SKU: HL.14042978
ISBN 9788759827628.
Invisible Cities by Swedish composer, Britta Bystrom . Britta Bystrom 's careful ear for musical qualities such as timbre and resonance has resulted in an idiom that could almost be labeled impressionistic. She began composing already as a teenager and later studied composition at Musikhogskolan in Stockholm with Par Lindgren and Bent Sorensen.
SKU: HL.49003318
ISBN 9790220119774. UPC: 073999780741. 8.25x11.75x0.277 inches.
The work is based on a tune called The Nag written by the jazz guitarist/composer John Scofield, of whom I have long been a fan and with whom I worked closely when writing Blood on the Floor (Mark-Anthony Turnage). 'The grim frenzy, the waste and the futility of war are all embedded in Silent Cities.' (The Times).
ISBN 9790231024258.
Conducteur ABO Partie separee AP.
SKU: PE.EP73669
ISBN 9790577023298.
Dualities by Emily Howard is a contemporary work for an ensemble of 14 players. The work is an expression of the fascination with the juxtaposition of extremes and explores relationships between emotion and reason, constructivism and spontaneity, complexity and simplicity. The resultant musical structure is an accumulation of transitions between contrasting soundworlds. Dualities was commissioned by Ensemble 10/10, the Contemporary Music Group of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic who gave the first performance on 5 October 2005 at the Eleanor Rathbone Theatre, University of Liverpool. This product is printed on demand and may take several weeks to fulfill. Please order from your favorite retailer.
SKU: HL.48188849
UPC: 888680872762. 9.0x12.0x0.508 inches. French.
Trios pour le coucher du roy parties (lp70). Par Lully aux editions Leduc. Partition / Livre de chansons pour Orchestre.
ISBN 9790231034776.
It was with great pleasure that received a commission from my good friends at the Johnstown (Pennsylvania) Symphony Orchestra, Istvan Jaray, music director and conductor, to write a work for the opening of their 1996-1997 season. My intention was to write a lively work which highlighted the strengths of this musical organization while being accessible and appealing to their loyal audience members. In trying to tie something unique about Johnstown to the work, came up with the title, Iridium, which is a term that deals with the production of metal. During the writing of the work, my friend, colleague, and former teacher, Hugh Johnson passed away. Dr. Johnson, faculty emeritus at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, was a terrific musician who was always enthusiastic about orchestral music! It is this enthusiasm and energy that have tried to capture in this new work, which is dedicated to Dr. Johnson's memory. Finally, would like to thank Maestro Jaray and Tony Blackner for their interest in my work. With Iridium comes my best wishes to Maestro Jaray and the orchestra for a fantastic new season of music-making. -Jack Stamp (August, 1996).
ISBN 9780958346771.
Commissioned by the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, the opening ideas of this short but lively work call the listener to attention as they build to release a rushing-away line. The elements of this opening—three repeated notes, the falling bass-line and the scurrying string figures—provide the material from which the rest of the piece grows. The strong contrasts of the opening, however, continue throughout the movement, with frequent surprises as textures and surface rhythms change—sometimes surging forward, sometimes held back. But behind this is the steady one-in-a-bar beat of the classical scherzo, providing a background rhythmic continuity to tie the surface contrasts together.
SKU: LO.30-3714L
UPC: 000308154320.
CD with Printable Parts for 65/2101L From the collaborative efforts of Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Jay Rouse, and Larry Shackley, Everlasting Light showcases the profound significance of the light of Christ come to earth. An insightful narration by Rose Aspinall incorporates scripture and personal reflection to tie together the compelling combination of powerful original music and beloved carols. Mary McDonald’s celebratory opener, Everlasting Light, acts as the cornerstone of the work. Larry Shackley’s Longing for the Light beautifully portrays a yearning for restoration; Jay Rouse offers a stirring original song with words inspired by Mary’s Songs of Praise found in Luke 1:44-56; and Lloyd Larson’s Shepherds and Angels adds rhythmic and joyful energy. The work concludes with a robust medley of carols that points back to the opening song: He is the Light, Everlasting Light; born a Savior, born this night. He is the One, the Everlasting Son; Child of heaven, He is the Light!.
