SKU: BA.BA05540
ISBN 9790006497126. 33 x 26 cm inches. Text: Franz von Schober.
In late September or early October 1821 Schubert and his close friend, Franz von Schober, vacationed in the countryside of Lower Austria. Their first stopover was at Ochsenburg Castle, which belonged to the Bishop of St. Pölten (a close relative of Schober’s), after which they moved on to St. Pölten itself. Roughly a year earlier, two stage works by Schubert had been performed in Vienna: the one-act singspiel Die Zwillingsbrüder and the melodrama Die Zauberharfe. The librettos were both written by the seasoned Viennese playwright Georg von Hofmann, who blamed the press for the indifferent reception the two works were given by the audience. Schubert and Schober now decided, it would seem, to write a grand romantic opera uninfluenced by the workaday world of the theatre and beholden solely to their own ideas of what an opera should be.Not until 24 June 1854 was the opera finally performed in Weimar, under the baton of Franz Liszt. It only achieved success, however, in an arrangement by Johann Nepomuk Fuchs that was staged on many German and Austrian stages in 1881–2, allegedly with brilliant acclaim.
About Barenreiter Urtext
What can I expect from a Barenreiter Urtext edition?
MUSICOLOGICALLY SOUND - A reliable musical text based on all available sources - A description of the sources - Information on the genesis and history of the work - Valuable notes on performance practice - Includes an introduction with critical commentary explaining source discrepancies and editorial decisions ... AND PRACTICAL - Page-turns, fold-out pages, and cues where you need them - A well-presented layout and a user-friendly format - Excellent print quality - Superior paper and binding
SKU: HL.51489050
ISBN 9790201890500. UPC: 888680950699. 7.0x9.0x0.251 inches. Preface: Ullrich Schneidler.
Joseph Haydn's so-called Paris Symphonies were composed in 1785 and 1786 for the masonic lodge “Société Olympique†in Paris, which ran a large orchestra and organised regular concerts. These six works are notable for their artful motivic work and playful wit. Haydn here pays tribute both to the discerning taste of the Paris audience and to the excellent abilities of the musicians in the orchestra. These symphonies rapidly became famous and popular throughout Europe, thanks to editions published variously in Paris, Vienna and London. The C-major symphony was composed in 1786. Its nickname “L'Ours†(“The bearâ€) derives from the bagpipe-like “drone†accompaniment in the final movement, which presumably made Haydn's contemporaries think of a dancing bear. This study edition reproduces the musical text of the Haydn Complete Edition, which is a guarantor of the finest scholarship. An informative preface and a brief critical report make this handy score an ideal companion for all Haydn fans, both present and future.
SKU: BR.PB-14614
The study score (Studien-Edition) is available at G. Henle Verlag.
ISBN 9790004214893. 10 x 12.5 inches.
The genesis of Beethoven's 4th symphony came at an extraordinary time for the composer not only regarding productivity: Thus, in 1806 he composed, among other things, the 4th piano concerto, the three Rasumovsky string quartets op. 59, the 32 piano variations in c minor WoO 80, as well as the violin concerto op. 61. The first performance of the B-flat-major symphony occurred in March 1807 at one of the two noteworthy subscription concerts conducted by Beethoven in the Palais Lobkowitz in Vienna. In the course of time, this intellectually-stimulating work- so described by one of the reviewers of the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung - found ever-increasing appeal. Throughout the entire 19th century this symphony ranked with the best-loved and most frequently performed works; its popularity spread to England where the London Philharmonic Society played it at least 25 times in the period between 1813 and 1850.Extant are only a few drafts of the 4th symphony. The autograph served as the main source for the present edition edited by Prof. Bathia Churgin, likewise editor of the 3rd symphony in the new Beethoven Complete Edition. Consulted as reference sources were copies of the score and orchestral parts as well as the original edition of the parts.
SKU: PR.816600040
UPC: 680160600045. 5.5x5 inches.
This disk contains study scores of all 41 of Mozart's Symphonies, as well as Concertos for Winds and Strings (Piano Concertos are on a companion CD-ROM), Serenades, Opera Overtures, Divertimentos, and other works.
About CD Sheet Music (Version 1)
CD Sheet Music (Version 1) was the initial CD Sheet Music series distributed by Theodore Presser. The CDs include thousands of pages of music that are viewable and printable on Mac or PC. Version 1 titles are a great value at 40% off, as we make room in our warehouse for the newly enhanced CD Sheet Music (Version 2.0) series.
SKU: HL.14008415
UPC: 884088808242. 8.5x11.0x0.261 inches.
