SKU: HL.49046427
ISBN 9781847614988. UPC: 840126920970. 9.0x12.0x0.199 inches.
'English Folk Tunes for Descant Recorder' is a collection of 62 arrangements for descant recorder, of traditional tunes including a range of styles such as Ballads, Hornpipes, Jigs and more. Experienced recorder player and co-author of the Baroque Recorder Anthology series, and Fun and Games with the Recorder series amongst others, Peter Bowman provides notes on all of the styles covered, as well as individual pieces. The volume is accompanied bya recording of all tunes performed by Kathryn Bennetts. German and French translations of all texts are available as pdf downloads from the Schott Music website as well as MP3 play-along tracks. Suitable for players of grades 3-8.
SKU: HL.48188112
UPC: 888680789770. 7.5x10.5 inches. French.
“Playing and Learning Soprano Recorder ' Volume 1 by Michel Sanvoisin is the first book of an anthology of classical pieces. Written for beginners, this method in English, German and French will enable them to acquire the seventeen notes most commonly played on the recorder. The additional notes are covered in a second book that also includes some revision work. It features pieces inspired by G. Gastoldi, Le Clerc, Pierre Attaingnant, William Byrd, John Dowland and G. P. Telemann among others. It is a great way to learn while playing nice pieces instead of just working on basic exercises. In addition to this method, Michel Sanvoisin also wrote one for Alto Recorder.&rdquo.
SKU: FJ.I-1054
ISBN 9781619280526. UPC: 674398232109. English.
In addition to the master fingering chart on the inside-front cover, a fingering chart of every new note appears on the page where the new notes are introduced. There are over 28 favorite Christmas classics appearing in level of difficulty. Many songs have lyrics to encourage students to sing alone or with others when not playing the recorder. Chord names are included for a guitarist or pianist. There are many opportunities for ensemble playing throughout the book: duets, SOLO and ALL designations, and a round. There are many musical Christmas activities sprinkled throughout the book.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043680-400
ISBN 9789043120647. German.
Recorder World is a new and colourful introduction to recorder playing, particularly suitable for very young children. The Great Wizard and his owl act as guides through the book. New notes and ideas are introduced gradually and reinforced by colourful stickers which can be used as each concept is presented. There are also games and pieces in two and three parts including both original and well known tunes. There is plenty here to keep young musicians interested and amused - an ideal start to a lifetime of musical activity. Book 3 introduces the idea of performing with others. This is done with the use of a play-along CD containing over 75 fantastictracks. All recorder players will have immense fun with this book. Includes a complete fingering chart which makes a great reference tool.English Edition: DHP 1043725-400, vol. 3 Blockflötenland ist eine phantasievolle, kindgerechte Schule in drei Bänden für Anfänger auf der Blockflöte und in der Musik. Hier eröffnet sich den Kindern eine neue, bunte Welt voll Musik, die sie mit ihrer Blockflöte erforschen. Von einem Zauberer und einer weisen Eule an die Hand genommen, machen sie hier ihre ersten musikalischen Schritte. Auf der Reise lernen sie Schritt für Schritt nicht nur, wie man auf der Blockflöte spielt, sondern auch das Noten lesen und wichtige Musikzeichen. Lustige Musikstücke, Rätsel, Spiele, bekannte Abzählreime und Lieder für einen oder mehrere Spieler sorgen für Spaß und Abwechslung auf dem Weg. Bei jedem neuen Griff oder Zeichen dürfendie kleinen Abenteurer in Band 1 den dazugehörigen Aufkleber aus dem mitgelieferten Sticker-Blatt selbst heraussuchen und einkleben. In Band 2 kündigt ein beiliegendes Plakat den Blockflötenzirkus an: Die Akteure sind natürlich die jungen Schüler, die hier allerlei Tricks und Spielereien auf der Blockflöte lernen. In Band 3 können die Schüler schon schwierigere Stücke und Lieder auf der beiliegenden CD anhören und dann zur separat eingespielten Begleitung selbst ausprobieren. Die CD kann auch gut zum Vorspielen der Lieder verwendet werden. Diese zusätzlichen Elemente machen diese Blockflötenschule zu einer echten Mitmach-Schule, die sowohl im Einzel- als auch Gruppenunterricht eingesetzt werden kann.
SKU: HL.50499261
ISBN 9790080147344. UPC: 884088949051. 12.0x8.25x0.414 inches. English.
Includes pieces by Janos Bali, Gyorgy Kurtag Jr., Andras Soos, and others. With detailed commentary, photos, and graphics. This book is a proclamation: it calls for artistic thinking that is intellectually liberated, musically appropriate to the material and appealing (that is, community-creating). It is addressed to those who in music do not merely look for the finished product, but are curious about the genesis and possibilities of music... --from book's foreword.
A collection of 16 colourful miniatures, in diverse styles, inspired by the seasons, an aviary of antipodean birds, places in Wales and Greece, jazz and folk music. Including challenging works by Alan Bullard, Nicholas Marshall, Michael Ball, John Turner, John Golland, Timothy Moore, and many others. This is a superb resource for the advanced player looking to expand their repertoire.
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