SKU: HP.C6075O
UPC: 763628260750. Rose Aspinall.
Original Palm Sunday anthem This original Palm Sunday anthem is brimming with rhythmic energy as it portrays the events of Jesus, the Blessed Messiah, entering into Jerusalem. The text explores the many questions that were asked of who he was and if he really was the Son of God. The powerful conclusion exclaims in affirmation, You are the way, the truth, and the life, Son of God, Blessed One! Messiah! This comes from Mary McDonald's musical My Savior's Love, code no. 8701. Orchestrations: Conductor's Score, Flute, Oboe (or Soprano Sax or Clarinet), Clarinet, Horn in F (or Alto Sax or Clarinet), 2 Trumpets (or Alto Sax), 2 Trombones (or Baritone T. C. or Tenor Sax), Percussion 1 & 2, Piano, Synth, Electric Bass, 2 Violins, Cello/Bassoon (or Bass Clarinet), String Reduction.
SKU: HL.49001766
ISBN 9790001023825.
Apart from his numerous instrumental works, Carl Stamitz left also four horn concertos. For reasons of the playing technique, the concerto was transposed down a semitone in the present edition. This work is especially characteristic of the personal style as well as of the epoch-mak-ing reformations by the Mannheim School.
SKU: BR.PB-5566-07
3 Work Stages, 2 Versions, 1 Edition
,,… the musical text is fine. This is a valuable improvement. (Clifford Bartlett, Early Music Review)
ISBN 9790004213766. 6.5 x 9 inches.
With the new edition of the G-minor Symphony, a vital work group in Mozart's oeuvre is now complete: the three late symphonies K. 543, 550 and 551, now available in Urtext editions. As in his new edition of the Hafner Symphony, Henrik Wiese uncovers in the present Breitkopf Urtext score three different stages in the genesis of the G-minor Symphony. Mozart initially wrote the work without clarinets (1st stage), and then he added the clarinets (2nd stage). Not until a final stage did he change the wind instrumentation in the Andante (3rd stage). Mozart thus returned to the 1st version again after completing the 2nd version (with clarinets). This advances the importance of the 1st version without clarinets as Fassung letzter Hand. A compelling insight which sheds new light on the famous G-minor Symphony. Both versions are of equal value and can now be compared with one another, studied and, above all, performed for the first time ever thanks to the new score and parts.Another extremly practical aspect that should be noted: the orchestral parts offer solutions for all the problematic page turns for the first time ever (please see the sample pages of OB 5542 - Violin II.),,... the musical text is fine. This is a valuable improvement. (Clifford Bartlett, Early Music Review)3 Work Stages, 2 Versions, 1 Edition.
ISBN 9790708092209.
The musical material derives from transformations of the carol melody, which only appears with any degree of literalness in a dream like passage close to the beginning and vanishes – though, in some sense, its dna is present in every bar. The piece is through composed and consists of slow – at times, elegiac – music flanking fast central episodes. Two chords, which seem to signify a kind of question at the very beginning, return twice, later in the work.
SKU: RU.5012
SKU: TM.08430SC
Transposed: hn 1+2,tpt 1+2,cornet 1+2,tbn 1+2. Cl orig in Bb; hn 3+4 orig. in F.
SKU: HL.14042374
ISBN 9781847727947. UPC: 884088919962. 10.25x14.5 inches.
A musical eulogy in praise of a best beloved now far away. c. 25 minutes.
SKU: BR.EOS-1527
ISBN 9790004786475. 8.5 x 11.5 inches.
