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26 823
Librairie Musicale
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73 910
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Vous avez sélectionné:
For He
Piano, Voix et Guitare (9395)
Piano seul (7623)
Orchestre d'harmonie (4193)
Formation musicale - Solfège (3918)
Guitare notes et tablatures (2367)
Guitare (2235)
Piano, Voix (1660)
Violon et Piano (1562)
Chorale SATB (1547)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (1266)
Violon (1251)
Orchestre (1071)
Flûte traversière et Piano (1005)
Ensemble de cuivres (1003)
Orgue (932)
Divers (923)
Flûte traversière (906)
Clarinette (728)
Fanfare (697)
Orchestre à Cordes (695)
Trompette (658)
Paroles et Accords (612)
Violoncelle (563)
Saxophone Alto (557)
Piano Facile (540)
Batterie (539)
1 Piano, 4 mains (518)
Basse electrique (491)
Orchestre de chambre (486)
Soli, choeur mixte et accompag… (477)
Violoncelle, Piano (455)
Ukulele (450)
Clarinette et Piano (449)
Saxophone (437)
Clavier (385)
Voix seule (384)
Chorale 3 parties (381)
Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) e… (345)
Tous Les Instruments (325)
Trombone (324)
Alto seul (303)
Accordéon (289)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (287)
Piano et Orchestre (272)
Chorale (260)
Instruments en Do (252)
Saxophone Tenor (240)
Trompette, Piano (235)
Théorie de la musique (219)
Ensemble Jazz (214)
Flûte à Bec (214)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (210)
Orchestre, Violon (208)
Cor (208)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (199)
Alto, Piano (186)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (176)
Voix haute, Piano (163)
Banjo (162)
Mandoline (158)
Biographie (149)
Parties Orchestrales (147)
Instruments en Sib (146)
Harpe (146)
2 Violons (duo) (144)
Chant (142)
Contre Basse (140)
Ensemble à vent (139)
Chorale 2 parties (137)
Violoncelle, Orchestre (132)
Voix Soprano, Piano (128)
Hautbois (127)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (126)
Ensemble A Vent (122)
Conducteur (122)
Flûte et Guitare (119)
Voix basse, Piano (118)
Tuba (116)
DVD concert (116)
Harmonica (113)
Cor et Piano (108)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (106)
Opéra (101)
Percussion (100)
Trio à Cordes: violon, alto, … (99)
Voix Soprano, Orchestre (97)
Clavecin (97)
Trombone et Piano (95)
Voix moyenne, Piano (92)
Voix d'Enfants (90)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (87)
Voix Baryton, Piano (85)
Flûte à bec Soprano (84)
Instruments en Mib (82)
Voix Tenor, Piano (81)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompe… (80)
Voix, Guitare (80)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (79)
Piano Quintette: piano, 2 viol… (79)
Chorale TTBB (77)
Partition de Poche (76)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano, Piano (75)
Basson (75)
CD (73)
Eveil Musical (73)
Violon 1 (6 parts) Violon 2 (6… (72)
2 Guitares (duo) (72)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (70)
Educatif (68)
Concert Band/Harmonie (66)
2 Saxophones (duo) (65)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (64)
Saxophone et Piano (64)
Papeterie (63)
Flûte à bec Alto (62)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (61)
Partitions De Groupes (61)
Ensemble de Flûtes (60)
Dictées Musicales (60)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (59)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (58)
Accompagnement Piano (57)
Piano, Voix, Guitare tablature… (57)
Tuba ou Euphonium ou Saxhorn (56)
Flûte traversière, Orchestre… (56)
Basson, Piano (duo) (53)
Dulcimer (53)
Chorale SSAA (52)
Diverses Formations (51)
Quatuor de Cuivres (50)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (50)
Chorale SSAATTBB (45)
Voix et Orchestre (44)
Flûte irlandaise (43)
Caisse Claire (43)
Clarinette, Orchestre (42)
Ensemble d'Accordéons (41)
Guitare Electrique (41)
Travaux Pour Choeurs (41)
Chorale SSATB (40)
Trio à Cordes (40)
2 Trompettes (duo) (39)
2 Flûte à bec (duo) (39)
Bass Clef Instruments (37)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Piano (37)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (36)
Ensemble d'École (36)
Quintette à vent (35)
Scores (35)
Euphonium Ou Saxhorn Et Piano (35)
Voix Soprano (35)
Instrumentation Flexible (35)
Tuba et Piano (35)
Trio de Flûtes: 3 flûtes (34)
Partie séparée (33)
Quintette à Cordes (33)
Marimba (33)
Trio avec Piano (32)
Balalaika (31)
Voix duo, Piano (31)
Fanfare Band (31)
Contes et comptines (31)
Alto et orchestre (31)
DVD Opéra et Ballets (31)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, In… (30)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (30)
Quatuor de Flûtes : 4 flûtes… (30)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (29)
Flûte, Hautbois, Clarinette, … (28)
Ensemble Instrumental et Petit… (28)
Quatuor de Flûtes à bec (28)
2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 B… (28)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (28)
Guitare, Quatuor à cordes (28)
Livret (28)
Conducteur de poche, d'étude (28)
Flûte, Violoncelle, Piano (tr… (27)
Accessoire (27)
Quintette avec Piano (27)
Guitare (Fingerpick) (27)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (27)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, vio… (26)
Orchestre d'harmonie, Chorale-… (26)
2 Altos (duo) (26)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ba… (26)
Clavecin et Cordes (25)
Harpe, Flûte (duo) (25)
Voix haute (25)
Big band (25)
Chorale, Orchestre (25)
Viole de Gambe (25)
2 Clarinettes, 2 Violons, Orgu… (24)
2 Hautbois, 3 Trompettes, Timb… (24)
Choeur Mixte (SATTB/SATTB), So… (24)
Exemplaire Complet (24)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (24)
