SKU: HL.14010480
ISBN 9788759870082. Danish.
Esperanza - Eremitkrebs-Tango (1997) Hermit Crab Tango, Esperanza is part of Norgard's Animals in Concert, a suite of piano pieces, so far comprised of: 1. A Tortoise's Tango (1984) - dur.: 4' 2. Light of a Night - Paul meets bird (1989) - dur.: 6' 3. Hermit Crab Tango - Esperanza (1997) - dur.: 5' The pieces can be performed together or one by one. In the1980s, quite a few “finds” turned up in Per Norgard's music. The material could be, say, a number of song birds' equilibrist melodic lines, the overtones of the ocean surf, or waltzing themes by the schizophrenic artist Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930). Or again, as heard here, it can be the rhythms and motifs of the tango and a Beatles song (with bird), explored in three independent piano pieces that form the Animals in Concert suite, about which the composer writes: Programme note for Animals in Concert: 1. A Tortoise's Tango (1984) - dur.: 4' 2. Light of a Night - Paul meets bird (1989) - dur.: 6' 3. Hermit Crab Tango - Esperanza (1997) - dur.: 5' The pieces can be performed together or one by one. In the1980s, quite a few “finds” turned up in Per Norgard's music. The material could be, say, a number of song birds' equilibrist melodic lines, the overtones of the ocean surf, or waltzing themes by the schizophrenic artist Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930). Or again, as heard here, it can be the rhythms and motifs of the tango and a Beatles song (with bird), explored in three independent piano pieces that form the Animals in Concert suite, about which the composer writes: “A Tortoise's Tango”: The tortoise as tango dancer must presumably possess certain rhythmic peculiarities, which I have chosen to express by letting the tune of the tortoise shuffle broadly, tripartite through the strict four partite time of tango. Tortoise Tango was the original title of this piece, “written for Achilles” (the pianist Yvar Mikhashoff), for his so called tango project”, including new tangos for piano by composers from all over the world. “Light of a Night (Paul meets bird)” was commissioned by pianist Aki Takahashi. It is a “reworked” arrangement for piano of the Beatles song ”Blackbird”. As some of us will recall, the Beatles on “The White Album” let the beautiful song to the blackbird be accompanied by an (apparently) live blackbird song. It is this authentic bird-motif world that in “Light of a Night” weaves itself into the Beatles melody and in turn is gradually infected by it, so that a completely new third entity ensues: a kind of Bird-rock ballad (or maybe it is a Beatle-bird?). “Hermit Crab Tango (Esperanza)”: The tango situation is quite special for a Hermit Crab. It is a well-known fact that the hermit crab - this soft animal - must run the gauntlet among the many perils at the bottom of the sea when it must move hose. I have chosen to express the angers by a.
SKU: BT.1582-08-400-M
ISBN 9789043130868. 9x12 inches. German.
Ein zauberhafter Einstieg ins Klavierspiel! Das ist Tastenzauberei: • für Kinder ab dem Vor- und Grundschulalter • sowohl für den Einzel- als auch für den Gruppenunterricht • Quereinstieg in die Arbeit mit jedem der Bände ist möglich • kindgerechtes Lerntempo • Motivation der Schüler durch die ansprechende Gestaltung und Smiley-Aufkleber als Bonbon“• viele Spielstücke (oft vierhändig für Schüler und Lehrer oder zwei Schüler) machen Tastenzauberei von Anfang an zu einem klangvollen Erlebnis • professionelle Mitspiel- und Demo-CDs, eingespielt von der Autorin selbst Inhalte von Band 3 sind u. a.: Intervalle, Dreiklänge, Dur- und Moll-Tonarten, Rhythmen und Tänze, Zusammenspiel.
SKU: M7.ART-42136
ISBN 9783866421363.
