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Piano seul
Piano seul (169)
Orchestre d'harmonie (68)
Guitare (62)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (45)
Flûte traversière et Piano (30)
Chorale SATB (30)
Violon (30)
Batterie (28)
Violon et Piano (27)
Ensemble de cuivres (26)
Flûte traversière (26)
Orgue (22)
Piano, Voix (21)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Clarinette (19)
Guitare notes et tablatures (18)
Saxophone (18)
Violoncelle (13)
Saxophone Alto (12)
Trombone (12)
Basse Electrique (11)
Divers (11)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Piano, Voix et Guitare (10)
Formation musicale - Solfège (10)
Trompette (10)
Orchestre (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
Saxophone Tenor (8)
Ensemble à vent (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
1 Piano, 4 mains (8)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (8)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Vi… (8)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Piano Facile (7)
Contre Basse (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Fanfare (7)
Violoncelle, Piano (7)
Clarinette et Piano (7)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (6)
Instruments en Do (6)
Tous Les Instruments (6)
Ensemble Jazz (6)
Banjo (6)
Chorale (6)
Instruments en Sib (5)
Instruments à Vent en Si et (… (5)
Bass Clef Instruments (5)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (5)
2 Violons (duo) (5)
Tuba (5)
Voix seule (5)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Clavier (4)
Flûte à Bec (4)
Opéra (4)
Voix duo, Piano (4)
Voix et Orchestre (4)
Flûte à bec Alto (4)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (4)
2 Altos (duo) (4)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (4)
Trompette, Piano (4)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (3)
2 Flûtes Traversières, Instr… (3)
Quatuor de Cuivres (3)
Ukulele (3)
Viole de Gambe (3)
Alto, Piano (3)
Voix et Orff-Instruments (3)
Basson (3)
Accordéon (3)
Voix et Instruments (3)
Orchestre à Cordes (3)
Ensemble (3)
Partition de Poche (3)
Harpe (3)
Percussion (3)
Voix Soprano, Piano (3)
CD (3)
2 Guitares (duo) (3)
Chorale 3 parties (3)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (2)
3 Flûtes Traversières (3 Vio… (2)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (2)
Guitare Fingerpicking (2)
Cornet A Pistons (2)
Quintette à Vent (2)
1 ou 2 Guitares (2)
Concert Band/Harmonie (2)
Violon, Orgue (2)
Trombone et Piano (2)
Ensemble A Vent (2)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Orff-In… (2)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (2)
3 Saxophones (trio) (2)
Clarinette, Orchestre (2)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (2)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (2)
Voix haute, Piano (2)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (2)
Chant et Basse Continue (2)
Conducteur (2)
Piano et Clavier (2)
Concert Band / Harmonie (2)
Flûte à bec Soprano (2)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (2)
Alto seul (2)
Orchestre, Violon (2)
Ensemble De Flûtes A Bec (SAB… (2)
Guitare Electrique (2)
Set de Cordes (2)
1 ou 2 Clarinettes en Sib (2)
Cor (2)
Trompette en Sib (2)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (2)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (2)
Flûte et Guitare (2)
1 Ou 2 Accordéon(s) (2)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (2)
Cor et Piano (2)
3 Flûtes à Bec SAB/STB (1)
Orchestre et Quatuor à Cordes… (1)
Instrumentation Flexible (1)
Violoncelle, Basse et Accompag… (1)
Baryton et Quatuor à Cordes (1)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (1)
Big band (1)
Voix et Piano Réduction (1)
DVD concert (1)
Saxophone en Mib et Piano (1)
2-6 Flûtes à Bec [Aa/St/Stt/… (1)
2 Barytons, SATB, Orgue Acc (D… (1)
Banjo (5 Cordes) (1)
Alto (Viole) (1)
Quatuor A Cordes + Contrebasse… (1)
Alto, Violon 3 et Ensemble (1)
Marimba (1)
Saxophone Baryton et Piano (1)
Saxophone Alto ou Ténor (1)
Clarinette Basse (1)
Voix basse, Piano (1)
Voix duo (1)
Voix Baryton (1)
Livre et CD (1)
Fiddle ou Violon (1)
Harmonica (1)
1 ou 2 Flûtes à Bec (1)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (1)
Cor en Fa Solo et Orchestre à… (1)
SATB et Orchestre (1)
Oeuvres Théâtrales/Oratorios… (1)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (1)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] avec Percu… (1)
3 Accordéons (1)
Clavecin (1)
Choeur Mixte et Instrument Div… (1)
Ensemble à instrumentation va… (1)
Violon, Basse continue (1)
2 Flûtes à Bec (SS ou SA) et… (1)
Chœur d'Hommes et Flûte à B… (1)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (1)
Carillon (1)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (1)
Album Various Instruments Gr. … (1)
Vibraphone (1)
1-4 Voix avec et sans Accompag… (1)
Banjo Ténor (1)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (1)
Voix Haute et Orgue (1)
