SKU: HL.284070
UPC: 888680798161. 5.0x5.0x0.193 inches.
Elsa once told us we should Let It Go, but in this new, show-stopping Act II production number from the Broadway realization of 2013's instant classic Frozen, she contemplates her inner demons for the benefit of the audience. A dark and brooding text juxtaposes Elsa's inner monologue with the enraged townspeople in a flurry of mixed-meter dialogue, bold and pulsing accompaniment and a sense of trepidation worthy of the penultimate spot on your concert!
SKU: AP.47471
UPC: 038081544809. English.
Written in the eerie key of F-sharp natural minor that attracts young students, this sound defines our scary monster called Stretch. Each section gets important melodic and countermelodic material. With two separate sections (slow and fast), a legato middle section, a jaunty pizzicato section, and a forceful coda, every section will be challenging. The work features simple rhythm patterns to make it more accessible and allow the student to focus on the three sharps.
UPC: 8402702638.
Want to get into a bayou mood? Developing groups will love this slow snaky reggae which is a musical description of a creature from the black lagoon. A part of the Jazz in Concert Series, Swamp Monster is flexibly orchestrated so that it can be played with as few as 9 players. Additionally, everyone in the ensemble has an opportunity to improvise in the open solo section, and the set includes two suggested solos and a CD with a solo practice track, to facilitate successful improvisation. Full Score.
About Standard of Excellence Jazz Ensemble Method
The Standard of Excellence Jazz Ensemble Method is designed to help both you and your jazz ensemble students explore the world of jazz through easy-to-use Rhythm Studies, Improvisation Studies, Instrument Specific Exercises, and full ensemble jazz charts. The approach is non-theoretical and aurally based. Each part book comes with an accompaniment CD, so like every great jazz player throughout history, students learn to play jazz by listening!
Want to get into a bayou mood? Developing groups will love this slow snaky reggae which is a musical description of a creature from the black lagoon. A part of the Jazz in Concert Series, Swamp Monster is flexibly orchestrated so that it can be played with as few as 9 players. Additionally, everyone in the ensemble has an opportunity to improvise in the open solo section, and the set includes two suggested solos and a CD with a solo practice track, to facilitate successful improvisation.
SKU: PE.EP72666A
ISBN 9790577009865. 210 x 297mm inches. English.
Jointly commissioned by the London Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic and Festival Aix-en-Provence, 'The Monster in the Maze' was composed by Jonathan Dove to a libretto by Alasdair Middleton, with German and French translations by Arne Muus ('Was lauert da im Labyrinth?') and Alain Perroux ('Le Monstre du labyrinthe') respectively. The piece is scored for three professional soloists and a professional actor, adult community chorus, youth chorus, children's chorus, and an orchestra of professional players playing alongside young or pre-professional players. Edition Peters vocal score of the English language version.
SKU: BT.GOB-000447-010
In Scotland, the monster of Loch Ness is a hot issue, but the American state of Montana enjoys a comparable phenomenon going by the name of Montana Nessie. In the western part of this remote state lies Flathead Lake: a lake of 45 kilometres /38miles in lenght and 24 kilometres /15 miles breath. At several places, its depth exeeds 100 metres.Nessies discovery takes us back to the year 1889, when captain James Kerr aboard the passengership U.S.Grant was startled by a ship unknown to himsuddenly approaching his vessel across Flathead Lake. However, it turned out not to be a ship but an undefinable animal of immense size.From that moment onwards, life would never be the same again in and around Flathead Lake.The composer wasinspired by the story, and summarized the events into a symphonic poem, but from a surprising angle:that of the monster. The exiting opening allows us to follow the monster in its natural surroundings.The fast follow-up movement depictsMontana Nessie trotting and frolicking about the Montana woods and prairies.From its abode, it thorougly enjoys everything around it. This period abruptly ends in a short climax (Chimes). The solo for cor anglais marks a new period in themonsters life.The presence of people has a paralizing effect and the apprehensive atmosphere of the slow movement may be felt profoundly.The monster observes and mildly teases the ship. Abhor sounds force the ship to a withdrawal.The movingmusical continuation depicts the triumphant monster dancing an ironic waltz. The monsters fear and anger at the intrusion of his freedom run through the piece like continuous threads, and develop into the works final theme.Ook Amerika kent, in navolging van Loch Ness, haar monster met alle sterke verhalen eromheen. Dit Amerikaanse monster werd in 1889 voor het eerst gezien door de kapitein van een toeristenboot, varende op Flathead Lake in de staat Montana.Wittrock schildert niet enkel de gebeurtenissen maar kruipt in de huid van het monster. Het programmatische werk beschrijft op vaak ontroerende en soms angstaanjagende wijze het leven van Montana Nessie. Aanknopingspunten in dit werk zijnde geboorte (het begin), de eerste levensfase met oerkreten (allegro) en de verwondering en bewondering van de natuur (hobosolo). Het tweede gedeelte symboliseert de spanning tussen mens en monster tijdens de spannende boottocht op FlatheadLake. Het derde deel brengt het monster aan het dansen in een aandoenlijke wals vol ironie en zelfspot. Rode draad en afsluitend thema is de angst en boosheid van Montana Nessie op de vrijheidsinbreuk. Een meesterwerk! Dit werk isopgenomen in het Klein repertorium, harmonie - 2e divisieGobelin Music Publications.
