| ARKA - 3 Rituale (Full Score) Low voice, Piano [Score] Peters
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotal...(+)
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotali, Glockenspiel, gr, Trommel, vibraphonerafon - 1 Spieler), strings (7, 1) SKU: PE.EP14445 Composed by Bernd Franke. Full Scores. Edition Peters. Score. 52 pages. Duration 00:20:00. Edition Peters #98-EP14445. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP14445). ISBN 9790014135041. 297 x 420 mm inches. German. ARKA stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet so viel wie Strahl, Blitz, Sonne, Licht, aber auch Lied, Feuer und Hymnus, und entwickelt in meiner Vorstellung sehr viele unterschiedliche Assoziationsfelder. In ARKA stecken auch die Worter arc (beten) und ka (Wasser), und es kann auch ubersetzt werden mit: ,,Das Wasser stromt aus dem heraus, der mehr weiss. Mein neues Werk fur Pipa, Oboe, Pauke, Schlagzeug und Orchester entstand im Auftrag der Kammerakademie Neuss und auf Anregung des Oboisten Christian Wetzel. Es entstanden drei Rituale mit zum Teil szenischen Elementen fur die Solisten und das Orchester. Inspirationsquelle in der Vorbeschaftigung waren zwei Quellen und Bucher. Das Daodejing von Laozi in der hervorragenden Neuubersetzung von Viktor Kalinke, eine der wichtigsten Quellen chinesischen Denkens und der Philosophie dieser grossen Kulturtradition und die chinesische Tradition der 5-Elementelehre und der Wandlungsphasen. Als zweites Buch hat mich ,,Die Glut von Roberto Calasso inspiriert, ein Buch uber die indischen Veden in Verbindung mit den Ursprungen des Buddhismus und den damit verbunden Ritualen. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit ostasiatischer Musik, Kunst und Philosophie beschaftigt und habe das auch durch langere Studienreisen und kompositorische Projekte vertiefen konnen. U.a. wurde 2012 mein Chorwerk PRAN in Kolkata in Indien uraufgefuhrt (Goethe-Institut), ebenfalls 2012 ,,in between VI fur Sho und Sheng in Tokyo und 2013 ,,Mirror and Circle fur Pipa, Cello und chinesisches Orchester in Taipeh/Taiwan (Auftragswerk der taiwanesischen Regierung). Mit der chinesischen Pipa-Virtuosin Ya Dong arbeite ich seit 2000 zusammen und habe fur sie mehrfach komponiert (Urauffuhrungen u.a. in Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Taipeh 2013, Magdeburg 2016). Auch mit Christian Wetzel arbeite ich seit uber 20 Jahren zusammen und habe ebenfalls haufig fur ihn komponiert (UA u.a. in Bonn 1999, Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Darmstadt 2004 und etliche weitere Projekte). Jedes dieser drei Rituale hat eine Lange von ca. 6-7 Minuten und stellt unterschiedliche Qualitaten und Besonderheiten der beiden Soloinstrumente heraus, immer in Verbindung mit der Interaktion zwischen Soli und Orchester. Die Besetzung war fur mich ausserst reizvoll, da beide Instrumente in dieser Kombination noch nie so erklungen sind. Die Pipa ist ein ungemein modernes und ungewohnliches Instrument, reich an Farben und vor allem an perkussiven Effekten. Das Tonmaterial wurde zum grossten Teil aus den Namen der beiden Solisten gewonnen und ergibt interessanter zwei gespiegelte Viertonmotive. In der asiatischen Kultur spielen der Spiegel und der Kreis eine wichtige Rolle, und so werden die Tone, Rhythmen und Formen eingewoben in diese drei Rituale, welche am Ende des dritten Satzes wieder kreisformig an den Anfang des ersten Rituals anknupfen. Ein von den Streichern und der Pauke erzeugtes Gerausch, verbunden mit dem Rhythmus der grossen Trommel, welcher einen Herzschlag symbolisieren soll. Die drei Untertitel der Rituale Himmel, Erde und (atmospharischer) Raum spielen im vedischen und chinesischen Denken eine grosse Rolle und war fur mich beim Komponieren ebenfalls eine sehr starke Inspirationsquelle. In vielen meiner Kompositionen gibt es Raumeffekte, Annaherungen an das Publikum, das Verschieben von Perspektiven, die Dekonstruktion und das Hinterfragen der ublichen Konzertsituation, so u.a in meinem Beuys-Zyklus oder in den Zyklen ,,CUT und ,,in between. In ARKA geht es mir besonders um die Interaktion zwischen westlichem und ostlichem Denken, um das gegenseitige Durchdringen dieser auf den ersten Blick so unterschiedlichen Denk- und Lebensweisen, um eine Verschmelzung scheinbarer Gegensatze - um Annaherung! Bernd Franke. Leipzig, 11.10.2019 W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556799 Y 23.50 X556799 357665 9780193556799 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556799 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 Low voice & piano Low voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556799 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for low voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for low voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for high voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73308R Y 0.00 73308R P73308R 1 ORCHA 8000 0.00 Hover A (LARGE) BEAMISH EP73308R GP:ORCHESTRAL HOVER ONLY RENTAL SALLY WORKS NONE ORCHA P 303000 EP73308R 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14437A Y 22.95 14437A P14437A FRANKE, BERND C 9790014137199 52A1 8000 0.00 AGNI A 9790014137199 AGNI BASS BERND CLARINET EP14437A FRANKE PHOTOPRINTS W01476 English / German 00:12:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Bass clarinet 20 DETNT NEW PR43 23/04/2021 P 303006 AGNI is the Hindu god of fire; the elemental and transformative force inherent in everything: Every flame, every fire, every light, every warmth is AGNI. AGNI is omnipresent, establishing everything and ending everything. AGNI is often depicted with seven tongues which represent different aspects of his being. These include: creating, sustaining, cleansing, purifying, priestly, martial, devastating, destructive, and consuming. Derived from Franke's concerto of the same name, this solo work for bass clarinet compositionally traces the transformative processes initiated by the divine fire. The solo takes seven pieces from the concerto, presenting vivid character pieces exploring the creative possibilities and wide tonal range offered by the bass clarinet. This version of AGNI for bass clarinet solo was premiered on 4 December 2020 in Leipzig by Volker Hemken, the principal bass clarinetist of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. EP14437a convinces with its excellent and clear notation, making the piece a new standard for bass clarinet. W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP68686 Y 165.00 68686 P68686 LEWIS C 9790300761299 97 8000 0.00 Ikons A 9790300761299 CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE EP68686 GEORGE IKONS LEWIS PHOTOPRINTS SMALL W06652 English 00:14:0 Conductor Score & Parts 303 x 232 mm Fl (A-fl in F).Cl.Bsn (Cbsn).Tbn.Perc.Vln.Vlc.Cb 132 NEW PR43 USTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Ikons, commissioned by the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad 2010, exists in two forms. This 14-minute acoustic version, premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble, calls for an octet of live musicians to execute complex rhythms and quarter-tone harmonies. The interactive, electronic version, created with visual artist Eric Metcalfe and designed to be presented separately, incorporates samples from this acoustic version into a sculptural environment of seven pyramidal structures that respond sonically to the viewer. W06652|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73531 Y 31.95 73531 P73531 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577020976 61 8000 0.00 Sonnets without Words A 9790577020976 EP73531 HORN PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS PIANO ROXANNA SHAKESPEARE SONNETS W03578 WILLIAM WITHOUT WORDS English Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Horn and piano 28 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Sonnets without Words is a contemporary piece for Horn in F and piano. Written for horn player Ben Goldscheider, Panufnik has reimagined the lyrical vocal lines from three of her previous settings of Shakespeare's sonnets (Mine eye, Music to hear and Sweet Love Remember'd for voice and piano) into a purely instrumental work. Score and horn part. - Contemporary work for Horn in F and piano
- Settings of Sheakespeare's Sonnets 8, 24 & 29 in instrumental form
W03578|C|Y W06737|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73571 Y 15.95 73571 P73571 MCNEFF, STEPHEN C 9790577021317 20 8000 0.00 Trig for Solo Cello A 9790577021317 (SOLO) CELLO EP73571 MCNEFF PHOTOPRINTS SOLO STEPHEN TRIG W03150 English 00:07:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Solo Violoncello 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Stephen McNeff's Trig is a short 7-minute contemporary work for solo cello, written to celebrate the bicentennial of the Royal Academy of Music in 2022 and in memorium cellist Mike Edwards 1948-2010. Trig was premiered by Henry Hargreaves on 19 March 2021, livestreamed from the Royal Academy of Music. - Contemporary piece for solo cello
- Written for the Royal Academy of Music's bicentennial
W03150|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14528 Y 34.95 14528 P14528 SAUNDERS, REBECCA C 9790014136796 3 8000 0.00 to an utterance - study A 9790014136796 (SOLO) AN EP14528 PHOTOPRINTS PIANO REBECCA SAUNDERS STUDY TO UTTERANCE W04191 English Instrumental Score 420 x 297 mm Piano Solo 16 DETNT NEW PR43 21/04/2021 P 303006 to an utterance - study was commissioned by Klangforum Wien for the premiere commercial audio recording on a portrait CD in 2020 and first performed by Joonas Ahonen at the Berlin Philharmonie on 4th September 2020 at the Musikfest Berlin. W04191|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP71880 Y 75.00 71880 P71880 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577008332 82 8000 0.00 Spirit Moves for Brass Quintet A 9790577008332 BRASS ENSEMBLE EP71880 MOVES PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS QUINTET ROXANNA SPIRIT W03578 English 00:15:0 Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Trumpet 1 in B flat (doubling Piccolo Trumpet), Trumpet 2 in B flat (doubling Flugel Horn), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba 84 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Spirit Moves, for brass quintet, was commissioned by the Fine Arts Brass Ensemble. This 15-minute piece is scored for two trumpets in Bb (one doubling piccolo trumpet and the other doubling flugel horn), horn in F, trombone and tuba. This brass quintet is so called because the outer movements are highly spirited and the central one is spiritual. This product consists of score and parts. W03578|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73585 Y 4.00 73585 P73585 369282 WILLIAMS, RODERICK C 9790577021591 1 151 8000 0.00 Eriskay Love Lilt A 9790577021591 (SECULAR) CHORAL EP73585 ERISKAY HALSTAN-USA LILT LOVE RODERICK TRADITIONAL W05152 WILLIAMS WORKS English 00:03:0 190 x 272 mm SATB (divisi) and piano 16 NEW PR30 UKTNT 20/05/2021 P 377788 A gently flowing 3-minute arrangement by Roderick Williams for SATB (with divisi) with piano accompaniment that captures the beauty of this famous traditional Hebridean love song. The song text uses both old dialect and English, each verse ending with the words, 'Sad am I without thee'. - Commissioned by The Sixteen choir and recorded on their 2021 album 'Goodnight Beloved'
- Roderick Williams is a composer/arranger and also a world-renowned baritone
- The arrangement is described by Williams as 'having a little nod to Ravel and Grieg'
W05152|C|Y W04819|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556782 Y 23.50 X556782 357665 9780193556782 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556782 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 High voice & piano High voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556782 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for high voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for high voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for low voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo high voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of sacred and secular Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low solo voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193559066 Y 4.25 X559066 357665 9780193559066 YOUNG C 1 444 8030 0.00 O splendour of God's glory bright PAPER 9780193559066 BRIGHT CHORAL GLORY GOD'S MIXED OF OXFORD SACRED SPLENDOUR TOBY VOICES W06576 YOUNG C 00:03:30 SATB & organ Vocal score 254x178 SATB 20 NONE P 355580 9780193559066 for SATB and organ This energetic setting of words by St Ambrose of Milan is a real showstopper. With pop-influences and a sparkling organ part, Young effortlessly fuses modern and traditional sound worlds, while changes in key and metre build up to an invigorating finish. Perfect for accomplished choirs looking for something different. W06576|C|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193554399 Y 2.60 X554399 357665 9780193554399 LASSUS, ORLANDO DE C 1 445 8030 0.00 Oculus non vidit PAPER 9780193554399 CHORAL DE KEANE LASSUS MARK NON OCULUS ORLANDO OXFORD SACRED UPPER VIDIT VOICES W02750 B 00:01:30 SA unaccompanied Vocal score 254x178 Upper Voices - 3 parts or more 4 NONE 10/06/2021 P 355580 9780193554399 for SA unaccompanied This simple, charming two-part motet features long melismatic phrases that reflect the text (1 Corinthians 2: 9), such as the rising melodic line over three bars on the word 'ascended' (ascendit).
