SKU: BR.OB-15106-15
ISBN 9790004339183. 10 x 12.5 inches.
The editorial quality of the new edition is guaranteed not only by Schiff's sensitive fingerings and stylistically well-grounded cadenzas, but also by the Mozart scholar Norbert Gertsch to whom Henle has entrusted its urtext editions.Breitkopf/Henle cooperation means: Each work is edited according to predetermined standardized editorial guidelines. First and foremost among the sources consulted were Mozart's handwritten scores, being the most important sources. In some cases they had not been available when the previous editions were being prepared. Moreover, we know today that in addition to Mozart's own manuscripts, early copies in parts and prints also contain important information regarding the musical text.Die Editionen werden den Intentionen des Komponisten so weit wie moglich gerecht. Gemass Mozarts Anweisungen in den Autographen ist beispielsweise im unteren Klaviersolosystem sowohl der Partituren als auch der Klavierauszuge durchgangig die Bassstimme des Orchesters wiedergegeben. (Andreas Friesenhagen, FonoForum)L'interet particulier de cette nouvelle edition reside dans les notations complementaires des parties de violon ayant pour source la premiere execution de l'oeuvre par Joseph Joachim et Robert Hausmann avec, tres probablement, l'autorisation du compositeur, ces notes de jeu refletant les pratiques de l'epoque. (Crescendo).
SKU: M7.BP-1254
ISBN 9790015125409.
Endlich können sich an diesem bisher unveröffentlich gebliebenen Schwesterwerk zur grossen C-Dur-Sonate (Amadeus BP 2581) alle Bratscher gütlich tun: ein Feuerwerk an Technik und Gesang.
SKU: TM.00925SET
Clarinets in A. Solo.
SKU: BR.EB-9432
ISBN 9790004189092. 0 x 0 inches.
Duration: full evening Text by the composer basesd on E.T.A. Hoffmann's tale of the same name from Serapionsbrudern Translation: ital. (G. Trampus), La sposa sorteggiata Place and time: Berlin, um 1820 Characters: Der Kommissionsrat Voswinkel (baritone) - Albertine, his daughter (mezzo-soprano) - Thusman, Freier (tenor) - Edmund Lehsen, paintor, Freier (tenor) - Baron Bensch, Freier (tenor) - the goldsmith Leonhard (baritone) - the jew Manasse (bass) - the valet Voswinkels - crowd, a Chancre (silent parts) In Busoni's musical evolution, this work marks an important phase of radical change after works inspired by Brahms and Verdi. The composer's compositional style became increasingly revolutionary between the sketch of the shport score (1908) and the completion of the orchestral score (1911).Busoni took the greatest care in preparing the definitive form of the work. He asserted that there was invention in every bar, and assigned an important role to the use of music from other sources: the Hebrew march from Rossini's Mose, for example, or a German dance by Mozart, military music, American-Indian pentatonic music, Gregorian plainchant, melodies from the synagogue and even quotes from his own works. With these stylistic means, Busoni followed Hoffmann's serapiontic principle and came closer to his idea of a timeless world music without borders.
SKU: TM.00925SC
SKU: BT.DHP-1002302-400
A collection of 15 fairly easy pieces in a variety of pop and folkstyles with play-along CD. Titles include: Bossa for Rosa, Greetingsfrom Jamaica, Hey Sheriff, The Gypsy Fiddler and many more. Fünfzehn kurze Stücke verschiedener Stilrichtungen für alle jungen Bläser mit ca. 2 - 3 Jahren Spielerfahrung. Auf der beigefügten CD wird das Stück komplett vorgespielt, dann kommt ein Track nur mit der Begleitung. Ganz nebenbei übt der Musiker richtige Artikulationsweisen, Ausdruck und Rhythmik und hat auch noch Spa� dabei. Pop and Folk contiene quindici composizioni originali piene di freschezza e di umorismo, scritte negli stili più variati. Gli strumentisti con alle spalle due o tre anni di studio troveranno molto divertente interpretare questi brevi pezzi con un accompagnamento musicale su CD che consentir loro di suonare con un vero gruppo!
SKU: BR.OB-15106-30
ISBN 9790004339220. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: BT.DHP-1002447-401
ISBN 9789043113489. English.
This volume includes a series of short varied pieces that are suitable for performance or as additional material to any method book.This book is supplementary material for the second method book in the Look, Listen and Learn series. Per dare la possibilit allâ??allievo di migliorare in modo più completo lâ??apprendimento dello strumento, il volume 2 della serie Ascolta, leggi and suona è affiancato da questa pubblicazione che propone brani originali srcitti appositamente per migliorare aspetti fondamentali della musica: il fraseggio, i respiri, le dinamiche ed il tempo.
SKU: HL.49032029
ISBN 9790001064965. German.
SKU: BR.OB-15123-23
ISBN 9790004340493. 10 x 12.5 inches.
