SKU: FZ.5942
ISBN 9790230659420. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. Frederic BERR - BLUMER - Alexandre Etienne CHORON (1-2) - Francois Joseph FETIS (2) - Jean Georges KASTNER (1 a 4). Table of contents: Berr Frederic: Methode complete de basson - 1836. Choron Alexandre Etienne: Manuel complet de musique - 1836. Choron Alexandre Etienne et Lafage Juste Adrien Lenoir: Nouveau manuel de musique - s. d. Kastner Jean Georges: Traite general d'instrumentation - 1836. Fetis Francois Joseph: Manuel des compositeurs - 1837. Kastner Jean Georges: Cours d'instrumentation - c. 1837. Kastner Jean Georges: Supplement au cours d'instrumentation - c. 1837. Kastner Jean Georges: Supplement au traite d'instrumentation - after 1837. Blumer: Nouvelle methode facile et progressive - 1840. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the bassoon.
SKU: CA.231100
ISBN 9790007186203.
The French Choral Collection is a real treasure trove for choirs to explore music from France. The collection contains 45 sacred compositions for mostly four-part mixed choir, all of which were composed in France. In compiling the collection the editor Denis Rouger, Professor of Choral Conducting at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart, has drawn on his extensive experience as Cantor at Notre-Dame and Sainte-Madeleine in Paris, as well as on his work with many professional and amateur ensembles in Germany and France. The result is an extremely varied choral collection with works from the Renaissance to the present day. Separate editions are also available. In addition to well-known works by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Gabriel Faure, and Camille Saint-Saens, the collection includes first editions of previously largely unknown works by composers such as Adolphe Adam and Charles-Marie Widor. The choral director's volume includes a CD with recordings of selected works, sung by the figure humaine chamber choir conducted by the editor, which will help with learning and rehearsing the repertoire. Most of the pieces have texts from the Latin liturgy which are also familiar in other countries. Added translations into German, English and French help to understand the original singing texts.
SKU: CA.231105
ISBN 9790007240974.
The French Choral Collection is a real treasure trove for choirs to explore music from France. The collection contains 45 sacred compositions for mostly four-part mixed choir, all of which were composed in France. In compiling the collection the editor Denis Rouger, Professor of Choral Conducting at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart, has drawn on his extensive experience as Music Director at Notre-Dame and Sainte-Madeleine in Paris, as well as on his work with many professional and amateur ensembles in Germany and France.The result is an extremely varied choral collection with works from the Renaissance to the present day. In addition to well-known works by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Gabriel Faure, and Camille Saint-Saens, the collection includes first editions of previously largely unknown works by composers such as Adolphe Adam and Charles-Marie Widor. The choral director's volume includes a CD with recordings of selected works, sung by the figure humaine chamber choir conducted by the editor, which will help with learning and rehearsing the repertoire. Most of the pieces have texts from the Latin liturgy which are also familiar in other countries. Added translations into German, English and French help to understand the original singing texts. Score available separately - see item CA.231100.
SKU: FZ.5794
ISBN 9790230657945. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in one book. ANCELET - Jean Laurent de BETHISY - C. R. BRIJON - Michel CORRETTE - Francois, le jeune CUPIS - Encyclopedie - FRAMERY N. E. et GINGUENE P. L. : Encyclopedie methodique - Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de GARSAULT - Jean-Benjamin de LABORDE - Marin MERSENNE - Michel WOLDEMAR. Table of contents: VIOLA. Mersenne Marin: Harmonie universelle - 1636. Bethisy Jean Laurent de: Exposition de la theorie - 1754. Garsault Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de: Notionnaire ou Memorial raisonne - 1761. Corrette Michel: Methode pour apprendre [. . . ] de la quinte ou alto - 1773. Laborde Jean-Benjamin de: Essai sur la musique - 1780. Framery N. E. et Ginguene P. L. : Encyclopedie methodique (reprend le texte de l'Encyclopedie de Diderot) - 1785. Cupis Francois, Le jeune: Methode d'alto - 1800 (ca). Woldemar Michel: Methode d'alto - 1800/1805 (ca). PAR-DESSUS DE VIOLE. Corrette Michel: Methode pour apprendre facilement a jouer du par-dessus de viole - 1748. Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757. Garsault Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de: Notionnaire ou Memorial raisonne - 1761. Brijon C. R. : Methode nouvelle et facile pour apprendre a jouer du par-dessus de viole - 1766. Laborde Jean-Benjamin de: Essai sur la musique - 1780. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich (Germany). - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). - Det Kongelike Bibliothek of Copenhagen (Denmark). - Gemeente Museum of The Hague (Netherlands). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the viola and pardessus de viole.