No. 1 in B major str bc(hps) No. 2 in A major str bc(hps) No. 3 in C major str bc(hps) No. 4 in F major str bc(hps) No. 5 in D major timp str bc(hps) No. 6 in F major str bc(hps) No. 7 in B major str bc(hps) No. 8 in D minor str bc(hps)
SKU: KJ.O1057C
Tintinabulations is a light novelty piece containing the stylistic variations from the familiar holiday song Jingle Bells. The first portion of the piece goes back in time to the early 1800's and adopts the style of Gioacchino Rossini. This it seques to the elegance of waltz music from the days of the Strauss family. Progressing into the twentieth century, Jingle Bells becomes a jazzy delight featuring a special tuba solo. As the piece comes to a climatic ending, the familiar melody takes on the lively sound of Country-Western music. With bells in the background throughout most of the piece, the definition of tintinabulations comes to mind; the ringing sound of bells.
SKU: HL.14017820
Commissioned by the Houston Symphony Orchestra.
1.Animé - 2.Lent et Dramatique - 3.Clair et Vif (for trumpet, horn, bassoon and double bass soli and orchestra).
SKU: HL.195818
UPC: 888680642617. 8.5x14.0x3.0 inches.
This major work is an affirmation of assurance that takes us on a musical and spiritual pilgrimage through the beloved 23rd Psalm. Singers and listeners will be carried from peaceful meadows to the shadowed valleys, and from the fragile hope of faith, to life everlasting. A work of scope and substance, Psalm 23 - A Journey with the Shepherd gives directors a wonderful opportunity to program outside the seasonal box. A glorious orchestration by Michael Lawrence decorates the expressive choral writing with color and a theatrical sweep. Songs include: We Are Not Alone; The Lord Is My Shepherd; Restore My Soul; Lead Me on the Paths of Righteousness; Though I Walk through the Valley; You Comfort Me; My Cup Overflows; We Are Not Alone (reprise); Surely Goodness and Mercy. Score and Parts (fl 1-2, ob, cl 1-2, bn, tpt 1-3, hn 1-2, tbn 1-2, tbn 3/tba, perc 1-2, timp, hp, pno, vn 1-2, va, vc, db) available as a Printed Edition and as a digital download.
SKU: HL.49013489
ISBN 9783795736514. German.
Wortlich ubersetzt ist das Libretto ein 'kleines Buch', ein 'Buchlein'. Doch nicht irgendein Buchlein. Seit es Opern gibt, gibt es die Textbucher dazu. Oft erzahlen die Universalsprache Musik und der Ausdruck der Darsteller die Geschichte, auch wenn man die Worte nicht versteht. Trotzdem ist ein Libretto sehr hilfreich fur das Verstandnis der Details. Gerade dann, und das fast immer, wenn die Oper in der Originalsprache aufgefuhrt wird. In den Libretti ist in der Regel das Original der Ubersetzung gegenubergestellt. Sie konnen so problemlos parallel Handlung und Inhalt folgen. In den meisten Fallen existiert das Textbuch Oper bevor die Musik dazu komponiert wird. Spannende und dramatische Geschichten bilden die Grundlage fur faszinierende Opernkompositionen.3 (3. auch Picc.) * 2 * Engl. Hr. * 3 * Bassklar. * Sopr.-Sax. * 2 Alt-Sax. * 2 * Kfg. - 4 * 3 * 3 * 1 - P. S. (Trgl.-Set * Bell tree * Gl. * Crotales * 2 Gongs * hg. Beck. * Beck. * Tamb. * Mil. Tr. * Ruhrtr. * 6 Tomt. * Rototom * 6 Timb. * kl. Tr. * gr. Tr. * Guiro * Sage * Flex. * 3 Tamt. * Rohrengl. * Turmgl. * Lotosfl. * Kast. * Peitsche * Glspl. * Xyl. * Vibr. * Marimba) (2 Spieler) - Cel. * Org. - StrBuhnenmusik: 2 Picc. * SAT Blfl. * 2 Klar. in Es - 0 * 3 * 3 * 0 - S. (Tamb. * 2 Mil. Tr. * Ruhrtr. * kl. Tr. * 2 Ratschen * Kast. * Schellen * Holzbl. * Vibraslap * Timb.) - Cemb. - Vlc.3 (3. auch Picc.) * 2 * Engl. Hr. * 3 * Bassklar. * Sopr.-Sax. * 2 Alt-Sax. * 2 * Kfg. - 4 * 3 * 3 * 1 - P. S. (Trgl.-Set * Bell tree * Gl. * Crotales * 2 Gongs * hg. Beck. * Beck. * Tamb. * Mil. Tr. * Ruhrtr. * 6 Tomt. * Rototom * 6 Timb. * kl. Tr. * gr. Tr. * Guiro * Sage * Flex. * 3 Tamt. * Rohrengl. * Turmgl. * Lotosfl. * Kast. * Peitsche * Glspl. * Xyl. * Vibr. * Marimba) (2 Spieler) - Cel. * Org. - StrBuhnenmusik: 2 Picc. * SAT Blfl. * 2 Klar. in Es - 0 * 3 * 3 * 0 - S. (Tamb. * 2 Mil. Tr. * Ruhrtr. * kl. Tr. * 2 Ratschen * Kast. * Schellen * Holzbl. * Vibraslap * Timb.) - Cemb. - Vlc.