W02750|C|Y W06960|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193954298 Y 3.35 X954298 357665 9780193954298 TALLIS, THOMAS C 1 448 8030 0.00 Honor, virtus et potestas PAPER 9780193954298 CANTICLES DUNKLEY ET HONOR OXFORD POTESTAS SALLY SERVICES TALLIS THOMAS VIRTUS W04705 C 00:06:0 SAATB unaccompanied Vocal score MSER00020 SATB 12 NONE 28/05/2021 P 355580 9780193954298 for SAATB unaccompanied. This glorious musical depiction of the honour, strength, power and authority of the Holy Trinity by Thomas Tallis is the third issue in the CMS's series of great English Responds from the 16th century, edited by Sally Dunkley. Scored for SAATB, it can be performed either as a motet or as a full Responsory with plainsong alternating with polyphony. W04705|C|Y W01184|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73527 Y 6.95 73527 P73527 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020891 50 8000 0.00 The Parting Glass A 9790577020891 (SOLO) BEAMISH CLARINET EP73527 GLASS PARTING PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English Score 232 x 303 mm Clarinet 4 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Based on a traditional Scottish/Irish 'farewell' song, this short piece is one of six works written to express my love of Scotland. After living there for nearly half my life, and raising a family, I moved back to England in 2018, and remarried in 2019. Of course, there were many different emotions attached to the move south: especially the joy and excitement of new beginnings, and reconnection with friends from my youth. But this piece expresses the wrench I experienced after a last family meal in Glasgow, and the realisation of all I was about to leave behind. I have taken the melody of the original song, and expanded it, exploring the detail of its patterns, so that it becomes a timeless meditation. The six pieces in the 'farewell' series are for 6 violas, string quintet, string quartet, trio, violin and clarinet duo, and solo clarinet. The Parting Glass was composed in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown, which intensified the feeling of separation from my Scottish family, as well as from other musicians. It was commissioned by Vittorio Ceccanti for the ContempoArtEnsemble. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73516 Y 6.95 73516 P73516 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020747 20 8000 0.00 Maple A 9790577020747 (SOLO) BEAMISH CELLO EP73516 MAPLE PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English 00:06:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Contemporary cello solo 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Seed; Spinning Seed; Roots, shoots; Leaves ; Flowers; Tree ; Autumn ; Cello Maple arose from a commission to write a work for solo cello, to be performed alongside readings from artist John Newling's collection of letters entitled 'Dear Nature'; a poetic manifestation of our relationship with the natural world. The piece is in eight short sections, to be interspersed with readings of groups of the poems. It may also be performed as a single movement. It begins with a seed - the seed of a maple tree, as it hangs on the mature tree, ready to drop. The seeds are like propellers, sometimes travelling more than a mile before landing on the ground. Maple follows the growth of the tree to maturity - which in reality would take at least a hundred years. 'Roots, shoots' grows downwards and upwards from a pedal note, and the dance-like 'Flowers' is followed by the stately 'Tree', and then the warm, cascading 'Autumn'. Maple is very often the wood of choice for the back of a stringed instrument, and the last section uses open strings to explore the full resonance of the cello. The piece starts with a 'seed' of only five notes, which grows into different configurations. It is intended to be played in an improvisatory style. Maple was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival, Ars et Terra Festival with SACEM and Ditchling Arts and Crafts Museum, to be performed by Margarita Balanas as part of the Brighton Festival's 'Dear Nature' project. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73508 Y 39.95 73508 P73508 DILLON, JAMES C 9790577020648 3 8000 0.00 echo the angelus A 9790577020648 (SOLO) ANGELUS DILLON ECHO EP73508 JAMES PHOTOPRINTS PIANO W01097 English 00:25:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Piano Solo 44 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/01/2021 P 303006 First performed by Noriko Kawai for Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, in a broadcast from the Radio Theatre, BBC Broadcasting House, November 2020. Full of beautifully crafted, delicate tintinnabulations - Richard Morrison, The Times This product is Printed on Demand and may take several weeks to fulfill. Please order from your favorite retailer. $90.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Gustave Vogt's Musical Album of Autographs English horn, Piano Carl Fischer
Chamber Music English Horn, Oboe SKU: CF.WF229 15 Pieces for Oboe and ...(+)
Chamber Music English Horn, Oboe SKU: CF.WF229 15 Pieces for Oboe and English Horn. Composed by Gustave Vogt. Edited by Kristin Jean Leitterman. Collection - Performance. 32+8 pages. Carl Fischer Music #WF229. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.WF229). ISBN 9781491153789. UPC: 680160911288. Introduction Gustave Vogt's Musical Paris Gustave Vogt (1781-1870) was born into the Age of Enlightenment, at the apex of the Enlightenment's outreach. During his lifetime he would observe its effect on the world. Over the course of his life he lived through many changes in musical style. When he was born, composers such as Mozart and Haydn were still writing masterworks revered today, and eighty-nine years later, as he departed the world, the new realm of Romanticism was beginning to emerge with Mahler, Richard Strauss and Debussy, who were soon to make their respective marks on the musical world. Vogt himself left a huge mark on the musical world, with critics referring to him as the grandfather of the modern oboe and the premier oboist of Europe. Through his eighty-nine years, Vogt would live through what was perhaps the most turbulent period of French history. He witnessed the French Revolution of 1789, followed by the many newly established governments, only to die just months before the establishment of the Third Republic in 1870, which would be the longest lasting government since the beginning of the revolution. He also witnessed the transformation of the French musical world from one in which opera reigned supreme, to one in which virtuosi, chamber music, and symphonic music ruled. Additionally, he experienced the development of the oboe right before his eyes. When he began playing in the late eighteenth century, the standard oboe had two keys (E and Eb) and at the time of his death in 1870, the System Six Triebert oboe (the instrument adopted by Conservatoire professor, Georges Gillet, in 1882) was only five years from being developed. Vogt was born March 18, 1781 in the ancient town of Strasbourg, part of the Alsace region along the German border. At the time of his birth, Strasbourg had been annexed by Louis XIV, and while heavily influenced by Germanic culture, had been loosely governed by the French for a hundred years. Although it is unclear when Vogt began studying the oboe and when his family made its move to the French capital, the Vogts may have fled Strasbourg in 1792 after much of the city was destroyed during the French Revolution. He was without question living in Paris by 1798, as he enrolled on June 8 at the newly established Conservatoire national de Musique to study oboe with the school's first oboe professor, Alexandre-Antoine Sallantin (1775-1830). Vogt's relationship with the Conservatoire would span over half a century, moving seamlessly from the role of student to professor. In 1799, just a year after enrolling, he was awarded the premier prix, becoming the fourth oboist to achieve this award. By 1802 he had been appointed repetiteur, which involved teaching the younger students and filling in for Sallantin in exchange for a free education. He maintained this rank until 1809, when he was promoted to professor adjoint and finally to professor titulaire in 1816 when Sallantin retired. This was a position he held for thirty-seven years, retiring in 1853, making him the longest serving oboe professor in the school's history. During his tenure, he became the most influential oboist in France, teaching eighty-nine students, plus sixteen he taught while he was professor adjoint and professor titulaire. Many of these students went on to be famous in their own right, such as Henri Brod (1799-1839), Apollon Marie-Rose Barret (1804-1879), Charles Triebert (1810-1867), Stanislas Verroust (1814-1863), and Charles Colin (1832-1881). His influence stretches from French to American oboe playing in a direct line from Charles Colin to Georges Gillet (1854-1920), and then to Marcel Tabuteau (1887-1966), the oboist Americans lovingly describe as the father of American oboe playing. Opera was an important part of Vogt's life. His first performing position was with the Theatre-Montansier while he was still studying at the Conservatoire. Shortly after, he moved to the Ambigu-Comique and, in 1801 was appointed as first oboist with the Theatre-Italien in Paris. He had been in this position for only a year, when he began playing first oboe at the Opera-Comique. He remained there until 1814, when he succeeded his teacher, Alexandre-Antoine Sallantin, as soloist with the Paris Opera, the top orchestra in Paris at the time. He played with the Paris Opera until 1834, all the while bringing in his current and past students to fill out the section. In this position, he began to make a name for himself; so much so that specific performances were immortalized in memoirs and letters. One comes from a young Hector Berlioz (1803-1865) after having just arrived in Paris in 1822 and attended the Paris Opera's performance of Mehul's Stratonice and Persuis' ballet Nina. It was in response to the song Quand le bien-amie reviendra that Berlioz wrote: I find it difficult to believe that that song as sung by her could ever have made as true and touching an effect as the combination of Vogt's instrument... Shortly after this, Berlioz gave up studying medicine and focused on music. Vogt frequently made solo and chamber appearances throughout Europe. His busiest period of solo work was during the 1820s. In 1825 and 1828 he went to London to perform as a soloist with the London Philharmonic Society. Vogt also traveled to Northern France in 1826 for concerts, and then in 1830 traveled to Munich and Stuttgart, visiting his hometown of Strasbourg on the way. While on tour, Vogt performed Luigi Cherubini's (1760-1842) Ave Maria, with soprano Anna (Nanette) Schechner (1806-1860), and a Concertino, presumably written by himself. As a virtuoso performer in pursuit of repertoire to play, Vogt found himself writing much of his own music. His catalog includes chamber music, variation sets, vocal music, concerted works, religious music, wind band arrangements, and pedagogical material. He most frequently performed his variation sets, which were largely based on themes from popular operas he had, presumably played while he was at the Opera. He made his final tour in 1839, traveling to Tours and Bordeaux. During this tour he appeared with the singer Caroline Naldi, Countess de Sparre, and the violinist Joseph Artot (1815-1845). This ended his active career as a soloist. His performance was described in the Revue et gazette musicale de Paris as having lost none of his superiority over the oboe.... It's always the same grace, the same sweetness. We made a trip to Switzerland, just by closing your eyes and listening to Vogt's oboe. Vogt was also active performing in Paris as a chamber and orchestral musician. He was one of the founding members of the Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire, a group established in 1828 by violinist and conductor Francois-Antoine Habeneck (1781-1849). The group featured faculty and students performing alongside each other and works such as Beethoven symphonies, which had never been heard in France. He also premiered the groundbreaking woodwind quintets of Antonin Reicha (1770-1836). After his retirement from the Opera in 1834 and from the Societe des Concerts du Conservatoire in 1842, Vogt began to slow down. His