SKU: FZ.5859
ISBN 9790230658591. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in three books. Hector BERLIOZ (1-2) - Jacques MARTINN (1-2) - August Mathieu PANSERON - Joseph VIMEUX. Table of contents: Martinn Jacques: Nouvelle methode d'alto - 1826. Martinn Jacques: Nouvelle methode d'alto pour apprendre sans maitre - 1835. Berlioz Hector: Grand Traite d'instrumentation - 1844. Panseron August Mathieu: Solfege du violoniste - 1845. Vimeux Joseph: Methode d'alto - 1851. Berlioz Hector: Lettre a M. Humbert Ferrand - 1865. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). - In Private collection. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the viola.
SKU: FZ.5850
ISBN 9790230658508. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. ANCELET - Jacques-Laurent BETHISY - Sebastien de BROSSARD (1-2) - Michel CORRETTE (1) - Jean-Baptiste DOMENJOUD - Pierre DUPONT - Encyclopedie - F. A. P. de GARSAULT - Francesco GEMINIANI - Marin MERSENNE - Michel Pignolet de MONTECLAIR - Leopold MOZART. Table of contents: Mersenne Marin: Harmonie universelle - 1636. Brossard Sebastien de: Dictionnaire de musiqua - 1703. Brossard Sebastien de: [Methode de violon manuscrite] - c. 1711. Monteclair Michel Pignolet de: Methode facile pour apprendre a jouer du violon - 1711. Dupont Pierre: Principes de violon - 1718. Corrette Michel: L'ecole d'Orphee - 1738. Dupont Pierre: Principes de violon '(seconde edition) - 1740. Encyclopedie: Articles sur le violon et la lutherie - 1751/1772. Geminiani Francesco: L'art de jouer du violon - 1752. Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757. Domenjoud Jean-Baptiste: De la preference des vis aux chevilles - 1757. Garsault F. A. P. de: Notionnaire, ou memorial raisonne - 1761. Bethisy Jacques Laurent: Exposition de la theorie - 1764. Mozart Leopold: Methode raisonnee pour apprendre a jouer du violon - 1770. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). - Library of Congress, Washington (USA). - Bayerische Staatsbibliothek of Munich (Germany). - In Private collection. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the violin.
SKU: FZ.5835
ISBN 9790230658355. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in two books. ANCELET - Antoine BEMETZIEDER (1-2) - Jean-Laurent de BETHISY - Michel CORRETTE (2) - Denis DIDEROT - Jacques DUPHLY (1-2) - Encyclopedie - Encyclopedie methodique - Louis-Joseph le neveu FRANCOEUR - Pierre Claude FOUCQUET (1-2) - Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de GARSAULT - Jean-Benjamin de LABORDE - Philippe MACQUER - Friedrich Wilhelm MARPURG - Jean-Philippe RAMEAU (4) - Jean-Jacques ROUSSEAU - Simon SIMON. Table of contents: Corrette Michel: Les amusements du Parnasse - 1749. Foucquet Pierre Claude: Les caracteres de la paix - 1749. Foucquet Pierre Claude: Second livre de pieces de clavecin - 1751. Encyclopedie: Encyclopedie ou dictionnaire raisonne - 1751/1772. Duphly Jacques: Troisieme livre de pieces de clavecin - 1756. Ancelet: Observations sur la musique - 1757. Rameau Jean-Philippe: Code de musique pratique - 1760. Garsault Francois-Alexandre-Pierre de: Notionnaire - 1761. Simon Simon: Pieces de clavecin - 1761. Bethisy Jean-Laurent de: Exposition de la theorie - 1764. Rousseau Jean-Jacques: Dictionnaire de la musique - 1768. Duphly Jacques: Du doigter - c. 1769. Diderot Denis: Manuscrit autographe - s. d. Bemetzrieder Antoine: Lecons de clavecin - 1771. Francoeur Louis-Joseph le neveu: Diapason general - 1772. Macquer Philippe: Dictionnaire raisonne - 1773. Laborde Jean-Benjamin de: Essai sur la musique - 1780. Bemetzrieder Antoine: Nouvelles lecons de clavecin - 1783. Encyclopedie methodique: Encyclopedie methodique, arts et metiers mecaniques - 1788. Marpurg Friedrich Wilhelm: L'art de toucher le clavecin - c. 1797. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from:- National Library of Paris (France). - Fitzwilliam Museum of Cambridge (England). - Bayerische Staatsbibliotheck of Munich (Germany). - British Library of London (England). - In Private collection. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the harpsichord.