This work, written by Maxwell Davies in 1983 for chamber orchestra, was commissioned to celebrate the quartercentenary of Edinburgh University. The first performance was given by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra conducted by Edward Harper in October 1983. Duration c. 29mins. This work was thought through in outline following a visit to the ruined pre-Reformation church of Hoy in Orkney, on a fine Spring afternoon after Maxwell Davies had played the harmonium for the tiny congregation in its large bleak Victorian replacement. The old church was surrounded by the graves of centuries, the more recent ones with familiar names, largely of people who lived in houses now ruinous - crofters, fishermen, clerics, sea-captains. Next to it stood the chief farmhouse, the Bu, going back to Viking times. He thought of the lives and deaths encompassed there, expressed through hundreds of years of music in the church, and in the big barn of the farm. The plainsongs 'Dies Irae' and 'Victimae Paschali Laudes' are used throughout the work - the first concerning the Day of Judgement, from the Mass for the Dead, the second particular to Easter Sunday and the Resurrection. These are subject to constant transformation - the intervallic contour slowly changes from one into the other, and their notes are made to dance through Renaissance astrological 'magic square' patterns. The orchestra consists of double woodwind, two horns, two trumpets and strings.
SKU: AP.36-A128148
ISBN 9798892702294. UPC: 659359602160. English.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) completed his Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor in 1803, not long after writing the famous letter to his brothers, the Heiligenstadt Testament, in which he lamented his increasing deafness. He gave the first performance of the piece, as soloist, on April 5 in a public benefit concert at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna. The opening melody in the first movement bears striking similarity to the first theme heard in Mozart's 24th piano concerto. As a whole, the piece provides an essential link between the Mozartean charm of the two earlier concertos and the more idiosyncratic work found in his middle period. Instrumentation: Timp: Str (4-4-3-3-3 in set): Solo Piano.
These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months.
SKU: AP.36-A128101
ISBN 9798892701303. UPC: 659359867675. English.
SKU: BR.PB-4862-07
World premiere: Hannover, March 13, 1972
ISBN 9790004206591. 7 x 9.5 inches.
Variationen (Ouverture / Thema / Variation / Coda), Lyrisches Intermezzo (Sostenuto), Symphonische Nachklange (Allegro con moto).Immer wieder lassen sich Komponisten von Themen alterer oder auch zeitgenossischer Meister zu Variations-Zyklen anregen (Brahms: Handel- und Haydn-Variationen, Reger: Mozart-Variationen, Holler: Sweelinck-Variationen). Themen von Robert Schumann fanden bisher relativ selten Beachtung - (Regers Schumann-Variationen fur zwei Klaviere sind eine Ausnahme) - vielleicht, weil sie zu sehr in sich vollendet und abgeschlossen sind und deshalb kaum Moglichkeiten zur Veranderung enthalten. Dennoch beschaftigte mich schon langer die Idee, eine ,,Musik mit Schumann, Nachklange oder Erinnerungen an Schumann zu gestalten, mit der Absicht, ein heiteres, liebenswurdiges (und nachdenkliches) Werk zu schreiben, einmal ohne Experimente-, als ,,Divertimento fur den Normalhorer, gelegentlich behutsam verbunden mit modernen Techniken - nicht ohne hintergrundigen Humor. Der 1. Satz wurde inspiriert von den ,,Papillons (opus 2 fur Klavier); er gliedert sich in vier variationsahnliche Abschnitte. Die ,,Ouverture exponiert drei kurze Themen, die sich trotz ihres gegensatzlichen Charakters wie selbstverstandlich erganzen (Einleitungsgirlande und Schlussfanfare der Papillons und das bekannte Anfangsmotiv aus ,,Vogel als Prophet). Die Abschnitte ,,Thema, ,,Variationen und ,,Coda entwickeln und verandern das Hauptthema der ,,Papillons; dieses dominiert uber weite Strecken des Satzes und wird mit den Motiven der Ouverture kombiniert. Vielfaltig gegliedert ist das ,,Lyrische Intermezzo. Zu Beginn gewinnt ein Motiv aus den ,,Nachtstucken (fur Klavier) Bedeutung, taucht mehrere Male auf, von mehrtonigen b-a-c-h Clustern ,,gestort. Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Thema des 2. Satzes der g-moll Klavier-Sonate op. 22 (ein Mondnachtlied ohne Worte; Holzblaser) und ein Adagio-Gedanke aus dem Klavier-Zyklus ,,Kreisleriana (tiefe Streicher); beide Themen werden kontrapunktiert von zwolftonigen Strukturen und Klangbandern (Holzblaser). Die ,,Fruhlings-Symphonie-Fanfare eroffnet das Finale. Danach bilden sich uber rotierenden Klangflachen (Streicher) einzelne Tone und Intervalle, aleatorisch frei, verdichten sich, wie aus der Erinnerung auftauchend, zu Motiven aus Schumanns bekanntester Symphonie. Nach diesem zogernden Beginn entwickelt sich ein fast klassisch anmutender Sonaten-Durchfuhrungsteil mit mehreren melodischen Gedanken (Kopfmotiv der g-moll Klaviersonate, tanzerische und ostinate Themen aus der Fruhlings-Symphonie), die zum Teil in- und ubereinander geschichtet werden, bis auf dem Hohepunkt des Satzes das Schlussthema der Klavierfantasie op. 17, pathetisch-ironisch in den Blechblasern erklingt. Eine kurze Reprise mit dem Hauptgedanken fuhrt zur Anfangsfanfare zuruck; der Satz verklingt im pianissimo. Wollte man dem ganzen opus ein Motto voranstellen, dann die Schumann-Uberschrift (aus den Kinderszenen) : ,,Fast zu ernst - aber eben nur ,,fast. (Jurg Baur)CD:Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, cond. Hanns-Martin SchneidtCD Thorofon CTH 2270 Bibliography:Wallerang, Lars: Die Orchesterwerke Jurg Baurs als Dialog zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Koln: Dohr 2003.Nonnenmann, Rainer: Vergegenwartigungen. Umgang mit historischem Material bei Zimmermann, Baur, Killmayer, Schnebel und Zender, in: Jurg Baur, hrsg. von Ulrich Tadday (= Musik-Konzepte. Neue Folge, Heft 184/185), Munchen: Edition Text+Kritik 2019, S. 26-46.
SKU: HL.49016259
ISBN 9783795781071. 5.0x7.5x0.538 inches. German.
Als Johannes Brahms im Jahre 1876 seine 1. Sinfonie der Offentlichkeit vorstellte, war dies ein lang erwartetes Ereignis. Zwar war der Komponist schon eine geraume Zeit beruhmt und hatte sich in fast allen musikalischen Gattungen hervorgetan: er hatte Klaviersonaten, Lieder, Konzerte sowie Orchester- und Chorwerke (u.a. das Deutsche Requiem) vorgelegt und mit drei Streichquartetten Beitrage zu einer Gattung geliefert, die seit Beethovens spaten Quartetten als kunstvollste und intimste musikalische Gattung uberhaupt galt. Nur eine Sinfonie hatte er noch nicht komponiert, denn er gehorte zu den Komponisten, denen die Schwierigkeit bewusst war, mit einem sinfonischen Werk gegenuber dem Beethovenschen Erbe bestehen zu konnen.Giselher Schubert schildert diese Umstande in diesem Buch und verdeutlicht, dass ein selbstkritischer Komponist, wie es Brahms ausgepragt war, sich so lange Zeit schwer tun musste, bis er glaubte, den Erwartungen von Freunden und Fachleuten entsprechen zu konnen. Er beschreibt neben der Entstehungsgeschichte dieser Sinfonie, der schon bald der Beiname die Zehnte (Beethovens) gegeben wurde, die Quellenlage, gibt kommentierend die Reaktionen auf die ersten Auffuhrungen wieder und stellt Betrachtungen an zu einer Analyse des Werkes. Anregungen zur weiteren Beschaftigung mit dieser Sinfonie geben in einer Auswahl Literaturverzeichnis und eine Diskographie. Anhand der vollstandig wiedergegebenen Partitur kann der Leser den Notentext beim Horen verfolgen und die analytischen Kommentare nachvollziehen.
SKU: HL.14021000
ISBN 9780711959927. 5.5x7.5x0.2 inches.
Commissioned to write a piece for the 50th anniversary of the United Nations, Davies provided a musical General Assembly of his own: a bright overture based on an Australian aboriginal song which gives rise to 'national anthems' of various kinds and instrumental colourings. Finally the 'anthems' are combined, 'if not triumphantly', Davies says, 'at least in a manner whereby they get along together'. The first performance took place in June 1995 in Nottingham. It was given by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Peter Maxwell Davies. Score (miniature). Duration c. 14mins.
SKU: HL.14020966
ISBN 9780711960930.
Orchestral work for school orchestra A short tone-poem which will let a school orchestra glow. Characteristically, Davies finds ways to engage and stretch young players while staying within the bounds of what is practical for them. And as so often, the result is a piece in which he thinks youthfully. This is vividly dramatic music. Score. Duration c. 7mins.