final known performance was of Cherubini's Ave Maria on English horn with tenor Alexis Dupont (1796-1874) in 1843. He then began to reflect on his life and the people he had known. When he reached his 60s, he began gathering entries for his Musical Album of Autographs. Autograph Albums Vogt's Musical Album of Autographs is part of a larger practice of keeping autograph albums, also commonly known as Stammbuch or Album Amicorum (meaning book of friendship or friendship book), which date back to the time of the Reformation and the University of Wittenberg. It was during the mid-sixteenth century that students at the University of Wittenberg began passing around bibles for their fellow students and professors to sign, leaving messages to remember them by as they moved on to the next part of their lives. The things people wrote were mottos, quotes, and even drawings of their family coat of arms or some other scene that meant something to the owner. These albums became the way these young students remembered their school family once they had moved on to another school or town. It was also common for the entrants to comment on other entries and for the owner to amend entries when they learned of important life details such as marriage or death. As the practice continued, bibles were set aside for emblem books, which was a popular book genre that featured allegorical illustrations (emblems) in a tripartite form: image, motto, epigram. The first emblem book used for autographs was published in 1531 by Andrea Alciato (1492-1550), a collection of 212 Latin emblem poems. In 1558, the first book conceived for the purpose of the album amicorum was published by Lyon de Tournes (1504-1564) called the Thesaurus Amicorum. These books continued to evolve, and spread to wider circles away from universities. Albums could be found being kept by noblemen, physicians, lawyers, teachers, painters, musicians, and artisans. The albums eventually became more specialized, leading to Musical Autograph Albums (or Notestammbucher). Before this specialization, musicians contributed in one form or another, but our knowledge of them in these albums is mostly limited to individual people or events. Some would simply sign their name while others would insert a fragment of music, usually a canon (titled fuga) with text in Latin. Canons were popular because they displayed the craftsmanship of the composer in a limited space. Composers well-known today, including J. S. Bach, Telemann, Mozart, Beethoven, Dowland, and Brahms, all participated in the practice, with Beethoven being the first to indicate an interest in creating an album only of music. This interest came around 1815. In an 1845 letter from Johann Friedrich Naue to Heinrich Carl Breidenstein, Naue recalled an 1813 visit with Beethoven, who presented a book suggesting Naue to collect entries from celebrated musicians as he traveled. Shortly after we find Louis Spohr speaking about leaving on his grand tour through Europe in 1815 and of his desire to carry an album with entries from the many artists he would come across. He wrote in his autobiography that his most valuable contribution came from Beethoven in 1815. Spohr's Notenstammbuch, comprised only of musical entries, is groundbreaking because it was coupled with a concert tour, allowing him to reach beyond the Germanic world, where the creation of these books had been nearly exclusive. Spohr brought the practice of Notenstammbucher to France, and in turn indirectly inspired Vogt to create a book of his own some fifteen years later. Vogt's Musical Album of Autographs Vogt's Musical Album of Autographs acts as a form of a memoir, displaying mementos of musicians who held special meaning in his life as well as showing those with whom he was enamored from the younger generation. The anonymous Pie Jesu submitted to Vogt in 1831 marks the beginning of an album that would span nearly three decades by the time the final entry, an excerpt from Charles Gounod's (1818-1893) Faust, which premiered in 1859, was submitted. Within this album we find sixty-two entries from musicians whom he must have known very well because they were colleagues at the Conservatoire, or composers of opera whose works he was performing with the Paris Opera. Other entries came from performers with whom he had performed and some who were simply passing through Paris, such as Joseph Joachim (1831-1907). Of the sixty-three total entries, some are original, unpublished works, while others came from well-known existing works. Nineteen of these works are for solo piano, sixteen utilize the oboe or English horn, thirteen feature the voice (in many different combinations, including vocal solos with piano, and small choral settings up to one with double choir), two feature violin as a solo instrument, and one even features the now obscure ophicleide. The connections among the sixty-two contributors to Vogt's album are virtually never-ending. All were acquainted with Vogt in some capacity, from long-time friendships to relationships that were created when Vogt requested their entry. Thus, while Vogt is the person who is central to each of these musicians, the web can be greatly expanded. In general, the connections are centered around the Conservatoire, teacher lineages, the Opera, and performing circles. The relationships between all the contributors in the album parallel the current musical world, as many of these kinds of relationships still exist, and permit us to fantasize who might be found in an album created today by a musician of the same standing. Also important, is what sort of entries the contributors chose to pen. The sixty-three entries are varied, but can be divided into published and unpublished works. Within the published works, we find opera excerpts, symphony excerpts, mass excerpts, and canons, while the unpublished works include music for solo piano, oboe or English horn, string instruments (violin and cello), and voice (voice with piano and choral). The music for oboe and English horn works largely belong in the unpublished works of the album. These entries were most likely written to honor Vogt. Seven are for oboe and piano and were contributed by Joseph Joachim, Pauline Garcia Viardot (1821-1910), Joseph Artot, Anton Bohrer (1783-1852), Georges Onslow (1784-1853), Desire Beaulieu (1791-1863), and Narcisse Girard (1797-1860). The common thread between these entries is the simplicity of the melody and structure. Many are repetitive, especially Beaulieu's entry, which features a two-note ostinato throughout the work, which he even included in his signature. Two composers contributed pieces for English horn and piano, and like the previous oboe entries, are simple and repetitive. These were written by Michele Carafa (1787-1872) and Louis Clapisson (1808-1866). There are two other entries that were unpublished works and are chamber music. One is an oboe trio by Jacques Halevy (1799-1862) and the other is for oboe and strings (string trio) by J. B. Cramer (1771-1858). There are five published works in the album for oboe and English horn. There are three from operas and the other two from symphonic works. Ambroise Thomas (1811-1896) contributed an excerpt from the Entr'acte of his opera La Guerillero, and was likely chosen because the oboe was featured at this moment. Hippolyte Chelard (1789-1861) also chose to honor Vogt by writing for English horn. His entry, for English horn and piano, is taken from his biggest success, Macbeth. The English horn part was actually taken from Lady Macbeth's solo in the sleepwalking scene. Vogt's own entry also falls into this category, as he entered an excerpt from Donizetti's Maria di Rohan. The excerpt he chose is a duet between soprano and English horn. There are two entries featuring oboe that are excerpted from symphonic repertoire. One is a familiar oboe melody from Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony entered by his first biographer, Anton Schindler (1796-1864). The other is an excerpt from Berlioz's choral symphony, Romeo et Juliette. He entered an oboe solo from the Grand Fete section of the piece. Pedagogical benefit All of these works are lovely, and fit within the album wonderfully, but these works also are great oboe and English horn music for young students. The common thread between these entries is the simplicity of the melody and structure. Many are repetitive, especially Beaulieu's entry, which features a two-note ostinato throughout the work in the piano. This repetitive structure is beneficial for young students for searching for a short solo to present at a studio recital, or simply to learn. They also work many technical issues a young player may encounter, such as mastering the rolling finger to uncover and recover the half hole. This is true of Bealieu's Pensee as well as Onslow's Andantino. Berlioz's entry from Romeo et Juliette features very long phrases, which helps with endurance and helps keep the air spinning through the oboe. Some of the pieces also use various levels of ornamentation, from trills to grace notes, and short cadenzas. This allows the student to learn appropriate ways to phrase with these added notes. The chamber music is a valuable way to start younger students with chamber music, especially the short quartet by Cramer for oboe and string trio. All of these pieces will not tax the student to learn a work that is more advanced, as well as give them a full piece that they can work on from beginning to end in a couple weeks, instead of months. Editorial Policy The works found in this edition are based on the manuscript housed at the Morgan Library in New York City (call number Cary 348, V886. A3). When possible, published scores were consulted and compared to clarify pitch and text. The general difficulties in creating an edition of these works stem from entries that appear to be hastily written, and thus omit complete articulations and dynamic indications for all passages and parts. The manuscript has been modernized into a performance edition. The score order from the manuscript has been retained. If an entry also exists in a published work, and this was not indicated on the manuscript, appropriate titles and subtitles have been added tacitly. For entries that were untitled, the beginning tempo marking or expressive directive has been added as its title tacitly. Part names have been changed from the original language to English. If no part name was present, it was added tacitly. All scores are transposing where applicable. Measure numbers have been added at the beginning of every system. Written directives have been retained in the original language and are placed relative to where they appear in the manuscript. Tempo markings from the manuscript have been retained, even if they were abbreviated, i.e., Andte. The barlines, braces, brackets, and clefs are modernized. The beaming and stem direction has been modernized. Key signatures have been modernized as some of the flats/sharps do not appear on the correct lines or spaces. Time signatures have been modernized. In a few cases, when a time signature was missing in the manuscript, it has been added tacitly. Triplet and rhythmic groupings have been modernized. Slurs, ties, and articulations (staccato and accent) have been modernized. Slurs, ties, and articulations have been added to parallel passages tacitly. Courtesy accidentals found in the manuscript have been removed, unless it appeared to be helpful to the performer. Dynamic indications from the manuscript have been retained, except where noted. --Kristin Leitterman. IntroductionGustave Vogt’s Musical ParisGustave Vogt (1781–1870) was born into the “Age of Enlightenment,†at the apex of the Enlightenment’s outreach. During his lifetime he would observe its effect on the world. Over the course of his life he lived through many changes in musical style. When he was born, composers such as Mozart and Haydn were still writing masterworks revered today, and eighty-nine years later, as he departed the world, the new realm of Romanticism was beginning to emerge with Mahler, Richard Strauss and Debussy, who were soon to make their respective marks on the musical world. Vogt himself left a huge mark on the musical world, with critics referring to him as the “grandfather of the modern oboe†and the “premier oboist of Europe.