SKU: HL.49013481
ISBN 9783795736354. German.
Wortlich ubersetzt ist das Libretto ein 'kleines Buch', ein 'Buchlein'. Doch nicht irgendein Buchlein. Seit es Opern gibt, gibt es die Textbucher dazu. Oft erzahlen die Universalsprache Musik und der Ausdruck der Darsteller die Geschichte, auch wenn man die Worte nicht versteht. Trotzdem ist ein Libretto sehr hilfreich fur das Verstandnis der Details. Gerade dann, und das fast immer, wenn die Oper in der Originalsprache aufgefuhrt wird. In den Libretti ist in der Regel das Original der Ubersetzung gegenubergestellt. Sie konnen so problemlos parallel Handlung und Inhalt folgen. In den meisten Fallen existiert das Textbuch Oper bevor die Musik dazu komponiert wird. Spannende und dramatische Geschichten bilden die Grundlage fur faszinierende Opernkompositionen.
ISBN 9790231049299.
SKU: PR.41641349L
SKU: BR.PB-5105-07
World premiere: Bremen, February 1, 1982
ISBN 9790004208557. 9 x 12 inches.
Gesualdo, Don Carlo, Furst von Venosa (1560-1613) gehort zu den eigenwilligsten italienischen Madrigal-Komponisten der Spatrenaissance. Seine ungewohnlich kuhne, selbst fur heutige Ohren modern klingende Harmonik, seine chromatischen Stimmfortschreitungen, seine ubersteigerte expressive Tonsprache regten mich schon vor Jahren zu einer grosseren Orgelkomposition an und inspirierten mich 1981 zu den >>Sinfonischen Metamorphosen<<. Dieses Werk ist eine vielgestaltige weitausgesponnene Fantasie. Sieben choralartige typische Klangbeispiele aus Gesualdos spaten funfstimmigen Madrigalen (4., 5. u. 6. Band) werden teils streng, teils frei zitiert und von Holz- oder Blechblasern intoniert. Diese Zitate gliedern, als formale und inhaltliche Schwer- und Ruhepunkte, den Verlauf des gesamten Werks. Jedes Zitat steht zu Beginn eines neuen Satzabschnitts; die darauffolgenden >>Metamorphosen<< entwickeln sich als rhapsodische kontrastreiche Charakterstucke. Im >>Preludio<< werden aus den vertonbaren Buchstaben vom Namen >>Gesualdo<< (G - E - Es - A - D) schwebende Klangflachen, rezitativische Gedanken und ein pragnantes rhythmisches Paukenthema gebildet. Diese ,,Grundelemente (Grundstrukturen) tauchen im Verlauf des Stucks immer wieder leitmotivisch auf. Im zweiten Abschnitt stehen sich lineare Streicher-Episoden und dichte Blaser-Klangballungen kontrastierend gegenuber. Der dritte Teil lauft als Passacaglia (Thema ist der Bass eines Gesualdo-Zitats) in mehreren Variationen ab. Im vierten Abschnitt dominiert lebhafte Streicherbewegung, kontrapunktiert von tiefen Blaser-Signalen. Der funfte Teil steigert sich- nach kantablem Beginn- zum ekstatischen Trauermarsch. Abschnitt sechs stellt sich als >>Rondello<< dar, mit um sich selbst kreisenden Klangfiguren (in verschiedenen Tongruppen (zwei, drei, funf). Im