangement for oboe and piano is kept in accurate conformity with the musical text of score, the continuo part - however - has been more freely adapted (of course within the possibilities of baroque style). The piano part contains the entire orchestral material in the Tutti-s, thus the soloist is not obliged to play all the Tutti parts.However, in Movement I and III the first and last Tutti may never be omitted by the performer. Die Grundlage dieser Ausgabe des Oboenkonzertes in A-Moll von Antonio Vivaldi ist die von Malipiero redigierte Gesamtausgabe (Ricordi, 1955). Der Titel der Originalpartitur lautet: Concerto in La minore per oboe, archi e cembalo: die Besetzung ist folgende: Oboe, Violini I-II, Viole, Violoncelli, Contrabassi, Cembalo. Die Ausgabe für Oboe und Klavier ist dem Urtext der Partitur getreu, doch ist die Ausarbeitung des Continuos etwas freier behandelt (natürlich nur im Rahmen der vom Stil der Barockmusik gebotenen Möglichkeit). Die Klavierstimme enthält an den Tuttistellen das Stimmaterial des ganzen Orchesters: der Solist ist daher nicht verpflichtet, sämtliche Tuttimitzuspielen. (Im I. und III. Satz dürfen jedoch die ersten und letzten Tutti vom Solisten nicht weggelassen werden.
SKU: FL.FX071923
The wind carries away the yellow leaves fallen on the pavement, the cafes put tables and chairs in... I evoke here a fall tour that is difficult to do quietly in Paris. How to take your time in this city with so many streets to cross (musical phrases of 3 measures), cars or buses to avoid (musical phrases starts on the second time). While the chestnut vendors are on subway entrances, how not to hurry like others (theme B) to 'catch' the subway...
SKU: HL.51481248
UPC: 196288308096. 9.25x12.25x0.23 inches.
âOboe Concerto 1945, inspired by an American soldier, (oboist from Chicago)â â was what Richard Strauss noted down. And the oboist 0nd soldier with the American occupation John de Lancie had indeed asked Richard Strauss in May 1945 whether he had ever thought of writing an oboe concerto. Strauss answered in the negative, but soon got to work anyway. In October 1945, he had completed the score in Swiss exile; the premiere took place in Zurich in 1946. Not until 1948 did the first edition appear in London, presumably for the most part without the composer's involvement, for both the printed score and the orchestral parts exhibit numerous errors. Some of these have been known for a while, though others have only now been discovered by Hansjörg Schellenberger through his exact reconciliation of the autograph full score with the autograph particella. The world-class oboist thus presents this concerto for thefirst time in a Henle Urtext edition in both full score and piano reduction!
About Henle Urtext
What I can expect from Henle Urtext editions:
SKU: BT.AMP-361-400
ISBN 9789043136679. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Sounds Classical for Oboe is a collection of graded solos selected specifically for the developing oboe player.
Designed to correlate with grades 1-4 of the exam syllabus of the Associated Board of the royal Schools of Music, the pieces are drawn from four centuries of classical repertoire ranging from Susato to Sullivan, and will provide ideal material forpractice or recital.
Also available: Sounds Classical for Bassoon, AMP 362-400Sounds Classical for Oboe is een verzameling van solos die speciaal voor hoboleerlingen zijn geselecteerd - in oplopend niveau.
De stukken komen qua moeilijkheidsgraad overeen met niveau 1-4 van de examenbundel van de Britse Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Ze bestrijken een periode van vier eeuwen klassiek repertoire - van Susato tot Sullivan - en ze vormenideaal materiaal voor zowel lessen als optredens.
Ook verkrijgbaar: Sounds Classical for Bassoon, AMP 362-400SOUNDS CLASSICAL ist eine Sammlung von im Schwierigkeitsgrad fortschreitenden Soli, die speziell für werdende Oboisten ausgewählt wurden. Philip Sparke wählte für dieses Buch Stücke aus dem klassischen Repertoire aus vier Jahrhunderten aus - vonSusato über Telemann, Händel, Grieg, Purcell, Mozart bis Sullivan - das ideale Material zum Üben oder Vorspielen!Sounds Classical for Oboe est une collection de solos de difficulté croissante, sélectionnés spécifiquement pour les hautbo stes débutants. Ces pièces couvrent quatre siècles du répertoire classique, de Susato Sullivan, et se prêtentparfaitement l’étude comme une interprétation en concert.
SKU: P2.20008
Composer Mike D'Ambrosio says, Super Groove was commissioned by oboist Celeste Johnson Frehner (Oklahoma State University) and was premiered in April 2012. After I sent Celeste an early draft of the piece (about half done at that time), her first response was This is super groovy! and thus the title was born. For my part, I was trying to bring together my worlds as composer and music theory professor by taking some of the fun theory topics I get to teach (sonata form, chromatic mediants, ostinato, polyrhythms, and set theory) and squeezing them into a driving, energetic, and highly rhythmic texture. The piece is extremely fun to play and has been very well received by audiences..
