SKU: HL.14011740
ISBN 9780853609049. UPC: 884088435219. 8.5x11.0x0.105 inches.
Arranged for organ by CS Lang.
SKU: HL.49004343
ISBN 9790001045131. UPC: 073999646931. 8.75x12.0x0.113 inches.
SKU: BR.EB-8042
World premiere Dusseldorf, September 26, 1978
ISBN 9790004174418. 9 x 12 inches.
Diese weitausgesponnene, vielteilige Fantasie folgt den Spuren eines der eigenwilligsten Spatrenaissancemeister, der durch ungewohnliche chromatische Fortschreitungen und kuhne Harmonik den Stil und den Ausdruck jener Zeit zu Ende gepragt hat. Die sieben Stationen in dieser Komposition sind charakteristische Zitate aus Madrigalen Don Carlo Gesualos, des Principe de Venosa (um 1560 - 1613). Aus den vertonbaren Buchstaben seines Namens (g-e-es-a-d) entsteht eine pragnante Intervallfolge, die als Leitmotiv in. variierter Gestalt haufig wiederkehrt. Das letzte Zitat ist identisch mit dem ersten; so schliesst sich die Folge der Stationen zu einem Ring. Der Text des Kernzitats lautet: Moro lasso al mio duolo (Ich sterbe, ach an meiner Qual), Die sieben Stationen gliedern als formale und inhaltliche Schwer- und Ruhepunkte den Verlauf des gesamten Stucks; der Beginn eines jeden neuen Zitats wird durch eine vorangehende Pause oder eine Klangfermate verdeutlicht. Dagegen bilden die sechs Intermezzi (die eigentlichen Meditationen) in ihrem verschiedenartigen Bewegungsablauf wirksame Kontrastflachen, die sich entweder aus den ruhigen Stationen unmerklich entwickeln (z. B.: A, B und E) oder in schroffem Gegensatz zu dem vorhergehenden oder nachfolgenden Abschnitt stehen. Eine Introduzione (Entwicklung des Leitmotivs) und eine Reduzione umrahmen das Werk. Anstelle eines Ausklangs im Pianissimo kann der Interpret eine jah auffahrende Schlusswendung im Fortissimo wahlen. Alte und neue Ausdrucksmittel sollen in dieser Meditation als These und Antithese gegenubergestellt und zur Synthese gefuhrt werden. (Jurg Baur) CD: Martin Herchenroder CD Koch 3-1846-3 H1 Bibliography : Abels , Robert: Studien zur Gesualdo-Rezeption durch Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts (= Studien zur Musik 20), Leiden u. a.: Wilhelm Fink 2017, pp. 277-345, 485-489. Richter , Reinhold: Zwischen Tradition und Avantgarde zwischen Zweifel und Hoffnung. Einige Notizen zur Chor- und Orgelmusik von Jurg Baur anlasslich des 85. Geburtstages im vergangenen November, in: Forum Kirchenmusik 54 (2003), Heft 6, pp. 23-31. Voigt , Michael: Man steht in einer Tradition, die man fortsetzt: Zum Orgelwerk von Jurg Baur, in: Forum Kirchenmusik 61 (2010), Heft 3, p. 35.World premiere: Dusseldorf, September 26, 1978.
SKU: CA.3550300
ISBN 9790007165161. Text language: Latin.
Particularly during the early 1740s, Johann Sebastian Bach concentrated intensely on studying the compositional technique of strict vocal polyphony. As an inspiration, he studied the works of older masters, copying them and, for the most part, performing them as well. A set of single parts for the Missa canonica by Francesco Gasparini in an instrumentation by Bach were recently discovered in the collection of the former Ephoralbibliothek Weissenfels; some of the parts are in Bach's own handwriting. Gasparini was esteemed in Germany particularly as a master of elaborate counterpoint and audacious harmonic writing. Bach amended the music text with a view to certain aspects of performance practice, clearly following a very specific concept of sound organization. His interest in strict counterpoint was paralleled by a tangible re-orientation in Bach's own compositional technique at the beginning of the 1740s. Francesco Gasparini's Missa canonica therefore served as a practical model for the highly developed art of canon writing and the strict polyphony in Bach's late works, as we encounter them, for example, in the B minor Mass.
SKU: CA.3550305
ISBN 9790007165222. Text language: Latin.
Particularly during the early 1740s, Johann Sebastian Bach concentrated intensely on studying the compositional technique of strict vocal polyphony. As an inspiration, he studied the works of older masters, copying them and, for the most part, performing them as well. A set of single parts for the Missa canonica by Francesco Gasparini in an instrumentation by Bach were recently discovered in the collection of the former Ephoralbibliothek Weissenfels; some of the parts are in Bach's own handwriting. Gasparini was esteemed in Germany particularly as a master of elaborate counterpoint and audacious harmonic writing. Bach amended the music text with a view to certain aspects of performance practice, clearly following a very specific concept of sound organization. His interest in strict counterpoint was paralleled by a tangible re-orientation in Bach's own compositional technique at the beginning of the 1740s. Francesco Gasparini's Missa canonica therefore served as a practical model for the highly developed art of canon writing and the strict polyphony in Bach's late works, as we encounter them, for example, in the B minor Mass. Score available separately - see item CA.3550300.
SKU: BR.EB-8041
World premiere: Dusseldorf, May 20, 1978
ISBN 9790004174401. 9 x 12 inches.
During the intensive study of Johann Sebastian Bach's Musical Offering for the creation of a commissioned composition for wind trio, I had the idea of writing a larger organ work on the Royal Theme at the same time. This is how the Three Ricercare came into being. They are multi-part fantasies for organ, which - connected by the frequently transformed thematic material of the Musical Offering and the manifoldly reshaped B-A-C-H motif - alternate between free, rapsodic parts on the one hand and strictly structured parts on the other. For my 60th birthday, W. E. v. Lewinski wrote an appreciation under the title: Music in the span between constraint and freedom. This formulation aptly characterizes the new organ work. (Jurg Baur) CD: Martin Herchenroder CD Koch 3-1846-3 H1 Bibliography: Semrau , Arno: Polpyhone Orgelmusik von Johann Sebastian Bach bis Jurg Baur, Augsburg: Wissner 2001, darin besonders pp. 259-304 und 510-532. Richter , Reinhold: Zwischen Tradition und Avantgarde zwischen Zweifel und Hoffnung. Einige Notizen zur Chor- und Orgelmusik von Jurg Baur anlasslich des 85. Geburtstages im vergangenen November, in: Forum Kirchenmusik 54 (2003), Heft 6, pp. 23-31.World premiere: Dusseldorf, May 20, 1978.
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