SKU: CF.W548
ISBN 9781491149348. UPC: 680160906840. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Eb major.
Considered by many to be the best cornet player of all time, Herbert L. Clarke left a legacy of superior musicianship through his famous studies. The term Nereid refers to the sea nymphs of Greek mythology who accompanied Poseidon, providing aid and comfort to sailors in distress or who were in battle on the high seas.
SKU: BR.MN-9603D
ISBN 9790004790724. 11.5 x 8.5 inches.
Von grosser Spontanitat, uberraschenden Effekten und einer wirkungsvollen Spielfreude gekennzeichnet, verbindet Widmer hier die definierte kompositorische Form mit der freien formalen Gestaltung. Basiert auf brasilianischen Rhythmen und Volksliedern.