siebten und letzten Teil wird die verhalten-resignierende Stimmung des Anfangs beschworen, ehe eine knappe Stretta in den hymnischen Schluss mundet. In den Textender ausgewahlten Zitatstellen geht es meist um Todessehnsucht, Liebesqual und Verzweiflung. z. B. 1. und 2. Zitat: Moro lasso, al mio duolo (Ich sterbe, matt, an meiner Qual) (6. Buch) 3. Zitat: Gia piansi nel dolore; o dolorosa Sorte (Schon weinte ich in Schmerzen, oh schmerzliches Geschick) (6. Buch) 4. Zitat: Ahi gia mi discolero (Ach schon entfarbte ich mich) (Wehe, der Tod kommt) (4. Buch) 5. Zitat: Dolcissima mia vita (Mein allerliebstes Leben) (Dich zu lieben oder zu sterben) (5. Buch) 6. Zitat: lo moro (Ich sterbe) (5. Buch) Dem Werk liegen zwar eine Reihe von dodekaphonischen Strukturen zugrunde (die teilweise von Gesualdos Klangzitaten abgeleitet wurden), doch sind die einzelnen Abschnitte auf,,tonale Pfeiler (G - E - A - D) gegrundet; das Stuck beginnt in G und endet aufD, ist also ubergeordnet tonal konzipiert, - der Versuch einer Synthese moderner Ausdrucksmittel von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Die >>Metamorphosen<< sind ein Stuck Bekenntnismusik - Bekenntnis zum Leben und Schaffen Gesualdos, eines Mannes, der vom Schicksal gezeichnet war, denn der Chronik Neapels bekannt war durch die Ermordung seiner ersten Frau und ihres Liebhabers. Dieser eminente Musiker war zugleich ein Mensch von ubertriebener Sensibilitat und wilder ekstatischer Heftigkeit: ,,Er wurde von einer Horde von Damonen heimgesucht, die ihm keine Ruhe gaben, heisst es in einem zeitgenossischen Bericht. Seine Kunst und sein Leben stand unter dem Gesetz der inneren Zerrissenheit, zwischen Auflehnung und Resignation (Verzweiflung und Hoffnung), zwischen Zartheit und Leidenschaft. Davon will meine Musik etwas aussagen. (Jurg Baur)CD:Sinfonieorchester des Westdeutschen Rundfunks, cond. Rudolf BarschaiCD Thorofon CTH 2270Bibliography:Abels, Robert: Studien zur Gesualdo-Rezeption durch Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts (= Studien zur Musik 20), Leiden u. a.: Wilhelm Fink 2017, pp. 277-345, 485-489.Wallerang, Lars: Die Orchesterwerke Jurg Baurs als Dialog zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Koln: Dohr 2003.
SKU: TM.09729SET
ISBN 9790231049312.
SKU: LO.30-3658L
UPC: 000308152456.
Orchestral Score and Parts for 10/5256L This Gaither classic receives fresh inspiration with a dramatic setting by Mary McDonald. The winning combination of Bill and Gloria Gaither provides a powerful song of hope and promise that encourages all believers in the journey of life. The choir spans the emotional and dynamic spectrum in a resounding affirmation of faith!
SKU: BA.BA08891
ISBN 9790006564149. 33 x 24 cm inches. Preface: Sylvie Bouissou.
