SKU: PR.114422690
UPC: 680160684809. 9 x 12 inches.
In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont,Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists thegift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided withstudio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I havebeen in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previousexperiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 peopleliving within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up forabundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcardsfrom Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects ofmy residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet,was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lightsdimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie.This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made forcolleagues and friends.In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont, Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists the gift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided with studio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I have been in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previous experiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a 20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 people living within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up for abundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcards from Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects of my residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet, was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lights dimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie. This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made for colleagues and friends.In 2014, I enjoyed a wonderful residence at the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont,Wyoming. Ucross is an artist colony that gives writers, composers, and visual artists thegift of time, space, and support to follow their artistic pursuits; we are provided withstudio space, housing, and meals so that we can work continuously on our projects. I havebeen in residence at numerous artist colonies; however, nothing in my previousexperiences prepared me for living in such isolated, wild country. Ucross is situated on a20,000-acre cattle ranch at nearly 4,000 feet in elevation with fewer than 150 peopleliving within the town. But what Clearmont lacks in population, it makes up forabundantly and spectacularly in wilderness and wildlife. I composed the sextet Postcardsfrom Wyoming to offer three glimpses of what I found to be the most striking aspects ofmy residence. The Solitude of Stars, the third and final movement of the original sextet,was inspired by the stunning nightly display of the heavens above. Without city lightsdimming the night sky, countless stars shone brightly over the vast expanse of the prairie.This edition is part of The Solitude of Stars Project that I undertook during the 2020COVID-19 pandemic, which consists of a series of arrangements that I made forcolleagues and friends.
SKU: HL.51481539
UPC: 196288308164. 9.25x12.0x0.16 inches.
During a concert tour through California in early 1920, Prokofiev composed five songs with piano accompaniment and textless voice parts, which appeared in print as Five Songs without Words op. 35 and with a dedication to the soprano Nina Koshetz. The quasi-instrumental conception of the work as vocalises accompanied by piano suggested an arrangement for violin and piano, which the composer then indeed undertook in 1925. Enriched with octave transpositions, double stops, harmonics and pizzicati, the violin part of the five pieces gained an enormous variety of additional expressive possibilities. No wonder the Five Melodies op. 35a today number among the Russian master's most popular chamber music works! Henle is publishing them for the first time as an Urtext edition based on all available sources. Simon Morrison, a true Prokofiev specialist, contributed the preface.
About Henle Urtext
What I can expect from Henle Urtext editions:
SKU: BT.DHP-1043625-404
ISBN 9789043161763. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Study and Play is ideal for developing your playing in an enjoyable and musically sound way. Each edition within this concept features audio recordings to add something extra to your study routine.When you play thisConcertino you will be able to practise at a slower study tempo, as well as the normal tempo, so that you can work on your violin playing in a more concentrated way whilst improving your insight into the music. You cancontinue to study in this goal-orientated way until you have achieved the desired result.
The title of this piece suggests a concert situation: playing a solo partwith accompaniment. There are thousands of such works for theviolin but many of these cannot be tackled until you have been playing for a considerable time. Concertino in Russian Style Opus 35 enables you to gain necessary experience for this type of playing: namely having sufficientmusical and technical control over your instrument whilst having the support of an accompanist during performance. This carefully chosen concertino will enrich your repertoire. Dit fraaie concertino in Russische stijl van Alexei Janschinow is leerzaam én prachtig om te spelen. Kortom, een fraaie aanvulling op uw repertoire. Deze boeken zijn gemaakt binnen het Study and Play-concept, dat de leerlinghelpt om zijn/haar spel op een plezierige en verantwoorde manier te ontwikkelen. Bij elke uitgave onder deze noemer worden begeleidingsopnames meegeleverd die iets extraââ¬â¢s toevoegen aan de studie-methode. Deze opnames bieden demogelijkheid om te studeren in zowel het gewone tempo als een rustig oefentempo. De verzorgde set bestaat verder steeds uit een vioolpartij en pianopartij.Study and Play ist das ideale Konzept, um auf vergnügliche und sinnvolle Weise ein gutes Spiel zu entwickeln. Jedem Buch mit diesem Konzept sind Begleitaufnahmen beigefügt, welche die tägliche ÃÅbungsroutine individuellergänzen. Mit Hilfe dieser Aufnahmen kann das Concertino im langsameren ÃÅbetempo sowie auch im normalen Tempo gespielt werden, sodass man sich zunächst ganz auf das Violinspiel konzentrieren kann und dabei die Musik kennenlernt. So kann zielgerichtet geübt werden, bis das gewünschte Ergebnis erreicht wird.