'Inspiration Piano' ist eine Sammlung von modernen Klavierstücken, die sich an Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene und Wiedereinsteiger richtet, die bereits die Grundtechniken des Klavierspielens erlernt haben. Wenn Sie nach leichten bis mittelschweren Klavierkompositionen suchen, die von zeitgenössischer Film- und Unterhaltungsmusik geprägt sind, jedoch auch viele klassische Elemente und Strukturen aufweisen, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. Abwechslungsreich, von melancholisch-romantisch bis humorvoll-lebensfreudig und jeweils mit einer einprägsamen Melodie. Und das Wichstigste: die Stücke sollen Freude am Spielen bereiten. Die enthaltenen Kompositionen sind sowohl für den allgemeinen Klavierunterricht, als auch zum Selbststudium und für das entspannte häusliche Musizieren geeignet. Grundspieltechniken wie Koordination der Hände, Melodiegestaltung, Artikulation und Dynamik werden durch 'Inspiration Piano' geschult und ausgebaut. Zudem werden weitere spieltechnische Themen wie Oktavspiel, Verzierungen, Akkordspiel, punktierter Rhythmus, Triolen, Synkopen und Repetitionen behandelt. Da viele der Klavierstücke relativ kurz sind, führt bereits kleiner Zeit- und Übungsaufwand rasch zu Erfolgserlebnissen.
Contents : Por una cabeza (Gardel) • La viruta (Greco) • Mi Buenos Aires querido (Gardel) • Naipe marcado (Greco) • El Marne (Arolas) • Don Juan (Ponzio) • Volver (Gardel) • El porteñito (Villoldo) • La cachila (Arolas) • El dia que me quieras(Gardel). So muss Tango klingen! In den ersten Jahrzehnten in der Geschichte dieser Musik entstanden einige ihrer schönsten und bekanntesten Werke. Mit den Arrangements des Tangopianisten J. M. Solare wird es nun auch den im Tango unerfahrenen Spielernmöglich, sie absolut authentisch zum Klingen zu bringen.
Inhalt: Por una cabeza (Gardel) • La viruta (Greco) • Mi Buenos Aires querido (Gardel) • Naipe marcado (Greco) • El Marne (Arolas) • Don Juan (Ponzio) • Volver (Gardel) • El porteñito (Villoldo) • La cachila (Arolas) • El dia que me quieras (Gardel).Cest ainsi que doit vibrer le tango ! Quelques-uns des plus beaux et des plus célèbres tangos sont rassemblés dans ce recueil. Ces arrangements, magnifiquement ciselés par le célèbre pianiste grand spécialiste du tango J. M. Solare, sont accessiblesmême aux débutants.
Sommaire : Por una cabeza (Gardel) • La viruta (Greco) • Mi Buenos Aires querido (Gardel) • Naipe marcado (Greco) • El Marne (Arolas) • Don Juan (Ponzio) • Volver (Gardel) • El porteñito (Villoldo) • La cachila (Arolas) • El dia que me quieras(Gardel). Questo è il vero suono del tango! I primi decenni della storia di questa musica ci hanno regalato alcune delle canzoni più belle e pezzi famosi. Gli arrangiamenti del pianista di tango J.M. Solare aiutano i musicisti che non hanno familiarit con liltango, ad interpretare in modo autentico questa musica. Include tanghi di E. Arolas, C. Gardel, A. Greco, V. Greco, E. Ponzio, e A. Villoldo.
Indice: Por una cabeza (Gardel) • La viruta (Greco) • Mi Buenos Aires querido (Gardel) • Naipe marcado (Greco) • El Marne (Arolas) • Don Juan (Ponzio) • Volver (Gardel) • El porteñito (Villoldo) • La cachila (Arolas) • El dia que me quieras (Gardel)
SKU: HL.14001903
ISBN 9788759859605. Danish.