SKU: BT.GOB-000447-140
SKU: CA.1284400
ISBN 9790007181857.
SKU: CA.1284405
ISBN 9790007186081.
Score available separately - see item CA.1284400.
SKU: CA.1284411
Score and part available separately - see item CA.1284400.
SKU: HL.44011311
UPC: 884088891466. 9x12 inches. English(US)/Deutsch/Francais/Nederlands.
The dragon is a mystical monster that plays a prominent role in legends from around the world and it still maintains its timeless hold on humanity. From a destructive force in the west to a messenger sent from the gods in the east, dragons have always been a force of nature. We now invite you to step into the dark and mysterious universe of the Red Dragon, guardian of untold treasures! De draak. Als mythisch monster komt hij overal ter wereld voor in talrijke verhalen en legenden. Door de eeuwen heen heeft dit monster de mensen altijd gefascineerd. Als verscheurend ondier in de westerse wereld maar ook als boodschappervan de goden in het Oosten symboliseert hij de macht over de elementen. Treed binnen in het duistere, geheimzinnige universum van de rode draak en maak kennis met de bewaker van de legendarische schat...Der Drache ist das mythische Monster zahlreicher Legenden aus praktisch der ganzen Welt und übt eine zeitlose Faszination aus. Als zerstorerisches Untier im Abendland oder als Botschafter der Gotter im Orient symbolisiert er die Macht über die Elemente der Natur. Treten Sie ein in das düstere, geheimnisvolle Universum des roten Drachen, den Wachter eines sagenhaften Schatzes! Monstre fabuleux, le dragon est present dans les legendes de la quasi-totalite des cultures et demeure l'objet d'une fascination intemporelle. Animal malefique et destructeur pour les Occidentaux ; messager des dieux pour les Orientaux, il est le maitre des elements et symbolise la puissance des forces de la nature. Entrez dans l'univers sombre et mysterieux du Dragon rouge. Mostro fiabesco, il drago e presente nelle leggende di quasi tutte le culture ed e l'oggetto di un fascino senza tempo. Animale malefi co e distruttore per gli occidentali, messaggero degli Dei per gli orientali, il drago e il maestro degli elementi che simbolizzano la forza della natura. Entrate nell'universo cupo e misterioso del Drago rosso, guardiano di un favoloso tesoro.
ISBN 9781491161531. UPC: 680160920181.
This programmatic work depicts our superhero Daring Dog, as he goes on a journey to conquer the villain. Daring Dog is a superhero, only... not everyone knows it yet. We meet Daring Dog and his sidekick at m. 15 in the beginning section. At m. 24, we hear as his mother gives him a stern lecture to stop messing around and be more serious. Daring Dog tries to explain how he has saved the world numerous times at m. 32. At m. 42, he decides he must do what is necessary to defeat the villain, despite what his mother thinks, and begins planning. At m. 52, we can hear him running in the snare drum, and the villain approaches. Barking and growling (flutter tongue in flute, and growling in brass), at m.78 the fight is on. Measure 82 reveals a huge terrible monster, and Daring Dog is terrified. He sticks out his sword with his eyes closed, and *POOF!* the monster evaporates. (It was probably imaginary the whole time.) The end section is a triumphant celebration that Daring Dog has, indeed, saved the world again! Daring Dog is a fun piece for all ages! Difficult enough to be a wonderful recruitment piece, and easy enough to be playable by young bands, this piece can truly span all levels. Actors might also depict the story while the band plays for even more fun.  .This programmatic work depicts our superhero Daring Dog, as he goes on a journey to conquer the villain. Daring Dog is a superhero, only... not everyone knows it yet. We meet Daring Dog and his sidekick at m. 15 in the beginning section. At m. 24, we hear as his mother gives him a stern lecture to stop messing around and be more serious. Daring Dog tries to explain how he has saved the world numerous times at m. 32. At m. 42, he decides he must do what is necessary to defeat the villain, despite what his mother thinks, and begins planning. At m. 52, we can hear him running in the snare drum, and the villain approaches. Barking and growling (flutter tongue in flute, and growling in brass), at m.78 the ï¬ght is on. Measure 82 reveals a huge terrible monster, and Daring Dog is terriï¬ed. He sticks out his sword with his eyes closed, and *POOF!* the monster evaporates. (It was probably imaginary the whole time.) The end section is a triumphant celebration that Daring Dog has, indeed, saved the world again!Daring Dog is a fun piece for all ages! Difficult enough to be a wonderful recruitment piece, and easy enough to be playable by young bands, this piece can truly span all levels. Actors might also depict the story while the band plays for even more fun. .
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