SKU: BT.DHP-1043680-400
ISBN 9789043120647. German.
Recorder World is a new and colourful introduction to recorder playing, particularly suitable for very young children. The Great Wizard and his owl act as guides through the book. New notes and ideas are introduced gradually and reinforced by colourful stickers which can be used as each concept is presented. There are also games and pieces in two and three parts including both original and well known tunes. There is plenty here to keep young musicians interested and amused - an ideal start to a lifetime of musical activity. Book 3 introduces the idea of performing with others. This is done with the use of a play-along CD containing over 75 fantastictracks. All recorder players will have immense fun with this book. Includes a complete fingering chart which makes a great reference tool.English Edition: DHP 1043725-400, vol. 3 Blockflötenland ist eine phantasievolle, kindgerechte Schule in drei Bänden für Anfänger auf der Blockflöte und in der Musik. Hier eröffnet sich den Kindern eine neue, bunte Welt voll Musik, die sie mit ihrer Blockflöte erforschen. Von einem Zauberer und einer weisen Eule an die Hand genommen, machen sie hier ihre ersten musikalischen Schritte. Auf der Reise lernen sie Schritt für Schritt nicht nur, wie man auf der Blockflöte spielt, sondern auch das Noten lesen und wichtige Musikzeichen. Lustige Musikstücke, Rätsel, Spiele, bekannte Abzählreime und Lieder für einen oder mehrere Spieler sorgen für Spaß und Abwechslung auf dem Weg. Bei jedem neuen Griff oder Zeichen dürfendie kleinen Abenteurer in Band 1 den dazugehörigen Aufkleber aus dem mitgelieferten Sticker-Blatt selbst heraussuchen und einkleben. In Band 2 kündigt ein beiliegendes Plakat den Blockflötenzirkus an: Die Akteure sind natürlich die jungen Schüler, die hier allerlei Tricks und Spielereien auf der Blockflöte lernen. In Band 3 können die Schüler schon schwierigere Stücke und Lieder auf der beiliegenden CD anhören und dann zur separat eingespielten Begleitung selbst ausprobieren. Die CD kann auch gut zum Vorspielen der Lieder verwendet werden. Diese zusätzlichen Elemente machen diese Blockflötenschule zu einer echten Mitmach-Schule, die sowohl im Einzel- als auch Gruppenunterricht eingesetzt werden kann.
SKU: FZ.5844
ISBN 9790230658447. 22.00 x 31.00 cm inches.
These original publications of Loeillet, Fischer, Haendel and Croft are in facsimile on Fac-similes et Enseignement collection. Loeillet John : XII Solos six for a common flute and six for a german flute with a thorough bass. London, Walsh and Hare, c. 1729. Sonata IV : Largo, Poco Allegro, Adagio, Allegro, Presto. Fischer Johann : Musikalisch Divertissement bestehend in einigen Ouverturen und Suiten mit 2 Stimmen auff Violen/Haubois oder Fleutes douces zu gebrauchen. Dresden, J. Riedeln, 1699/1700. Suite en sol mineur, Ouverture, Air, Menuet, Menuet, Chique, Bourree, Menuet, Menuet. Handel Georg Friedrich : Sonates pour un traversiere, un violon ou hautbois con basso continuo. Amsterdam, Roger, 1727. Sonata XI : Larghetto, Allegro, Siciliana, Allegro. Croft William : Six sonates or solos three for a violin and three for the flute with a thorough bass. London, Walsh and Hare, 1700. Sonata I. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. This facsimile was realized by Susi Mohlmeier and Frederique Thouvenot for recorder. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - Herzog August Library of Wolfenbuttel (Germany). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose period copies of classical music scores.
SKU: HL.48183478
For 1 or 2 soprano recorders and guitar.
SKU: FZ.5909
ISBN 9790230659093. 22.00 x 31.00 cm inches.
These original publications of Telemann, Dieupart, Mancini and Virgiliano are in facsimile on Fac-similes et Enseignement collection. Telemann Georg Philipp : Essercizii Musici. Hamburg, 1739. Solo 10 : Adagio, Allegro, Adagio, Allegro, Larghetto, Vivace. Dieupart Francois : Six Suittes de Clavessin. Amsterdam, Roger, 1701. 5e Suitte : Ouverture, Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gavotte, Menuet en Rondeau, Gigue. Mancini Francesco : XII Solos for a flute or a violin with a thorough bass. London, Walsh and Hare, 1727. Sonate VI : Largo, Allegro,Largo, Allegro. Virgiliano Aurelio : Il Dolcimelo. (s. d. n. l. , ca 1600). Ricercar per Flauto : Cornetto : Violino : Traversa. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. This facsimile was realized by Susi Mohlmeier and Frederique Thouvenot for recorder. Facsimile of copies from: - German National Library of Berlin (Germany). - Herzog August Library of Wolfenbuttel (Germany). - British Library of London (England). - Civico Museo Bibliographico Musicale of Bologna (Italy). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose period copies of classical music scores.
SKU: HL.14033070
Ten Tunes From Gilbert And Sullivan have been arranged for Recorder with Guitar accompaniment by John W. Duarte. The recorder part is presented here. Included are classic tunes from The Mikado, HMS Pinafore, The Pirates of Penzance and more!
John W. Duarte (1919-2004) was a British guitarist, composer, and music journalist. Having received a degree in Chemistry, his fascination with the endless possibilities of the Guitar caused him to abandon science in favour of music. Despite having never formally studied music, he is regarded as one of the foremost composers for Guitar of the 20th century.
SKU: BT.PB1163
Armstrong - Don't worry be Happy - El Condor pasa - It's a small World - La Chanson d'Orphée - La Cucaracha - La Foule - Le Petit Joueur de fl teau - Le Sud - Ma p'tite chanson - Mathilda - Mirza - The Bare Necessities - Un jour mon prince viendra - Yesterday.
SKU: FZ.5845
ISBN 9790230658454. 22.00 x 31.00 cm inches.
These original publications of Mancini, Telemann, Chedeville and Haendel are in facsimile on Fac-similes et Enseignement collection. Mancini Francesco : XII Solos for a flute or violin with a thorough bass. London, Walsh and Hare, 1727. Sonate XII : Allegro, Largo, Allegro. Telemann Georg Philipp : Der getreue Music-Meister. Hamburg, 1728. Neunzehnte Lection : Cantabile, Allegro, Grave, Vivace. Chedeville Nicolas : Il pastor fido. Sonates pour la musette, viole, flute, hautbois, violon, avec la basse continue. Paris, Bovin, 1737. Sonata VI : Vivace, Allabreve, Largo, Allegro ma non presto. Haendel Georg Friedrich : Sonates pour un traversiere, un violon ou hautbois con basso continuo. Amsterdam, Roger, 1727. Sonata VII : Larghetto, Allegro, Larghetto, Allegro. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. This facsimile was realized by Susi Mohlmeier and Frederique Thouvenot for recorder. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich (Germany). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose period copies of classical music scores.
SKU: M7.EPB-1020216
15 leicht gesetzte Songs für Blockflöte, z.B. Don't Worry, Be Happy, Yesterday, Mathilda und It's A Small World. Mit Playback-CD.
SKU: HL.49002270
ISBN 9790220100925. 8.75x11.5x0.048 inches.
Can also be done with 3 flutes.
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