SKU: BT.DHP-1145591-401
ISBN 9789043136815. International.
The heat of the day ebbs away as the sun slowly dips from view over the western horizon. A dazzling display of warm hues, vibrant yellows, glowing oranges and burning reds, lights up the evening before cooling to calm blues, dark, cool purples andfinally the black of night. Such are the unforgettable sunsets that inspired Jan de Haan to write this piece.De hitte van overdag ebt weg terwijl de zon in het westen langzaam achter de horizon verdwijnt. Een schitterend schouwspel van warme schakeringen - levendig geel, gloedvol oranje en vurig rood - verlicht nog even de avond, waarna koele kleuren volgenmet serene tinten blauw, donkere nuances van paars en ten slotte het zwart van de nacht. Fraaie zonsondergangen als deze vormden voor Jan de Haan de inspiratie tot het schrijven van dit sfeervolle werk voor blaasinstrument en piano.Die Hitze des Tages verebbt, während die Sonne langsam am westlichen Horizont versinkt. Ein schillernder Reigen warmer Farben aus pulsierendem Gelb, glühendem Orange und brennendem Rot erhellt den Abendhimmel, bevor ruhige Blautöne, kühle Lilaschattierungen und schlieÃ?lich die Schwärze der Nacht Abkühlung bringen. Solcheunvergesslichen Sonnenuntergänge inspirieren Jan de Haan zur Komposition dieses Stückes für diverse Blasinstrumente und Klavierbegleitungen. La chaleur de la journée sâ??atténue peu peu alors que le soleil plonge lentement derrière lâ??horizon. Un éblouissant spectacle met en scène des jaunes vibrants, des oranges lumineux et des rouges br lants qui illuminent le début de soirée alors quedéj , apparaissent les premières nuances bleutées et pourpres, synonymes de fraîcheur. Ces inoubliables couchers de soleil ont inspiré Jan de Haan lorsquâ??il a composé cette pièce pour instrument vent diverses et piano.Il calore del giorno si stempera mentre il sole scompare lentamente all`orizzonte. Una brillante combinazione di calde tonalit di giallo vibrante, arancio luccicante e rosso incandescente riscalda la sera. Colori che lasciano il passo a un blu cherilassa, a rinfrescanti tonalit del viola, e infine al nero della notte. Questi sono i tramonti indimenticabili che hanno ispirato Jan de Haan nel scirvere questo brano per diversi strumenti a fiati e pianoforte.
SKU: YM.GTW01090837
ISBN 9784636908374.
20 songs arranged for solo oboe and piano. Oboe part with a book for piano accompaniment and Karaoke CD. 20Shou Shuang Huang Guan Du Zou Qu ,Gang Qin Ban Zou . Han Shuang Huang Guan Pu Ji Gang Qin Ban Zou Pu &Ban Zou CD. 1. Soshunfu(Ode to Early Spring); 2. Oborozukiyo(A Night with a Hazy Moon); 3. Furusato(My Old Town); 4. Haru yo Koi(Come spring!); 5. Hana wa Saku(Flowers Will Bloom); 6. Hamabe no Uta(A Song at the Seaside); 7. Shonen Jidai(Boyhood); 8. Natsu no Omoide(A Memory from Summer); 9. Shabondama(Soap Bubbles); 10. Machibo-oke(Waiting in Vain); 11. Satoukibi Batake(In a Large Field of Sugarcane); 12. Chiisai Aki Mitsuketa(I've Found a Little Autumn); 13. Yuyake Koyake; 14. Kojo no Tsuki(Moon over the Ruined Castle); 15. Kawa no nagare no Yo ni(As a River's Running); 16. Sen no Kaze ni natte(A Thousand Winds); 17. Miagete goran Yoru no Hoshi wo(Look up at the Night sky); 18. Nagori Yuki(Snowfall at the end of the Winter); 19. Kita no Kunikara(From Northern Country); 20. Nada SouSou(Down Come My Tears) 1. Zao Chun Fu ; 2. Meng Long Yue Ye ; 3. Gu Xiang ; 4. Chun Tian ,Lai Ba ; 5. Hua Zheng Zai Kai ; 6. Hai Bin Zhi Ge ; 7. Shao Nian Shi Dai ; 8. Xia Ri Hui Yi ; 9. Fei Zao Pao ; 10. Man Zhou Chang Ge ; 11. Gan Zhe Tian ; 12. Zhao Dao Liao Xiao Xiao De Qiu Tian ; 13. Wan Xia Jian Dan ; 14. Huang Cheng Zhi Yue ; 15. Chuan Liu Bu Xi ; 16. Hua Wei Qian Feng ; 17. Yang Wang Xing Kong ; 18. Can Xue ; 19. Bei Guo Zhi Lian ; 20. Lei Guang Shan Shan.
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