SKU: FZ.5852
ISBN 9790230658522. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. Anonyme (3-4) - Louis, L'aine BORNET - Joseph DEMAR - Louis-Antoine DURIEU - Encyclopedie methodique - LABADENS (2) - J. J. O. de MEUDE-MONPAS. Table of contents: Anonyme: La parfaite connoissance - 1782. Bornet Louis, l'aine: Nouvelle methode de violon - 1786. Meude-Monpas J. J. O. de: Dictionnaire de musique - 1787. Encyclopedie methodique: Article sur les outils de lutherie et complements a l'Encyclopedie de Diderot - 1788. Anonyme: Principes pour apprendre facilement - c. 1790. Labadens: Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a jouer du violon - 1790. Durieu Louis-Antoine: Methode de violon - 1794. Demar Joseph: Nouvelle methode abregee - c. 1797. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from:- British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the violin.
SKU: FZ.5897
ISBN 9790230658973. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. Heinrich PANOFKA - Francois Joseph FETIS. Table of contents: Panofka Heinrich: L'art de chanter theorique et pratique - 1854. Panofka Heinrich: L'art de chanter 24 vocalises 1854. Fetis Francois Joseph: Methode des methodes de chant - 1870. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the chant.
SKU: FZ.5955
ISBN 9790230659550. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. Hector BERLIOZ - V. BRETONNIERE - Jean Georg KASTNER (3) - L. NADAUD. Table of contents: Bretonniere V. : Methode complete theorique et pratique - 1840. Nadaud L. : Methode de flute - 1841. Kastner Jean Georges: Methode elementaire - 1844. Berlioz Hector: Grand traite d'instrumentation - 1844. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the flute.
SKU: FZ.5931
ISBN 9790230659314. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. Anonymes (1-2) - Guillaume GUERSON - Nicolas WOLLICK. Table of contents: Guerson Guillaume: Utillissime musicales regule - c. 1500. Anonyme: L'art de la science et praticque de plaine musique - c. 1505-1512. Wollick Nicolas: Enchiridion musices - 1509. Anonyme: Utilissimum gregoriane psalmodie enchiridion - c. 1530. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - Albert 1er Royal Library of Brussels (Belgium). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the French Renaissance.
SKU: FZ.5862
ISBN 9790230658621. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in three books. Hector BERLIOZ - Alexandre CHORON - Jean Georges KASTNER (1-2) - MILLER - Maurice de RAOULX - Joseph SELLNER - Louis-Auguste VENY. Table of contents: Veny Louis-Auguste: Methode abregee pour le hautbois - 1828. Sellner Joseph: Methode pour le hautbois - 1835. Kastner Jean Georges: Traite general d'instrumentation - 1836. Choron Alexandre: Manuel complet de musique - 1836. Raoulx Maurice de: Methode de hautbois - 1841. Miller: Methode de hautbois - 1843. Kastner Jean Georges: Methode elementaire pour le hautbois - 1844. Berlioz Hector: Grand traite d'instrumentation - 1844. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the oboe.
SKU: FZ.5893
ISBN 9790230658935. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. Manuel GARCIA del Populo Vincente Rodriguez (pere) - Gilbert-Louis DUPREZ - Giacomo ROSSINI. Table of contents: Garcia Manuel del Populo Vincente Rodriguez: Exercices pour la voix - c. 1835. Duprez Gilbert-Louis: L'art du chant - 1846. Rossini Giacomo: Gogheggi e solfeggi - 1827. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the chant.
SKU: FZ.5962
ISBN 9790230659628. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. BREVAL J. B. - BAILLOT, LEVASSEUR, CASTE et BAUDIOT. Table of contents: Breval J. B. : Traite du violoncelle - 1804. Baillot, Levasseur, Catel et Baudiot: Methode de violoncelle - 1805. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the cello.
SKU: FZ.5851
ISBN 9790049058513. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. Anonyme (1-2) - Michel CORRETTE (2) - LABADENS (1) - L'ABBE LE FILS - Jean-Benjamin de LABORDE - Theodore-Jean TARADE. Table of contents: Anonyme: Maniere de graduer un violon - 1771. Observation sur la maniere de graduer un violon. Labadens: Nouvelle methode pour apprendre a jouer du violon - 1772. L'Abbe Le Fils: Principes de violon pour apprendre le doigte - 1772. Tarade Theodore-Jean: Traite du violon - 1774. Laborde Jean-Benjamin de: Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne - 1780. Corrette Michel: L'art de se perfectionner - 1782. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). - In Philippe Lescat's Collection. Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the violin.