SKU: LO.30-3712L
UPC: 000308154306.
Full Score for 65/2101L From the collaborative efforts of Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Jay Rouse, and Larry Shackley, Everlasting Light showcases the profound significance of the light of Christ come to earth. An insightful narration by Rose Aspinall incorporates scripture and personal reflection to tie together the compelling combination of powerful original music and beloved carols. Mary McDonaldâ??s celebratory opener, Everlasting Light, acts as the cornerstone of the work. Larry Shackleyâ??s Longing for the Light beautifully portrays a yearning for restoration; Jay Rouse offers a stirring original song with words inspired by Maryâ??s Songs of Praise found in Luke 1:44-56; and Lloyd Larsonâ??s Shepherds and Angels adds rhythmic and joyful energy. The work concludes with a robust medley of carols that points back to the opening song: He is the Light, Everlasting Light; born a Savior, born this night. He is the One, the Everlasting Son; Child of heaven, He is the Light!.
SKU: LO.30-3713L
UPC: 000308154313.
Set of Parts for 65/2101L From the collaborative efforts of Lloyd Larson, Mary McDonald, Jay Rouse, and Larry Shackley, Everlasting Light showcases the profound significance of the light of Christ come to earth. An insightful narration by Rose Aspinall incorporates scripture and personal reflection to tie together the compelling combination of powerful original music and beloved carols. Mary McDonald’s celebratory opener, Everlasting Light, acts as the cornerstone of the work. Larry Shackley’s Longing for the Light beautifully portrays a yearning for restoration; Jay Rouse offers a stirring original song with words inspired by Mary’s Songs of Praise found in Luke 1:44-56; and Lloyd Larson’s Shepherds and Angels adds rhythmic and joyful energy. The work concludes with a robust medley of carols that points back to the opening song: He is the Light, Everlasting Light; born a Savior, born this night. He is the One, the Everlasting Son; Child of heaven, He is the Light!.
SKU: BR.PB-4862-07
World premiere: Hannover, March 13, 1972
ISBN 9790004206591. 7 x 9.5 inches.
Variationen (Ouverture / Thema / Variation / Coda), Lyrisches Intermezzo (Sostenuto), Symphonische Nachklange (Allegro con moto).Immer wieder lassen sich Komponisten von Themen alterer oder auch zeitgenossischer Meister zu Variations-Zyklen anregen (Brahms: Handel- und Haydn-Variationen, Reger: Mozart-Variationen, Holler: Sweelinck-Variationen). Themen von Robert Schumann fanden bisher relativ selten Beachtung - (Regers Schumann-Variationen fur zwei Klaviere sind eine Ausnahme) - vielleicht, weil sie zu sehr in sich vollendet und abgeschlossen sind und deshalb kaum Moglichkeiten zur Veranderung enthalten. Dennoch beschaftigte mich schon langer die Idee, eine ,,Musik mit Schumann, Nachklange oder Erinnerungen an Schumann zu gestalten, mit der Absicht, ein heiteres, liebenswurdiges (und nachdenkliches) Werk zu schreiben, einmal ohne Experimente-, als ,,Divertimento fur den Normalhorer, gelegentlich behutsam verbunden mit modernen Techniken - nicht ohne hintergrundigen Humor. Der 1. Satz wurde inspiriert von den ,,Papillons (opus 2 fur Klavier); er gliedert sich in vier variationsahnliche Abschnitte. Die ,,Ouverture exponiert drei kurze