Hautbois et Cor Anglais (1)
Aucune valeur (1)
Parties Pour Voix Et Orff-Inst… (1)
Flûte Ou Hautbois (1)
Trio à cordes (1)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (1)
Ukulélé Soprano (1)
Trompette et Guitare (1)
Ensemble à Cordes (1)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (1)
Clarinette Basse Solo (1)
Hohe Stimme und Klavier (1)
Choeur A 2 Parties Et Orgue (1)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (1)
Piccolo (1)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (1)
Guitare et Accompagnement Pian… (1)
Instruments en Mib (1)
Saxophone en Sib et Piano (1)
Mandoline (1)
Ensemble d'Altos (1)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (1)
Banjo (5 Cordes) Et Plectre (1)
Ensembles Divers (1)
Violon, Cordes Et Basse Contin… (1)
Voix Tenor, Piano (1)
Dulcimer (1)
SATB div. Et Percussion (1)
Caisse Claire (1)
Voix, Flûtes à Bec et Percus… (1)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (1)
Cor et Orchestre à Vent (1)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (1)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (1)
Conducteur De Poche (1)
2 Flûtes A Bec Soprano Et Gui… (1)
Ensemble De Voix (1)
Quintette de Cuivres (1)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (1)
Ensemble Divers Et Piano (1)
Ensemble Flexible 4 Parties (1)
Chant, Flûte, Harpe, Alto et … (1)
Chorale SSAA (1)
Choeur Mixte (Complet en Parti… (1)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (1)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (1)
Luth (1)
Eveil Musical (1)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (1)
Violoncelle (Ou Basson) Et Pia… (1)
Mallet (1)
Une ou Plusieurs Flûtes à be… (1)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (1)
Voix Mixtes a Cappella (1)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (1)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (1)
Flûte Traversière et Violon (1)
Saxophone Soprano (1)
Instruments à Vent (1)
Soprano Et Saxophone Soprano (1)
Banjo Tenor (1)
Solo SMsTB, SATB et Orchestre (1)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (1)
Accompagnement Piano (1)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (1)
Accordéon et Piano (1)
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The Library Of Baroque Music
The Library Of Baroque Music
Piano seul
Amsco Wise Publications
The Library Of Baroque Music is an enormously expansive collection of the greate...
The Library Of Baroque Music is an enormously expansive collection of the greatest works produced during that prolific period that flourished between the Renaissance and Classical eras. All arranged for solo Piano, this volume features works drawn from all the major Baroque composers, including some of the greatest pieces of music ever composed. The progression and development of music during the Baroque period can be heard in these pieces, providing you not only with a window into musical history, but also many exciting additions to your repertoire. The retrospective 'Baroque' label was applied to a diverse range of European compositions-often combining a spirit of experimentation with elaborate new musical structures. Dominated primarily by the Harpsichord and Organ, this period also saw the rise and development of larger-scale forms such as the concerto and oratorio. This superb volume is comprised of Keyboard and ensemble works from all the major Baroque composers, arranged for Piano. Featuring Arne, Boyce, Buxtehude, Corelli, Couperin, Gibbons, Lully, Pachelbel, Purcell, Rameau and Vivaldi, the composers here include some of the most respected and revered figures in musical history. The Library Of Baroque Music spans compositions of many of these masters, ranging from Frescobaldi in the early 1600s to Pergolesi a century later, and the famous three - J.S. Bach, Handel and Domenico Scarlatti.Baroque music, so called for its ornateness, was characterised by a bold exploration of counterpoint and new harmonic possibilities. This was variously expressed through the work of perhaps fifty or so major European composers. By the time Baroque began to segue into a new Classical period around 1750 it had already irrevocably changed and expanded the possibilities of music. The works that precipitated this change are available to play in this single volume, perfect for pianists looking to expand their repertoire with both challenging and exciting music.In this thoroughly enjoyable Library Of Baroque Music, the triumphant progression of this period is illustrated in the best possible way - through the compositions themselves, forming the definitive Baroque collection for solo pianists. / Piano
36.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Art Of Successful Rhythm (GORDON ANDREW D)
The Art Of Successful Rhythm (GORDON ANDREW D)
Piano seul
ADG Productions
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. The Art Of Successful Rhythm Piano/Keyboard Playing by And...