â€Through his eighty-nine years, Vogt would live through what was perhaps the most turbulent period of French history. He witnessed the French Revolution of 1789, followed by the many newly established governments, only to die just months before the establishment of the Third Republic in 1870, which would be the longest lasting government since the beginning of the revolution. He also witnessed the transformation of the French musical world from one in which opera reigned supreme, to one in which virtuosi, chamber music, and symphonic music ruled. Additionally, he experienced the development of the oboe right before his eyes. When he began playing in the late eighteenth century, the standard oboe had two keys (E and Eb) and at the time of his death in 1870, the “System Six†Triébert oboe (the instrument adopted by Conservatoire professor, Georges Gillet, in 1882) was only five years from being developed.Vogt was born March 18, 1781 in the ancient town of Strasbourg, part of the Alsace region along the German border. At the time of his birth, Strasbourg had been annexed by Louis XIV, and while heavily influenced by Germanic culture, had been loosely governed by the French for a hundred years. Although it is unclear when Vogt began studying the oboe and when his family made its move to the French capital, the Vogts may have fled Strasbourg in 1792 after much of the city was destroyed during the French Revolution. He was without question living in Paris by 1798, as he enrolled on June 8 at the newly established Conservatoire national de Musique to study oboe with the school’s first oboe professor, Alexandre-Antoine Sallantin (1775–1830).Vogt’s relationship with the Conservatoire would span over half a century, moving seamlessly from the role of student to professor. In 1799, just a year after enrolling, he was awarded the premier prix, becoming the fourth oboist to achieve this award. By 1802 he had been appointed répétiteur, which involved teaching the younger students and filling in for Sallantin in exchange for a free education. He maintained this rank until 1809, when he was promoted to professor adjoint and finally to professor titulaire in 1816 when Sallantin retired. This was a position he held for thirty-seven years, retiring in 1853, making him the longest serving oboe professor in the school’s history. During his tenure, he became the most influential oboist in France, teaching eighty-nine students, plus sixteen he taught while he was professor adjoint and professor titulaire. Many of these students went on to be famous in their own right, such as Henri Brod (1799–1839), Apollon Marie-Rose Barret (1804–1879), Charles Triebert (1810–1867), Stanislas Verroust (1814–1863), and Charles Colin (1832–1881). His influence stretches from French to American oboe playing in a direct line from Charles Colin to Georges Gillet (1854–1920), and then to Marcel Tabuteau (1887–1966), the oboist Americans lovingly describe as the “father of American oboe playing.â€Opera was an important part of Vogt’s life. His first performing position was with the Théâtre-Montansier while he was still studying at the Conservatoire. Shortly after, he moved to the Ambigu-Comique and, in 1801 was appointed as first oboist with the Théâtre-Italien in Paris. He had been in this position for only a year, when he began playing first oboe at the Opéra-Comique. He remained there until 1814, when he succeeded his teacher, Alexandre-Antoine Sallantin, as soloist with the Paris Opéra, the top orchestra in Paris at the time. He played with the Paris Opéra until 1834, all the while bringing in his current and past students to fill out the section. In this position, he began to make a name for himself; so much so that specific performances were immortalized in memoirs and letters. One comes from a young Hector Berlioz (1803–1865) after having just arrived in Paris in 1822 and attended the Paris Opéra’s performance of Mehul’s Stratonice and Persuis’ ballet Nina. It was in response to the song Quand le bien-amié reviendra that Berlioz wrote: “I find it difficult to believe that that song as sung by her could ever have made as true and touching an effect as the combination of Vogt’s instrument…†Shortly after this, Berlioz gave up studying medicine and focused on music.Vogt frequently made solo and chamber appearances throughout Europe. His busiest period of solo work was during the 1820s. In 1825 and 1828 he went to London to perform as a soloist with the London Philharmonic Society. Vogt also traveled to Northern France in 1826 for concerts, and then in 1830 traveled to Munich and Stuttgart, visiting his hometown of Strasbourg on the way. While on tour, Vogt performed Luigi Cherubini’s (1760–1842) Ave Maria, with soprano Anna (Nanette) Schechner (1806–1860), and a Concertino, presumably written by himself. As a virtuoso performer in pursuit of repertoire to play, Vogt found himself writing much of his own music. His catalog includes chamber music, variation sets, vocal music, concerted works, religious music, wind band arrangements, and pedagogical material. He most frequently performed his variation sets, which were largely based on themes from popular operas he had, presumably played while he was at the Opéra.He made his final tour in 1839, traveling to Tours and Bordeaux. During this tour he appeared with the singer Caroline Naldi, Countess de Sparre, and the violinist Joseph Artôt (1815–1845). This ended his active career as a soloist. His performance was described in the Revue et gazette musicale de Paris as having “lost none of his superiority over the oboe…. It’s always the same grace, the same sweetness. We made a trip to Switzerland, just by closing your eyes and listening to Vogt’s oboe.â€Vogt was also active performing in Paris as a chamber and orchestral musician. He was one of the founding members of the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, a group established in 1828 by violinist and conductor François-Antoine Habeneck (1781–1849). The group featured faculty and students performing alongside each other and works such as Beethoven symphonies, which had never been heard in France. He also premiered the groundbreaking woodwind quintets of Antonin Reicha (1770–1836).After his retirement from the Opéra in 1834 and from the Société des Concerts du Conservatoire in 1842, Vogt began to slow down. His final known performance was of Cherubini’s Ave Maria on English horn with tenor Alexis Dupont (1796–1874) in 1843. He then began to reflect on his life and the people he had known. When he reached his 60s, he began gathering entries for his Musical Album of Autographs.Autograph AlbumsVogt’s Musical Album of Autographs is part of a larger practice of keeping autograph albums, also commonly known as Stammbuch or Album Amicorum (meaning book of friendship or friendship book), which date back to the time of the Reformation and the University of Wittenberg. It was during the mid-sixteenth century that students at the University of Wittenberg began passing around bibles for their fellow students and professors to sign, leaving messages to remember them by as they moved on to the next part of their lives. The things people wrote were mottos, quotes, and even drawings of their family coat of arms or some other scene that meant something to the owner. These albums became the way these young students remembered their school family once they had moved on to another school or town. It was also common for the entrants to comment on other entries and for the owner to amend entries when they learned of important life details such as marriage or death.As the practice continued, bibles were set aside for emblem books, which was a popular book genre that featured allegorical illustrations (emblems) in a tripartite form: image, motto, epigram. The first emblem book used for autographs was published in 1531 by Andrea Alciato (1492–1550), a collection of 212 Latin emblem poems. In 1558, the first book conceived for the purpose of the album amicorum was published by Lyon de Tournes (1504–1564) called the Thesaurus Amicorum. These books continued to evolve, and spread to wider circles away from universities. Albums could be found being kept by noblemen, physicians, lawyers, teachers, painters, musicians, and artisans.The albums eventually became more specialized, leading to Musical Autograph Albums (or Notestammbücher). Before this specialization, musicians contributed in one form or another, but our knowledge of them in these albums is mostly limited to individual people or events. Some would simply sign their name while others would insert a fragment of music, usually a canon (titled fuga) with text in Latin. Canons were popular because they displayed the craftsmanship of the composer in a limited space. Composers well-known today, including J. S. Bach, Telemann, Mozart, Beethoven, Dowland, and Brahms, all participated in the practice, with Beethoven being the first to indicate an interest in creating an album only of music.This interest came around 1815. In an 1845 letter from Johann Friedrich Naue to Heinrich Carl Breidenstein, Naue recalled an 1813 visit with Beethoven, who presented a book suggesting Naue to collect entries from celebrated musicians as he traveled. Shortly after we find Louis Spohr speaking about leaving on his “grand tour†through Europe in 1815 and of his desire to carry an album with entries from the many artists he would come across. He wrote in his autobiography that his “most valuable contribution†came from Beethoven in 1815. Spohr’s Notenstammbuch, comprised only of musical entries, is groundbreaking because it was coupled with a concert tour, allowing him to reach beyond the Germanic world, where the creation of these books had been nearly exclusive. Spohr brought the practice of Notenstammbücher to France, and in turn indirectly inspired Vogt to create a book of his own some fifteen years later.Vogt’s Musical Album of AutographsVogt’s Musical Album of Autographs acts as a form of a memoir, displaying mementos of musicians who held special meaning in his life as well as showing those with whom he was enamored from the younger generation. The anonymous Pie Jesu submitted to Vogt in 1831 marks the beginning of an album that would span nearly three decades by the time the final entry, an excerpt from Charles Gounod’s (1818–1893) Faust, which premiered in 1859, was submitted.Within this album ... $16.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 50 Pop Songs for Kids Oboe - Easy Hal Leonard
For Oboe. By Various. Instrumental Folio. Pop. Softcover. 72 pages. Published...(+)
For Oboe. By Various.
Instrumental Folio. Pop.
Softcover. 72 pages.
Published by Hal Leonard
$10.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 14 Intermediate Oboe Quartets 4 Oboes - Intermediate De Haske Publications
4 Oboes - intermediate SKU: BT.DHP-1175839-070 Composed by Pascal Proust....(+)
4 Oboes - intermediate SKU: BT.DHP-1175839-070 Composed by Pascal Proust. De Haske Oboe Series. Set (Score and Parts). Composed 2017. 32 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1175839-070. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1175839-070). ISBN 9789043153522. English-German-French-Dutch. The composer Pascal Proust has many yearsâ?? experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundred compositions for the most diverse instrumentations. He wrote 14 Intermediate Oboe Quartets for oboe players at the levelof approximately 4 5 yearsâ?? study and paid special attention to an easy-to-follow, attractive musical style. As a result, these quartets are ideal performance or competition works for young oboe ensembles.
De componist Pascal Proust kan bogen op een jarenlange ervaring als muzikant en muziekdocent. Zijn oeuvre omvat honderden composities voor de meest diverse instrumentaties. Hij schreef 14 Intermediate Oboe Quartets voor hobo sten die ongeveervier tot vijf jaar les hebben gehad, waarbij hij speciaal aandacht heeft besteed aan een makkelijk te volgen, aantrekkelijke muziekstijl. Daardoor zijn deze kwartetten ideale voordrachts- of wedstrijdwerken voor jonge hoboensembles.
Der Komponist Pascal Proust kann aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Musiker und Musikpädagoge schöpfen; sein Oeuvre umfasst mehrere hundert Kompositionen für verschiedenste Besetzungen. Er schrieb 14 Intermediate Oboe Quartets für Oboistenmit ungefähr 4 5 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung und legte besonderes Augenmerk auf einen leicht verständlichen, attraktiven musikalischen Stil. Dadurch eignen sich diese Quartette ideal als Vortrags- und Wettbewerbsstücke für junge Oboenensembles.