Animals In Concert - Three pieces for Piano solo by Per Norgard. Programme Note 1. A Tortoise's Tango (1984) - dur.: 4' 2. Light of a Night - Paul meets bird (1989) - dur.: 6' 3. Hermit Crab Tango - Esperanza (1997) - dur.: 5' The pieces can be performed together or one by one. In the1980s, quite a few finds turned up in Per Norgard's music. The material could be, say, a number of song birds' equilibrist melodic lines, the overtones of the ocean surf, or waltzing themes by the schizophrenic artist Adolf Wolfli (1864-1930). Or again, as heard here, it can be the rhythms and motifs of the tango and a Beatles song (with bird), explored in three independent piano pieces that form the Animals in Concert suite, about which the composer writes: A Tortoise's Tango: The tortoise as tango dancer must presumably possess certain rhythmic peculiarities, which I have chosen to express by letting the tune of the tortoise shuffle broadly, tripartite through the strict four partite time of tango. Tortoise Tango was the original title of this piece, written for Achilles (the pianist Yvar Mikhashoff), for his so called tango project, including new tangos for piano by composers from all over the world. Light of a Night (Paul meets bird) was commissioned by pianist Aki Takahashi. It is a reworked arrangement for piano of the Beatles song Blackbird. As some of us will recall, the Beatles on The White Album let the beautiful song to the blackbird be accompanied by an (apparently) live blackbird song. It is this authentic bird-motif world that in Light of a Night weaves itself into the Beatles melody and in turn is gradually infected by it, so that a completely new third entity ensues: a kind of Bird-rock ballad (or maybe it is a Beatle-bird?). Hermit Crab Tango (Esperanza): The tango situation is quite special for a Hermit Crab. It is a well-known fact that the hermit crab - this soft animal - must run the gauntlet among the many perils at the bottom of the sea when it must move hose. I have chosen to express the angers by a tango pattern - sharp as a cactus - through which the tune, optimistic, slips to its new shelter. I have borrowed the tune from songwriter Hanne Methling's Introduction: 'I want to get through this time!' she sings in a ecstatically ascending melody line - and I believe that these words must correspond very well to the mood of the hermit crab: 'Esperanza'- the green runners of hope wind among the latticework formed by the tango rows.
ISBN 9781847726001.
Ever wanted to play Tango, but been put off by how difficult it sounds? This book has been designed just for you, featuring easy-to-read, simplified arrangements of fifteen classic tangos, including El Choclo, Caminito,MiBuenos Aires Querido and La Cumparsita. Your fingers will be fizzing with Latin beats in no time with It's Easy To Play Tango!
ISBN 9781619283541. UPC: 241444441244. English.
A new, four-book series by composer Wynn-Anne Rossi. The Dancing with the World series is inspired by international dance, rhythms and melodies, uniting performers in the celebration of movement. A brief introduction related to the background of each dance is included for every piece, and the music can be used as the basis of a themed recital to celebrate the history and cultural significance of each dance. Book 2 is arranged at the Late Elementary/Early Intermediate Level and includes dances from Turkey, Rwanda, France, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Ukraine (Wild Hopak), Iceland (Vikivaki), Argentina, India and more!
Angelita is a Tango dance for solo Piano by Angel Barrios , probably written at some point in the first decade of the 20th century. It smoothly blends Iberian melodies and enthusiasm with exotic late Romantic harmonies, creating an exciting and catchy work. Angel Barrios (1882-1964) was a Spanish composer and classical guitarist. Born in Granada, he studied in Madrid and Paris, initially learning the Violin before switching to Guitar, becoming a formidable concert performer. He wrote many works for opera, which were performed in both Madrid and Granada, as well as orchestral pieces, dances, and solo works for Piano and for Guitar.
SKU: M7.VOGG-808
ISBN 9783802408083. English.
From the basics of music notation, the correct playing position and simple pieces covering a fifth, to mastery of the complete octave and a refined playing technique: This book covers everything the beginning pianist should know. To prevent piano playing from ever becoming boring, it covers a wide range of musical styles from Classical music to Jazz.Other topics include music theory and the acoustic basics of piano tone, thus laying a solid foundation for future studies in piano playing.The included CD makes practicing easy and fun!
SKU: HL.49018491
ISBN 9790001175340. UPC: 884088869311. 9.0x12.0x0.083 inches.