SKU: LM.23846
ISBN 9790230938464.
A...comme Apprendre - B...comme Berger - C...comme Carillon - D...comme Danser - E...comme Ecouter - F...comme Frere et soeur - G...comme Galoper - H...comme Horizons - I...comme Imiter - J...comme Jardiner - K...comme Kilometres - L...comme Loisirs - M...comme Marionnettes - N... comme Naviguer - O...comme Obstine - P...comme Prier - Q...comme Quatre par quatre - R... comme Rever - S...Saute-mouton - T...comme Trois et deux font cinq - U...comme Uniforme - V...comme Valser - W...comme Western - X...comme Xylophone - Y...comme Y es-tu, loup ? - Z...comme Zig-Zag.
SKU: PE.EP72783
ISBN 9790577011097. 232 x 303mm inches. English.
While the first volume of Liszt's Années de pèlerinage ('Pilgrim Years') was inspired primarily by the landscape of Switzerland, the creative impetus for the second volume was the art and literature of Italy.
Edition Peters is proud to continue its acclaimed series of Liszt critical editions from world-renowned Liszt expert and concert pianist Leslie Howard with this new urtext edition of Années de pèlerinage, Deuxième Année - Italie. Containing an extensive critical commentary and introductory notes, the edition (like its predecessor Première année - Suisse, (EP72782)) also contains reproductions of the half-tint illustrations by Robert Kretschmer that appeared in the first edition.
Also included in this prestige volume, a must-have for any serious Liszt pianist, is the supplementary volume Venezia e Napoli, beautiful and ingenious revisions of earlier works based on Italian street music.
SKU: YM.GTP01100655
ISBN 9784636104608. 8.5 x 12 inches.
The definitive selection of the 30 hottest songs that were big hits in early 2022 is now available! It includes J-POP hits and the theme songs for Japanese TV dramas and Animes. Enjoy it to the fullest!
SKU: BR.MR-1265
ISBN 9790004481752. 9 x 12 inches.
SKU: FZ.5641
ISBN 9790230656412. 24.00 x 33.00 cm inches.
This facsimile of an original by Jean-Francois and Pierre Dandrieu is part of our French classical music collection. Editions : P. Dandrieu - Paris 1729. J. F. Dandrieu - Paris 1759. This score also includes Noels de Pierre Dandrieu. The Noels of Pierre and those of his nephew Jean-Francois are very different. Joint publication of both works is therefore quite justified. Preface by: Philippe Lescat: biography of Pierre Dandrieu - the editions of Pierre Dandrieu's Livre de Noels. Jean Saint-Arroman: comparison between the books of Pierre and Jean-Francois Dandrieu. Collection supervised by the musicologist Jean Saint-Arroman, professor at the Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse of Paris and at the CEFEDEM Ile de France (Training Centre for Music Teachers). He is the author of the majority of our prefaces and has also been involved in library searches. Facsimile of a copy in the National Library of Paris (France). Anne Fuzeau Classique propose period copies of classical music scores.
SKU: HL.49006204
ISBN 9790001067454. 9.25x12.0x1.015 inches. German - English - Italian - Spanish.
