SKU: HL.50601575
ISBN 9781540040084. UPC: 888680896676. 9.0x12.0x0.059 inches.
According to legend, Tolenas Springs, in Solano County, CA was once known as The Land of the Healing Waters due to the restorative powers of the water. This beautiful descriptive work begins with a slow, lyrical melody reminiscent of the flowing water, followed with the music evolving into a faster, heroic theme stated by the brass. The piece culminates in a riveting conclusion suggesting the healing waters washing over us. (Grade 4) Dur: 4:30.
SKU: BT.AMP-454-140
Songs from Across the Water was commissioned by Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds - Phil Evans, Founder and Director. Phil Evans hails from the UK and served for 25 years in the Band of HM Royal Marines. Now resident in the USA he founded Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds in 2008, giving them the tag line ‘An American Band with a British Accent’, as he wanted to combine the best of both countries’ band traditions. With this in mind, composer Philip Sparke decided to create a suite of British folk songs, scored with an American influence to fulfil the philosophy of the band’s tag line. The three movements, which are played without a break, are based on the following folk songs,which come from all corners of the British Isles: The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the Clear Air and The Piper o’ Dundee & Men of Harlech. Songs from Across the Water werd geschreven in opdracht van de Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds, waarvan Phil Evans de oprichter en tevens de dirigent is. Phil Evans is geboren en getogen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, hij was 25 jaar lang lid van de Band of HM Royal Marines. Tegenwoordig woont hij in de VS, waar hij in 2008 de Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds oprichtte, met als motto ‘An American band with a British Accent’ (Een Amerikaans blaasorkest met een Brits accent), aangezien hij de blaasmuziektradities uit beide landen wilde combineren. Met dit gegeven in zijn achterhoofd creëerde componist Philip Sparke een suite van Britse folksongs, georkestreerd met een Amerikaanse invloedom de filosofie achter het eerdergenoemde motto eer aan te doen. De drie delen, die zonder onderbreking worden gespeeld, zijn gebaseerd op de volgende folksongs, die afkomstig zijn uit alle hoeken van de Britse Eilanden: The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the Clear Air en The Piper o’ Dundee & Men of Harlech. Songs from Across the Water wurde von den Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds in Auftrag gegeben, deren Gründer und Leiter Phil Evans ist. Phil Evans stammt aus dem Vereinigten Königreich und spielte 25 Jahre lang im Blasorchester der HM Royal Marines. Inzwischen lebt er in den USA und gründete 2008 die Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds, denen er den Beinamen An American band with a British Accent“ (Ein amerikanisches Blasorchester mit einem britischen Akzent“) gab, da er das Beste aus der Blasorchester-Tradition beider Länder miteinander vereinen wollte. Aus diesem Grund hat der Komponist Philip Sparke eine Suite aus britischen Volksliedern komponiert, wobei dieInstrumentierung einen amerikanischen Einfluss hat, um so die Philosophie des Orchesterbeinamens zu verwirklichen. Die drei Sätze, die ohne Pause gespielt werden, basieren auf den folgenden Volksliedern, die aus allen Gegenden der britischen Inseln stammen: The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the Clear Air sowie The Piper o’ Dundee & Men of Harlech. Songs from Across the Water est une commande du Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds et de Phil Evans, fondateur et directeur. Phil Evans est originaire du Royaume-Uni où il a joué dans l’orchestre des HM Royal Marines pendant 25 ans. Vivant désormais aux Etats-Unis, il y a fondé le Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds en 2008 et lui a donné le slogan « un orchestre américain l’accent britannique », aspirant combiner les meilleures traditions d’harmonies des deux pays. Avec cette idée l’esprit, le compositeur Philip Sparke a décidé de créer une suite de chansons folkloriques britanniques, orchestrées l’influence américaine en rapport avec la philosophie du groupe. Les troismouvements qui s’enchaînent reposent sur les trois chansons folkloriques suivantes, qui viennent de tous les coins des Îles Britanniques : The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the Clear Air et The Piper o’ Dundee & Men of Harlech.
SKU: HL.14041307
ISBN 9788759819333. 10.25x14.5x0.052 inches.
Waterways (Vandveje) - Three Pieces for Piano by Per Nørgård (2008-09).
Written for Anne Marie Fjord Abildskov.
Preface / Programme NoteThe three small piano pieces collectively called WATERWAYS was composed in 2008-2009 for Anne Marie Fjord Abildskov and they are dedicated to her.You will hear traces of earlier piano works of mine – GROOVING from 1968 and ACHILLEUS AND THE TORTOISE from 1983 – in these new pieces.
The first movement is characterized by echo-like sounds, which also appear in GROOVING. Semitones are overlayered and soundsimultaniously, and then they are muted one by one to give a reminiscence of the initial sound. In this new movement an extra echo is added, like an extra skim of the stoneacross the water surface – three skims, actually.