Christoph Willibald Gluck's opera in four acts about the Curse of the House of Atreus is based on a tragedy by the classical Greek dramatist Euripides. The mythological plot about the siblings Iphigenia and Orestes is characterized by hatred, ritual sacrifice, and murder and was especially popular during the 18th century. The premiere of Gluck's opera in 1779 was immensely successful.Barenreiter now presents a carefully edited and corrected piano reduction that was newly set to meet Barenreiter's current quality standards. An informative preface (Ger/En/Fr) supplements the edition, which also includes all appendices of the score volume the edition is based on, as contained in the Gluck Complete Edition (GGA).
About Barenreiter Urtext
What can I expect from a Barenreiter Urtext edition?
MUSICOLOGICALLY SOUND - A reliable musical text based on all available sources - A description of the sources - Information on the genesis and history of the work - Valuable notes on performance practice - Includes an introduction with critical commentary explaining source discrepancies and editorial decisions ... AND PRACTICAL - Page-turns, fold-out pages, and cues where you need them - A well-presented layout and a user-friendly format - Excellent print quality - Superior paper and binding
SKU: HL.50601807
ISBN 9788759838242. UPC: 888680936334. 12.25x16.5x0.74 inches.
Symphony No.5 Op.50 was composed by Carl Nielsen in 1922. Carl Nielsen (1865-1931) was a Danish musician, often seen as his countrys greatest composer. While his operas and songs have become embedded in the cultural heritage of his native Denmark, internationally he is better known for his symphonies and concertos distinguished by his prominent use of Brass instruments and dramatic changes in tonality. His Symphony No.5 (Op. 50, FS. 97) was composed in 1922, and is often seen as his War Symphony, despite the composer denying any such direct influence. Strangely, it is formed of only two movements, and does not have any title. Often said to be a modernist piece, it is constantly restless, some would say pulsating. Brought to fame by Leonard Bernstein in 1962, scholars and musicians arestill trying to understand this enigmatic work.
SKU: HL.14010177
ISBN 9780711994836. 0.357 inches.
Written at the height of Elgar's powers in 1917, The Sanguine Fan was inspired by a scene depicting Pan and Echo that a local artist had drawn in sanguine on a fan. The ballet was originally composed as part of a matinee performance in March 1917 in aid of wartime charities. This study score edition is the ideal choice for both academic study and performance preparation.
SKU: BA.BA08866-90
ISBN 9790006577200. 27 x 19 cm inches. Text: Gautier de Montdorge, Antoine-César / Bersin, Louise-Angélique.
The ballet â??Les Fêtes d'Hbâ? deals with the talents that are usually the subject of the Opra and are placed at the service of love on stage: poetry and declamation (1st entre, La Posie), song and harmony (2nd entre, La Musique) and finally dance and choreography (3rd entre, La Danse); hence the alternative title of the ballet â??Les Talents lyriquesâ?. In this ballet opera, Rameau consistently gives priority to the female roles. The prologue glorifies Hb, the goddess of youth, and her alliance with love, while â??La Posieâ? praises the poetress Sappho, who sings almost throughout, and â??La Musiqueâ? concentrates on the omnipresent princess Iphise; finally, â??La Danseâ? has as its main character the shepherdess Ã?gl, who excels in dance and song.Since the premiere, the text of the libretto has been perceived as rather unbalanced. Rameau compensates for these poetic shortcomings with musical boldness and innovations of the highest order. Be it the overture that throws Lully's model overboard, the varied choral movements such as that of the Thessalians â??Que jusqu'au fond de nos grottes profondesâ?, the virtuoso arias such as Sappho's air â??Un jour pass dans les tourmentsâ? or the magnificent monologues for Iphise and Tirte â?? the originality and beauty of the music testify to incredible ingenuity.Audio sample on Youtube
SKU: HL.49013482
ISBN 9783795736361. UPC: 073999267242. 5.25x7.75x0.178 inches. German.
ISBN 9790231049275.
ISBN 9790231049282.