SKU: M7.VHR-3434
ISBN 9783920470115.
Mit 2. Stimme für Sopran- oder Altblockflöte ad lib., leicht gesetzt. Die Ausgabe enthält 32 Kinderlieder. Der Klavierpart ist leicht gesetzt. Eine zweite Flötenstimme (für Sopran- oder Altblockflöte) bietet die Möglichkeit, alle Lieder in kammermusikalischer Besetzung als Klaviertrio oder als Duo für zwei Flöten zu spielen.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125297-400
ISBN 9789043141833. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Performance pieces for piano and recorder in which the level of difficulty for both players is similar are always in demand. The pieces in this book — arrangements of well-known tunes as well as original compositions — are aimed at pupils who have been playing for approximately three years. Both players will learn a great deal and will have double the playing fun. Two is a Team — after all playing together is almost always at the heart of music!Er blijkt steeds weer behoefte te zijn aan samenspeelstukken voor piano en blokfluit waarin beide partijen een vergelijkbare moeilijkheidsgraad hebben. De stukken in dit boek — zowel bewerkingen van bekende liedjes als originele composities — zijn bedoeld voor leerlingen die ongeveer drie jaar spelen. Beiden zullen er veel van leren en er dubbel plezier aan beleven. Two is a Team — in de muziek draait het immers vrijwel altijd om samenspel!Es besteht ein Bedarf an Stücken für Klavier und Blockflöte, in denen die Stimmen für beide Spieler ähnlich schwer sind. Die Stücke in diesem Buch — die sowohl bekannte Melodien als auch originale Kompositionen umfassen — richten sich an Instrumentalschüler, die bereits etwa drei Jahre Unterricht hatten. So können beide etwas lernen und haben doppelt Spaß. Two is a Team — denn schließlich geht es beim Musizieren doch fast immer um das gemeinsame Musikerlebnis!La littérature musicale semblerait être dénuée de morceaux de concert pour piano et fl te bec dont le degré de difficulté soit peu près le même pour les deux musiciens. Les morceaux de ce recueil — arrangements d’airs connus et compositions originales — sont destinés aux élèves qui jouent depuis environ trois ans. Ils profiteront tous deux de ce travail et prendront doublement plaisir interpréter ces morceaux. Après tout, jouer avec d’autres est un des grands plaisirs qu’apporte la pratique de la musique !Two is a Team raccoglie composizioni originali e brani del repertorio classico noto al pubblico, indirizzati agli strumentisti con circa tre anni di studio alle spalle. Il livello di difficolt dei brani contenuti nella pubblicazione è molto simile per entrambi gli strumentisti, rendendo così più facile un’esecuzione con l’accompagnamento del piano.
ISBN 9790570503834.
Vernon Park, Stockport’s oldest park, was created on land donated by Lord Vernon (George John Warren). It was built by poor mill workers who called it pinch-belly park and opened on 20th September 1858. Comprising twenty-one acres, it houses a museum, a bandstand, ornamental fountains, a fernery, rockery, borders and sunken rose garden as well terraced walkways that overlook the river and weir. The piece depicts a solitary walker engrossed in his own thoughts on a winter’s day, the landscape, and the park’s Victorian past.At the very end of the piece a reminder of the park’s Victorian origins can be detected in a quote from Elgar’s Salut d’amour of 1899, which may well have been played by a band in the bandstand. Stockport market celebrated its 750th anniversary in 2010. It dated back to September 1260 when a Royal Charter allowed Robert de Stokeport, the Mayor, to hold a weekly market within the defensive walls of the Norman Castle on the present site of Castle Yard.The Glass Umbrella was a popular name given to the 1861 covered market built of timber, glass and iron - nine bays with open sides and a glass canopy. In 1912, one bay was removed to enable electric trams and trolley buses to turn a sharp corner.The piece depicts a lively market day, the multiculturalism of the present day and the old cries of pick and pay without delay. The bells of St Mary’s Church are depicted by a cascading peel tuned to the ten bells of the church tower, and a fleeting reference to John Wainwright’s famous Christmas hymn Christians Awake, and the Westminster chimes striking the hour from St Mary’s, bring to piece to a conclusion. Separate parts are provided for recorder and oboe.
SKU: HL.49047354
UPC: 196288207450.
Das offizielle Songbook zum Sequel Die Schule der magischen Tiere 2 nach der gleichnamigen Kinderbuchreihe von Margit Auer und Nina Dulleck enthält alle zehn Songs aus dem Film in leicht spielbaren Bearbeitungen für Gesang, Sopranblockflöte und Klavier: Bei Ida und ihren Freunden dreht sich alles um die Musicalaufführung anlässlich des Schuljubiläums und ob die zickige Helene oder die talentierte, aber schüchterne Anna-Lena die Hauptrolle spielen wird. Nur durch Teamwork der Kinder und ihrer magischen Tiere kann die Aufführung am Ende gerettet werden. Die Gesangsstimme kann auch auf der Sopranblockflöte gespielt werden, und die Klavierstimme ist sowohl als Begleitung für Gesang bzw. Blockflöte als auch für den Solovortrag geeignet.
ISBN 9790570504077.
The opening movement is a free fantasia, contrasting with the middle movement, a scherzetto, in homage to, and based on the letters of the name of, the composer Douglas Steele, an assistant to Sir Thomas Beecham and a founding father of Chethams School, and which quotes from Steele’s beautiful carol The Snow Falls.Divertimento was first performed by John Turner and Janet Simpson at a concert in aid of the Peter Cunningham Memorial Fund at Mellor Church on 17th January 2005. It uses both treble and descant instruments. The second movement was originally composed for a concert in Manchester Cathedral in memory of Douglas Steele, one of the founding fathers of Chetham's School, and quotes (by kind permission of Forsyth Brothers Ltd.), from his well-known carol The Snow Falls. It has been separately recorded by John Turner and Stephen Hough on Autumn Sequence – the music of Douglas Steele and his Circle (Campion Cameo 2040/41).Martin Bussey was born in London in 1958. He was a Choral Scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, during which time he studied composition with Robin Holloway. Following postgraduate singing study at the RNCM he settled in Manchester and held a number of posts, including Head of Academic Music and Director of Choirs at Chetham’s School of Music until 2013. He continues as Musical Director of the Chester Bach Singers, a Vocal Tutor at Manchester University, Chairman of the Finzi Friends and a Director of the Ludlow Song Weekend. Compositions include the highly successful monodrama about Mary I, Mary’s Hand, premiered in 2018; a significant collection of solo songs which includes settings of Housman, Hardy, and Walt Whitman, many recorded on the disc Through a glass; and much choral music, recorded by Sonoro under Neil Ferris in 2019.