SKU: BT.9781408105283
ISBN 9781408105283. English.
The perfect book for pupil and teacher.
Raccolta di composizioni ed esercizi per i primi corsi. La raccolta, divisa in due parti, comprende 33 composizioni per oboe solo e per due e tre oboi. Nella prima parte vi sono 28 esercizi ed una raccolta di scale utili al consolidamento dei primi rudimenti di tecnica meccanica. I brani, accuratamente scelti dal repertorio originale e non, spaziano dalla musica del Settecento fino ad alcuni esempi di grafia moderna.
SKU: BT.DHP-1012694-400
ISBN 9789043114486. International.
Kids Play Easy Solos is an exciting first play-along book containing 16 pieces in a variety of styles including classical, dance, romantic, rock and reggae. The book includes a backing CD that can be used for practising, performing to parents or friends or in your first school concert. Zestien eenvoudige soloâ??s in verschillende stijlen. Kids Play Easy Solo kan ook naast de methode Horen, lezen and spelen worden gebruikt.16 interessante moderne Soli in verschiednen Stilrichtungen mit Begleitung auf CD für junge Spieler. Kids play Easy Solo kann auch parallel zur Instrumentalschule Hören, Lesen and Spielen verwendet werden. Kids Play Easy Solo contient seize morceaux de styles variés spécialement composés pour proposer aux très jeunes fl tistes un premier contact avec de délicieuses pièces de concert. Kids Play Easy Solos è unâ??emozionante pubblicazione che contiene 16 pezzi in una variet di stili tra cui la musica classica, la danza, il rock e il reggae. Il libro include un CD che può essere utilizzato per la pratica, per lâ??esecuzione davanti ad amici o in un primo concerto.
'Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) was a famous oboe player of his time. In 1825, Sellner published an oboe tutor in three volumes entitled Theoretisch-Praktische Oboen-Schule. Despite the fact that the instrument has undergone considerable changes and improvements since his time, the majority of Sellner's work has still retained its usefulness to this day. His studies provide valuable help for achieving smooth technique and tone-colour, especially at the beginner level. The obsolete two-part exercises and interval studies written for the instrument of his time have been omitted in this volume. The studies have been arranged here, as opposed to the original sequence, accordingto the order of key signatures.' - Péter Pongrácz Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) war ein berühmter Oboist seiner Zeit und Autor der Theoretisch-Praktischen Oboen-Schule. Obwohl sich das Instrument seither verändert hat, ist der Großteil von Sellners Werk heute noch sehr wertvoll - besonders für Anfänger auf der Oboe. Die Etüden in dieser Ausgabe wurden anders als im Original nach Tonarten geordnet. Joseph Sellner (1787-1843) était un célèbre hautbo ste allemand, auteur de la méthode Theoretisch-Praktischen Oboen-Schule (Méthode théorique et pratique pour hautbois. Bien que le hautbois ait évolué depuis, la majorité des pièces et études composées par Sellner restent un élément précieux complémentaire toute méthode d'apprentissage du hautbois.
SKU: ST.C468
ISBN 9790570814688.
The inspiration for Chants de la Terre (Songs of the Earth) and Le Réveil (The Awakening) was born during my creation of the musical theatre show â??dâ??Exil en Exilâ?? (performed at numerous international festivals) on the poetic work of Nazım Hikmet, (the great Turkish humanist poet). In this show, among other compositions, I sometimes played this music to accompany the poems â??Chants des Hommesâ?? and â??Réveilâ?? and sometimes played the pieces solo as a musical meditation.Chants de la Terre and Réveil came to life initially in 2007, thanks to Phylloscopus Publications and K. R. Malloch.â?? Ayser Vançin.
SKU: HL.50487757
ISBN 9790080140963. Bach (23 x 30,2 cm) inches. Hungarian, English, German. Laszlo Meszlenyi.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002449-401
ISBN 9789043113496. English.
This volume includes a series of short varied pieces that are suitable for performance or as additional material to any method book.This book is supplementary material for the second method book in the Look, Listen and Learn series. Per dare la possibilit allââ¬Ëallievo di migliorare in modo più completo lââ¬Ëapprendimento dello strumento, il volume 2 della serie Ascolta, leggi and suona è affiancato da questa pubblicazione che propone brani originali srcitti appositamente per migliorare aspetti fondamentali della musica: il fraseggio, i respiri, le dinamiche ed il tempo.
SKU: HL.48188519
UPC: 888680876067. 9.75x12.5 inches.
“French composer, Pierre Ancelin (1934-2001) studied at the conservatories of Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, and later, under Olivier Messiaen at the Paris Conservatoire. His Scrubland is an exciting collection of five pieces for Oboe and Piano. Ancelin is particularly remembered for founding the National Union of Composers of Music, along with Jolivet, Lesuer and Sauguet. The five pieces in Scrubland are suitable for beginner to intermediate level oboists. Each of the five pieces contain a variety of musical features. For all aspiring oboists, Ancelin's Scrubland is a delightful compilation.&rdquo.
SKU: HL.50487653
ISBN 9790080135204. Bach (23 x 30,2 cm) inches. Istvan Lang.