SKU: BR.PB-14615
The study score (,,Studien-Edition) is available at G. Henle Verlag.
ISBN 9790004214909. 10 x 12.5 inches.
The Famous One in the Leading EditionBeethoven spent a relatively long time on his 5th Symphony. Thus, first sketches can already be found from as early as 1804, four years before the work was premiered in Vienna in December 1808. Not only impressive is its striking opening theme, letting everyone know immediately that this is Beethoven being played, but also its nickname symphony of fate. Nothing in the sources prefigures the much-cited fate, musically knocking here at the door. The autograph of the score and the set of parts prepared from it, including Beethoven's revisions, serve as the main sources of this Urtext edition, together with the missing copy of the score, now extant only incomplete in photographs, and the original edition of the parts authorized by Beethoven. The new performance material is based on the recently published volume of the New Beethoven Complete Edition.
SKU: HL.14008392
ISBN 9780711936942.
The story centres on the English princess Caroline Mathilde (1751-1775), sister of George III, who at the age of 15 was sent to Denmark to marry the 17-year-old eccentric and schizophrenic Danish King, Christian VII. The ballet portrays her unhappy marriage, the King's growing madness and her fatal love-affair with Struensee, the King's influential physician, which leads to their arrest, his execution and her exile, at the age of 20, separated from her two young children. In keeping with the period, and perhaps also with the traditions of Romantic ballet, the music is relatively simple in harmony and form, and most of the action is conveyed in set-piece dances. The suite, which consists essentially of the second half of Act I, begins with one of these, a bristling interplay of wind and string ensembles in D major, portraying in the ballet a curious nuptial game with the king and princess on movable pedestals. The slow music that follows has to do with the king's healing by Dr. Struensee and the new queen's unquiet reverie (oboe and cor anglais solos). Then the suite, like the act, is capped by a pair of pas-de-deux, the first savage and bizarre for the royal couple, the second rich and passionate for the queen and the miracle-working doctor. Score (miniature). Duration c. 25mins.
ISBN 9790004803301. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Editorial BoardThomas Phleps (Music), Georg Witte (Writings)Editorial MembersMusic: Oliver Dahin / Johannes C. Gall, Writings: Maren KosterEditorial CommitteeMusic: Hartmut Fladt, Werner Grunzweig, Elmar Juchem, Roland Kluttig, Giselher SchubertWritings: Albrecht Betz, Albrecht Riethmuller, Jurgen Schebera, Friederike WissmannThe editorial works are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.Special volumes are made possible with the support of the following foundations:Klockner-Stiftung, Lotto-Stiftung, Hanns und Steffy Eisler StiftungThe goal of the Hanns Eisler Complete Edition (HEGA) is to present to the public all available compositions, writings and letters in an appropriately scholarly form. It takes a historico-critical approach and seeks to document the history of the works and writings by shedding light on their transformations, thus identifying the various versions as witnesses of evolving aesthetic and historical positions. Eislers complete oeuvre (only a limited number of his works had penetrated the publics awareness up until the 1990s) first became the object of an editorial undertaking when the Eisler - Gesammelte Werke (EGW) was founded by Nathan Notowicz. It was later placed under the direction of Manfred Grabs and Eberhardt Klemm, and began issuing its publications in 1968 through the intermediary of the Deutscher Verlag fur Musik in Leipzig. However, only four volumes of music and five volumes of writings were published. The Hanns Eisler Complete Edition pursues the work begun at that time, although it has had to fundamentally revise its editorial principles. In this respect, the Hanns Eisler Complete Edition can be considered as a completely new editorial undertaking. It became necessary to reconceive the organization of the volumes and series as well as the editorial guidelines in order to adapt the standards of historico-critical editing generally applicable today to the specific and sometimes singular circumstances of Eislers works.The Critical Commentaries pertaining to the main volumes follow the music section or, whenever they are too extensive, appear in a special volume.Series I: Choral MusicSeries II: Music for Voice and Instrumental Ensemble or OrchestraSeries III: Music for Voice and PianoSeries IV: Instrumental MusicSeries V: Incidental MusicSeries VI: Film MusicSeries VII: Sketches and FragmentsSeries VIII: Arrangements of works by other composersSeries IX: Writings, Letters and InterviewsSON 501 has been awarded the German Music Edition Prize 2003.SON 502 has been awarded the German Music Edition Prize 2007.The major upheavals that transformed society and musical aesthetics during the first half of the 20th century also profoundly affected the life of Hanns Eisler, as well as his compositions and writings. The importance and scope of Eislers oeuvre are reason enough to make his works accessible to musical scholarship and practice in a comprehensive fashion. Price reduction for a subscription.
