SKU: HL.14020976
UPC: 888680020262. 8.25x11.75x0.106 inches.
Challenging work for solo trumpet, which was commissioned by the International Trumpet Guild. It was first performed on the 23rd of June, 1999 at St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney at the St. Magnus Festival by John Wallace. Engravings are spread across double sheets so the player does not have to turn the page frequently. Duration: 11 minutes.
Priority Direct Import titles are specialty titles that are not generally offered for sale by US based retailers. These items must be obtained from our overseas suppliers. When you order a Priority Direct Import title, our overseas warehouse will ship it to you directly at the time of order, typically within one business day. However, the shipment time will be slower than items shipped from our US warehouse. It may take up to 2-3 weeks to get to you.
SKU: HL.49005369
ISBN 9790001057813. German.
Jazz ist Rhythmus und Improvisation. Diese Anleitung will den Weg weisen, wie sich jeder das Improvisieren aneignen kann. Von der einfachen Ubung bis zum vollendeten Chorus sind alle Schwierigkeitsgrade berucksichtigt. Daruber hinaus konnen zwei oder mehr Spieler verschiedener Instrumente sich durch gemeinsames Uben mit der Kollektiv-Improvisation vertraut machen. Fur diesen Zweck weisen die Ubungen gleicher Nummer bei allen Instrumenten dieselbe Harmoniefolge und dieselbe (klingende) Tonart auf.Der Erfolg wird sich einstellen, wenn die Besonderheiten des Rhythmus, die Regeln der Melodiebildung und die harmonischen Grundlagen des Jazz in den Schriften geschichte und Rhythmus und Harmonielehre aus der JAZZ-STUDIO-Reihe beachtet werden. - Die Melodiesammlung Old Folks at Home bietet zusatzlich fur das Uben der Improvisation vierzig bekannte Songs und Spirituals.
SKU: BR.DV-32027
ISBN 9790200425192. 9 x 12 inches.
Bicinia - unaccompanied duos - have been known to us from the fifteenth century onwards. So quite early on it was customary tu practise this type of musical exercise, which later, especially during the Romantic period, achieved great popularity as the duo or duett. Equal numbers of this sort of instrumental duo were composed for nearly all wind and string instruments. On the other hand, only a small amount of compositions for two trumpets have come down to us. In order to play any music which progresses beyond pure fanfare on a natural (valueless) trumpet, it is necessary to make use of the clarion register (the top third of the natural harmonic). And if such a melody is to be accompanied by a second part, only the few natural notes lying below it are left, or else this high register itself, which calls for great virtuosity on the part of the trumpeter. As well as this, we must remember the fact that trumpet-playing was only allowed for the trumpeters of a royal court, army, staff, or for the field-trumpeter of a prince, plus a few council, city, and church musicians, who were bound by strict guild and corporation rules. Thus in spite of the preference for its festive sound, the spread and handing down of trumpet music was almost reduced to nothing under these circumstances. As well as this, pride of place and profession rivalry and envy amongst musicians contributed in large part. In England the situation was somewhat freer. Here pretty little trumpet duos originated, including, amongst others, those written by Handel for his master-trumpeter Valentin Snow and the Royal Sergeant-trumpeters of the Shore family. An especially happy exception was the diocese of Olmiitz. Here there was a capable group of musicians of the chapel royal with the brilliantly talented group of trumpeters and the field-trumpeter Pavel Vajvanovsky, who also composed himself. These trumpeters in the service of his prince-bishop played many sacred and secular pieces, all for several instruments. It was for them also that Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber wrote the 12 double trumpet sonatas we present here. On the other hand, the representatives of the authorities in Germany ensured strict observation of all edicts and regulations. Even the celebrated Bach-trumpeter and towm-piper Gottfried Reiche was never allowed to be portrayed with a proper trumpet due to the priveleges of court and field trumpeters. In order to represent him as one of the greatest masters of his time and art, however, the painter placed an instrument similar to a corno-di-caccia in his hand, together with a sheet with a small piece for virtuoso clarion. When we try in spite of these difficulties and adverse circumstances to gather a collection of musically valuable and characteristic examples of popular pieces for two trumpets from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it is in the first, place in order to acquaint modern trumpeters with something of the wealth of music, which can also be well played on a modern trumpet with valves. The originally used trumpets correspond to modern ones in the keys of C and D, but this does not mean that many of the pieces cannot be transposed to a more comfortable register. On top of this, we have tried to give a picture of the baroque court and field trumpeter, as well as of the mysterious clarion trumpeter, with the help of musically popular material. The origin of most of the pieces used is no longer clearly discernable. In most cases we possess second- or third-hand copies which have been handed down, and show signs of frequent use. A few cases where modernization of the second part obviously did not take place until the invention of stops, have been re-shaped into their supposed original form. A series of further dynamic details were left, and marked as optional suggestions in brackets. Kurt Janetzkyz.T. mit Pauken und B.c.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196100-404
ISBN 9789043156806. German.