2 Trombones (duo) (24)
Ensemble (24)
Percussions (24)
Piano Quintette: piano, violon… (24)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Piano… (23)
Piano grosses notes (23)
Saxophone Ténor et Piano (23)
Parties Supplémentaires (23)
Chorale Unison (23)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (23)
Voix basse (22)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (22)
Chant et Guitare (22)
Piano, Guitare (duo) (22)
Voix Tenor (22)
Piano, Guitare (grilles d'acco… (22)
Ensemble de Percussions (21)
Quintette de Cuivres (21)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (21)
Clarinette Basse (21)
Violon, Basse continue (21)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano (21)
Voix Mixtes (21)
Timbales (21)
Guitare, Orchestre (21)
Saxhorn ou Euphonium (20)
1 Piano, 6 mains (20)
Luth (20)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (19)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Guitare et Musique de Chambre (19)
Saxophone Baryton (19)
Matériel D'Orchestre (19)
Vibraphone (19)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse (duo)… (18)
Guitare Tab, Voix, Basse, Batt… (18)
Violon, Alto (duo) (18)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trombone… (18)
Partition D'Orchestre (18)
Euphonium (18)
Voix Moyenne (18)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (18)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (18)
Clavier ou Orgue Electronique (17)
Trio à cordes: 3 violins (17)
Orchestre Symphonique (17)
Voix Mixtes SAB et Piano (17)
Solistes STBB, Choeur SATTBB, … (17)
Guitare Pedal Steel (17)
Film musical (17)
Alto (Viole) (17)
Clarinette et Orchestre (17)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (17)
Flûte à bec Alto, Basse cont… (17)
Balalaïka Et Piano (17)
Ensemble Mixte (17)
Batterie et Percussions (17)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (16)
2 Violons, Violoncelle et Orgu… (16)
Hautbois, Violin, Alto et Viol… (16)
2 Violons et Violoncelle ou 3 … (16)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et C… (16)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (16)
2 Violons et 2 Violoncelles (16)
Flûte à bec Alto, Piano (16)
Quintette de Clarinette: Clari… (16)
Basse electrique, Batterie (16)
Trompette, Orchestre (16)
Piccolo (16)
Livres (16)
Solo SATB, Choeur SATB, Hautbo… (15)
Voix Baryton (15)
Hautbois et Orchestre (15)
Tuba Solo (15)
Dobro (15)
Choeur SATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cla… (15)
Cajon (15)
Guitare Flatpick et Plectre (15)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (15)
Petit Ensemble Contemporain (14)
Soli et Orchestre (14)
Clavier Electronique et Ligne … (14)
Piccolo, Piano (14)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (14)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (14)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (14)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (14)
2 Bassons (duo) (14)
Ensemble de guitares (14)
Violon, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (13)
Choeur Mixte (SATB/SATB), Soli… (13)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (13)
3 Saxophones (trio) (13)
Piano, Basse, Batterie (trio) (13)
Voix duo (13)
DVD Spectacles (13)
Aucune valeur (13)
4 Guitares (Quatuor) (13)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SSATB, 2… (12)
Clarinette et Quatuor à Corde… (12)
Violon ou Violoncelle, Violonc… (12)
Hautbois, Clarinette et Basson… (12)
Quintette à cordes : 2 violon… (12)
Quatuor de Cuivres: 2 trompett… (12)
Quatuor à Cordes et Quintette… (12)
Flûte Traversière ou Flûte … (12)
3 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (12)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (12)
Quintette (12)
Baryton ou Tuba et Brass Band (12)
Saxophone et Orchestre (12)
Guitare Flatpick et Fingerpick… (12)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (12)
Choeur d'Enfants, Flûte Trave… (12)
Ukulélé Soprano (12)
Flûte, Clarinette (duo) (12)
Choeur d'Enfants à 2 Parties … (12)
3 Guitares (trio) (12)
3 Hautbois et Cor Anglais (12)
Cor en Fa (12)
Cor, Orchestre (12)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (12)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Cl… (11)
Solo A, Choeur SATB/SATB, 2 Or… (11)
Violoncelle, Basse continue (11)
Orgue, Piano (duo) (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Solo B, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (11)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, Tro… (11)
Accordéon - Piano, Voix, Guit… (11)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Partition D'Orchestre In 16 Po… (11)
Guitare Tablatures Electrique (11)
Documentaire (11)
Cornet et Brass Band (11)
Ocarina (11)
Saxophone (partie séparée) (11)
Cornemuse (11)
Violon 1 (11)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (11)
Quatuor (10)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Alto, Violoncelle (duo) (10)
Solistes SST, Choeur SSAATB, 2… (10)
Gemischter Chor (SATB) und Orc… (10)
Cor anglais, Piano (10)
Guitare Tablatures Classique (10)
Base Musicale (10)
Choeur Mixte et Orchestre (10)
3 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (10)
Solistes SAT, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (10)
Solistes SB, Choeur SATB, 2 Ha… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (10)
Cor en Mib (10)
Solistes STBarB, Choeur SATB, … (10)
Orgue, 2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 V… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Trompette et Concert Band ou H… (10)
Orgue, Trompette (duo) (10)
Choeur SSAATTBB, 2 Cornetti, 3… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Choeur et Orchestre (10)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (10)
