SKU: BT.GOB-000701-130
A contagious piece of music by Peter Martin in which he hints at the popular amusement music by Bert Kaempfert. Mombassa is a lively harbour city in Kenya which can be heard in the music. Happiness and cheeriness are the ingredients of this nice piece. Success is assured. Erg aanstekelijk muziekwerkje van Peter Martin waarin hij knipoogt naar de populaire amusementsmuziek van Bert Kaempfert. Mombassa is een levendige havenstad in Kenia en dat is te merken. Vrolijkheid en opgewektheid zijn de ingrediëntenvan dit fraaie werkje dat succes garandeert.
SKU: BT.GOB-000625-020
SKU: GI.G-9341
ISBN 9781622772261. English.
Momma, Buy Me a China Doll is the latest lavishly illustrated children’s songtale based on the great American folk music heritage, and collected by John M. Feierabend. This delightful song tells the story of Liza Lou, who dreams of owning a china doll after seeing one in a peddler’s cart. Owning a china doll, however, would be a luxury far out of reach for a poor mountain girl from the Ozarks. One of the endearing charms of this song is how Liza is able to provide countless ideas that could lead to raising money to buy a china doll...but alas, to no avail. Like the other picture books in John M. Feierabend’s First Steps in Music series, Momma, Buy Me a China Doll includes a description of the history of the song and the notation of the song. A link to download the song in audio form is below. John M. Feierabend has spent decades compiling songs and rhymes from the memories of the American people in the hopes that these treasures will be preserved for future generations. Dr. Feierabend is a national leader in the field of early childhood education and currently serves as a professor and chair of the Music Education Department at The Hartt School of the University of Hartford. Allyssa Norton is a graduate of the University of Hartford Art School and currently lives in Somers, CT. She is devoted to her art, love and care are given to each illustration. She accredits the hard work put into each page of this book to the love and support from her professors, friends, and family. The song may be downloaded in audio: FREE MP3 Download - Full Performance MP3 download instructions: Windows users right click on the link. Mac users hold down the Control key as you click the link. Then select either Save Link As... or Save Target As... and choose the location you would like to save the file on your computer.
SKU: BT.GOB-000625-120
SKU: BT.GOB-000701-030
SKU: BT.AMP-210-140
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
A Quiet Moment was written in memory of James Philip Krofta, a highly respected American conductor who died in the year 2006. This calm, willful composition of Philip Sparke is equally at home on the concert platform as in thecontest arena or at significant remembrance events when a quiet moment is required. Dur: 4:30A Quiet Moment is geschreven ter herinnering aan de Amerikaanse dirigent James Phillip Krofta (1953-2006), in opdracht van zijn familie, die hiermee zijn grote liefde voor de muziek en het lesgeven recht wil doen. Deze mooiecompositie leent zich uitstekend voor plechtige gelegenheden (eventueel ter nagedachtenis aan een geliefde persoon), maar kan ook heel goed dienen als aangenaam rustpunt in een concert.A Quiet Moment wurde im Gedenken an James Philip Krofta, eines engagierten amerikanischen Dirigenten, der im Jahre 2006 verstorben ist, geschrieben. Kroftas Familie gab die Komposition als Anerkennung seiner Liebe zur Musik und seiner Hingabe zum Lehrerberuf in Auftrag. Die ruhige, würdevolle Komposition von Philip Sparke eignet sich wunderbar für Anlässe zu Ehren oder zum Gedenken an wichtige Personen oder Ereignisse - oder als besinnlicher Ruhepunkt in Ihrem Konzertprogramm.A Quiet Moment nous invite entrer dans un temps méditatif ou contemplatif. Les images et les pensées suscitées par chant nostalgique sont autant de voyages mélancoliques où les paysages décrivent des instants de vie et d’amour.
SKU: BT.AMP-210-010
SKU: HL.50601299
8.25x11.75x0.126 inches.
“In diesem Augenblick†(In This Moment) is the first work for string quartet by the Chinese composer Yang Lin, born in Beijing in 1982. The work was given its world premiere in November 2010 by the Amaryllis Quartet at the Laeizshalle in Hamburg. “In diesem Augenblick†is concerned with the brief moment between two events, comparable with the interval between two steps whilst walking: “This brief moment, this motion in detail that one does not usually notice, has been given a great deal of attention. But it does not mean that this moment stops. There remains a contradictory moment that remembers the tensions and vibrations of the past an, at the same time, awaits the peace of the future.†(Yang Lin).