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. The Art Of Successful Rhythm Piano/Keyboard Playing by Andrew D. Gordon is for keyboardists and pianists that need a practical approach to playing in various styles such as: blues, rock, jazz, latin, gospel and rhythm and blues, whether accompanying a singer, solo instrumentalist or playing in a band. There are 19 different 36 measure examples showing many great ways of voicing chords and playing various rhythmic patterns. The one hour cassette consists of melody, rhythm Keyboard part, Bass and Drums so that you can hear how the rhythm Keyboard part is played in conjunction with the other instruments. The Art Of Successful Rhythm Piano/Keyboard Playing by Andrew Gordon is for keyboardists and pianists that need a practical approach to play in various styles such as: Blues, Rock, Jazz, Latin, Gospel and Rhythm and Blues, whether accompanying a singer, solo instrumentalist or playing in a band. There are 19 different 36 measure examples showing many great ways of voicing chords and playing various rhythmic patterns. The recording consists of melody, rhythm keyboard part, bass and drums so that you can hear how the rhythm keyboard part is played in conjunction with the other instruments. / Niveau : 3 / Etude / Piano
26.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Idol - Piano Book
Idol - Piano Book
Piano seul
Various Arrangements on a Theme. Par YOASOBI. YOASOBI, the Japanese duo known fo...
Various Arrangements on a Theme. Par YOASOBI. YOASOBI, the Japanese duo known for their catchy melodies, lyrics that resonate with listeners, and captivating vocals that immerse audiences in the world of their songs, has been making waves in the music industry, setting various JPOP charts abuzz. Their hit song 'Idol', which achieved worldwide success, is now available in the Various Arrangements on a Theme series, allowing piano players to enjoy it in their preferred arrangement. The book brings you the globally acclaimed hit song 'Idol', the theme song of the Japanese Anime 'Oshi no Ko' or 'My Favorite Idol', with five different piano arrangements to suit your preferences: Easy Solo, Intermediate Solo, Advanced Solo, Intermediate Piano and Vocal, and Beginner and Intermediate Piano Duet. These arrangements cater to a wide range of skill levels. You can start with the easy arrangements for beginners and progress to the intermediate level, where the score includes both Japanese and English lyrics. This allows you to compare the lyrics between the two languages while singing, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to your music experience. Explore five different piano arrangements and your unique way of enjoying the song! / Date parution : 2023-10-31/ Recueil / Piano
19.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Blues Piano Practice Session V (GORDON ANDREW D)
Blues Piano Practice Session V (GORDON ANDREW D)
Piano seul
[Partition + Accès audio]
ADG productions
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. I have created various Blues riffs and has transposed them...