Ensemble à Cordes (10)
Choeur SATB et Orchestre (10)
Instruments à Vent (10)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (10)
Quintet à cordes (9)
Solistes SST, Choeur SATB/SATB… (9)
Choeur SATB/SATB, (Instruments… (9)
2 Violons Solo, 2 Violons, Alt… (9)
4 Violoncelles (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (9)
Orchestre: Solistes SATB, Choe… (9)
Solistes, Choeur SATB, 2 Flût… (9)
Trombone et orchestre (9)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (9)
Bugle (9)
Sextuor à Cordes (9)
Solistes S (A) TB, Choeur SATB… (9)
Solistes, Choeur Mixte (SATB) … (9)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (9)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (9)
4 Compagnons, 4 Voleurs, Direc… (9)
Solo S, 2 Hautbois ou 2 Flûte… (9)
Orchestre: Choeur SSA, Flûte … (9)
Saxhorn en Sib Basse Continue (9)
Opéra Full Score (9)
Saxhorn en Sib (9)
Violon 2 (9)
Clarinette Basse, Piano (9)
2 Violons, Piano (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (9)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, 3 F… (9)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (9)
Percussions Diverses (9)
Concert Band et Solistes (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (9)
Guitare et Voix (9)
Choeur de Femmes (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
CD only (9)
Clarinette en Sib (1 Partition… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Ba… (8)
Violoncelle, Orgue (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
2 Flûtes à Bec Soprano, Flû… (8)
Ensemble De Contrebasse (8)
Orgue, Instruments Cuivre et P… (8)
Solistes SS, 2 Altos, 2 Violon… (8)
Saxophone Soprano, Saxophone A… (8)
Solo A, Choeur SATB, 2 Hautboi… (8)
Solo ST (T) B, Choeur SATB, Ha… (8)
Clarinette en Sib 1 Clarinette… (8)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Combo… (8)
Solistes ST, Choeur SSAATB, 2 … (8)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, (Tr… (8)
Trompette Sib, Cor en Fa, Trom… (8)
Clarinette, Violon et Piano (8)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (8)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Choeur (8)
Musique De Chambre, Voix Et Ba… (8)
Clarinette et Orchestre à Cor… (8)
Hautbois, 2 Flûtes Traversiè… (8)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (8)
Solo Baryton, Choeur SATB, 2 H… (8)
Flûte Traversière, 2 Violons… (8)
Solo A, Timbales, Percussions … (8)
Solistes SATB, 2 Cors, 2 Violo… (8)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (8)
Ensemble de Bassons (8)
Guitare Classique et Fingerpic… (8)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Pian… (8)
Solistes SSAATTB, Choeur SATB,… (8)
Flûte Traversière (1 Partiti… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Hautbois (1 Partition) Violons… (8)
Flûte Traversière, Cor des A… (8)
String Quartet (8)
Solistes, 1-2stg Choeur d'Enfa… (8)
Harpe et Quintette à Cordes (… (8)
Violon, Violoncelle, Alto et C… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 4 … (8)
Trompette Sib (1 Partition) Vi… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Livre Musical (8)
Orchestre à Cordes et Percuss… (8)
Voix Et Instruments Divers (8)
Solo S, Flûte Traversière, 2… (8)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (8)
Choeur D'Enfants (SSA) Et Pian… (8)
Harpe ou Piano et Violon (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
Clarinette, Piano, Violon et V… (8)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, alt… (8)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (8)
Quatuor à Cordes ou Orchestre… (8)
Harpe et Quatuor à Cordes (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
4 Hautbois (8)
Choeur SSA, 2 Flûtes Traversi… (8)
2 Violons, 2 Altos et 2 Violon… (8)
Petit Orchestre: Récitant, So… (8)
Gemischter Chor (SSATB/SSATB/S… (8)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Basson (… (8)
Soprano, Alto, Cordes et Basse… (8)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tu… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (8)
2 Hautbois, 2 Cors et 2 Basson… (8)
Trompette Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tr… (8)
Instrument seul et Orgue (8)
A Cappella (8)
Guitare Fingerpicking (8)
Hautbois, Quatuor à cordes (8)
Piano, Chant et Guitare Tablat… (8)
Voix d'Enfants, Instruments (8)
Euphonium, Piano (duo) (8)
Flûte, Violoncelle (8)
5 Solistes, Choeur(s) Et Orche… (8)
Fake Book (8)
Voix, Orgue (8)
Violon, Orgue (8)
Quintette de Saxophone: 5 saxo… (8)
Viole de Gambe, Basse continue… (8)
Ensemble Flexible (8)
Percussions et Concert Band ou… (8)
Percussion, Piano (duo) (8)
Ensemble de cuivres, Orgue (8)
Trio à Cordes: 3 violoncelles… (8)
Piano Trio: Violon, Alto, Pian… (7)
Solistes SSATB, Choeur SSATB, … (7)
SB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Orches… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, (a… (7)
Saxophone Soprano (7)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SSA, 2 Vi… (7)
Trombone et Brass Band (7)
Contrebasse, Orchestre (7)
Cornet et orchestre (7)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Alto, … (7)
Trombone ou Euphonium (7)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Viole de Ga… (7)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (7)
Solistes TT, 2 Violons, 2 Alto… (7)
Voix Et Orff-Instruments (7)
Clarinette Alto et Piano (7)
Accordéon et Orchestre (7)
Conga (7)
Chorale d'Enfants et Piano (7)
Tout Instrument (7)
Ensemble Instrumental (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Flûte Traversière et Cordes (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Or… (7)
Violon, Instruments à Cordes … (7)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Cornets à Bou… (7)