The C major Concerto K. 503 was held in particularly high esteem by Mozart, who, for example, put it on the program of his subscription concert at Leipzigs Gewandhaus in 1789, three years after it was written. This new edition is based on the autograph and also takes into account the first edition published by Constanze Mozart at her own cost in 1797.The editorial quality of the new edition is guaranteed not only by Schiffs sensitive fingerings and stylistically well-grounded cadenzas, but also by the Mozart scholar Ernst Herttrich to whom Henle has entrusted its urtext editions.Breitkopf/Henle cooperation means: Each work is edited according to predetermined standardized editorial guidelines. First and foremost among the sources consulted were Mozarts handwritten scores, being the most important sources. In some cases they had not been available when the previous editions were being prepared. Moreover, we know today that in addition to Mozarts own manuscripts, early copies in parts and prints also contain important information regarding the musical text.
SKU: HL.49032036
ISBN 9790001065030. UPC: 842819113201. German.
SKU: BR.EB-10787
In Cooperation with G. Henle VerlagEB 10787 is printed in score form; two copies are needed for performance.Our edition EB 8579 contains Ferrucci Busoni's cadenzas for the Piano Concerto in C majo. Solo concerto; Classical. Piano reduction. 68 pages. Duration 28'. Breitkopf and Haertel #EB 10787. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.EB-10787).
ISBN 9790201807874. 9.5 x 12 inches.
Composed under pressure, edited in peace: K. 491In spring 1786 Mozart was under pressure: he had only two weeks between the composition and first performance of the C-minor Piano Concerto K. 491. It is no wonder that the autograph was written very hastily and the piano part occasionally only sketched. Mozart, who played the solo part at the premiere, still thought about it later. During subsequent revisions of the piano part, he caused a certain amount of confusion through corrected versions and parallel versions. Editor Ernst Herttrich thus faced great challenges when preparing the Breitkopf Urtext edition, especially since printed editions were only published posthumously. But since they contain readings that play an important role in the reception of the work, they were included in the new edition as variants.
SKU: HL.50482136
UPC: 073999828047. 0.087 inches.
ISBN 9788884004536. Italian.
SKU: BT.AMP-322-010
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Named after the leaf displayed on Canada’s flag, Maple Leaf Overture was composed specifically to open a Canadian school’s symphonic band tour of England. A short fanfare during the overture smoothly transitions to a jazzy, syncopated section. The main theme is first played by the horns and saxophones, and then by the entire ensemble. This lively theme then alternates with a slower second theme, building momentum before a brisk coda culminates in a rousing finale!Maple Leaf Overture gaat natuurlijk over het bekendste herkenningsteken van Canada: het blad van de esdoorn, in de vlag. Sparke componeerde dit openingswerk speciaal voor een Canadees schoolorkest uit Calgary, voor hun tour door Groot-Brittannië.Een korte fanfare gaat in deze ouverture naadloos over in een jazzachtig, syncopisch vivo. Eerst nemen de hoorns en saxofoons het hoofdthema voor hun rekening. Daarna speelt het hele orkest dit thema. Spanning ontstaatwanneer het snelle hoofdthema een langzaam tweede deel afwisselt. Daarna keert het snelle hoofdthema weer terug. Een snel coda beëindigt de ouverture. Maple Leaf Overture: feestelijk en sprankelend!Maple Leaf Overture trägt das kanadische Wahrzeichen, das Ahornblatt im Titel. Eine kurze Fanfare geht in dieser Ouvertüre nahtlos in eine jazzig synkopiertes Vivo über. Das Hauptthema dürfen erst die Hörner und Saxophone vorstellen, dann spielt das gesamte Blasorchester. Es entsteht Spannung durch den Wechsel zwischen dem schnellen Hauptthema, einem langsameren zweiten Thema und zurück, bevor eine schnellere Coda das Werk beendet.Maple Leaf Overture porte l’emblème du Canada (la feuille d’érable) jusque dans son titre… Ce morceau, composé par Philip Sparke, a été joué par l’Orchestre Symphonique du Lycée de Calgary dans le cadre de sa tournée en Angleterre. La pièce s’ouvre avec une fanfare maestoso, puis un passage en tempo vivo introduit peu peu des rythmes syncopés de style jazzy. Un motif plus doux nous conduira progressivement vers un apogée où le thème central réapparaît. Le morceau se termine par une brève référence la fanfare d’ouverture, suivie d’une rapide coda.Maple Leaf Overture, il cui titolo riporta all’emblema della bandiera canadese (la foglia di acero), è un brano commissionato a Philip Sparke dall’Orchestra Sinfonica di un liceo di Calgary che l’ha eseguita in occasione di una serie di concerti tenutisi in Inghilterra. Il brano apre con una fanfara maestosa che alterna fraseggi affidati alle varie sezioni della banda. Questa successione omogenea in un tempo vivo introduce progressivamente ritmi sincopati in stile jazz. Un tema principale, all’inizio eseguito dai corni e dai sassofoni, sar in seguito ripreso da tutto l’organico. Segue un motivo più dolce che si intercala progressivamente verso un’apoteosi nella qualeviene riproposto il tema principale. Il brano si conclude con un breve richiamo alla fanfara di apertura, seguita da una rapida coda.
SKU: BR.OB-15123-30
In Cooperation with G. Henle VerlagEB 10825 is printed in score form; two copies are needed for performance. Our edition EB 8579 contains a Ferrucci Busoni cadenza for the Piano. Solo concerto; Classical. Set of parts. 68 pages. Duration 33'. Breitkopf and Haertel #OB 15123-30. Published by Breitkopf and Haertel (BR.OB-15123-30).
ISBN 9790004340516. 10 x 12.5 inches.