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. I have created various Blues riffs and has transposed them into all 12 keys along with backing tracks to practice with giving you the student a fun way of learning how to play in all keys. We all learned how to play our scales in all 12 keys so I have taken that concept and applied it to learning to play the Blues so that you can try to become equally adept at playing in as many keys as possible. I have heard from teachers who have used my ?100 Ultimate Blues Riffs? book who will only allow a student to move on to the next riff once they have mastered playing the riff they are working on in all 12 keys, certainly a great but challenging musical exercise. Each of the riffs are either 2 or 4 measures in length that are notated and recorded around the cycle of 4th.s Also, there is a notation page whereby the riff is being used in a 12 bar blues progression so that you can see how to apply the riff to a real world situation. Each riff has been recorded 4 times: 1. Piano with rhythm tracks recorded around the cycle of 4th.s 2. Rhythm tracks recorded around the cycle of 4th.s to practice with 3. Piano with rhythm tracks recorded in a 12 bar blues progression in a designated key. 4. Rhythm tracks recorded in a 12 bar blues progression in the same key. Reasons for practicing in all 12 keys. Often a singer cannot reach certain notes in the key that you have learned the song in, therefore you will probably be asked to change the key of the song which you can do with confidence knowing all 12 keys. Having the knowledge of playing in all 12 keys, it will then become easier to learn new songs, whatever key they are in. Blues often use the keys of C, F, G, Bb, Eb, Guitar music often uses the keys of E, A, D, by learning as many keys as possible will enable you to adapt to the musical situation you are playing in. Taking riffs, chord progressions etc. through all 12 keys is a great ear training tool relying on your ears to play in keys that you are not used to before the muscle memory sets in. Practicing in all 12 keys is a great exercise for the brain, it is obviously hard work but the more you do it the benefits will become apparent. By practicing in all 12 keys you will start to see various musical patterns evolve that will help you speed up the process of learning music. It is my hope that as you practice playing in the various keys you will eventually not need the music and be able to transpose in your head. / Date parution : 2022-09-07/ Etude / Piano
33.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
A Century Of Piano Music: 21 British Piano Works Of The 20Th Century
A Century Of Piano Music: 21 British Piano Works Of The 20Th Century
Piano seul
A Century Of Piano Music contains pieces graded accordingly to difficulty, origi...
A Century Of Piano Music contains pieces graded accordingly to difficulty, originally written variously for concert hall, class, festival or home: miniatures and more extended pieces that show off each composer at their best. Every major artistic movement can be discerned in this collection of easy and accessible piano works by some of the biggest names in British music of the twentieth century. As an aid to preparation and interpretation, there is a short explanatory paragraph on each piece. Generally, fingering has been added, though not in pieces where several alternatives would be viable. / Piano
31.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
A Century Of Piano Music: Grades 1-4 Selected And Edited By Richard Deering
A Century Of Piano Music: Grades 1-4 Selected And Edited By Richard Deering
Piano seul
A Century Of Piano Music contains pieces graded accordingly to difficulty, origi...
A Century Of Piano Music contains pieces graded accordingly to difficulty, originally written variously for concert hall, class, festival or home: miniatures and more extended pieces that show off each composer at their best. Every major artistic movement can be discerned in this collection of easy and accessible piano works by some of the biggest names in British music of the twentieth century. As an aid to preparation and interpretation, there is a short explanatory paragraph on each piece. Generally, fingering has been added, though not in pieces where several alternatives would be viable. / Piano
31.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Piano seul
Par FRANCES-HOAD CHERYL. For piano and Commodore 64, Game On, Cheryl Frances-Hoa...
Par FRANCES-HOAD CHERYL. For piano and Commodore 64, Game On, Cheryl Frances-Hoad writes, 'was inspired variously by Game Theory, Commodore 64 gaming music, the stock market and financial crash, and the constant presence of technology in modern day life.' For information on procuring the electronics part, please write to / Date parution : 2023-06-16/ Répertoire / Piano
30.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
En Stock
Articles Similaires
Jazzin' The Blues (COROZINE VINCE)
Jazzin' The Blues (COROZINE VINCE)
Piano seul
Mel Bay
Par COROZINE VINCE. Designed to introduce the young intermediate-level pianist t...