Picc. * 1 * Altfl. * Bengal. Fl. * Inkafl. * Lotosfl. (oder Klar. in A) * 2 Bambusfl. * 1 * Engl. Hr. * 2 Blfl. * 1 * Es-Klar. * Bassklar. * Bassetthr. * 1 * Kfg. - 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 - P. S. (hg. Beck. * Hi-Hat * Tamt. * Gongs * Tamb. * kl. Tr. * Bong. * Trinidad Steel Drum * gr. Tr. * Boo-bams * Log Drums * Marimba * Mar. * Guiro * Matraca * Reibetr. * Woodbl. * Kette * Marimbula [chrom.] * Vibr. * Bassmetallophon * hg. Glasstabe * Shell chimes * versch. Donnerbleche * Handgl. * Dobaci * Kuhgl. * Rohrengl.) - Mand. * Git. * E-Git. * Tenorbanjo * Cel. * Klav. * Akk. * Hammondorg. * Mundharm. * Okarina (oder Blockfl. mit Kontaktmikr.) * Glaserspiel * Glasharfe * Maultr. * Zinnpfeifchen * Rugbypfeife - 4 Verstarker - Str. (1 [auch Va.] * 0 * 1 [auch Vl. u. Va. d'am.] * 1 * 1)Das Instrumentarium ist auf 15 Spieler verteilt.Picc. * 1 * Altfl. * Bengal. Fl. * Inkafl. * Lotosfl. (oder Klar. in A) * 2 Bambusfl. * 1 * Engl. Hr. * 2 Blfl. * 1 * Es-Klar. * Bassklar. * Bassetthr. * 1 * Kfg. - 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 - P. S. (hg. Beck. * Hi-Hat * Tamt. * Gongs * Tamb. * kl. Tr. * Bong. * Trinidad Steel Drum * gr. Tr. * Boo-bams * Log Drums * Marimba * Mar. * Guiro * Matraca * Reibetr. * Woodbl. * Kette * Marimbula [chrom.] * Vibr. * Bassmetallophon * hg. Glasstabe * Shell chimes * versch. Donnerbleche * Handgl. * Dobaci * Kuhgl. * Rohrengl.) - Mand. * Git. * E-Git. * Tenorbanjo * Cel. * Klav. * Akk. * Hammondorg. * Mundharm. * Okarina (oder Blockfl. mit Kontaktmikr.) * Glaserspiel * Glasharfe * Maultr. * Zinnpfeifchen * Rugbypfeife - 4 Verstarker - Str. (1 [auch Va.] * 0 * 1 [auch Vl. u. Va. d'am.] * 1 * 1)Das Instrumentarium ist auf 15 Spieler verteilt.
SKU: HF.FH-2995
ISBN 9790203429951. 9 x 12 inches.
1. Leise rieselt der Schnee (Ed. Ebel); 2. Ach, bittrer Winter (17. Jhd.); 3. Nikolauslied (Rheinland); 4. Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben (Berliner Volksweise, 1800); 5. Ihr Kinderlein, kommet (J.A.P. Schulz, 1747-1800); 6. Alle Jahre wieder (F. Silcher, 1789-1860); 7. Vom Himmel hoch da komm' ich her (M. Luther); 8. Frohlich soll mein Herze springen (J. Cruger, 1598-1662); 9. Uns ist geboren (Altflamisch); 10. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Speiersches Gesangsbuch, 1599); 11. O du frohliche (sizilianische Volksweise); 12. Nun singet und seid froh (Klug's Gesangbuch, 1535); 13. Vom Himmel hoch ihr Englein (Kolner Gesangbuch, 1632); 14. Kommet, iht Hirten (Volksweise); 15. Auf, auf, ihr Hirten (Niederosterreich); 16. Spielt auf (Volksweise); 17. Lieb' Nachtigall, wach auf (1670); 18. Kindlein mein (Volkslied); 19. Kindlein zart (Volksweise); 20. Joseph, lieber Joseph mein (nach Handschrift 1305 der Universitats-Bibliothek Leipzig); 21. Still, still, weil's Kindlein schlafen will (Volkslied aus Salzburg, 1819); 22. O Tannebaum (Alte Volksweise); 23. O Tannebaum (Volkslied aus Westfalen); 24. Ach Tannenbaum (M. Franck, 1573-1639); 25. Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen (Volksweise); 26. Frohliche Weihnacht uberall (aus dem Englischen); 27. Stille Nacht (F. Gruber, 1787-1863).
SKU: PE.EP72782
ISBN 9790577011080. 232 x 303mm inches. English.
The three volumes of Années de pèlerinage (‘Pilgrim Years’) are among Liszt‘s most important compositions for piano solo. From dramatic-virtuoso to pensive-romantic music, the 29 ‘travel pieces’ represent the complete range of Liszt‘s compositional expression.