Der Titel dieses Stückes beschreibt die Situation in einem Konzert: Es wird ein Solo mit Begleitung gespielt. Solche Werke gibt es zutausenden für Violine, viele können jedoch erst nach vielen Jahren Spielerfahrung gemeistert werden. Mit Concertino in Russian Style Opus 35 kann man wichtige Erfahrungen mit genau dieser Art des Spiels sammeln, nämlichausreichend musikalische und technische Beherrschung über das Instrument zu erlangen und gleichzeitig mit der Unterstützung eines Pianisten spielen zu können. Dieses sorgfältig ausgewählte Concertino ist auf jeden Fall eineBereicherung Ihres Repertoires. Study and Play est le concept idéal pour développer votre jeu dans un environnement plaisant et solidement structuré. Chaque recueil basé sur ce concept est accompagné des enregistrements audio qui apportent un plus votreroutine de travail. Ces enregistrements vous permettent de jouer ce Concertino tant dans le tempo normal que dans un tempo dââ¬â¢Ã©tude plus lent afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer plus amplement sur votre technique de jeutout en ayant un meilleur aperçu de la structure de la pièce. Vous pouvez continuer travailler dans cette optique jusquââ¬â¢ ce que vous ayez atteint le résultat souhaité.
Le titre de la pièce évoque le contexte dââ¬â¢unconcert : lââ¬â¢interprétation dââ¬â¢une partie soliste avec accompagnement. On compte des milliers dââ¬â¢oeuvres similaires pour violon mais un grand nombre dââ¬â¢entre elles ne peuvent être abordées sans expérience et pratique musicalesconsidérables. Concertino in Russian Style Opus 35 vous permet dââ¬â¢acquérir lââ¬â¢expérience nécessaire lââ¬â¢interprétation de ce genre de pièces, cââ¬â¢est- -dire être capable de dominer les aspects techniques et musicaux propres votre instrument tout en ayant le soutien dââ¬â¢un accompagnateur lors de lââ¬â¢interprétation. Choisi avec soin, ce Concertino enrichira votre répertoire. Study and Play è il concetto ideale per sviluppare il vostro modo di suonare in un contesto piacevole e solidamente strutturato. Le registrazione di accompagnamento vi permettono di suonare sia a tempo normale che più lento,al fine di migliorare la concentrazione sullo studio della tecnica e avere un migliore approccio con le varie parti del brano. Le parti dellââ¬â¢accompagnamento al pianoforte incluse nelle pubblicazioni (versione cartacea) vipermettono di suonare con un pianista accompagnatore.
SKU: YM.GTW01100445
ISBN 9784636103052. 8.5 x 12 inches.
Here, you can enjoy the beautiful Japanese classic tunes expressing the changing seasonal sentiments in this book. It features 25 songs, mainly nursery rhymes, children's songs, and shoka songs, and it comes with a karaoke CD of piano accompaniment. Please enjoy these wonderful arrangements, which are perfect for recitals and concerts.
SKU: MA.EMR-49899
1. Once Upon A Time In A Wonderful Kingdom / 2. Celtic Variations / 3. Caribbean Adventure / 4. Ancient Dances / 5. A Fairy Tale.