Par COROZINE VINCE. Designed to introduce the young intermediate-level pianist to playing the blues, Jazzin' the Blues presents fifteen original blues compositions in various keys, styles and grooves together with downloadable recordings of 40 of the 50 examples in the book. The audio tracks are presented both with and without the lead piano part, so the student can play along with a professional rhythm section which includes piano, vibraphone, alto flute, drums, and bass.Historical and performance notes are provided with each blues composition. The author enlisted the skills of jazz pianist Charlie Freeman in editing the book and providing fingering for both the treble and bass piano parts,making these pieces more accessible to novice players. If your knowledge of blues theory or terminology is lacking, this is the book for you! Author Vince Corozine thoroughly explores and demonstrates: blues and pentatonic scale theory, blue notes, grace notes, pedal-points, tremolos, trills, syncopation, anticipation, delayed beats, slash chords, boogie-woogie left-hand patterns, walking bass, stride piano style, straight eighths, swing eighths, passing tones, rolled chords, riffs, 'filler' chords, substitutions, and comping styles. This book also includes essential blues chord theory as well as tips on tasteful chord voicing presented in the context of accompanying a soloist (comping): in addition, the chord progressions represented by the written notation are carefully annotated in every example in the book. The Appendix includes helpful tips on comping, practice, and jazz soloing, plus a list of noteworthy jazz pianists, a key to chord symbols, and a glossary of jazz terms used in the book.If you are not a competent blues pianist when you first pick up this book, you will be by the time you complete it! Includes access to online audio. Designed to introduce the young intermediate-level pianist to playing the blues, Jazzin' the Blues presents fifteen original blues compositions in various keys, styles and grooves together with downloadable recordings of 40 ofthe 50 examples in the book. The audio tracks are presented both with and without the lead piano part, so the student can play along with a professional rhythm section which includes piano, vibraphone, alto flute, drums, andbass. Historical and performance notes are provided with each blues composition. The author enlisted the skills of jazz pianist Charlie Freeman in editing the book and providing fingering for both the treble and bass pianoparts, making these pieces more accessible to novice players. If your knowledge of blues theory or terminology is lacking, this is the book for you! Author Vince Corozine thoroughly explores and demonstrates: blues andpentatonic scale theory, blue notes, grace notes, pedal-points, tremolos, trills, syncopation, anticipation, delayed beats, slash chords, boogie-woogie left-hand patterns, walking bass, stride piano style, straight eighths, swingeighths, passing tones, rolled chords, riffs, 'filler' chords, substitutions, and comping styles. This book also includes essential blues chord theory as well as tips on tasteful chord voicing presented in the context ofaccompanying a soloist (comping) - in addition, the chord progressions represented by the written notation are carefully annotated in every example in the book. The Appendix includes helpful tips on comping, practice, and jazzsoloing, plus a list of noteworthy jazz pianists, a key to chord symbols, and a glossary of jazz terms used in the book. If you are not a competent blues pianist when you first pick up this book, you will be by the time youcomplete it! Includes access to online audio. / Jazz / Etude / Piano
28.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Hal Leonard Keyboard Style Series : Latin Jazz Piano
Hal Leonard Keyboard Style Series : Latin Jazz Piano
Piano seul
[Partition + CD]
Hal Leonard
Learn how to play Latin jazz Piano based on traditional Latin music from Cuba an...
Learn how to play Latin jazz Piano based on traditional Latin music from Cuba and Brazil. Latin Jazz Piano addresses the three roles that the jazz pianist typically plays: as a member of an accompanying rhythm section, as a lead instrument within an ensemble and as a solo instrument. The CD features many examples in the book and combo tracks with which to play along.The book is divided into three sections. The first covers Afro-Cuban (Afro-Caribbean) jazz, the second section deals with Brazilian influenced jazz - Bossa Nova and Samba, and the third contains lead sheets of the tunes and instructions for the play-along CD.The Afro-Cuban section contains a chapter on some basic concepts of traditional Afro-Cuban music, including the clave, tumbao, and montuno. Also, there is a chapter on typical piano voicing used in Afro-Cuban music Latin jazz in general.Next is a chapter on typical comping patterns used in various Afro-Cuban styles such as Mambo, Cha-cha, etc. The last chapter in this section features tunes written in these various styles and arranged for lead instrument, piano and bass, piano lead, and piano solo. The next section on Brazilian-related jazz begins with a chapter on the many varied rhythms typically used in comping for Bossa Novas and Sambas, and concludes with a chapter featuring tunes arranged in the same ways as the first section.The third section contains lead sheets of all the tunes so the reader can play and improvise on them along with the accompanying CD. The reader is encouraged to continually change the way he or she plays these tunes and apply the principles found in this book to other tunes in the Latin jazz repertoire. / Piano
27.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Piano Wizard (PUCIHAR BLAZ)
The Piano Wizard (PUCIHAR BLAZ)
Piano seul
Pucihar Music
A Musical Fairytale for Thirteen Pianists and One Dog. Par PUCIHAR BLAZ. One sum...
