SKU: BT.DHP-1135506-070
ISBN 9789043144810. 9x12 inches.
Instrumentation 1 - Conductor 1 - Alto Saxophone 1 1 - Alto Saxophone 2 1 - Tenor Saxophone 1 - Baritone Saxophone Additional Part 1 - Soprano Saxophone substitute for Alto Saxophone 1 Bohemian Rhapsody was een wereldwijde hit voor Queen in 1975/1976, en de heruitgave in 1991 werd ook een groot hitsucces. Het wordt algemeen beschouwd als één van de succesrijkste popnummers aller tijden. Met pop-, opera-, klassieke rapsodie-en rockelementen, is dit nummer een hele uitdaging voor klarinetensemble en saxofoonkwartet! Diesen Popsong der Gruppe QUEEN kennt eigentlich jeder - er zählt zu den wohl erfolgreichsten Hits aller Zeiten. Abwechslungsreich und voller Überraschungen springt die Melodie zwischen verschiedenen Stilen hin- und her. Ein Crossover mit vielenHerausforderung für alle Mitglieder des Ensembles. Lors de sa sortie dans les bacs, Bohemian Rhapsody, immense succès du groupe Queen, bouleversait les conventions : une chanson sans refrain, une ballade, des passages de hard rock, des traits d´opéra... Un concentré de bonheur musical pourEnsemble vent ! Instrumentation : Quatuor de Saxophones : Saxophone Soprano (ad Libitum) / Saxophone Alto / Saxophone Ténor / Saxophone Baryton .Bohemian Rhapsody, celebre per la sua struttura musicale con un´introduzione a cappella, un segmento in stile ballata che termina con un assolo di chitarra, un passaggio d´opera e una sezione rock, conobbe un enorme successo per il suoapproccio totalmente innovativo. L´ immenso successo della band Queen è un vero concentrato di piacere musicale! Strumentazione: Quartetto di sassofoni: Sassofono soprano (ad lib.) / Sassofono contralto / Sassofono tenore / Sassofono baritono.
SKU: PR.UE038023
UPC: 803452072836.
Something quite a bit different from the usual Christmas program fare, Bartok's collection of Romanian Christmas Carols springs from his lifelong fascination with folk music of the region. Bartok arranged several of these folk songs for the Christmas season into his original piano solos (UE005890), and van Zoelen has faithfully transcribed this into saxophone quartet. Series II presents ten folks tunes performed as a seamless whole. (Series I is available as UE037115.).