Le compositeur Pascal Proust puise volonté dans son immense expérience de musicien et professeur de musique ; son catalogue dâ??oeuvres englobe plusieurs centaines de compositions pour divers instruments. Il a écrit 14 Intermediate OboeQuartets pour hautbo stes ayant environ 4 5 années de pratique, dans un style musical accessible et coloré. De ce fait, ces quatuors sont des pièces idéales pour tout examen ou audition de jeunes ensembles de hautbois. $30.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Fanfare and Jubilation [Score] - Beginner Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bass Trombone, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarin...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bass Trombone, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Snare Drum, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet 1 and more. - Grade 1 SKU: CF.BPS137F Composed by Michael Boo. Sws. Bps. Full score. 16 pages. Duration 2:20. Carl Fischer Music #BPS137F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.BPS137F). ISBN 9781491158494. UPC: 680160917099. 9 x 12 inches. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion. Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue. Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldnat be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you donat have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide rangea|the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because theyare low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate. Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players donat get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired. At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isnat plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section. There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion. Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue. Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldn't be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you don't have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide range...the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because they're low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate. Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players don't get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired. At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isn't plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section. There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion.Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue.Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldn’t be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you don’t have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide range…the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because they’re low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate.Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players don’t get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired.At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isn’t plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section.There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. $7.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Fanfare and Jubilation - Beginner Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bass Trombone, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarin...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bass Trombone, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Snare Drum, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet 1 and more. - Grade 1 SKU: CF.BPS137 Composed by Michael Boo. Folio. Bps. Set of Score and Parts. 4+4+2+4+4+2+2+3+2+2+2+4+4+3+2+2+2+3+1+1+2+1+16 pages. Duration 2:20. Carl Fischer Music #BPS137. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.BPS137). ISBN 9781491158487. UPC: 680160917082. 9 x 12 inches. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion. Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue. Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldnat be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you donat have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide rangea|the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because theyare low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate. Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players donat get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired. At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isnat plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section. There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion. Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue. Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldn't be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you don't have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide range...the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because they're low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate. Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players don't get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired. At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isn't plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section. There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. Fanfare and Jubilation is a Grade 1 work that is playable by any beginning band with any instrumentation due to extensive doubling. The mood is regal and optimistic and is non-programmatic, conveying no picturesque image or storyline. It is appropriate for any occasion.Accents are to be emphasized more than non-accented notes, but are not to be hammered hard. Stress that accented notes are to be played with the same good tone as the other notes and that pitches should not suffer from the additional emphasis. Think of the accents as more of an additional emphasis from the air column and not the tongue.Percussion accents are to played with more emphasis than non-accented notes, but shouldn’t be perceived as being much louder. Timpani is only two pitches and is optional. The piece will not suffer at all if you don’t have access to Timpani or a timpanist. Bells cover a wide range…the lower octave sections should not be played louder just because they’re low pitched, as those notes will still be appropriately heard while supporting the melody. Do not use brass mallets. Balter 10 Phenolic mallets or equivalent (such as clear Balter Lexan or white Medium Hard Poly models) are most appropriate.Think of the m. 10 accented quarter notes tied to the half notes (and similar later examples) as being akin to Horn rips in a Hollywood movie. They are to be emphasized slightly but should not be blaring. Even though they are the only things happening on counts 2 and 3, care must be given that the young players don’t get carried away and give them more emphasis than is musically desired.At m. 21, be careful that the bass line isn’t plodding or over-emphasized due to the accents. Those players should be aware of the sudden drop in volume and lack of accents at m. 25. Attention to sudden dynamic shifts will add interest to the piece and present a more musical performance. Throughout this entire section, try to get all winds to sustain a single breath through four bars until the breath marks. If they are unable to do so, please explain the concept of staggered breathing between members of their section.There may be a tendency among the players to blast out m. 57 to the end. Notes should have more power than the section from mm. 21-56, but are still to be approached musically. Explaining such concepts during their early musical development will go far in helping them develop good traits that will pay off dividends in the future. $53.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Promise on the Horizon - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cym...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Tambourine, Timpani and more. - Grade 2.5 SKU: CF.YPS252 Composed by Travis Weller. Yps. Set of Score and Parts. 16+4+8+8+4+4+6+4+4+4+8+8+6+6+6+4+6+4+2+4+2+4+24 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 18 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #YPS252. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YPS252). ISBN 9781491161357. UPC: 680160919949. A new day. A new event. A new opportunity. We look forward to these things and the potential they hold. We live our lives looking forward, but we understand them looking backward (a thought of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard). We do not always know what the future may hold, but we must remember: first, there are no guarantees beyond the time and opportunity we are given to do good. Second, change around us is inevitable. Finally, and the most important aspect, we have choices. This lesson is fixed to the composer's office door: Today is the greatest day of your life, if you want it to be. Why not look forward to the Promise on the Horizon and the possibilities for greatness that lie within it? The opening motif of this concert fanfare is purposely inquisitive as the piece seeks to establish its first steps. The subtle shift at measure 37 and again at measure 69 are reminders of the challenges that await us during the journey. Here again it is a matter of choice - do we choose to let circumstances define us, or do we define the circumstances? The section at 93 is a resounding answer that we will move barriers, overcome obstacles and keep our vision looking forward. The piece builds toward an exciting conclusion from measure 127 onward. The piece reinforces several basic rhythmic patterns in 6/8 time. As a number of these rhythms are repeated, it provides an easy opportunity for the entire ensemble to grow more comfortable performing in this meter. While it is a fanfare-type piece, remind young musicians to play with lightness and precision, rather than intensity in volume. Maintaining this style of articulation and accuracy helps the rhythms in 6/8 time maintain their buoyancy. It is vital that each musician listens for the melody and balances their part, especially in moments where the melody is passed between sections. If vibes are not available, a second bell set can be employed in its place. It is hoped that this piece is an uplifting way to open your next concert, and a meaningful opportunity for you to discuss the power of making positive choices with your students in the ensemble (as a reminder, regular practicing of their instrument is a positive choice). Wishing you and your ensemble well as you look to the Promise on the Horizon. A new day. A new event. A new opportunity. We look forward to these things and the potential they hold. We live our lives looking forward, but we understand them looking backward (a thought of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard). We do not always know what the future may hold, but we must remember: first, there are no guarantees beyond the time and opportunity we are given to do good. Second, change around us is inevitable. Finally, and the most important aspect, we have choices. This lesson is fixed to the composer's office door: “Today is the greatest day of your life, if you want it to be.†Why not look forward to the Promise on the Horizon and the possibilities for greatness that lie within it?The opening motif of this concert fanfare is purposely inquisitive as the piece seeks to establish its first steps. The subtle shift at measure 37 and again at measure 69 are reminders of the challenges that await us during the journey. Here again it is a matter of choice – do we choose to let circumstances define us, or do we define the circumstances? The section at 93 is a resounding answer that we will move barriers, overcome obstacles and keep our vision looking forward. The piece builds toward an exciting conclusion from measure 127 onward. The piece reinforces several basic rhythmic patterns in 6/8 time. As a number of these rhythms are repeated, it provides an easy opportunity for the entire ensemble to grow more comfortable performing in this meter. While it is a fanfare-type piece, remind young musicians to play with lightness and precision, rather than intensity in volume. Maintaining this style of articulation and accuracy helps the rhythms in 6/8 time maintain their buoyancy. It is vital that each musician listens for the melody and balances their part, especially in moments where the melody is passed between sections. If vibes are not available, a second bell set can be employed in its place. It is hoped that this piece is an uplifting way to open your next concert, and a meaningful opportunity for you to discuss the power of making positive choices with your students in the ensemble (as a reminder, regular practicing of their instrument is a positive choice). Wishing you and your ensemble well as you look to the Promise on the Horizon. . $65.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Promise on the Horizon [Score] - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cym...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Tambourine, Timpani and more. - Grade 2.5 SKU: CF.YPS252F Composed by Travis Weller. Yps. Full score. 24 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 18 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #YPS252F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YPS252F). ISBN 9781491161913. UPC: 680160920594. A new day. A new event. A new opportunity. We look forward to these things and the potential they hold. We live our lives looking forward, but we understand them looking backward (a thought of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard). We do not always know what the future may hold, but we must remember: first, there are no guarantees beyond the time and opportunity we are given to do good. Second, change around us is inevitable. Finally, and the most important aspect, we have choices. This lesson is fixed to the composer's office door: Today is the greatest day of your life, if you want it to be. Why not look forward to the Promise on the Horizon and the possibilities for greatness that lie within it? The opening motif of this concert fanfare is purposely inquisitive as the piece seeks to establish its first steps. The subtle shift at measure 37 and again at measure 69 are reminders of the challenges that await us during the journey. Here again it is a matter of choice - do we choose to let circumstances define us, or do we define the circumstances? The section at 93 is a resounding answer that we will move barriers, overcome obstacles and keep our vision looking forward. The piece builds toward an exciting conclusion from measure 127 onward. The piece reinforces several basic rhythmic patterns in 6/8 time. As a number of these rhythms are repeated, it provides an easy opportunity for the entire ensemble to grow more comfortable performing in this meter. While it is a fanfare-type piece, remind young musicians to play with lightness and precision, rather than intensity in volume. Maintaining this style of articulation and accuracy helps the rhythms in 6/8 time maintain their buoyancy. It is vital that each musician listens for the melody and balances their part, especially in moments where the melody is passed between sections. If vibes are not available, a second bell set can be employed in its place. It is hoped that this piece is an uplifting way to open your next concert, and a meaningful opportunity for you to discuss the power of making positive choices with your students in the ensemble (as a reminder, regular practicing of their instrument is a positive choice). Wishing you and your ensemble well as you look to the Promise on the Horizon. A new day. A new event. A new opportunity. We look forward to these things and the potential they hold. We live our lives looking forward, but we understand them looking backward (a thought of Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard). We do not always know what the future may hold, but we must remember: first, there are no guarantees beyond the time and opportunity we are given to do good. Second, change around us is inevitable. Finally, and the most important aspect, we have choices. This lesson is fixed to the composer's office door: “Today is the greatest day of your life, if you want it to be.†Why not look forward to the Promise on the Horizon and the possibilities for greatness that lie within it?The opening motif of this concert fanfare is purposely inquisitive as the piece seeks to establish its first steps. The subtle shift at measure 37 and again at measure 69 are reminders of the challenges that await us during the journey. Here again it is a matter of choice – do we choose to let circumstances define us, or do we define the circumstances? The section at 93 is a resounding answer that we will move barriers, overcome obstacles and keep our vision looking forward. The piece builds toward an exciting conclusion from measure 127 onward. The piece reinforces several basic rhythmic patterns in 6/8 time. As a number of these rhythms are repeated, it provides an easy opportunity for the entire ensemble to grow more comfortable performing in this meter. While it is a fanfare-type piece, remind young musicians to play with lightness and precision, rather than intensity in volume. Maintaining this style of articulation and accuracy helps the rhythms in 6/8 time maintain their buoyancy. It is vital that each musician listens for the melody and balances their part, especially in moments where the melody is passed between sections. If vibes are not available, a second bell set can be employed in its place. It is hoped that this piece is an uplifting way to open your next concert, and a meaningful opportunity for you to discuss the power of making positive choices with your students in the ensemble (as a reminder, regular practicing of their instrument is a positive choice). Wishing you and your ensemble well as you look to the Promise on the Horizon. . $11.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Starter Solos Oboe, Piano (duet) [Sheet music + Audio access] - Easy Anglo Music
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-355-404 20 Progressive Pieces with P...(+)
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-355-404 20 Progressive Pieces with Piano Accompaniment. Composed by Philip Sparke. Starter Solos. Tuition. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2021. 32 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 355-404. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-355-404). ISBN 9789043138789. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is the first volume of a progressive series of books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, this collection of 20solos starts with pieces based on only a handful of notes and carefully introduces new musical elements, such as articulation, dynamics and key signatures, in a structured progression to speed the learning process. The booksprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Starter Solos comes with an online audio access. The advantages of playing either with piano or audio accompaniment are that the beginning playercan now experience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always a factor when playingalone.