SKU: HL.48182136
UPC: 888680835514. 7.25x10.75x0.704 inches.
Completed in 1960, Time-Colour by Olivier Messiaen is a famous orchestral piece composed by this author. This edition, published as a book, features the conductor?s score with all the following instruments: 16 First Violins, 16 Second Violins, 14 Violas, 12 Cellos, 10 Double Basses, 1 Piccolo, 3 Flutes, 3 Oboes, 4 Clarinets, 3 Bassoons, 1 Piccolo Trumpet, 3 C Trumpets, 4 F Horns, 3 Trombones, 1 Tuba, Suspended And Chinese Cymbal, 1 Glockenspiel, 1 Xylophone, 1 Marimba. It is written in seven movements: Introduction, Strophe I, Antistrophe I, Strophe II, Antistrophe II, Epode and Coda; and The Epode features birdsong and is played by 18 of the string instruments. Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was a French organist and composer passionate about Ornithology and one of the most important composer of his century. Inspired by Japanese music, he had a very special way of composing and his work can be identified by its complexity, its diatonic aspect, its harmony with limited transposition, its colour and its additive rhythms. He composed many works related to ornithology and birdsong, including the 'Bird Catalogue' in 7 volumes..
SKU: HL.48187610
UPC: 888680848668. 5.5x7.5x0.285 inches.
“The Symphony No.39 In E Flat K.543 was finished in Vienna on 26th June 1788. Together with the symphonies in G minor and C major Jupiter (all three were composed in less than a month), it marks the summit of Mozart's achievement in symphonic form. Although this symphony breaks no new ground as regards the use of orchestral instruments, it is nevertheless one of the first examples of modern orchestration, because the resources of each instrument and the various combinations of timbre are here exploited with great skill.This miniature score is an excellent resource for perusal or private study of this work.â€.
ISBN 9790004803318. 10 x 12.5 inches.
ISBN 9790004803448. 10 x 12.5 inches.
ISBN 9790004802779. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: HL.14020999
ISBN 9780711983823. 7.0x10.0x0.141 inches.
Study Score of Throstle's Nest Junction for orchestra. This work was commissioned by the BBC, first performed on 16th November 1996, by the BBC Philharmonic, conducted by the composer. Duration c. 15 minutes. Conductor's score and orchestral parts are available on hire.
SKU: TM.09775SC
Love Song.
SKU: TM.09775SET
SKU: BT.BH6401134
SKU: AP.45876S
UPC: 038081523828. English.
Upon hearing the words Big Sky Country, one typically thinks of the western states; Montana in particular. This piece, however, depicts any place where the sky is vast, the view expansive, and the setting natural. The elements of the music, with sweeping melodic phrases and a few key changes (G, C, D), suggest a spirit of adventure, freedom, the outdoors, and the beauty of the land. This lively piece with melodic parts for all was arranged by Susan H. Day. It uses slurs, accents, divisi, syncopation, and accidentals, and will capture the enthusiasm of players and audience! (4:10).
SKU: AP.45876
UPC: 038081523811. English.
Upon hearing the words Big Sky Country, one typically thinks of the western states; Montana in particular. This piece, however, depicts any place where the sky is vast, the view expansive, and the setting natural. The elements of the music, with sweeping melodic phrases and a few key changes (G, C, D), suggest a spirit of adventure, freedom, the outdoors, and the beauty of the land. This lively piece with melodic parts for all---using slurs, accents, divisi, syncopation, and accidentals---will capture the enthusiasm of players and audience alike! (4:10).
SKU: BA.BA08866-01
ISBN 9790006577194. 33.5 x 26 cm inches. Text Language: French. Preface: Sylvie Bouissou. Text: Gautier de Montdorge, Antoine-César / Bersin, Louise-Angélique.
SKU: AP.29656
UPC: 038081322049. English.
This entertaining medley, with its infectious driving rock feel throughout, brings together three pop favorites with a common thread: One Heart, from Céline Dion's hit album of the same name, Some Hearts, as sung by American Idol winner Carrie Underwood, and Put a Little Love In Your Heart, Jackie DeShannon's early single which was also featured in the movie Scrooged. Audiences will love it and less experienced players will be amazed at how quickly they master the arrangement. It's a winner, written to help bring out the very best from your students and perfect for Valentine's Day. Don't miss it! (2:40).
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