In the second movement you may hear traces of ACHILLEUS AND THE TORTOISE. The left and right hand both play arpeggio-like scale patterns. The music is shimmering, like a moiré on a water surface, with constantly changing, very short durations.In the third movement the pattern of irregular durations is maintained and expanded, but only in fragments – and you may catch a glimpse of a new melody emerging.
Per Nørgård
SKU: HL.457112
UPC: 781462218591. 14.0x23.25x12.5 inches.
Hurricane 1800 Flex offers DMX control with adjustable 180-degrees angles. A wired timer remote (FC-T) is a standard feature; a wireless remote (FC-W) is also available. Its Always Ready technology provides fog on demand. This water-based fogger also comes with a low fluid indicator and automatic shut down, and works with water-based Fog Juice and Platinum Fog Fluid to fill a venue within minutes.
SKU: HL.44013099
UPC: 888680745387.
Songs from Across the Water was commissioned by Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds - Phil Evans, Founder and Director. Phil Evans hails from the UK and served for 25 years in the Band of HM Royal Marines. Now resident in the USA he founded Pennsylvania Symphonic Windsin 2008, giving them the tag line An American Band with a British Accent , as he wanted to combine the best of both countries bandtraditions. With this in mind, composer Philip Sparke decided to create a suite of British folk songs, scored with an American influence to fulfil the philosophy of the band s tag line. The three movements, which are played without a break, are based on the following folk songs, which come from all corners of the British Isles: The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the ClearAir and The Piper o Dundee & Men of Harlech.
SKU: HL.44013098
Songs from Across the Water was commissioned by Pennsylvania Symphonic Winds - Phil Evans, Founder and Director. Phil Evans hails from the UK and served for 25 years in the Band of HM Royal Marines. Now resident in the USA he founded Pennsylvania Symphonic Windsin 2008, giving them the tag line An American Band with a British Accent, as he wanted to combine the best of both countries bandtraditions. With this in mind, composer Philip Sparke decided to create a suite of British folk songs, scored with an American influence to fulfil the philosophy of the bands tag line. The three movements, which are played without a break, are based on the following folk songs, which come from all corners of the British Isles: The Three Ravens & The Cruiskeen Lawn, The Lark in the ClearAir and The Piper o Dundee & Men of Harlech.
ISBN 9781737795353. 8.75X11.75 inches.
This is a collection of 86 guitar solos in notation only from William Bayâ??s books, Solo Guitar in Worship, Communion, Psalms, Timeless Gospel Melodies and Spirituals. The solos work well as preludes, offertories, communion hymns, recessionals or they can be played for enjoyment. All 86 solos have been recorded and are available as online downloads with this book.
SKU: BT.DHP-0960774-010
9x12 inches.
Deep Purple are one of the most famous rock bands of all time. This medley is an essential piece of Concert Band repertoire. Keep on rocking with this powerful arrangement which includes Burn, Highway Star and Smoke on the Water. Een flitsende medley van drie hits van de rockband Deep Purple, die eind jaren zestig werd opgericht. De jaren zeventig vormden de hoogtijdagen voor de groep. Er zijn in de loop der tijd wat wisselingen geweest in de bezetting, maarDeep Purple bestaat nog steeds. De in deze medley verwerkte nummers (Burn, Highway Star en Smoke on the Water) stammen uit de succesperiode.
SKU: BT.DHP-1216339-070
ISBN 9789043161039. English-German-French-Dutch.