Flûte, Violon, Piano (7)
Saxophone Alto et Concert Band… (7)
Choeur Mixte a Cappella (7)
Piccolo, 2 Flûtes Traversièr… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Soprano (7)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Choeur SSATTB et Basse Continu… (7)
Harpe, Orchestre (7)
Guitare Tablatures Classique e… (7)
Soli (SATB), Choeur Mixte (SAT… (7)
Flûte, Trio Piano (basse, bat… (7)
Trompette en Sib (7)
Saxophone Soprano et Piano (7)
2 Clarinettes, Piano (7)
Basson, Orchestre (7)
Harmonie (7)
Baryton et Orchestre (7)
Marimba, Piano (duo) (7)
Chanson (7)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 cors (7)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (7)
Drums-Marching band (6)
Solo Ms, Flûte à Bec F1, 2 V… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants (6)
Instrument A Cordes (6)
3 Trombones et Fanfare (6)
2 Flûtes traversières, Violo… (6)
Paroles Seulement (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Petit Orchestre (6)
Solistes (STB), Choeur Mixte (… (6)
Solo S (T), Viola da braccio (… (6)
Guitare et Quintette à Cordes… (6)
Flûte Traversière et Orchest… (6)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Inst… (6)
Piano/Vocal/Guitare (PVG) (6)
Solo S (T), 2 ViolonS Basse Co… (6)
Solistes SSATBB, Choeur SATB/S… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, R… (6)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Ense… (6)
Guitare, Flûte, Clarinette (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Pa… (6)
Flûte à Bec F1, 2 Violons et… (6)
Chorale, Orgue (6)
Orgue et Orchestre (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Alto et 2 V… (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Flûte, alto et harpe (6)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, (Ba… (6)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Alto … (6)
Euphonium Ensemble (6)
Flûte, Hautbois (duo) (6)
Solistes SS, Choeur SATB, 2 Vi… (6)
Concert Band / Harmonie (6)
Cordes (6)
2 Hautbois (duo) (6)
Batterie Fanfare En Mib (6)
Alto, Guitare (duo) (6)
Trombone (partie séparée) (6)
Musique de chambre (6)
Trio (6)
Baryton (6)
Violon Solo (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Fl… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tr… (6)
Petit Choeur SATB et Choeur SA… (6)
Tuba et Brass Band (6)
Flûte à bec, Guitare (duo) (6)
Saxhorn en Sib en Clé de Sol … (6)
Solo B, Trompette, Violon, Alt… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ch… (6)
Voix Hautes (6)
Cordes, Basse Continue et Inst… (6)
Clarinette, Orchestre et Piano… (6)
Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violon… (6)
3 Tubas (6)
Gemischter Chor (SSAATBB) und … (6)
Trio de Cuivres (6)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (6)
Ensemble Divers (6)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (6)
Oud (6)
Trompette, Trombone (duo) (6)
Violon II (6)
Cornet A Pistons (6)
SATBasse (2 Grands Choeurs Mix… (6)
Trompette Solo (6)
Tous instruments (6)
Ensemble de saxophones (6)
Banjo Tenor (6)
Trombone Solo (6)
Piano et Orchestre à Cordes (6)
Solo S, Violon et Basse Contin… (5)
Ensemble d'Instruments à Vent… (5)
Choeur A L'Unisson Et Orgue (5)
Solo à (Ms), 2 Violons, Alto … (5)
Orchestre Scolaire (Piano Ad L… (5)
Violoncelle, Orchestre à Cord… (5)
Ensemble de cuivres, Percussio… (5)
Basse et Piano (5)
Solo à (S ou T), Choeur SATB,… (5)
Viole de Gambe Solo ou Alto ou… (5)
Concertina (5)
Solistes SA (TBar), Choeur SS … (5)
Flûte, Violon, Alto (5)
Solistes (SATB), Choeur Mixte … (5)
CD Chorale (5)
Quatuor avec Piano (5)
Trombone ou Tuba et Piano (5)
Quatuor à Vent : 4 instrument… (5)
2 Violons et Basse continue (5)
Quatuor Variable (5)
3 Hautbois (5)
Solo à (B), 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
3 Percussions (5)
Entraînement Auditif (5)
5 Solistes, Choeur, Cordes et … (5)
Alto, Orgue (5)
Clarinette Solo (5)
Euphonium et orchestre (5)
Cloudlifter (5)
Cor en Mib et Brass Band (5)
2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 Violonce… (5)
Solistes s ATB, Choeur SATB, 2… (5)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, (2 … (5)
Voix et Piano Réduction (5)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Clarinettes (2 … (5)
Solistes SA, Choeur SA (SAB), … (5)
Trompette 2 (5)
Flûte Traversière et Piccolo… (5)
Voix (5)
Instruments Divers (5)
Hautbois, Clarinette, 4 Violon… (5)
Guitare Acoustique (5)
Guitare Tablatures Country - S… (5)
Piano ou Orgue (5)
Flûte Traversière et Orgue (5)
2 Violoncelles, Piano (5)
Cloches (5)
Violon, 2 Violons 'Per Eco' et… (5)
Euphonium et Brass Band (5)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et O… (5)
Clarinette, Alto et Piano (5)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (5)
Piano et Clavier (5)
Choeur SATTB (5)
Voix et Instruments (5)
Soprano ou Ténor et Piano (5)
Trompette en Do ou et Trompett… (5)
Quatuor à cordes: 4 violons (5)
Choeur de Femmes (SMezA) (5)
DVD (5)
3 Trombones (trio) (5)
Voix, piano (5)
Alto Solo (5)
3 Trompettes (trio) (5)
Mezzo-Soprano et Orchestre (5)
Orchestre et Piano (5)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (5)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (5)
Guitare ou Luth (5)
Orff-Instruments (5)
Instruments A Vent (5)
Clarinette en Bb [Violon] et O… (4)
1 à 3 Solistes Ad Libitum, Ch… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec, 2 Cors, 2 Vi… (4)
Violon, Cor Anglais et Piano (4)
Livre DVD (4)
Violon, Contrebasse, Accordéo… (4)
Quatuor à Vents variable (4)
2 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec Alto ou Flût… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Cor de Basset, Vibraphone et G… (4)
Flûtes Traversières et Clari… (4)
Violon Ou Flûte, Violoncelle … (4)