For the teacher of instrumental music classes, individual differences among students are inevitable. Unfortunately, the lack of flexible materials frequently forces teachers to adopt a quasi-instructional procedure best described as lockstep, where all students in the class rehearse each exercise until the slow members of the class succeed or until the teacher gives up. The Individualized Instructor was designed with the expectation that students are different. With this method, high-, average-, and low-achieving students in a class are able to progress simultaneously at their own rate according to their interest and ability. In addition, the flexibility of the instructional format often allows twelve or more students to perform different musical material simultaneously, thereby eliminating the “follow the leader†approach to music learning. All study materials in the series are musical. Nonmusical exercises are excluded in favor of folk song literature, musical rounds, and musical ensembles. Furthermore, The Individualized Instructor encourages students to think about their music: to analyze unfamiliar material, generalize previously learned concepts and skills, and synthesize all elements into a musically proficient performance. In addition, this series develops many fundamentals (tonality, phrasing, tempo, and musical style) through the use of the singing voice. Singing best provides the “musical†experience that, subsequently, can be applied to the development of musically sensitive instrumental performance. Books 1, 2, and 3 and the supplementary books ensure that these fundamental ideas are carried well beyond the first year of instruction.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115095-400
ISBN 9789043135337. 9x12 inches. Italian.
A tutti coloro che cercano un nuovo strumento pedagogico per imparare a suonare, la casa editrice musicale De Haske propone i metodi della serie ASCOLTA, LEGGI & SUONA, un’opera educativa e ludica con accompagnamento su CD.Questi metodi attuano un processo decisamente aperto, gratificante e moderno per rivoluzionare l’insegnamento musicale: attraverso l’ascolto, la lettura e l’interpretazione dei singoli esercizi, dei giochi e dei quiz potrete imparare divertendovi. Ogni singolo esercizio prevede l’esecuzione con accompagnamento di una vera band sul CD! In più troverete tante notizie sulla storia del vostro strumento, sugli interpreti, e sulla tecnica giusta per suonare.Sonodisponibli in italiano i volumi per tromba, clarinetto, saxofono contralto e flauto. Per tutti gli altri strumenti, il metodo è disponible in inglese.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115096-400
ISBN 9789043135344. 9x12 inches. Italian.
A tutti coloro che cercano un nuovo strumento pedagogico per imparare a suonare, la casa editrice musicale De Haske propone i metodi della serie ASCOLTA, LEGGI and SUONA, unâ??opera educativa e ludica con accompagnamento su CD.Questi metodi attuano un processo decisamente aperto, gratificante e moderno per rivoluzionare lâ??insegnamento musicale: attraverso lâ??ascolto, la lettura e lâ??interpretazione dei singoli esercizi, dei giochi e dei quiz potrete imparare divertendovi. Ogni singolo esercizio prevede lâ??esecuzione con accompagnamento di una vera band sul CD! In più troverete tante notizie sulla storia del vostro strumento, sugli interpreti, e sulla tecnica giusta per suonare.Sonodisponibli in italiano i volumi per tromba, clarinetto, saxofono contralto e flauto. Per tutti gli altri strumenti, il metodo è disponible in inglese.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115094-400
ISBN 9789043135320. 9x12 inches. Italian.
SKU: BT.MUSM570362158
This collection of oboe music, written by living composers, is an invaluable resource for any oboist of Grade 8 and conservatoire standard who is curious about widening their repertoire, and exploring the various languages of modern music. The term modern music can alienate many minds who may think it will be too difficult technically; aurally unknown and therefore unsatisfying; harmful or damaging to their musical sensibility. To all these points this volume has the answers. Every one of these pieces requires challenging technical skills demanded of any of the more traditional oboe repertoire, and additionally they will improve technique. Each piece portrays a characterand language that is approachable and compelling. Far from damaging musical sensibility these musical types will open the ear and enrich the spirit. Some are physically demanding and require very good breath control, others need patience in learning new fingerings and timbres, and some travel to extreme registers. But, in all cases, the effort will be rewarding, and not only that, the knowledge gained about the oboe and how it works will be equally entertaining and stimulating.
SKU: GI.G-M589
ISBN 9781579996420. English.
Do It! Play and Teach is an innovative and comprehensive text for college secondary instrument courses or for any instrumental music teacher looking to master a new wind instrument. This spiral-bound book with accompanying CD is designed to develop the performance skills teachers need to provide students with exemplary instrumental models. “Focus on Teaching†bullets found throughout each book develop the pedagogical understanding needed to teach technical and musical skills to beginning and intermediate level students. Do It! Play and Teach also gives teachers the tools to assess their students’ technical and musical skills. From clear photographic models of embouchure, posture, instrument position, and hand position, to an artist-rendered CD of “Listen and Play†tracks, this series has the potential to transform both your music making and your music teaching. James O. Froseth Molly A. Weaver, contributing editor.
SKU: GI.G-M552
Enable your students to pursue their own musical interests with this culturally diverse collection of solo pieces. This collection is designed to provide technical and musical challenges to young students ready to move out to the center of the stage and perform solo. Exemplary models by top-tier symphony musicians on the included CD can motivate students to practice with enthusiasm and intensity and to reach for the highest levels of musical performance. Accompaniments performed by first-call studio musicians provide authentic contexts for real-world music experiences. A self-directed component to any course of music instruction is almost certain to maintain interest, increase practice time, and improve performance skills vital to the instrumental ensemble. Coordinates with Do It! Play in Band, but enhances any beginning band course.
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