Philip Sparkeââ¬â¢s Starter Solos is het eerste deel van een serie boeken met muziek voor jonge blazers. Deze bundel van twintig soloââ¬â¢s begint met stukken die op een handvol noten zijn gebaseerd. Nieuwe muzikale elementen(articulatie, dynamiek, enz.) worden op een doordachte, gestructureerde manier toegevoegd. Dit studiemateriaal vult elke leermethode aan en is steeds toegesneden op het betreffende instrument. Uitgave met online audio: Devoordelen van het spelen met begeleiding - hetzij met een pianist, hetzij met de opname - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kanaanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo. Bij het alleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.
Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial. Für diese Ausgabe beriet sich Philip Sparke mitvielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesen Soli und Etüden in dreiverschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten. Die Stücke in dieserAusgabe können dank der im Buch in Notenform enthaltenen und online als Audiotracks zugänglichen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger sonicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte des Ensemblespiels erfahren, sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, während des Spielens zugleich zuzuhören und das Tempo zu halten.
Starter Solos est un recueil motivant offrant une présentation structurée des techniques de jeu et dââ¬â¢apprentissage. Les solos composés par Philip Sparke constituent les premiers pas plaisants de votre entrée dans leformidable monde de la musique ! Les enregistrements sont disponibles en ligne au format MP3 : vous trouverez une version intégrale de chaque pièce ainsi quââ¬â¢une version où ne subsiste que lââ¬â¢accompagnement. La versionpapier des accompagnements de piano est jointe au recueil.
Accanto ad un buon insegnante, il materiale da studio valido è senza dubbio la cosa più importante al fine di un buon apprendimento. Eââ¬â¢ quindi importante mettere a disposizione dellââ¬â¢allievo materiale motivante. Nello scriverequesti soli, Philip Sparke si è consultato a più riprese con insegnanti ed allievi per mettere a punto brani che consentono anche ai più inesperti di suonare in modo soddisfacente. Gli accompagnamenti al piano sono accessibilionline come file MP3. $24.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Icare Oboe, Piano (duet) - Intermediate De Haske Publications
Oboe and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.DHP-1165698-401 Composed by Pascal ...(+)
Oboe and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.DHP-1165698-401 Composed by Pascal Proust. De Haske Oboe Series. Book Only. Composed 2016. 8 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1165698-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1165698-401). ISBN 9789043150101. English-German-French-Dutch. Which instrument renders a better representation of the unfortunate attempt of the young Icarus to fly beneath the sun? The composer Pascal Proust has many years’ experience as a musician and music teacher. His output includes several hundredcompositions for the most diverse instrumentations. He wrote Icare for oboe players at the level of approximately 3 4 years’ study and paid special attention to an easy-to-follow, attractive musical style. As a result, Icare is an idealperformance or competition work for young musicians.
Welk instrument kan de onfortuinlijke poging van de jonge Icarus om onder de zon te vliegen beter bezingen? De componist Pascal Proust heeft jarenlange ervaring als muzikant en muziekdocent. Zijn oeuvre omvat honderden composities voor de meestdiverse instrumentaties. Hij schreef Icare voor hobo sten die ongeveer drie tot vier jaar les hebben, waarbij hij speciaal aandacht heeft besteed aan een makkelijk te volgen, aantrekkelijke muziekstijl. Daardoor is Icare een ideaalvoordrachts- of wedstrijdstuk voor jonge muzikanten.
Welches Instrument könnte besser die unglücklichen Versuche des jungen Ikarus besingen, der zu nahe an die Sonne flog? Der Komponist Pascal Proust kann aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Musiker und Musikpädagoge schöpfen; sein Oeuvre umfasstmehrere hundert Kompositionen für verschiedenste Besetzungen. Er schrieb Icare für Oboisten mit ungefähr 3 4 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung und legte besonderes Augenmerk auf einen leicht verständlichen, attraktiven musikalischen Stil. Dadurcheignet sich Icare ideal als Vortrags- und Wettbewerbsstück für junge Musiker.
Quel instrument chanterait mieux les malheureuses tentatives du jeune Icare pour voler sous le soleil ? Le compositeur Pascal Proust puise volonté dans son immense expérience de musicien et professeur de musique ; son catalogue d’oeuvres englobeplusieurs centaines de compositions pour divers instruments. Il a notamment écrit Icare pour hautbo stes ayant environ 3 4 années de pratique, dans un style musical accessible et coloré. De ce fait, Icare est la pièce idéale pour toutexamen ou audition de jeunes musiciens. $17.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 15 Easy Classical Solos Oboe, Piano (duet) [Sheet music + CD] - Easy Anglo Music
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-298-400 Arranged by Philip Sparke. Angl...(+)
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-298-400 Arranged by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Play-Along Series. Classical. Book with CD. Composed 2013. 16 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 298-400. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-298-400). ISBN 9789043138055. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Part of the Anglo Music Play-along Series, Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the beginning player to the world of the classics by using simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The carefully selected pieces include music from the 16th to the 20th century and cover a wide variety of styles, from Bach to Grieg and from Purcell to Satie. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Philip Sparkeâ??s 15 Easy Classical Solos, onderdeel van de Anglo Music Play-Along Series, is bedoeld voor de jonge instrumentalist die iets meer dan een octaaf kan spelen. Het boek sluit qua instrumentaal bereik en gebruikte toonsoortenaan bij het Artist Level van Hal Leonards Essential Elements ®, maar kan ook los daarvan worden gebruikt.De zorgvuldig geselecteerde melodieën, die specifiek zijn toegesneden op elk instrument, beslaan een breed scala van klassieke stijlen:van Bach tot Grieg en van Purcell tot Satie.Het boek bevat waardevol materiaal ter aanvulling op elke lesmethode en wordt geleverd met pianobegeleiding en een cd met demo- en meespeeltracks.
15 Easy Classical Solos ist als Ergänzung zur bewährten Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe gedacht und richtet sich an Schüler, die ungefähr einen Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Das Niveau entspricht dem des Artist Levels der Essential Elements ® Methode von Hal Leonard, kann aber auch unabhängig davon verwendet werden. Genau auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, ermöglicht die wohlüberlegte Stückeauswahl ein erstes Kennenlernen von Melodien aus verschiedenen Epochen der Klassik von Grieg über Purcell bis Satie. Jeder Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschule passt und enthält sowohl Klavier- als auch CD-Begleitungen.
15 Easy Classical Solos, de Philip Sparke, est un ouvrage qui sâ??adresse aux jeunes musiciens, maîtrisant un peu plus dâ??une octave. 15 Easy Classical Solos a été conçu pour être joué en corrélation avec les séries Artist et/ou Master Level de la collection Essential Elements ®, publiée par les éditions Hal Leonard. Mais il peut également être utilisé indépendamment.Spécifiquement adapté chaque instrument, ce volume rassemble quinze mélodies écrites par des compositeurs aussi variés que Bach, Purcell, Grieg et Satie.Comprenant les parties dâ??accompagnement de piano et une version dâ??accompagnement sur compact disc, ces ouvrages représentent une sourcecomplémentaire inestimable toute méthode pédagogique.