Flûte à Bec F1, Violon et Ba… (4)
Clarinette Alto (4)
Choeur Mixte, Soprano et Orche… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Vibraphone et 2 Marimbas (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Clarine… (4)
Soprano, Choeur Mixte à 4 Voi… (4)
Children's Choeur 1 Piano (4)
Guitare, Violon, Mandoline, ba… (4)
Voix Soprano, Orgue (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte (2 parts) Clarinette en… (4)
Cor Anglais, 2 Violons et Viol… (4)
Violon, Clarinette (Alto) et P… (4)
Flûte et Mandoline (4)
Hautbois, Violon, Alto, Violon… (4)
C Trumpetor et Trompette Sib/C… (4)
3 Bassons (4)
Ensemble de Trompettes (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Cornet Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tromb… (4)
Alto, Tuba et Electronique (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Hautbois et Cordes (4)
3 Trombones Ténor et 1 Trombo… (4)
2 Guitares, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec F1 (… (4)
Flûte Traversière Harpe et A… (4)
Violon, Viole et Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons et Clavecin (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Alto, Guitar… (4)
2 Altos de Gambe et Clavecin (4)
Violon, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Hautbois (Cor Anglais), Alto e… (4)
Violon, Piano et Vibraphone (4)
Clarinette, Piano et Quatuor … (4)
Trombone, Violoncelle et Piano… (4)
Hautbois, Instruments à Corde… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Piano (4)
Contrebasse, Orchestre à Cord… (4)
Violon et Clarinette (4)
Violoncelle Solo (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Violon, Violoncelle et 2 Piano… (4)
Basson, Violoncelle et Piano o… (4)
Violon, Cordes et Basse Contin… (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Saxophone Alto Solo (4)
Hautbois et Harpe (4)
Clarinette, Violon, Alto, Viol… (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Viole e… (4)
Percussion et Violoncelle (4)
Score (4)
Orchestre à Cordes, Guitare e… (4)
Violon, Trompette et Orchestre… (4)
2 Trompette en Dos 1 Cor en Fa… (4)
Orgue et Musique de Chambre (4)
2 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (4)
Piano, Piccolo, Flûte Travers… (4)
Clavier Et Autres Instruments (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Cor en Mi… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants (SSA) (4)
Quatuor ou Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Flûte, Alto et Piano (4)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, ou … (4)
Piano Trio: piano, violin, cel… (4)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (4)
Choeur D'Hommes Sans Accompagn… (4)
Clarinette (partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse, Bass… (4)
Clarinette, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Flûte à Bec, 2 Flûtes Trave… (4)
Flûte Traversière (Piccolo),… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto, 2 Violons … (4)
Basson et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Flûte Traversière ou Violon … (4)
Clarinette, Basson, Cor, 2 Vio… (4)
Basson, Clarinette, Orchestre … (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Alto et… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Enregistr… (4)
Flûte, Violon, Clavier (basse… (4)
Alto, Violon et Violoncelle (4)
Grande Formation (4)
Alto, Flûte Traversière (Aus… (4)
Guitare, Cordes et Orchestre (4)
Musique originale (4)
Quatuor à Cordes (Piano ad li… (4)
Violon (1 Partition) Violons 1… (4)
3 Violons, Alto et Violoncelle… (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Orgue (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Musi… (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SMezA) Et Pi… (4)
Orchestre à Cordes et Basse C… (4)
Trompette, Cordes et Basse Con… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Clarinett… (4)
3 Flûtes à Bec (SSA), Piano … (4)
Piano, Violoncelle et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Marimba e… (4)
Clarinette en La, Alto et Pian… (4)
Bois et Flûte Traversière et… (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Euphonium… (4)
Trompette et Réduction pour P… (4)
Flûte, Clarinette et Accordé… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Hautbois, Cor… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (4)
Piccolo / Flûte 1 (1 Partitio… (4)
Sextuor (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Accordéo… (4)
Voix et Orchestre à vent (4)
Trompette, Piano, Instruments … (4)
Accordéon et Quatuor à Corde… (4)
Hautbois Solo (4)
Clarinette et 4 Violoncelles (4)
Piano et Quintette à Cordes (4)
Ukulele Baryton (4)
Hautbois, Alto et Orchestre à… (4)
Alto, Violoncelle et Clavecin (4)
Baryton, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Cor, Basso… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Basson, V… (4)
Trio A Vent-Bois (4)
Flûte (Piccolo), Clarinette e… (4)
Clarinette Basse, Violoncelle … (4)
Orchestre D'Harmonie avec Soli… (4)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: Clarin… (4)
3 Violons, Bas Viol et Basse C… (4)
Accordéon, Vibraphone et Mari… (4)
Trompette Solo, Orchestre à C… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes Flexible et… (4)
4 Tubas (4)
Flute, Violin, Cello and Piano… (4)
Piano, 2 Violons, Alto, Violon… (4)
ENS::Ensemble (4)
Cor, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano, Vio… (4)
2 Violons, 2 Violoncelles et B… (4)
Trompette (partie séparée) (4)
2 Pianos et Orchestre (4)
6 Voix (SSATTB) (4)
Piano, Clavier ou Orgue (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Electroni… (4)
Flûte et Basson (4)
Flûte Traversière Orchestre … (4)
Piano, Violon et Orgue (4)
Piano, Violon et Cor ou Alto o… (4)