A Musical Fairytale for Thirteen Pianists and One Dog. Par PUCIHAR BLAZ. One summer day, in a provincial villa far away from the big city, the Piano Wizard sat down at his piano to finally compose the great symphonic suite that he had already been hearing in his head for a long time. The Wizard was a very peculiar person. He lived alone in his villa where books, records, musical scores, various mementos, plaques, and awards, all covered with a thick layer of dust, lined the shelves. Well, he didn't actually live completely alone: he had a dog named Maestro, Just as the Wizard was about to write down the first act of the symphonic suite, there was a knock at the door...One summer day, in a provincial villa far away from the big city, the Piano Wizard sat down at his piano to finally compose the great symphonic suite that he had already been hearing in his head for a long time. The Wizard was a very peculiar person. He lived alone in his villa where books, records, musical scores, various mementos, plaques, and awards, all covered with a thick layer of dust, lined the shelves. Well, he didn't actually live completely alone: he had a dog named Maestro, Just as the Wizard was about to write down the first act of the symphonic suite, there was a knock at the door.../ Répertoire / Piano
35.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366' Book Xxii Etudes (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' Book Xxii Etudes (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
32.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Complete 366' Book Xxib: Studies On Scales (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' Book Xxib: Studies On Scales (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
29.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Complete 366' Book Xxv: 10 Etudes Rythmiques (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' Book Xxv: 10 Etudes Rythmiques (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
46.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366 Book Xxvi (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366 Book Xxvi (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
4 Studies on Contrary Motion. Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, S...
4 Studies on Contrary Motion. Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
25.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366' Book Xxia: Studies On Scales (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' Book Xxia: Studies On Scales (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
29.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366' Book Xxvii 6 Etudes (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' Book Xxvii 6 Etudes (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
34.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366 Book Xx: 4 Themes And Variations (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366 Book Xx: 4 Themes And Variations (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
25.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Complete 366' - Book Xxviii: 12 Hommages (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Complete 366' - Book Xxviii: 12 Hommages (VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an ex...
Par VANDE GINSTE STEPHANE. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness. On January 1st, 2016, Stephane Vande Ginste had an extraordinary intention: he planned to compose a 1-minute piece for piano every single day for the whole year. The result is an impressive collection of piano miniatures which - although contemporary - result in a variety of musical styles: apart from some experimental pieces, there are jazzy- and poppy pieces, more traditional 'etudes', polyphonic compositions and so on... The 366 pieces also tell various stories: from very emotional events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels over homages in honor of deceased artists (David Bowie,...) to birthdays and festive occasions,... . More than once, even poetry (Heinrich Heine,Anna Enquist, ..) or other pieces of art inspired Stephane to compose his daily one-minute piece. Every single composition originated from the 'here and now', and therefore capture the unfiltered feelings and emotions of that very unique moment in time: joy, enthusiasm, but also melancholy and sadness./ Etude / Piano
46.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
In Paradisum for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
In Paradisum for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and compo...
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and composition in Utrecht. He played in various ensembles for which he also composed music. He is teaching the piano and composition both private and in various educational institutions. As a composer, he works mainly freelance. He writes both instrumental and vocal compositions in a romantic style based on classical technique. / Date parution : 2022-11-29/ Répertoire / Piano
17.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Partir c'est mourir un peu for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
Partir c'est mourir un peu for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and compo...
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and composition in Utrecht. He played in various ensembles for which he also composed music. He is teaching the piano and composition both private and in various educational institutions. As a composer, he works mainly freelance. He writes both instrumental and vocal compositions in a romantic style based on classical technique. / Date parution : 2022-11-29/ Répertoire / Piano
17.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Sparkles for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
Sparkles for Piano Solo (CHATROU PAUL)
Piano seul
Metropolis Music Publishers
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and compo...
Par CHATROU PAUL. Paul Chatrou, born in the Netherlands, studied piano and composition in Utrecht. He played in various ensembles for which he also composed music. He is teaching the piano and composition both private and in various educational institutions. As a composer, he works mainly freelance. He writes both instrumental and vocal compositions in a romantic style based on classical technique. / Date parution : 2022-11-29/ Répertoire / Piano
17.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Bluesier Side Of Jazz (GORDON ANDREW D)
The Bluesier Side Of Jazz (GORDON ANDREW D)
Piano seul
[Partition + CD]
ADG Productions
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. The Bluesier Side of Jazz by Andrew D. Gordon was inspired...
