SKU: BT.DHP-1165767-400
ISBN 9789043151870. German.
Hören, lesen & spielen, die Bläserschule von heute, zeichnet sich unter anderem durch Ergänzungshefte mit genau auf das eigentliche Schulwerk abgestimmter Spielliteratur aus. Zu den vorhandenen Heften mit gemischter Sololiteratur (Liederspielbuch, Solospielbuch und Stilbuch) sowie den Ausgaben für kleine Ensembles aus gleichen Instrumenten (Duobuch und Triobuch) gesellt sich nun Weihnachten, eine Sammlung von Liedern für die Festtage, die zu jeder Lektion des Schulwerks mindestens ein passendes Lied enthält. Neben zahlreichen bekannten, schülergerecht ausgesuchten und arrangierten Liedern umfasst die Auswahl auch eineAnzahl eigens komponierter, sehr leichter Lieder passend zu den ersten Lektionen von Hören, lesen & spielen. Untermalt von den stimmungsvoll arrangierten Begleittracks auf der beigefügten CD, wird so Anfängern auf der Posaune selbst nach kurzer Unterrichtszeit die Möglichkeit für ein Vorspiel in weihnachtlicher Atmosphäre gegeben. Weihnachten kann kommen!
SKU: FG.55011-487-6
ISBN 9790550114876.
One of the big projects of Kalevi Aho (b. 1949) has been to create a virtuoso solo piece for every central instrument of the symphony orchestra. When the Italian Risuonanza Festival asked for a solo trombone piece, the composer was glad, because the trombone solo was still lacking from the Solo series. Kalevi Aho tells: I like the trombone as an instrument, and I had before the Solo XIII composed already two big trombone works. In my Symphony No. 9 (1994) I have used the trombone as a solo instrument - in the premiere the Swedish trombonist Christian Lindberg played its demanding solo part - and 2010 I composed also a big trombone concerto for the Dutch trombonist Jorgen van Rijen. In Solo XIII (2017) I could utilize my knowledge about the possibilities of the instrument. The piece is in one movement, but it includes several slower and faster sections. It is a virtuoso piece, but the virtuosity comes from the psychological contents of the work and its form is dramaturgically quite clear. Rocco Rescigno played the premiere at the Risuonanze Festival in Pasian di Prato, on 31 May 2019. The duration of the piece is c. 9 minutes.
SKU: CF.W2687
ISBN 9781491150955. UPC: 680160908455. 9x12 inches.
This new edition of Jean Baptiste Arban's Fourteen Characteristic Studies for Trombone, edited by Alan Raph, was specifically written to provide the student with suitable material with which to test his powers of endurance, according to Arban himself.The following fourteen studies have been specifically written to provide the student withsuitable material with which to test his powers of endurance. In taking up these studies, he willdoubtless be fatigued, especially at the outset, by those numbers requiring an unusual length ofbreath. However, through careful study and experience he will learn to overcome the difficultiesand will acquire the resources which will enable him to master this particular phase of playingwith ease. As a means to this end, attention is drawn to cantabile passages in particular, whichshould be played with the utmost expression, yet at the same time with as much modified toneas possible. On the cornet, as with the voice, clear tones may be obtained by widening thelips and veiled tones by contracting them. This happy circumstance allows the performer anopportunity to rest while still continuing to play, and at the same time enables him to introduceeffective contrasts into the execution. It should be noted that by little artifices of this kind, andby skillfully conserving his resources, the player will reach the end of the longest and mostfatiguing pieces, not only without difficulty, but even with a reserve of strength and power,which, when brought to bear on the final measures of a performance, never fails to impress anaudience.At this point my task as professor (using the written instead of the spoken word) willend. There are things which appear clear enough when stated verbally but which when writtendown on paper cause confusion, seem obscure, and even sometimes appear trivial.There are other things of such an elevated and subtle nature that neither speech norword can clearly explain them. They are felt, they are conceived, but they are not to be explained;and yet these things constitute the elevated style, the grand ecole, which it is my ambition toestablish for the cornet, just as they already exist for singing and for the various kinds of otherinstruments.Those of my readers who are ambitious and who want to attain this high level ofperfection, should above all things, always try to hear good music well interpreted. Theymust seek out, among singers and instrumentalists, the most illustrious models, and by doingthis purify their taste, develop their sentiments, and bring themselves as near as possible tothat which is beautiful. Perhaps then the innate spark which may someday be destined todemonstrate their own talent, will reveal itself and render them worthy of being, in their turn,cited and imitated in the future.
SKU: HL.44005140
ISBN 9789043120685. UPC: 073999223897. English-German-French-Dutch.
These book/CD packs feature cool tunes for those who haven't been plaing very long, but still intend to steal the show! Includes solos with accompaniment and accompaniment only on CD for each of the 23 pieces in the book.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084516-400
ISBN 9789043130134. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
The compositions of George Gershwin have a special place in jazz music. Every professional jazz musician knows the Gershwin songs. Although composed long ago - in the first half of the previous century - they remain ever popular. Simply because of the genius of the melodies, rhythms, and texts, the Gershwin tunes have transcended their original conception and are still extremely popular. In his own characteristic manner, Rik Elings has arranged these Gershwin melodies in a contemporary and interesting fashion. Everyone - amateur musicians, students of jazz, and audiences alike - will take pleasure in Elingâ??s inspiring exploration of the Gershwin oeuvre. Enjoy!Wer Jazz spielen will, kommt an Gershwin nicht vorbei! Für dieses Buch wählte Rik Elings die Juwelenâ?? aus dem Gershwin-Repertoire aus und bearbeitete sie in moderner Weise. Auf der CD sind sowohl komplette Demoversionen aller Titel als auch die Begleitungen zum Mitspielen enthalten. George Gershwin occupe une place particulière dans lâ??univers du jazz. Pour réaliser ce recueil, Rik Elings a réunit onze des plus beaux joyaux du répertoire de Gershwin. Les arrangements sont originaux, modernes et motivants. George Gerswhin occupa un posto particolare nell'universo del jazz. Per realizzare questa pubblicazione, Rik Elings ha riunito i gioielli del repertorio di Gershwin. Gli arrangiamenti sono originali, moderni e motivanti. Strumentisti e pubblico saranno coinvolti nell' esecuzione e nell'ascolto delle opere di George Gerswhin. Il CD propone una versione integrale di ogni brano, come anche una versione con il solo accompagnamento.
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