Themen, die sich trotz ihres gegensatzlichen Charakters wie selbstverstandlich erganzen (Einleitungsgirlande und Schlussfanfare der Papillons und das bekannte Anfangsmotiv aus ,,Vogel als Prophet). Die Abschnitte ,,Thema, ,,Variationen und ,,Coda entwickeln und verandern das Hauptthema der ,,Papillons; dieses dominiert uber weite Strecken des Satzes und wird mit den Motiven der Ouverture kombiniert. Vielfaltig gegliedert ist das ,,Lyrische Intermezzo. Zu Beginn gewinnt ein Motiv aus den ,,Nachtstucken (fur Klavier) Bedeutung, taucht mehrere Male auf, von mehrtonigen b-a-c-h Clustern ,,gestort. Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Thema des 2. Satzes der g-moll Klavier-Sonate op. 22 (ein Mondnachtlied ohne Worte; Holzblaser) und ein Adagio-Gedanke aus dem Klavier-Zyklus ,,Kreisleriana (tiefe Streicher); beide Themen werden kontrapunktiert von zwolftonigen Strukturen und Klangbandern (Holzblaser). Die ,,Fruhlings-Symphonie-Fanfare eroffnet das Finale. Danach bilden sich uber rotierenden Klangflachen (Streicher) einzelne Tone und Intervalle, aleatorisch frei, verdichten sich, wie aus der Erinnerung auftauchend, zu Motiven aus Schumanns bekanntester Symphonie. Nach diesem zogernden Beginn entwickelt sich ein fast klassisch anmutender Sonaten-Durchfuhrungsteil mit mehreren melodischen Gedanken (Kopfmotiv der g-moll Klaviersonate, tanzerische und ostinate Themen aus der Fruhlings-Symphonie), die zum Teil in- und ubereinander geschichtet werden, bis auf dem Hohepunkt des Satzes das Schlussthema der Klavierfantasie op. 17, pathetisch-ironisch in den Blechblasern erklingt. Eine kurze Reprise mit dem Hauptgedanken fuhrt zur Anfangsfanfare zuruck; der Satz verklingt im pianissimo. Wollte man dem ganzen opus ein Motto voranstellen, dann die Schumann-Uberschrift (aus den Kinderszenen) : ,,Fast zu ernst - aber eben nur ,,fast. (Jurg Baur)CD:Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks, cond. Hanns-Martin SchneidtCD Thorofon CTH 2270 Bibliography:Wallerang, Lars: Die Orchesterwerke Jurg Baurs als Dialog zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Koln: Dohr 2003.Nonnenmann, Rainer: Vergegenwartigungen. Umgang mit historischem Material bei Zimmermann, Baur, Killmayer, Schnebel und Zender, in: Jurg Baur, hrsg. von Ulrich Tadday (= Musik-Konzepte. Neue Folge, Heft 184/185), Munchen: Edition Text+Kritik 2019, S. 26-46.
SKU: HL.49005714
ISBN 9790001061810. 9.0x11.75x0.21 inches. German.
3 (2. auch Picc. und Afl.) * 3 (3. auch Engl. Hr.) * 3 (3. auch Bassklar.) * 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 3 * 3 * Picc.-Trp. * 3 * 1 - P. S. (Trgl. * tiefer Gong * Rohrengl. * Beckenpaar * hg. Beck. * Tamt. * Tamb. * 3 Tomt. * 3 lateinamerik. Timbales * Ruhrtr. * kl. Tr. * gr. Tr. * Glsp. * Xyl. * Vibr. * Marimba) (5 Spieler) - Hfe. * Klav. (4hd.) * Cel. - Str.3 (2. auch Picc. und Afl.) * 3 (3. auch Engl. Hr.) * 3 (3. auch Bassklar.) * 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 3 * 3 * Picc.-Trp. * 3 * 1 - P. S. (Trgl. * tiefer Gong * Rohrengl. * Beckenpaar * hg. Beck. * Tamt. * Tamb. * 3 Tomt. * 3 lateinamerik. Timbales * Ruhrtr. * kl. Tr. * gr. Tr. * Glsp. * Xyl. * Vibr. * Marimba) (5 Spieler) - Hfe. * Klav. (4hd.) * Cel. - Str.
SKU: HL.49006395
ISBN 9790001069465. 9.0x12.0x0.518 inches. Ancient Greek - Latin - German.