Soli [AT] et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière Basson et … (4)
4 Instruments à Vent (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Violoncelle, Alto et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Choeur SATB, Orgue, Saxophone … (4)
Clarinette, Saxophone, Trompet… (4)
Petit Orchestre, Basson, Clari… (4)
Violoncelle et 2 Pianos (4)
3 Pianos (4)
Cor et Orgue (4)
2 Flûtes Traversières et Fl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Alto et V… (4)
Clarinette en Sib, 2 Violons, … (4)
2 Trompettes Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1… (4)
Guitare, Harpe (4)
Quatuor à Cordes/Trio Pour Co… (4)
Flûte Traversière hautbois o… (4)
Mezzo-Soprano, Flûte Alto, Al… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants et Piano (4)
Flûte Traversière (Ensemble … (4)
Trombone (1 Partition) Violons… (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Ténor et Pi… (4)
Chamber Orchestra (4)
Clarinette Basse et Violoncell… (4)
Saxophone et Orgue (4)
Violon, Alto Et Orchestre (4)
Livre CD (4)
Orgue, Cordes, Cuivres et Timb… (4)
Violoncelle et Cordes (4)
Violon, Guitare et Accordéon (4)
Flûte à Bec Solo (4)
Basson et Concert Band ou Harm… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Violon et… (4)
Flûte [Piccolo], Hautbois, Cl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Guitare, … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Trombone en Sib Basse Continue… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle o… (4)
Guitare et Orchestre de Chambr… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Cor en Fa Solo (4)
Orgue et Concert Band ou Harmo… (4)
2 Guitares et Orchestre (4)
5 Instruments à Vent (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette en A, Bas… (4)
2 Violons, Alto ou Violon et V… (4)
Ligne De Mélodie, Piano (4)
Carillon (4)
Hautbois et Orchestre à Corde… (4)
Trompette et Cordes (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Percu… (4)
Clarinette, Basson et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Basson et Piano (4)
Percussions et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière Violon ou … (4)
2 Voix et Piano (4)
Violoncelle et Quintette à ve… (4)
Voix solo - piano (4)
Flûte traversière basse (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres, Orgue et V… (4)
Ligne Mélodique, Paroles Et A… (4)
Concert Band/Harmonie et Corne… (4)
Flûte Traversière Ou Hautboi… (4)
Clavier ou Piano (4)
Guitare Acoustique Tablatures (4)
Quintette à Cordes (Fac-simil… (4)
Clavier et Synthétiseur (4)
Set de Cordes (4)
Violoncelle et Orchestre de Ch… (4)
Choeur et Piano (4)
Flûte à Bec Basse ou Flûte … (4)
Flûte Traversière Alto et Gu… (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle et Pia… (4)
Mandoline I, Mandoline II, Man… (4)
Voix, Clarinette, Piano (4)
Quatuor de Saxophones (SATBar)… (4)
Hautbois, Violon ou 2 Violons … (4)
Instruments Acoustiques (4)
Orchestre de Chambre, Alto et … (4)
Mandoline, Guitare et Harpe (4)
Flûte et Trio à cordes (4)
Clarinette en A, Flûte Traver… (4)
Cor et Brass Band (4)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Clarine… (4)
Violon, Clarinette, Violoncell… (4)
Violon, Alto ou Violoncelle (4)
Flûte Traversière, Flûte Tr… (4)
Trompette, Saxophone, Piano, B… (4)
Violon et Clarinette en Sib et… (4)
Trombone en Sib (4)
Violon et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Cor et B… (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Tamb… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Trio à… (4)
Harmonica Chromatique (4)
1 Instrument Clé de Sol en Mi… (4)
Ensemble Flexible à 5 Parties… (4)
Violon et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Voix Soprano, Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle e… (4)
Choeur de Femmes (SSA) et Pian… (4)
Violon 1, Violon 2, Alto, Viol… (4)
Partition D'Orchestre In 8 (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Xylophone (4)
Violon, Cordes et Electronique… (4)
Flute (partie séparée) (4)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois … (4)
Guitare Classique et Orchestre… (4)
Cor Anglais (4)
Flûte Traversière Cordes et … (4)
Ensemble flexible à 4 parties… (4)
Streichorchester (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Alto et Vi… (4)
4 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (4)
Harpe, Voix (4)
Littérature Musicale (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SA) (4)
Violon, Violoncelle, Guqin et … (4)
Alto (Partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle (Partie Séparée)… (4)
Conducteur De Poche (4)
Fiddle (4)
Soprano et Ensemble (4)
Livres Education (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (4)
Fac-similé (4)
Grand Ensemble Contemporain et… (4)
Violon I (4)
Mandoline, Guitare (duo) (4)
Guitare et Basse Tablatures, A… (4)
Marches militaires (4)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trompett… (4)
Choeur et ensemble vocal (4)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] et Orchest… (4)
Soprano, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Violon, Harpe et Ensemble de C… (4)
Ukulélé Baryton (4)
SSA et Piano (4)
2 Accordéons (4)
Choeur Mixte Et Instruments Di… (4)
Djembe (4)
Alto (4)
Etudes (4)
Trompette ou Bugle et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (3)
Orchestre Juniors (3)
Choeur SA Et Piano (3)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (3)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec et B… (3)
Piano, Guitare, Basse (3)
Tri et Filtres :
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107 partitions
198 partitions
Page suivante
In The Locked Room
In The Locked Room
Taking Thomas Hardy's short story as its starting point, we are transported to t...