Musicals sind im Grunde genommen das, was früher Operetten waren: eine spannende Bühnenshow mit viel Musik, die bei Gro� und Klein für beste Unterhaltung sorgt! Viele Melodien aus den beliebtesten Musicals unserer Tage sindbereits selbst zu Klassikern geworden. In BläserKlasse Solo Musical lernen Schüler einige davon kennen: 14 der schönsten Titel aus internationalen Musical-Erfolgen sind hier versammelt.
Die Ausgabe ist alsSolo-Mitspielheft konzipiert und steht für mehrere BläserKlassen-Instrumente in eigens dafür eingerichteten Arrangements zur Verfügung. Schüler, die nach der bewährten BläserKlassen-Methode Essential Elements lernen, werdenauch hiermit bestens zurechtkommen, da zu jedem einzelnen Song genau angegeben ist, ab welcher Lektion der Methode er sich eignet. Die stilechten Begleitungen, die online im MP3-Format abgerufen werden können, lassen so richtigSpielspa� aufkommen.
SKU: BT.EMM116-048
Na het grote succes van de methode Horen, lezen & spelen hebben Michiel Oldenkamp en Jaap Kastelein hun aandacht gericht op lesmateriaal dat gebruikt kan worden in zowel de trompetles als in de orkestklas (blazersklas). Zij bedachten een compleet nieuwe methode voor jonge blazers en slagwerkers vanaf ongeveer 8 jaar oud. De methode is ontwikkeld in nauwe samenwerking met professionals uit de wereld van blazersklassen, muziekscholen en conservatoria in Nederland en Duitsland.
Samen leren samenspelen is een methode voor trompetles en orkestklas in één. In de leerlijn voor trompet ligt de nadruk op trompet-technische zaken zoals nieuwenoten en technische oefeningen. Deze lijn ondersteunt de leerlijn voor de orkestklas, waar meer algemene zaken, zoals ritme, melodie, vorm en samenspel aan bod komen.
De methode bestaat uit twee delen. In het eerste deel wordt er vanaf de eerste noten toegewerkt naar het spelen van duetten. In het tweede deel ligt de nadruk op het driestemmig samenspelen. Naast het lesboek biedt de uitgebreide website allerlei aanvullend materiaal zoals demo- en begeleidingstracks van alle stukken, aanvullend speelmateriaal en instructie-video’s. De logische opbouw en kindvriendelijke layout met mooie illustraties zorgen ervoor dat deze methode voor kinderen heel motiverend is.
SKU: BT.EMM117-068
SKU: BT.OKP117-128
ISBN 9781585604630. UPC: 649571102319.
Promises Wedding Classics published by Santorella Publications is the finest collection of wedding classics in print for wind instruments. This majestic assortment of classics for brass and reed instruments is sure to bring joy to any ceremony. Santorella's Promises Wedding Classics for Trumpet is arranged by Jonathon Robbins and edited by Tony Santorella. This beautiful blend of Classics is not only ideal for weddings, but a fantastic assortment of important works written by some of the greatest composers of all time. Although the majority of these titles were originally written for keyboard, we are sensitive towards the range restrictions of all brass and reed players yet true to the original melodies. This exceptional assortment of 12 key wedding titles is sure to set the mood to rejoice in holy matrimony. This best-selling Santorella Publication is written in accommodating keys for trumpet, clarinet, flute, alto sax, violin, and trombone and includes a piano accompaniment CD. Includes: Canon in D, Pachelbel - Two Minuets, Bach - Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven - Trumpet Voluntary, Purcell - Ode to Joy, Beethoven - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach - Bridal Chorus, Wagner - Wedding March, Mendelssohn - Grand March, Verdi - Simple Gifts, Brackett - Ave Maria, Bach - Ave Maria, Schubert.
SKU: M7.KMP-9172
ISBN 9789185791729. German. Anna Zetterlund.
Mit STARTKLAR 2 liegt nun eine inspirierende Fortsetzung von STARTKLAR 1, dem innovativen Anfängerkonzept für Bläserklassen, Gruppenunterricht und Orchester vor, die aber auch unabhängig vom ersten Band verwendet werden kann. STARTKLAR 2 beinhaltet harmonisch klingende drei- oder vierstimmige Arrangements, die sich für alle Ensemblegrößen eignen. Das Lerntempo bei STARTKLAR 2 lässt sich individuell gestalten. Die 42 Stücke bauen auf einem Tonvorrat von lediglich 10 Tönen auf und bieten durch die mehrstimmigen Arrangements trotzdem die Möglichkeit zur deutlichen Erweiterung des Tonumfangs. Alle Stücke sind auf der dazugehörigen CD von professionellen Musikern eingespielt - das macht STARTKLAR 2 einzigartig. STARTKLAR 2 bietet somit die besten Voraussetzungen für Musizieren mit Spaß und Erfolg!