For the first time, this first volume of the trilogy, Suisse (Switzerland) is published together with the Trois Morceaux suisses, in line with the composer’s original intention to combine all his Swiss-inspired character pieces into a single volume. The musical journey is supported by the inclusion of historical illustrations of the scenes and landscapes that inspired the composer.
Edited by world-renowned Liszt expert and concert pianist Leslie Howard, the edition also contains Liszt’s original fingerings.
SKU: HL.49006579
ISBN 9790001071291. 9x12 inches. German - English. Text: Ernst Schnabel.
4 (1., 2. auch Picc., 3., 4. auch Altfl.) * 1 * Ob. d'am. * Engl. Hr. * Heckelphon * Es-Klar. * 1 * Altklar. (oder Bassetthr.) * Bassklar. * Sopransax. * Tenorsax. * 2 * Kfg. - 4 * Picc.-Trp. * 2 * Basstrp. * Altpos. * 1 * Basspos. * Alt-Ofikleide (oder Bombardino) * Bass-Ofikleide (oder Pos. mit Quartventil) * Bombardino (oder Tb. in F) * Wagnertb. * 1 * Kb.-Tb. - P. S. (3 Trgl. * 3 hg. Beck. * Beckenpaar * 3 Gongs * Kuhgl. * 5 Tamt. * Tamb. * Mil. Tr. * 3 Bong. * Tabla * orient. Woodbl. * gr. Tr. * 2 Tempelbl. * Metallbl. * Woodbl. * Mar. * Guiro * Bambusbundel * 3 Metallplatten * Shell-Chimes * Vibr. * Marimba * Rohrengl.) (5 Spieler) - E-Git. * E-Bassgit. * 2 Hfn. * Klav. * E-Org. - Str. (12 * 0 * 8 * 6 * 4).
ISBN 9783765100475. 6.5 x 10 inches.
Reprint of the edition Leipzig 1905 Zelenkas Messen - Prachtstucke barocker Chorliteratur in manchen Partien farbenfroher gesetzt als Bachs entsprechende Komposition. (Die Welt) Zelenka's Masses - fine specimens of Baroque choral literature some parts of which are set even more colorfully than in the corresponding compositions by Bach. (Die Welt) die der Komponist selbst als ,,Missae ultimae bezeichnet hat. Im Gegensatz zu den beiden anderen ,,Missae ultimae besteht die Missa Dei Filii nur aus Kyrie und Gloria.Der Klavierauszug von Matthias Grunert basiert auf der von Paul Horn in Band 100 des Erbe deutscher Musik herausgegebenen Partitur in welcher die im Autograph gegen Ende des Gloria bestehenden Notentextlucken behutsam erganzt wurden.Zelenkas kunstlerische Personlichkeit seine Biographie und sein Komponistenstil fallen aus dem Rahmen. Sein Stil ist in hohem Mass experimentell ... War Zelenka wirklich einer der grossten Komponisten des 18. Jahrhunderts oder nur einer der interessantesten? Ich glaube er hat noch manche Uberraschung fur uns bereit. (Schweizerische Musikzeitung)Zelenkas Messen - Prachtstucke barocker Chorliteratur in manchen Partien farbenfroher gesetzt als Bachs entsprechende Komposition. (Die Welt) Dismas Zelenka. It belongs to an incompletely transmitted cycle of six masses which the composer himself designated as Missae ultimae. Contrary to the two other Missae ultimae the Missa Dei Filii consists only of a Kyrie and Gloria.Matthias Grunert's piano vocal score is based on the critical edition of the score edited by Paul Horn in volume 100 of the Erbe deutscher.
SKU: VD.ED17639
ISBN 9790202036396. 12 x 9 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5624-30
ISBN 9790004348710. 10 x 12.5 inches.