Il concetto della collana Anglo Music Play-Along Series è quello di integrare al più presto nel processo di apprendimento dei giovani strumentisti la possibilit di poter suonare accompagnati al piano o con lâ??ausilio di unâ??incisione su CD. Ilchiaro vantaggio di questo metodo è che gli allievi imparano da subito lâ??aspetto fondamentale del suonare insieme, vale a dire tenere il tempo in modo costante. 15 Easy Classical Solos consente agli allievi che hanno una conoscenza limitatadelle note di suonare brani di Bach, Schubert, Purcell, Grieg e altri, grazie alle versioni facilitate. Il livello di 15 Intermediate Classical Solos permette invece agli allievi che padroneggiano lâ??estensione superiore a unâ??ottava dicimentarsi nei â??primi concertiâ? con brani di Haendel, Clementi, Rameau, Glueck, Beethoven e altri. Il CD propone una traccia con lâ??incisione completa e una con il solo accompagnamento. $22.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Ninja - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, E...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Flute 3, Gong, Horn 1, Horn 2, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal and more. - Grade 2 SKU: CF.YPS228 Composed by Michael Boo. Folio. Yps. Set of Score and Parts. 4+2+2+2+4+4+2+2+5+5+2+2+4+4+4+2+2+3+3+3+2+3+2+1+1+1+2+16 pages. Duration 2:30. Carl Fischer Music #YPS228. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YPS228). ISBN 9781491157961. UPC: 680160916566. 9 x 12 inches. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next. Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you donat have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece wonat suffer if you donat have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments wonat be missed if you donat have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum. Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering. At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldnat be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that donat have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next. Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you don't have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece won't suffer if you don't have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments won't be missed if you don't have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum. Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering. At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldn't be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that don't have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next.Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you don’t have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece won’t suffer if you don’t have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments won’t be missed if you don’t have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum.Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering.At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldn’t be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that don’t have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. $65.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Ninja [Score] - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, E...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bells, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Flute 3, Gong, Horn 1, Horn 2, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal and more. - Grade 2 SKU: CF.YPS228F Composed by Michael Boo. Sws. Yps. Full score. 16 pages. Duration 2:30. Carl Fischer Music #YPS228F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YPS228F). ISBN 9781491157978. UPC: 680160916573. 9 x 12 inches. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next. Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you donat have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece wonat suffer if you donat have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments wonat be missed if you donat have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum. Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering. At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldnat be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that donat have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next. Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you don't have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece won't suffer if you don't have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments won't be missed if you don't have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum. Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering. At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldn't be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that don't have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. Ninja is a Grade 2 piece playable by any young band, due to extensive doublings throughout. The mood of the piece is mysterious, reflecting the image of ninjas being seen one moment and gone the next.Flute 3 is not essential as it doubles the oboes, but is useful in case you have a lot of flutes or due to a limited number of oboes. If you don’t have a bass clarinet, baritone saxophone or bassoons, those parts are covered in the low brass. The timpani part is optional, and the piece won’t suffer if you don’t have access to that percussion. The optional F-chime and gong only play in the final measure of the piece. While adding a notable effect at the end, those instruments won’t be missed if you don’t have them available. The tom-tom part can be played on a snare drum with the snares off or may be played on a tenor drum.Care should be taken that accented notes are emphasized, but never become ponderous. The half notes at the beginning of the piece should not be accented. The theme is introduced in the first twelve measures, and at m. 13 many of the instruments trade the melody for half notes and vice-versa. Be careful that the percussion section never becomes overpowering.At m. 25, care should be taken that there is quite a volume difference between ff and mp. Think of this representing the ninjas being seen one moment and being hidden the next. The double staccato figures at m. 33 should not be accented. Trumpets and trombones at m. 37 should not be overly legato, but certainly shouldn’t be treated as staccatos. Being aware of not accenting notes that don’t have accents will make the accents at m. 49 more dramatic. Please note that the legato notes at mm. 58 and 60 are not to be accented. $11.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Future of Tomorrow - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Cornet, Cornet 2...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Cornet, Cornet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Glockenspiel, Horn 1, Horn 2, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum and more. - Grade 3 SKU: CF.CPS245 Composed by Benjamin Yeo. Folio. Cps. Set of Score and Parts. 8+2+8+8+2+4+4+4+4+2+4+4+4+4+6+6+4+4+8+2+2+1+4+1+2+24 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 42 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #CPS245. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.CPS245). ISBN 9781491158128. UPC: 680160916726. 9 x 12 inches. ABOUT THE MUSIC Future of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang. Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work. EDUCATIONAL NOTES Key: Eb Major SECTION BARS EVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONS Introduction 1-4 Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif. 1st Strain 5-20 Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato; melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this anew ideaa needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement. 2nd Strain 21-36 C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29. Trio 37-56 Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps. Break Strain 57-62 Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain. Final Strain 63-82 Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79. NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOR This march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece. This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets. I wish you the best in the performance of this work. - Benjamin Yeo. ABOUT THE MUSIC Future of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang. Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work. EDUCATIONAL NOTES Key: Eb Major SECTION BARS EVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONS Introduction 1-4 Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif. 1st Strain 5-20 Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato; melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this 'new idea' needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement. 2nd Strain 21-36 C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29. Trio 37-56 Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps. Break Strain 57-62 Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain. Final Strain 63-82 Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79. NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOR This march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece. This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets. I wish you the best in the performance of this work. - Benjamin Yeo. ABOUT THE MUSICFuture of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang.Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work.EDUCATIONAL NOTESKey: Eb MajorSECTIONBARSEVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONSIntroduction1-4Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif.1st Strain5-20Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato;melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this ‘new idea’ needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement.2nd Strain21-36C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29.Trio37-56Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps.Break Strain57-62Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain.Final Strain63-82Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79.NOTE TO THE CONDUCTORThis march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece.This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets.I wish you the best in the performance of this work.- Benjamin Yeo. $85.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Future of Tomorrow [Score] - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Cornet, Cornet 2...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Cornet, Cornet 2, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Glockenspiel, Horn 1, Horn 2, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Percussion 3, Snare Drum and more. - Grade 3 SKU: CF.CPS245F Composed by Benjamin Yeo. Sws. Cps. Full score. 24 pages. Carl Fischer Music #CPS245F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.CPS245F). ISBN 9781491158135. UPC: 680160916733. 9 x 12 inches. ABOUT THE MUSIC Future of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang. Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work. EDUCATIONAL NOTES Key: Eb Major SECTION BARS EVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONS Introduction 1-4 Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif. 1st Strain 5-20 Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato; melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this anew ideaa needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement. 2nd Strain 21-36 C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29. Trio 37-56 Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps. Break Strain 57-62 Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain. Final Strain 63-82 Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79. NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOR This march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece. This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets. I wish you the best in the performance of this work. - Benjamin Yeo. ABOUT THE MUSIC Future of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang. Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work. EDUCATIONAL NOTES Key: Eb Major SECTION BARS EVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONS Introduction 1-4 Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif. 1st Strain 5-20 Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato; melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this 'new idea' needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement. 2nd Strain 21-36 C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29. Trio 37-56 Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps. Break Strain 57-62 Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain. Final Strain 63-82 Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79. NOTE TO THE CONDUCTOR This march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece. This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets. I wish you the best in the performance of this work. - Benjamin Yeo. ABOUT THE MUSICFuture of Tomorrow (Concert March) was commissioned by the Arts Education Branch, Ministry of Education as the set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival 2016 Arts Presentation for Concert and Brass Bands (Primary Level). This march uses brief excerpts from the well-known Malay folk songs Katak Lompat and Rasa Sayang.Our youths are indeed our future of tomorrow. This joyful-themed march aims to bring out the best in each of your young players. I hope that students, band directors and audiences will enjoy preparing, performing and listening to this work.EDUCATIONAL NOTESKey: Eb MajorSECTIONBARSEVENT / SCORING / SUGGESTIONSIntroduction1-4Opens in Eb major with dotted rhythm motif.1st Strain5-20Take note of melodic phrasing above the (light) oom-pah ostinato;melody repeats at m. 13 with the addition of countermelody in the inner lines; although written at mf dynamic, this ‘new idea’ needs to be heard clearly for contrast with the previous statement.2nd Strain21-36C minor (relative minor); excerpt from Katak Lompat; melody in the lower brass/wind from m. 21 with a contrasting attitude/style from 1st strain; back to a more lyrical treatment from m. 29.Trio37-56Stays unmodulated in the same key; opens with a percussion solo feature before the start of the softer Trio theme; keep this section controlled and be sensitive to the balance; the metallic timbre of the muted trumpet/cornet needs to be heard clearly (might suggest to bring the dynamic level up to mf when muted); if cued-notes are played, make sure they are played throughout the melodic phrase as written to avoid awkward leaps.Break Strain57-62Excerpt from Rasa Sayang with some play in tonality and instrumental dialogue; quasi grandioso-style before the final strain.Final Strain63-82Back to Eb major with the reprise of the Trio theme; festive-like style with fuller orchestration and new countermelodies; dotted rhythm motif from the introduction concludes the march in a codetta-like section from m. 79.NOTE TO THE CONDUCTORThis march has been carefully written with reasonable technicalities and range in mind for younger players. Generally, optional cued notes in parenthesis are given for less experienced players who have yet to develop their range on the instrument. However, they should never be taken as an easy alternative for all players in the section; otherwise, this may result in a less than ideal flow of the musical lines. Marches are good tools to train tempo consistency, articulation and rhythmic precision as well as musical phrasing. I hope that there will be great learning opportunities for your students as they learn this piece.This march is separately orchestrated for both wind and brass bands to maximize the instrumental colors within each ensemble. The parts are therefore not exchangeable between the wind band and brass band sets.I wish you the best in the performance of this work.- Benjamin Yeo. $14.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| The New Bennett Band Book - Vol. 1 (Oboe) Carl Fischer
Band Oboe SKU: CF.JB75 Volume 1: Twelve Classic Young-Band Marches Plu...(+)
Band Oboe SKU: CF.JB75 Volume 1: Twelve Classic Young-Band Marches Plus Innovative March Style Warm-up Exercises. Composed by Harold Bennett. Arranged by Larry Clark. Concert Band Method. The New Bennett Band Book Series. Concert Band Method. With Standard notation. 16 pages. Carl Fischer Music #JB75. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.JB75). ISBN 9780825865282. UPC: 798408065287. 9 X 12 inches. The Bennett Band Books, published in four volumes starting in 1923, were used to teach literally millions of young band musicians in the middle of the twentieth century the march form and style. The pieces utilized in this book are: Activity, Summit, Success, Project, Courage, Mister Joe, Genius, Improvement, At Sight, Little Rastus, Laurel and Aline. These delightful marches, composed by famous march composer Henry Fillmore using the pseudonym Harold Bennett, have been given new life by arranger Larry Clark. The original essence of these marches is retained and only the instrumentation and some range issues have been altered to fit the needs of today’s developing bands. This collection includes twelve of the Bennett marches along with a helpful march warm-up section composed by Larry Clark to help you teach the march form and style to young students. There is the added benefit of a full recording of each march performed by a professional band on the CD that is included in the conductor’s score. This is a valuable collection for any level band to use for marches at contest/festival performance or for sight-reading purposes. About The New Bennett Band Book Series The Bennett Band Books published in four volumes starting in 1923 were used to teach the march form and style to millions of young band musicians in the middle of the twentieth century. Twelve of the legendary Henry Fillmore's tuneful band gems (written using the pseudonym Harold Bennett) have been collected together by Larry Clark to form the first volume of The New Bennett Band Books. This volume concentrates on 2/4 time and the keys of Bb major, Eb major, and Ab major. In addition, a helpful march warm-up section, composed by Larry Clark, is included to help you teach the march form and style to young students. There is also the added benefit of a full recording of each march performed by a professional band on the CD that is included in the full score. This is a valuable collection for any level band to use for marches at contest/festival performance or for sight-reading purposes. $9.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| My First Barrett/Niemann Oboe - Easy Carl Fischer By Barrett/Niemann.
Arranged by Daniel
Schmidt. oboe. Published
by Carl Fischer.
$9.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Selected Studies for Oboe - Volume 2 Oboe - Intermediate Southern Music Ltd
Composed by Various. Edited by Yuri Maizels. Southern Music. Etude, Instruct...(+)
Composed by Various. Edited
by Yuri Maizels. Southern
Music. Etude, Instruction.
Softcover. 52 pages. Southern
Music Company #B581.
Published by Southern Music
$19.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Selected Studies for Oboe - Volume 1 Oboe Southern Music Ltd
Composed by Yuri Maizels. Edited by Yuri Maizels. Southern Music. Instruction,...(+)
Composed by Yuri Maizels.
Edited by Yuri Maizels.
Southern Music. Instruction,
Method. Softcover. 48 pages.
Southern Music Company
#B580. Published by Southern
Music Company
$16.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Skilful Solos Oboe, Piano (duet) [Sheet music + CD] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Oboe and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.AMP-356-400 Composed by Philip Spar...(+)
Oboe and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.AMP-356-400 Composed by Philip Sparke. Tuition. Book with CD. Composed 2013. 44 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 356-400. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-356-400). ISBN 9789043138796. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Philip Sparke’s Skilful Solos is the second volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Following on from the first book in the series Starter Solos this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Skilful Solos introduces the concept of phrasing by suggesting suitable breathing points and takes the player into new keys with extended instrumental ranges, new notes being introduced in a gradual and logical manner.Skilful Solos comes with a play-along CD. The advantages of playing eitherwith piano or CD accompaniment are that the beginning player can now experience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always achieved when playing alone.
