SKU: HL.14024191
ISBN 9788759807668. Danish.
Operasangbogens idé er at præsentere en række af de mest kendte og sangbare arier, duetter og korsatser i en overskuelig og umiddelbar tilgængelig form for et bredt publikum.Repertoiret spænder fra operaens begyndelse i 1600-tallet med Monteverdi og frem til første halvdel af det 20. århundrede med Gershwin.
Alle satser er forsynet med becifring, udarbejdet således, at at de ligger så tæt op ad originalsatserne som muligt. Hvor det er fundet hensigtsmæssigt bringes forspil, efterspil, mellemspil og udfyldninger i stiknodenotation.
SKU: PR.11642028S
UPC: 680160681778. English.
SKU: HL.50495925
SKU: HL.50492271
ISBN 9788875921705. Italian.
SKU: HL.50492301
ISBN 9788875923402. Italian.
SKU: BT.MUSM570362127
Luis Tinoco (Composer) and Stephen Plaice (Libretto) wrote 'Paint Me', and Opera for six singers and Chamber Orchestra. Rui Horta and Joana Carneiro are responsible for the stage direction and the musical direction. My idea in writing Paint Me was to bring together six characters, all of whom have a prolific imaginative interior life, and to explore what they would make of each other in the confines of a railway compartment. The model for my libretto is Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. The travellers in Paint Me are also on their way to Canterbury, but they are strangers thrown together by the randomness of modern travel. Their tales are not told publicly, but in theirown imaginations. Most journeys in the modern age are anonymous and conducted in silence. We have only a visual or perhaps manneristic impression of the people sitting opposite us. This introspection in public opens up a private fantasy space, in which our fellow travellers can become the characters in instant psychological dramatisations.I wanted to formalize each character’s fantasy into a full narrative. The result is a kind of anthology of operatic short stories, surrounded by the framework of an ordinary journey. - Stephen Plaice.