The Overture to Ruy Blas, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's last overture, was not composed as an autonomously conceived score, but as the opening piece of a stage work. Nevertheless, its immediate success at the Leipzig first performance in 1839, as well as the fact that no further contributions to Victor Hugo's drama followed from Mendelssohn's pen soon made it well known in the concert hall. The work's special history, including several arrangements occasioned by various performances, led to the fact that the overture had its largest circulation in the version of the posthumous first edition on which this edition is also based.First printing posthumously 1851 (Rietz).
ISBN 9790215307421. 9 x 12 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5364-27
Christian Martin Schmidt is laying bare to musical practice the original form of Mendelssohn's epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.
ISBN 9790004337424. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Autograph lays bare Mendelssohn's Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream To this day, Mendelssohns epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream has been performed on the basis of a more than dubious transmission. Neither the first edition of the parts (1832), and certainly not the print of the score based on these parts (1835) go back directly to the autograph of the 17-year-old composer, which is now located in Krakow. No wonder, since Mendelssohn had breezily given away his original at an early date. The result: during his lifetime, versions were published with his authorization, even though they were full of unintended inconsistencies. Yet the autograph of 1826 is unequivocal: it is clear, practically free of irregularities and diverges considerably from the corrupted printed version. Christian Martin Schmidt comes up with occasionally differing musical passages, but above all with logical and compositionally compelling performance instructions, laying bare to musical practice the original form buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.Christian Martin Schmidt is laying bare to musical practice the original form of Mendelssohn's epoch-making Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream buried beneath layers of falsified material for the first time.
SKU: BR.PB-5364
ISBN 9790004211458. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: CA.9118811
ISBN 9790007233396. Key: G major. Language: all languages.
Score available separately - see item CA.9118800.
SKU: BR.OB-5503-27
ISBN 9790004337486. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Mendelssohns overture drew its inspiration from two poems by Goethe which had already inspired Ludwig van Beethoven to write a choral work on them with orchestral accompaniment. The larger part of the work on this piece must have been carried out in the summer of 1828. The first public performance took place in Berlin on 1 December 1832. The revised version of the work was first performed in Leipzig on 20 April 1834. Its ranking as No. 3 of the concert overtures was laid down when the score was first printed in 1835 (Breitkopf & Hartel).(Ralf Wehner in the Study Edition of the Mendelssohn Work Catalogue).
SKU: BR.OB-5505-30
ISBN 9790004337806. 10 x 12.5 inches.
A visit to the opera whetted the composers creative appetite to explore the fairy-tale-like theme of Knight Raimunds love for the beautiful mermaid Melusine, which provided the basis for Mendelssohns fourth concert overture. As usual, Mendelssohn worked out the composition in his mind before committing it to paper, a task he most likely began towards the end of March 1833. The works premiere performance took place in London on 7 April 1834; the revised version was given its first account in Leipzig on 23 November 1835. Its ranking as No. 4 of the concert overtures was assigned around 1857 in a posthumous edition.(Ralf Wehner in the Study Edition of the Mendelssohn Work Catalogue).
SKU: BR.OB-5623-23
ISBN 9790004348758. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Certainly Robert Schumann was right when he stated soon after Beethoven's death that the latter's conception of the symphony as a great, universal confessional work was hardly to be continued by the next generation of composers. He saw a solution to the dilemma in the creation of autonomous concert overtures, such as those written, for instance, by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Four of his overtures were printed during his lifetime, and others were extant in manuscript, though frequently and successfully performed by the composer. Belonging to the latter group is the Trumpet Overture, begun in 1825 and performed three times between 1828 und 1833 on prominent occasions in Berlin, Dusseldorf, and London.First printing posthumously 1851 (Rietz).
SKU: BR.OB-5364-15
ISBN 9790004337387. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5623-19
ISBN 9790004348741. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5623-30
ISBN 9790004348772. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: BR.OB-5624-16
ISBN 9790004348673. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: HL.49007227
ISBN 9790001077705. UPC: 073999676976. 9.0x12.0x0.247 inches.
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