Skilful Solos past in het rijtje Starter Studies, Skilful Studies, Super Studies en Starter Solos, een succesvolle reeks van Philip Sparke. Net als de eerdergenoemde uitgaven bevat Skilful Solos waardevol,motiverend speelmateriaal dat de keuze voor een methode aanvult. Nieuwe muzikale elementen komen in een logische volgorde aan de orde - om de ontwikkeling van de complete muzikant te bevorderen. Uitgave met cd: De voordelen van het spelen metbegeleiding - hetzij op de piano, hetzij op de cd - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kan aanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en hethandhaven van een strak tempo. Bij het alleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.
Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial. Für diese zwei Solobücher beriet sich Philip Sparke mit vielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesenSoli und Etüden in drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten. STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS können dank der im Buch und auf der CD enthaltenen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger so nicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte desEnsemblespiels erfahren sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, zu hören während sie spielen und das Tempo zu halten. Inhalt: Nice to See You Again -Pony and Trap -Summer Siesta -Spring (Vivaldi) -A Victorian Ballad -Trumpet Tune -Promenade -Greensleeves -Could You Repeat That? -Alladale Aria -Scales of Justice -Largo from Winter (Vivaldi) -Waltz with Variations -Atthe Circus - Adagio (Mozart) - Marche Militaire (Schubert) - Thinking of You - Fives and Threes - Daydream - Rhode Island Rag Suivant Starter Solos, Skilful Solos est le nouveau recueil motivant offrant une présentation structurée des techniques de jeu et d’apprentissage. Les solos composés par Philip Sparke constituent les premiers pas plaisants de votre entrée dans le formidable monde de la musique ! Sur le compact disc inclus, vous trouverez une version intégrale de chaque pièce ainsi qu’une version où ne subsiste que l’accompagnement ; la version papier des accompagnements de piano est jointe au recueil. Skilful Solos può essere considerato il seguito di Starter Solos. Suonare con l’accompagnamento è un lavoro di squadra che sviluppa la capacit di ascolto e di reazione. Skilful Solos è indispensabile per progredire nel mondodella musica. $23.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 15 Easy Christmas Carols Oboe, Piano (duet) [Sheet music + CD] - Easy Anglo Music
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-405-400 Arranged by Philip Sparke. Angl...(+)
Oboe and Piano - easy SKU: BT.AMP-405-400 Arranged by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Play-Along Series. Book with CD. Composed 2015. 40 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 405-400. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-405-400). ISBN 9789043148474. English-German-French-Dutch. Part of the Anglo Music Play-Along Series, Philip Sparke’s 15 Easy Christmas Carols is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play just over an octave. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introducesthe beginning player to the world’s most popular Christmas tunes by selecting simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. This book will provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both pianoaccompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Philip Sparkes 15 Easy Christmas Carols sind Teil der Anglo Music Play-Along Reihe und richten sich an junge Instrumentalisten, die den Tonumfang von einer Oktave beherrschen. Auf jedes Instrument zugeschnitten, führen diese Ausgaben,für die einfache und zugleich ansprechende Melodien ausgewählt wurden die sich für diesen begrenzten Tonumfang eignen, den Anfänger an die weltweit beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder heran. Dieser Band bietet wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jederInstrumentalschule passt und sowohl eine Klavierbegleitung als auch eine Play-Along-CD enthält.
Faisant partie de l’Anglo Music Play-Along Series, les 15 Easy Christmas Carols(15 chants de Noël faciles) de Philip Sparke visent les jeunes instrumentistes qui arrivent jouer un peu plus d’une octave. Adapté pourconvenir chaque instrument spécifique, ce recueil introduit le joueur débutant aux chants de Noël les plus populaires en sélectionnant des mélodies simples les plus intéressantes qui correspondent leur registre limité. Ce recueil fournit dumatériel supplémentaire indispensable qui complète n’importe quelle méthode pédagogique et inclut un accompagnement pour piano ainsi qu’une version sur CD avec démos. $22.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano, FP 43 Oboe, Bassoon and Piano LudwigMasters Publications
Oboe, Bassoon and Piano SKU: AP.36-60402001 Composed by Francis Poulenc. ...(+)
Oboe, Bassoon and Piano SKU: AP.36-60402001 Composed by Francis Poulenc. Chamber Trio; Trio. Master Woodwind Series. Score and Part(s). LudwigMasters Publications #36-60402001. Published by LudwigMasters Publications (AP.36-60402001). ISBN 9798888521939. UPC: 676737573621. English. Trio Pour Hautbois, Basson, et Piano (Trio for Oboe, Bassoon, and Piano), FP 43, was composed by Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) between 1924 and 1926, and it is his first major chamber work. A slow writer, the young Poulenc eventually sequestered himself away from family and friends in a hotel in Cannes so that he could finish the work, although he was happy to entertain a visiting Igor Stravinsky who offered some advice (quelques bons conseils) that Poulenc then applied to the first movement. The Trio is dedicated to Manuel de Falla, and the delighted Spanish composer saw to the premiere, which took place at the Salle des Agriculteurs in Paris on May 2, 1926, Poulenc at the piano. It was well received at the premiere, has been recorded many times since, and has remained a regular part of the woodwind ensemble repertoire. Reprint edition. These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months. $14.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Essential Elements for Band - Book 2 with EEi (Oboe) Oboe [Sheet music + Audio access] Hal Leonard
Concert Band Method. Essential Elements. Play Along. Softcover Media Online. 48 ...(+)
Concert Band Method. Essential Elements. Play Along. Softcover Media Online. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard
$12.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Essential Technique for Band with EEi - Intermediate to Advanced Studies Oboe [Sheet music + Audio access] Hal Leonard
Oboe. Concert Band Method. Essential Elements. Play Along. Softcover Media Onlin...(+)
Oboe. Concert Band Method. Essential Elements. Play Along. Softcover Media Online. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard
(1)$12.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| At Her Ladyship's Request [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bongos, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, ...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon, Bongos, Chimes, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass, Contrabass Clarinet, Contrabassoon, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Flute 1, Flute 2, Flute 3, Glockenspiel, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1 and more. SKU: PR.11540233F A Period Piece for Bands of Winds. Composed by Carter Pann. Sws. Full score. 60 pages. Duration 12:30. Theodore Presser Company #115-40233F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.11540233F). ISBN 9781491114452. UPC: 680160667734. 9 x 12 inches. At Her Ladyships Request (2016) was an idea born out of admiration for the wind works of Percy Grainger most notably his Lincolnshire Posey. The names and places here are all fictitious. Four countrymen have come forward at Her Ladyships request as we com. At Her Ladyshipas Request (2016) was an idea born out of admiration for the wind works of Percy Grainger a most notably his Lincolnshire Posey. The names and places here are all fictitious. Four countrymen have come forward at Her Ladyshipas request as we commoners (and for as long as I can remember) have been led to believe Her Highness has grown complacent in her aged betrothal to His Lordship. I. It has long been established in this hill country that young, svelte Tom Abel has caught her fancy eye. He knocks about with the swagger of a visiting dignitary, confident and cocksure. And then there is his fatheras fortune. Cecil Abel may be the richest man in the land save for His Lordship. Tom, his only son, will run his face straight into that pile the moment his old man kicks. II. It is rare to spy Father Daniel Bennett, High Priest from the Abbey at Lockwood Cross, loitering in our very own town squarea|but not as of late. III. Is Her Ladyship so desperate as to call upon Old Man Dimplesweet? Were you to confirm this, I would have straightened my back and spit the ground before you. Then I saw what could not possibly be misconstrued. And where is His Lordship anyway? IV. Pettybone! Connivinga| insidious. I donat believe there has been a greater rivalry among men for generations. The Dukeas ego alone could run our nation. The grudges he grows are notorious. His mount is legendary. The day has come to collect his toll. At Her Ladyship's Request (2016) was an idea born out of admiration for the wind works of Percy Grainger - most notably his Lincolnshire Posey. The names and places here are all fictitious. Four countrymen have come forward at Her Ladyship's request as we commoners (and for as long as I can remember) have been led to believe Her Highness has grown complacent in her aged betrothal to His Lordship. I. It has long been established in this hill country that young, svelte Tom Abel has caught her fancy eye. He knocks about with the swagger of a visiting dignitary, confident and cocksure. And then there is his father's fortune. Cecil Abel may be the richest man in the land save for His Lordship. Tom, his only son, will run his face straight into that pile the moment his old man kicks. II. It is rare to spy Father Daniel Bennett, High Priest from the Abbey at Lockwood Cross, loitering in our very own town square...but not as of late. III. Is Her Ladyship so desperate as to call upon Old Man Dimplesweet? Were you to confirm this, I would have straightened my back and spit the ground before you. Then I saw what could not possibly be misconstrued. And where is His Lordship anyway? IV. Pettybone! Conniving... insidious. I don't believe there has been a greater rivalry among men for generations. The Duke's ego alone could run our nation. The grudges he grows are notorious. His mount is legendary. The day has come to collect his toll. At Her Ladyship’s Request (2016) was an idea born out of admiration for the wind works of Percy Grainger – most notably his Lincolnshire Posey.The names and places here are all fictitious. Four countrymen have come forward at Her Ladyship’s request as we commoners (and for as long as I can remember) have been led to believe Her Highness has grown complacent in her aged betrothal to His Lordship.I. It has long been established in this hill country that young, svelte Tom Abel has caught her fancy eye. He knocks about with the swagger of a visiting dignitary, confident and cocksure. And then there is his father’s fortune. Cecil Abel may be the richest man in the land save for His Lordship. Tom, his only son, will run his face straight into that pile the moment his old man kicks.II. It is rare to spy Father Daniel Bennett, High Priest from the Abbey at Lockwood Cross, loitering in our very own town square…but not as of late.III. Is Her Ladyship so desperate as to call upon Old Man Dimplesweet? Were you to confirm this, I would have straightened my back and spit the ground before you. Then I saw what could not possibly be misconstrued. And where is His Lordship anyway?IV. Pettybone! Conniving… insidious. I don’t believe there has been a greater rivalry among men for generations. The Duke’s ego alone could run our nation. The grudges he grows are notorious. His mount is legendary. The day has come to collect his toll. $30.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Fantasy Pieces Op. 2 Oboe, Piano (duet) G. Henle
(Oboe and Piano). Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Edited by Christi...(+)
(Oboe and Piano). Composed by Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931). Edited by Christin Heitmann. For Oboe, Piano Accompaniment. Henle Music Folios. Softcover. 16 pages. G. Henle #HN1131. Published by G. Henle
$19.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
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