Par GORDON ANDREW D.. The Bluesier Side of Jazz by Andrew D. Gordon was inspired by the Piano students he teaches at Shepherd University School of Music in Los Angeles and is dedicated to those students: Jungwon, Yumiko, Yoko, Eunice, Sooji, Hae Ji and Ok Kyu. As with many students that come from a classical background (including himself) it is a difficult transition to learn to play Blues & Jazz. When a musician improvises they usually play a variety of riffs or phrases that they have developed and learnt over a period of time and can access these phrases instantaneously whatever key they are playing in to create a seamless improvised solo from the phrases they have learnt. Andrew's idea for thisbook is to create phrases or riffs over two measures of various Blues progressions. He sub-divided each of the 12 Bar Blues progressions used in this book (the chord progression for Watermelon Man is a 16 measure progression) into six sections (two measures each) and within each of the six sections created four different phrases or riffs so that the student has a choice of four different phrases to play over every two measures. They can then create a solo based on which phrase they choose for each two measures. By breaking down these phrases to two measures each, he has found that the students have an easier time of learning to improvise than by trying to transcribe a whole solo from an audio recording or leaving them to their own devices in trying to play a solo based on the Blues scale or other related scales. Each of the ten examples are based on common Jazz/Blues chord progressions from Jazz songs such as 'Watermelon Man', 'Blue Monk', 'Tenor Madness', 'Route 66', 'Blue Trane', 'Bag's Groove' starting off with basic I-IV-V chords and increasing in complexity throughout the book. There are over 200 phrases/riffs to choose from that can be learned and applied to many types of jazz songs. The Bluesier Side of Jazz by Andrew D. Gordon was inspired by the Piano students he teaches at Shepherd University School of Music in Los Angeles and is dedicated to those students: Jungwon, Yumiko, Yoko, Eunice, Sooji, Hae Ji and Ok Kyu. As with many students that come from a classical background (including himself) it is a difficult transition to learn to play Blues & Jazz. When a musician improvises they usually play a variety of riffs or phrases that they have developed and learnt over a period of time and can access these phrases instantaneously whatever key they are playing in to create a seamless improvised solo from the phrases they havelearnt. Andrew's idea for this book is to create phrases or riffs over two measures of various Blues progressions. He sub-divided each of the 12 Bar Blues progressions used in this book (the chord progression for Watermelon Man is a 16 measure progression) into six sections (two measures each) and within each of the six sections created four different phrases or riffs so that the student has a choice of four different phrases to play over every two measures. They can then create a solo based on which phrase they choose for each two measures. By breaking down these phrases to two measures each, he has found that the students have an easier time of learning to improvise than by trying to transcribe a whole solo from an audio recording or leaving them to their own devices in trying to play a solo based on the Blues scale or other related scales. Each of the ten examples are based on common Jazz/Blues chord progressions from Jazz songs such as 'Watermelon Man', 'Blue Monk', 'Tenor Madness', 'Route 66', 'Blue Trane', 'Bag's Groove' starting off with basic I-IV-V chords and increasing in complexity throughout the book. There are over 200 phrases/riffs to choose from that can be learned and applied to many types of jazz songs. / Niveau : 3 / Recueil / Piano
33.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Five Chords That Shook My World (NUORVALA JUHANI)
The Five Chords That Shook My World (NUORVALA JUHANI)
Piano seul
Fennica Gehrman
Par NUORVALA JUHANI. Juhani Nuorvala (b. 1961) wrote The Five Chords That Shook ...
Par NUORVALA JUHANI. Juhani Nuorvala (b. 1961) wrote The Five Chords That Shook My World (2020) for pianist Nicolas Horvath's Hommage à Glass project and it is dedicated to him. It's a fantasy meditation on the Train/Spaceship chords in Einstein, that repeating five-chord progression (Fm - Db - A - B7 - E) about which the composer has said that there's something strange, because it never fails to lift the audience to its feet. The duration of the piece is c. 6'30'', and it was premiered by Emil Holmström at RUSK festival (Pietarsaari, Finland) 20th November 2020. A notable variety of influences - microtonality, American minimalism, New Romanticism, popular music, techno - has been regarded as a special feature of Nuorvala's idiom. Despite this he is not a collage artist; instead he has blended various ingredients to create a mode of expression entirely his own. Nuorvala's works are often marked with frenzied rhythmic drive. He makes music using elements and materials that both the mind and the body respond to. He finds these elements not only in old or new classical music but in various forms of urban popular music, such as the electronic music of modern dance clubs./ Répertoire / Piano
15.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Piano seul
An Expedition into Czech Piano Music
A collection of pieces for early inter...