Harry Styles' Watermelon Sugar was a summer hit in 2020 and proved to be a fun song to groove to! This arrangement was made by the renowned German recorder soloist and teacher Ralf Bienioschek for his special Ralf Bienioschek Signature Editionâ?? series. The arrangement is for a standard quartet of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Great Bass Recorder, with additional parts provided Bass Recorder and Sub Bass (Contrabass) Recorder. Optional parts for (Electric) Piano, (Electric) Guitar, Western Guitar, Electric Bass Guitar, (Electric) Drum Set, Cajon/Shaker, Cowbell and a playback (available on our website are also included. You can also find a Score Play demo and a How to play video on our YouTube channel Hal Leonard Europe Ensemble. There are several ways to play the song. In principle, many options are conceivable, e.g. - with a band: (E)-Piano, (E)-Guitar, Western Guitar, E-Bass Guitar, (E)-Drum Set, Cowbell - with an acoustic band: Western Guitar, E-Bass Guitar, Cajon/Shaker, Cowbell - or just with the Recorders, a Western Guitar and with (or without) the playback. Have fun with it! Watermelon Sugar van Harry Styles, een groovy song waar het plezier van afstraalt, was in 2020 een grote zomerhit. Dit arrangement werd geschreven door de gerenommeerde Duitse blokfluitsolist en -docent Ralf Bienioschek, speciaal voor zijn serie Ralf Bienioschek Signature Edition. Het arrangement is geschreven voor een standaardkwartet van sopraan-, alt-, tenor- en grootbasblokfluit, met aanvullende partijen voor basblokfluit en contrabasblokfluit. Er worden ook optionele partijen voor (elektrische) piano, (elektrische) gitaar, westerngitaar, elektrische basgitaar, (elektrische) drumset, cajon/shaker, cowbell en een playbackversie (beschikbaar op onze website meegeleverd. Op ons YouTube-kanaal Hal Leonard Europe Ensemble zijn een demo met partituur en een How to play-video te vinden. Er zijn verschillende opzetten mogelijk om de song te spelen, bijvoorbeeld - met een band: (e)-piano, (e)-gitaar, westerngitaar, e-basgitaar, (e)-drumset, cowbell - met een akoestische band: westerngitaar, e-basgitaar, cajon/shaker, cowbell - of met alleen de blokfluiten, een westerngitaar en met (of zonder) de playbackversie. Heel veel plezier! Harry Styles' Song Watermelon Sugar war 2020 ein Sommerhit und es macht einfach SpaÃ?, den Song zu spielen. Der renommierte deutsche Blockflötist und Lehrer Ralf Bienioschek hat dieses Arrangement für seine Serie Ralf Bienioschek Signature Editionâ?? erstellt. Das Arrangement ist für ein Standardquartett mit Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- und GroÃ?bassblockflöte gedacht, mit zusätzlichen Stimmen für Bassblockflöte und Subbassblockflöte. Optionale Stimmen für (elektronisches) Klavier, (elektrische) Gitarre, Westerngitarre, E-Bass, (elektronisches) Drumset, Cajón/Shaker, Cowbell und ein Play-back (verfügbar auf unserer Website sind ebenfalls enthalten. Auf unserem YouTube-Kanal Hal Leonard Europe Ensemble finden Sie auch ein Score Play Demoâ?? (Partitur mit Probeaufnahme) und ein How to playâ??-Video (Erklärvideo zu dem Arrangement). Es gibt unterschiedliche Besetzungsmöglichkeiten, um den Song zu spielen, z. B.: - mit einer Band: (E-)Piano, (E-)Gitarre, Westerngitarre, E-Bass, (E-)Drumset, Cowbell - mit einer Akustikband: Westerngitarre, E-Bass, Cajón/Shaker, Cowbell - oder einfach nur mit Blockflöten, einer Westerngitarre und mit (oder ohne) Play-back Viel SpaÃ? beim Musizieren! Watermelon Sugar, la chanson de Harry Styles, est un tube de lâ??été 2020 et son rythme funky est irrésistible. Cet arrangement a été réalisé par Ralf Bienioschek, un célèbre soliste et professeur de fl te bec allemand, pour sa série « Ralf Bienioschek Signature Edition ». Lâ??arrangement est destiné un quatuor standard comprenant soprano, alto, ténor et grande-basse, avec des parties supplémentaires fournies pour basse et soubasse (contrebasse). Le présent ouvrage comprend des parties optionnelles pour piano (électrique), guitare (électrique), guitare western, basse électrique, batterie (électronique), cajon/shaker, cloche et un play-back (tous disponibles sur notre site web Vous trouverez aussi une démo Score Play et une vidéo « Comment jouer » sur notre chaîne YouTube Hal Leonard Europe Ensemble. Cette pièce peut être interprétée de différentes manières. En principe, de nombreuses options sâ??offrent vous, par exemple : - avec un groupe amplifié: clavier, guitare et basse électriques, guitare western, batterie électronique, cloche - avec un groupe acoustique: guitare western, basse électrique, cajon/shaker, cloche - ou simplement fl tes bec et guitare western avec ou sans le play-back. Jâ??espère que vous prendrez plaisir jouer cet arrangement !
SKU: HL.1454827
UPC: 196288209249. 6.75x10.5 inches.
Two folksongs from different origins are expertly paired in this setting for SAB choirs. Gospel harmonies and an underlying rhythmic groove add contemporary flair!
SKU: HL.1135273
UPC: 196288113041. 6.75x10.5x0.036 inches.
This arrangement of the beloved spiritual makes a great addition to middle school and community treble choirs, with its dynamic vocal parts and spirited piano accompaniment. The water image reminds us that water is not only a life-sustaining resource, but also a cleansing agent.
SKU: HL.159231
UPC: 888680616816. 6.75x10.5 inches.
Global superstar Adele has broken all records with her new album 25 and this single exceeds all expectations with a light island feel over the inviting synth pop groove. Singers will love performing this mesmerizing hit in concert!
SKU: HL.159233
UPC: 888680616830. 5.0x5.0x0.155 inches.
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