Taking Thomas Hardy's short story as its starting point, we are transported to the present for a contemporary take on the novella which explores the power the mind can have over that person's actions. A closed door sparks an obsession so strong that the boundaries between reality and fantasy begin to blur.Ella and her high-finance husband Stephen rent a room in a holiday home on the coast, owned by Susan. Ella discovers that a locked room in the house is rented by a poet - Ben Pascoe - whose work holds a deep fascination for her. The room is held for Pascoe, though he visits rarely.Ella's obsession with Pascoe grows in parallel with the progress of Stephen's biggest City deal. She begins by imagining the poet's voice as she reads his work, but this quickly grows to fantasised encounters with Pascoe in his locked room. Stephen returns from the City and makes love to Ella, but it is not him she wishes for. We see the real Pascoe only once, with Susan.As Stephen's financial dreams are realised and Ella's fantasy consumes her, she learns of Pascoe's death. Despite her changed circumstances, Ella chooses to stay in her new world. / Opéra
81.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Metaphors For The Musician
Metaphors For The Musician
Sher Music Company
Cet ouvrage pratique et instructif contribuera à tout joueur de jazz ou de la v...
Cet ouvrage pratique et instructif contribuera à tout joueur de jazz ou de la vocaliste regarder de la musique avec des ' nouveaux yeux '-' une théorie de la pratique et l'improvisation bookwith une touche humaine. 'Métaphores pour le musicien 'donne des aperçus de presque tous les aspects de jazz musicp, y compris la théorie de l'échelle/chord, stratégies de pratique, qui composent les techniques, la psychologie de la performance et comment créer les Etats d'esprit qui produisent les meilleures improvisations. Les pianistes de jazz graves trouveront des renseignements précieux sur la corde voicings aning, tandis que les novices bénéficieront de nouvelles approches aux échelles et des inversions. Conçu pour tout niveau de joueur, sur n'importe quel instrument, ' Métaphores pour le musicien ' fournit des nombreux exercices tout au long de pour aider le lecteur à transformer ces concepts en musiclity. / Opéra Théorique/Didactique
44.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Das Liebesverbot Oder Die Novize Von Palermo Wwv 38
Das Liebesverbot Oder Die Novize Von Palermo Wwv 38
The Richard Wagner Complete Edition presents the composer's entire output for th...
The Richard Wagner Complete Edition presents the composer's entire output for the first time in a reliable form. The conductor Michael Balling, in the early years of the 20th century, attempted to make Wagner's work more accessible for research and performance, but the edition only reached 10 volumes - some with grave shortcomings - and was discontinued after Balling's death in 1925. A further attempt at a complete edition by Otto Strobel was abandoned at the preliminary stages.This third attempt at a complete edition will be the first scholarly, critical edition, based on an evaluation of all the accessible source materials and the latest findings of serious Wagner research. As the edition is also intended for practical performance, the musical text has been kept free of philological insertions - these are listed in the appendices of each volume in the Critical Commentary. Numerous, partly unpublished works - some relatively unknown - and variant versions are published here for the first time. The edition presents authentic texts for Wagner specialists and researchers and critically based performing materials. Contrary to widely held opinions, even the well-known works of Wagner are not necessarily available in reliable editions. The genesis, history and performances directed by Wagner himself are extensively documented so as to present as complete an image as possible of Wagner's compositional intentions. / Opéra
537.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Tragédie-opéra Drame héroïque en trois actes. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD....
Tragédie-opéra Drame héroïque en trois actes. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. Christoph Willibald Gluck’s most popular opera “Orphée et Euridice” was performed in 1774 in Paris to sensational success. This new adaption followed the original Viennese version with Italian text that was first performed in 1762 under the direction of the composer in the Burgtheater. For the Paris version Gluck changed the leading part Orpheus from an alto to a tenor role and composed new recitatives. Both versions of Gluck’s reform drama are based on a libretto by Ranieri de’ Calzabigi and revolutionised metastasian opera of the 18th century. Solo and choral music, instrumental music, pantomime and dance are all closely connected; the myth replaces a historical plotsurrounded by intrigue; where there would have been a da-capo aria there are now simple song forms and coloratura is largely abandoned. These meticulously revised vocal scores of both versions are also newly set. Urtext editions based on “Gluck, The Complete Works” Revised and newly set The revised editions are compatible with the old editions T48Full score (BA2282-01) and vocal score (BA2282-90) available for sale Performance material (BA2282-72) available for hire/ Répertoire / Opéra
496.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Les Pêcheurs De Perles
Les Pêcheurs De Perles
Dover Publications
A pair of men take an oath of eternal friendship but their vow is threatened by ...