Special Import titles are specialty titles that are not generally offered for sale by US based retailers. These items must be obtained from our overseas suppliers. When you order a special import title, it will be shipped from our overseas warehouse. The shipment time will be slower than items shipped directly from our US warehouse and may be subject to delays.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064046-010
While composing this beautiful chorale, Hayato Hirose was inspired by the fond memory of the pre-marital days he spent with his beloved wife, Minako.The chorale starts with gorgeous woodwinds, after which the brass section is gradually added to enhance the atmosphere. The main theme is repeated and developed in several different keys in the middle section, followed by the recapitulation and the romantic coda that concludes the work. Moment Musical gives any concert programme a touch of warmth and tenderness.De inspiratiebron voor het schrijven van dit prachtige koraal vond Hayato Hirose in zijn aangename herinnering aan de verlovingstijd die hij doorbracht met Minako, zijn geliefde echtgenote. Het koraal begint met een prachtige passagein het hout, waarna de kopersectie langzaam wordt toegevoegd voor nog meer sfeer. Het hoofdthema wordt herhaald en ontwikkelt zich in verschillende toonsoorten in de middenstem, gevolgd door de reprise en het romantische codawaarmee het werk eindigt. Moment Musical geeft elk concertprogramma een vleugje warmte en tederheid.Zu diesem wunderschönen Choral ließ sich Hayato Hirose von der Erinnerung an die Zeit der Hochzeit mit seiner geliebten Frau Minako inspirieren. Moment Musical setzt mit prächtigen Holzbläsern ein, dann wird die Stimmung nach und nach von den Blechbläsern unterstützt. Das Hauptthema wird in mehreren unterschiedlichen Tonarten im mittleren Register wiederholt und entwickelt. Darauf folgen die Reprise und die romantische Coda, die das Werk beendet. Moment Musical verleiht jedem Konzertprogramm einen Hauch von Wärme und Zärtlichkeit.Ce choral aux lignes délicates et épurées débute avec ferveur. Les bois évoluent avec délicatesse et transparence, magnifiés par les cuivres qui se joignent élégamment au développement. Dans le passage central, le thème principal est exposé plusieurs reprises dans différentes tonalités. Une coda séduisante et romantique vient conclure la composition. Moment Musical est un délicieux flot de légèreté. Questa corale dalle linee delicate inizia con fervore. I legni sviluppano con delicatezza e trasparenza, aiutati dagli ottoni che si uniscono allo sviluppo del tema. Nel passaggio centrale, il tema principale è esposto a più riprese in varie tonalit . Una coda seducente e romantica chiude il brano.
SKU: M7.ART-42106
ISBN 9783866421066.
Nach dem erfolgreichen Vorgängerband 'Emotional Piano Ballads' ist dem Autor Michael Gundlach mit 'Lovely Piano Moments' eine weitere wundervolle Sammlung gefühlvoller und leicht spielbarer Klavierballaden gelungen. Die vierzehn zauberhaften Stücke sind von vielfältigen Stimmungen geprägt: romantisch, leicht melancholisch, aber auch beruhigend und zärtlich. Die eingängigen Melodien der Kompositionen sind unterlegt mit einfachen und zeitgemäßen Begleitfiguren der linken Hand. Anhand der angegebenen Akkorde lassen sich die harmonischen Zusammenhänge schnell erkennen. Die Stücke sind in kurzer Zeit erlernbar, bereiten schnell Spielfreude und lassen genügend Spielraum für die eigene, kreative Interpretation. 'Lovely Piano Moments' stellt eine perfekte Ergänzung zu den üblichen Anfänger-Klavierschulen dar und ist bestens geeignet für alle Pianistinnen und Pianisten, die schönste Melodien und Spielspaß mit einem musikalischen Erfolgserlebnis kombinieren möchten. Die Stücke eignen sich zudem hervorragend für Vorspiele aller Art und begeistern sowohl Klavierspieler als auch Zuhörer. Der optionale Download der Hörbeispiele dient als praktische Lernhilfe um den Ausdruck und die richtige Artikulation nachvollziehen zu können und auch als 'Soundtrack' für unterwegs ist 'Lovely Piano Moments' ein Genuss.
ISBN 9790365074952.
Louis Anthony deLise is an American composer, pianist, and percussionist. The compositions in A Gift of Moments are typical of deLise’s composing style that often features the juxtaposition of disparate musical elements like serial technique, frequently changing meters, the urgency and drive of rock and roll, and the lush harmonies of 1960’s West Coast Jazz. Dr. deLise was Adjunct Lecturer of Theory and Composition at the Boyer College of Music and Dance (in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). He is the author of The Professional Songwriter, a textbook on songwriting. The title, A Gift of Moments, comes from something a friend wrote about her deceased husband. She described their too-short time together as, a gift of moments. (Time with someone you love is always too short, isn’t it?) Since February 2020, (since I’ve been locked down at home with my patient and loving wife, Theresa), like the rest of us, I’ve been reminded each day of just how delicate life is. My friend’s comment about her lost love has gradually revealed itself as a worthy title for the collection of music I was creating during this time of lockdown. All of the pieces in this collection are in some way about love: of a mate, of family, our way of life, and those beliefs we consider particular to us. The compositions are varied in style as they encompass musical gestures reflective of the many disparate musical traditions alive in my soul. With this unapologetically sensitive, perhaps even nostalgic, music of mine I intend to blur the arbitrary boundaries of genre classification, like classical or pop; ambient or orchestral. Special thanks to Vivian Barton Dozor, a wonderfully talented cellist who provided insight into bowing and phrasing for the cello parts.