An Expedition into Czech Piano Music
A collection of pieces for early intermediate pianists
- Cross-section of Czech piano literature from the 18th to the late 20th century
- Works selected and provided with fingering by piano virtuoso Ivo Kahánek
- Pieces of easy to moderate technical difficulty
The leading Czech pianist Ivo Kahánek has long devoted himself to training young musicians. With this album of recital pieces he offers young pianists quite easy pieces by well-known Czech composers.
The collection provides a cross-section of Czech piano literature from the 18th to the late 20th century. It contains pieces from the Czech classical period (Benda and Dusík), 19th-century and ?fin-de-siècle? romanticism (Vorí?ek, Smetana, Dvorák, Fibich, Suk and Novák) as well as pieces of various styles from the latter half of the 20th century (Vre?tál, Kabelác, Eben, Slavický, Dlouhý and Sluka). Fingering has been supplied by the editor to support pianists in their playing. All the pieces appear in their original form; they have neither been arranged nor adapted.
- Benda, Jirí Antonín
Sonatina III A minor
- Dusík, Jan Ladislav
- Vorí?ek, Jan Vaclav Hugo
Rondo G major
- Smetana, Bedrich
Friendly Landscape
- Smetana, Bedrich
Polka G minor
- Dvorák, Antonín
Humoresque G-flat major
- Dvorák, Antonín
Goblins' Dance
- Fibich, Zdenek
- Suk, Josef
- Novák, Vítezslav
Devil´s Polka
- Janácek, Leo?
The Frýdek Madonna
- Janácek, Leo?
The Barn Owl has not Flown Anway!
- Janácek, Leo?
Come with us!
- Martinu, Bohuslav
Colombine Dances
- Martinu, Bohuslav
- Vrestál, Jirí
Study in Sixths
- Kabelác, Miloslav
Preludio ostinato
- Eben, Petr
Bells befor the Lights go out
- Dlouhý, Milan
Bagatelle No. 2
/ Partitions classique / Piano - instruments à clavier / Piano / BARENREITER
22.50 EUR - vendu par Woodbrass
En Stock
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Free Hand Anthology 1
Free Hand Anthology 1
Piano seul
21st Century Malaysian Piano Works. Malaysia's very first anthology of piano com...
21st Century Malaysian Piano Works. Malaysia's very first anthology of piano compositions truly describes the growing pool of Malaysian piano compositions written over the past decade. This pioneer collection of original works spans composers from different backgrounds and ages, from various parts of the country from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu in the east to Penang in the north. This musical survey, which has been in the planning for several years, was the culmination of the country's first ever contemporary composers piano festival Free Hand 2019, featuring BBC Music Magazine's Best Newcomer award winner of 2013, Mei Yi Foo, who premiered a number of works in this volume. The musical styles are asdiverse as Malaysia's people themselves, colourful, contrasting, exciting and refreshing. From post minimalist to neo expressionist and beyond, the breadth of the compositions here provides an insightful glimpse into the world of 21st Century music in a country so young. The sound world ranges from rhythmically potent to broadly contemplative, traversing worlds of colour, emotion, sonic exploration and the stretching of compositional forms and techniques handed down from past generations of classical composers. 'A range of wonderful oriental flavours and colours. These pieces are distinctly personal and fluid.” Mei Yi Foo, pianist / Pédagogie / Recueil / Piano
24.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Piano seul
The scope of the genres and styles in Jazz Piano Studies 2 is broader compared t...
The scope of the genres and styles in Jazz Piano Studies 2 is broader compared to that of Jazz Piano Studies 1, since it also covers the various offshoots of contemporary popular music related only marginally to jazz. The selection of twenty studies is aimed at amateur piano players who are interested in jazz and popular music, and serves, in particular, for the improvement of technique and style. The studies also equip pianists with the necessary grounding for their own improvisation, although they can also be used by professional piano players.
/ Partitions jazzandblues / Piano - claviers / Piano / BARENREITER
14.80 EUR - vendu par Woodbrass
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