. * 6 Cng. * tiefe Cng. * 4 Holzpk. * 5 Crot. * Beckenp. * hang. Beck. * 5 Tamt. * Gong * Dobaci * 5 Bronzegl. * 2 RohrenGlsp. * Guiro * Peitsche * Mar. * 6 Kast. * Hyoshigi * Anklung *3 Holzgl. * 5 Holzbl. * 2 Ratschen * 3 Kirchenratschen * 11 Glaser * 2 Glockchen * Steinsp. * Met. * 3 Xyl. * 2 Marimb.) - 3 Hfn. * Cel. * 3 Klav. * Org. * elektr. Org. - 8 Kb. - Tonband. * 6 Cng. * tiefe Cng. * 4 Holzpk. * 5 Crot. * Beckenp. * hang. Beck. * 5 Tamt. * Gong * Dobaci * 5 Bronzegl. * 2 RohrenGlsp. * Guiro * Peitsche * Mar. * 6 Kast. * Hyoshigi * Anklung *3 Holzgl. * 5 Holzbl. * 2 Ratschen * 3 Kirchenratschen * 11 Glaser * 2 Glockchen * Steinsp. * Met. * 3 Xyl. * 2 Marimb.) - 3 Hfn. * Cel. * 3 Klav. * Org. * elektr. Org. - 8 Kb. - Tonband.
SKU: AP.49463
ISBN 9781470650247. UPC: 038081571027. English.
The Last Rose of Summer is a traditional Irish tune arranged by Jim Palmer. The beautiful melody, rich harmonies, and interesting accompaniment will help your young orchestra sound mature. The long phrases are highlighted with beautiful slurs and a variety of dynamics. Pizzicato, slurs and ties create the interesting accompaniments. Well-developed phrases and unexpected chords provide opportunities for artistic expression. A perfect choice to teach a broad range of musical ideas. Correlated to Sound Innovations, Book 2, Level 2. (2:25) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.48085S
ISBN 9781470661472. UPC: 038081554365. English.
This title features Alfred Music's String Orchestra FLEX options. That means that every part in this set is now transposed into every other part, so you can play this title with any combination of like- or mixed-string ensemble. After purchasing this set, decide what additional parts you need to meet the unique needs of your ensemble, then download and print them for free at of charge. A unique Hanukkah selection, this piece embodies traditional Jewish music with its haunting melodies. In 4/4 time throughout, using easy rhythms, lifts, tremolo, a few two-note slurs, and ties, along with some cello divisi. The viola part doubles the 2nd violin and the cello doubles the bass. This is an excellent teaching piece for dotted-quarter-note rhythms. The prayer Al Hanissim is sung or read at Hanukkah, expressing thanks for the miracles that have been bestowed upon the people's ancestors. A Hanukkah Prayer of Thanks by Susan H. Day will convey a sense of the season. (1:50) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.49463S
ISBN 9781470650254. UPC: 038081571034. English.
The Last Rose of Summer is a traditional Irish tune arranged by Jim Palmer. The beautiful melody, rich harmonies, and interesting accompaniment will help your young orchestra sound mature. The long phrases are highlighted with beautiful slurs and a variety of dynamics. Pizzicato, slurs and ties create the interesting accompaniments. Well-developed phrases and unexpected chords provide opportunities for artistic expression. A perfect choice to teach a broad range of musical ideas. Correlated to Sound Innovations, Book 2, Level 2. (2:25).
SKU: AP.48085
ISBN 9781470661465. UPC: 038081554358. English.
ISBN 9790543576940.
Nave was commissioned by the Arturo Márquez Extraordinary Fellowship in Composition of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It is inspired by the Stultifera Navis (or The Ship of Fools) and by the book Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault, in which the author explains that during the Middle Ages until the Renaissance, in some European cities, the madmen and the sick were placed on ships and thrown out of society. Exiled, with no place or course, they wandered through the seas and rivers, embarked on a symbolic quest for reason.
SKU: KN.8938
UPC: 822795089387.
Young string players do not get the opportunity to play Brahms often because much of his greatest music is written for piano and other works are too complex. But embedded in the fiery Rhapsody In B Minor (Op. 79, No. 1) is a beautiful interlude which takes on a form of its own. Simple melodies are passed among all instruments and harmonized in parallel 3rds and 6ths. Simple repeated 8th-note patterns with some ties create the undulating current in the accompaniment which drives the piece to its dynamic extremes. Duration 3:00. Available in SmartMusic.
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