SKU: GI.G-DVD-1034
UPC: 785147003458.
Moments in the Life of Brother Roger is a film about sixteen moments in the life of the founder of the Taizé Community, from his childhood in a Swiss mountain village, to his settling at Taizé near the beginning of World War II, to his tragic death during an evening prayer. For each of these moments, which include times of doubts or uncertainty, there are contrbutions from brothers of the Community who shared his life for years, from old friends, including the philosopher Paul Ricœur, from Catholic and Protestant church leaders, from the secretary of Pope John XXIII, from Brother Roger's sister who lived in Taizé from 1941, from a historian, a biographer, and others who appreciate his compelling personality. This unusual man was always ready to take risks for the reconciliation of Christians, for the younger generation, and for the poorest of the world. The disc includes previously unpublished excerpts of interviews with Brother Roger. This DVD offers two language options—French and French with English Subtitles.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064046-140
While composing this beautiful chorale, Hayato Hirose was inspired by the fond memory of the pre-marital days he spent with his beloved wife, Minako.The chorale starts with gorgeous woodwinds, after which the brass section is gradually added to enhance the atmosphere. The main theme is repeated and developed in several different keys in the middle section, followed by the recapitulation and the romantic coda that concludes the work. Moment Musical gives any concert programme a touch of warmth and tenderness.Zu diesem wunderschönen Choral ließ sich Hayato Hirose von der Erinnerung an die Zeit der Hochzeit mit seiner geliebten Frau Minako inspirieren. Moment Musical setzt mit prächtigen Holzbläsern ein, dann wird die Stimmung nach und nach von den Blechbläsern unterstützt. Das Hauptthema wird in mehreren unterschiedlichen Tonarten im mittleren Register wiederholt und entwickelt. Darauf folgen die Reprise und die romantische Coda, die das Werk beendet. Moment Musical verleiht jedem Konzertprogramm einen Hauch von Wärme und Zärtlichkeit.Ce choral aux lignes délicates et épurées débute avec ferveur. Les bois évoluent avec délicatesse et transparence, magnifiés par les cuivres qui se joignent élégamment au développement. Dans le passage central, le thème principal est exposé plusieurs reprises dans différentes tonalités. Une coda séduisante et romantique vient conclure la composition. Moment Musical est un délicieux flot de légèreté. Questa corale dalle linee delicate inizia con fervore. I legni sviluppano con delicatezza e trasparenza, aiutati dagli ottoni che si uniscono allo sviluppo del tema. Nel passaggio centrale, il tema principale è esposto a più riprese in varie tonalit . Una coda seducente e romantica chiude il brano.
SKU: LM.26851
ISBN 9790230968515.
Two Days - Travel in winter - Here comes the jazz show - My friend Gabriel - Maria's memories - Never in September - When Charley meets Dan - For a moment of stillness - Time to rag - Somewhere in my heart - White and Blue song - Call me - Fleeting moment - She is gone - Like in a dream.
SKU: LM.27164
ISBN 9790230971645.
Here Comes the Jazz Show - Never in September - Two Days - Call me - When Charley meets Dan - Travel in Winter - My Friend Gabriel - White and Blue song - Maria's Memories - Somewhere in my Heart - Time to Rag - Fleeting Moment - For a Moment of Stillness - Like in a Dream - She is Gone.
SKU: GI.G-CD-464
Reunited for a fourth time, the talents of John L. Bell and the voices of Chicago's Cathedral Singers combine to produce a truly remarkable recording of top-notch choral music with Take This Moment! Like much of John Bell's work, Take This Moment sends us soaring around the globe, featuring such pieces as Te Ensalzarÿ, SeËor, a lively, bilingual setting of Psalm 30 commissioned by the Diocese of Austin, Texas. The lovely Easter text of While Earth Remains is set to an exquisite Korean tune, while I Bow My Head in Prayer takes us back to John Bell's homeland with an ancient Scottish-Celtic text set to an even older Celtic melody. Also featured on this recording, making his debut with the Cathedral Singers, is GIA composer and guitarist Stephen Petrunak! The rich, full music in this collection is intended for parish choirs with options of three- or four-part harmony. Take This Moment is simply a glorious collection of choral works that is as enjoyable for the music-loving listener to hear as it is for the musician to perform!
SKU: WD.080689635236
UPC: 080689635236.
Arranged by Daniel Semsen, The Moment (Heaven’s Come Down) will have your choir celebrating all the things that happened the very moment Christ was born. Incorporating lyrics from Go, Tell It on the Mountain, this upbeat anthem is a celebration of the skies that opened, the angels that proclaimed, and the hope that was finally found, all in one single moment…when Heaven came down.