SKU: FZ.5967
ISBN 9790230659673. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. HUS-DESFORGES - MIME J. A. - ROMBERG B. H. - BERLIOZ H. - ANSPACH et MINE J. A. - CHEVILLARD A. Table of contents: Hus-Desforges: Methode de violoncelle - av. 1838. Mine J. A. : Methode de basse ou violoncelle - c. 1840. Romberg B. H. : Methode de violoncelle - c. 1840. Berlioz H. : Grand Traite d'instrumentation - 1844. Anspach et Mine J. A. : Methode elementaire et facile - c. 1845. Chevillard A. : Methode complete de violoncelle - c. 1850. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the cello.
SKU: FZ.5966
ISBN 9790230659666. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. STIASTNY B. - DEPAS E. - DOTZAUER J. J. F. Table of contents: Stiastny B. : Methode pour le violoncelle - 1832. Depas E. : Methode elementaire pour violoncelle - s. d. Dotzauer J. J. F. : Methode de violoncelle - 1838. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the cello.
SKU: FZ.5952
ISBN 9790230659529. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in seven books. Benoit Tranquille BERBIGUIER - E. M. M. MIROIR - Antoine REICHA - Johann Georg WUNDERLICH. Table of contents: Wunderlich Johann Georg: Principes elementaires - c. 1812. Reicha Antoine: Cours de composition - 1816. Miroir E. M. M: La clef de l'orchestre - 1818. Berbiguier Benoit Tranquille: Nouvelle methode pour la flute - c. 1818. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the flute.
SKU: FZ.5943
ISBN 9790230659437. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in four books. Hector BERLIOZ - Victor CORNETTE - Charles DUPART - Etienne HERAL et OZY - Etienne OZY(2) - J. WILLENT et J. B. BORDIGNI. Table of contents: Ozy Etienne: Methode de basson - 1843. Berlioz Hector: Grand traite d'instrumentation - 1844. Willent J. et Bordogni J. B. : Methode complete pour le basson - 1844. Cornette Victor: Methode de basson - c. 1854. Dupart Charles: Methode polyphonique - 1859. Heral et Ozy Etienne: Petite methode de basson - s. d. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - National Library of Paris (France). - British Library of London (England). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the bassoon.
SKU: FZ.5863
ISBN 9790230658638. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in three books. Apollon Marie Rose BARRET - Emile CORRET - Charles DUPART - Stanislas VERROUST. Table of contents: Barret Apollon Marie Rose: Methode complete de hautbois - 1850. Corret Emile: Tablature generale du hautbois - 1854. Verroust Stanislas: Methode pour le hautbois - 1857. Dupart Charles: Methode polyphonique - 1859. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the oboe.
SKU: FZ.5861
ISBN 9790230658614. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
These early music methods are in facsimile in three books. Henri BROD - Francois Henri Joseph CASTIL-BLAZE - Frederic CHALON - Alexandre CHORON - Antoine REICHA - Gustave VOGT. Table of contents: Chalon Frederic: Methode pour le cor anglais - 1802. Choron Alexandre: Traite general des voix et des instruments - 1813. Vogt Gustave: Methode de hautbois - c. 1813. Reicha Antoine: Cours de composition musicale - 1816. Castil-Blaze Francois Henri Joseph: Dictionnaire de musique moderne - 1825. Brod Henri: Grande methode de hautbois - 1826/1835. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of copies from: - British Library of London (England). - National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose the complete theoretic documentation, methods, classical music scores on the oboe.
SKU: HL.49043938
ISBN 9790220133923. 9.25x12.0x0.494 inches.
The 3rd String Quartet was originally composed in 1982-3 to a commission from The Adelaide Festival, and premiered by The Petra Quartet in 1983. Subsequent to this quartet, I have composed two more; No. 4 in 1986 and No. 5 in 2002.The offer to re-publish this work, led me to begin by a process of amendment, but ended in the composition of a virtually new quartet! Only parts of the original quartet have been retained. I also chose to 'frame' (in my case this means an inspirational focus and filter), the quartet in a new way too.In Flight Music keeps the 4-movement format of the original quartet, but is now directly linked to a life-long interest in flight. The first two movements are concerned with aspects of humans in flight, whilst the last two deal with insects and birds respectively.Since all my music is these days preceded by visualisations in the form of drawings, wherever possible, this quartet might be performed with the four drawings, one for each movement, back-projected behind the players.Digital copies of these drawings may be obtained from Schott Music.Edward Cowie.Maurens. France. August, 2010.
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