A pair of men take an oath of eternal friendship but their vow is threatened by their attraction to the same woman. The object of their rivalry faces her own dilemma, torn between worldly passion and her calling as a priestess. Their romantic triangle forms the heart of this 1863 opera, Les Pêcheurs De Perles (The Pearl Fishers) , in which the composer of Carmen, the world's most popular opera, made his first mark. Set in ancient Ceylon, this enchanting tale of friendship, love, and betrayal has been performed in Opera houses around the world. The famous Baritone/Tenor duet in the second act is among the most recorded of Opera highlights, and a copy of the full score is essential for conductors as well as for students of composition and orchestration. This large-format version of Bizet 's three-act Opera offers musicians an affordable alternative to high-priced, hard-to-find editions. / Conducteur Opéra
21.06 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
Sur commande
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Opera with a Prologue and four Acts (First version) / Opera in five Acts (Second...
Opera with a Prologue and four Acts (First version) / Opera in five Acts (Second version) Dialogue versions. Par GOUNOD CHARLES. Charles Gounod’s “Faust” secured its international recognition in the version as an entirely sung opera, which from thenceforth has largely obscured the fact that the work was originally composed with spoken dialogues. The early versions staged prior to the 1869 performance at the Paris Opéra containing substantial unknown material and with dialogues and melodramas are the subject of this new edition. (The third version “version opera” was published in a separate edition BA 8713 in 2016.) Even as the rehearsals were taking place at the Théâtre-Lyrique in 1858, during the first series of performances at the theatre in 1859, furthermore as the 1862 revival was approaching and during the performances on the smaller stage at the Place du Châtelet, there were constant changes and revisions. It is, thus, impossible to identify manifestly definitive versions. Nevertheless, by drawing on the entire source material now at hand (including fascinating material only recently discovered) and on the whole gamut of aspects communicated by the reception, Paul Prévost systematically presents us with a score laid out in two main versions in whose chronology constancy and change become transparent. With all the musical changes having been documented, the result is a practicable score for performances which reveals a still far too unknown “Faust” – a “Faust” that is rooted in the tradition of the opéra comique. Quite a few musical numbers are published as a score for the first time in this edition: the trio for Faust, Wagner and Siebel “À l’étude ô mon maître”, the duet of Valentin and Marguerite “Adieu, mon bon frère!”, Méphistophélès’ air “Maître Scarabée”, Siebel’s romance “Versez vos chagrins dans mon âme!”, Valentin’s air with chorus “Chaque jour, nouvelle affaire”, the chorus of witches “Un deux et trois”, and also seven melodramas whose missing or incomplete orchestration has been written for our edition. It was only recently that the long-lost second part of Faust’s original cavatina “Salut! demeure chaste et pure” was unearthed. Only in details of orchestration do other numbers differ from the well-known pieces./ Répertoire / Opéra
1794.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
L'Etoile -Opéra-Bouffe In Three Acts-
L'Etoile -Opéra-Bouffe In Three Acts-
With 'L'Etoile?, Chabrier composed a light-hearted opera which has increasingly ...
With 'L'Etoile?, Chabrier composed a light-hearted opera which has increasingly enjoyed revivals in recent years.The plot is introduced by King Ouf I who offers his subjects an execution every year on his birthday. Unfortunately the problem now arises that no crime has recently been committed which might serve as a reason for an execution. Finally, he finds a would-be victim in the young Lazuli. However, according to predictions by the astrologer Siroco, Lazuli's fate is closely linked to the king's own life. The comic opera is further bolstered by a story of mistaken identities which involves a great deal of diplomacy, a love story and a large number of refined, yet catchy melodies.Chabrier was a master of the sensitive and complicated art of musical comedy, a field where he can be compared in equal measure to Offenbach, Rossini and Mozart. / Opéra
738.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Faber Music Limited
Par GILBERT WILLIAM SCHWENCK / SULLIVAN ARTHUR. Having a rather idealistic view ...
Par GILBERT WILLIAM SCHWENCK / SULLIVAN ARTHUR. Having a rather idealistic view of England and the English people, King Paramount of the south sea island of Utopia decides that his people should adopt all English customs and fashions, and that the kingdom should become a company limited . Utopia Limited , or The Flowers Of Progress , is a Savoy Opera, with music by Arthur Sullivan and Libretto by W.S. Gilbert. It was the second-to-last of Gilbert and Sullivan's fourteen collaborations, premiering on October 7, 1893 for a run of 245 performances. Available here is the vocal score of the Opera. / Niveau : Elémentaire / TV, Film, Comédie musicale / Recueil / Chant et Piano
25.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
'Faust? stands for the composer Gounod himself, who was torn between the express...
'Faust? stands for the composer Gounod himself, who was torn between the expression of excessive sensuality and a deep spirituality which he was searching for in his Catholic faith. As such, in this most important musical setting of Goethe's drama, the work was given a deeply personal interpretation. With a detailed Foreword (Fr/Eng/Ger) this new edition presents the genesis of the work with its various, during Gounod's lifetime, completely sung versions.The main version of our edition was performed at the Paris Opéra on 3 March 1869. However, simple cross references in the score enable a reconstruction of the earlier and later stages of this work for performance. Rounding off this publication is a critical edition of the libretto. All available sources are described and the Critical Commentary provides information about any changes made to the individual numbers.The two earlier Faust versions with spoken dialogue will be included in a separate volume within this series (in preparation, BA 8714). / Opéra
1675.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Xerxes (Serse)
Xerxes (Serse)
[Sheet music]
Georg Frideric Händel 's Serse (Xerxes) has everything one would expect from a ...
Georg Frideric Händel 's Serse (Xerxes) has everything one would expect from a Baroque opera - many intertwining love stories, affairs, intrigues, scheming, misunderstanding and forgiving - all presented in the great master's magnificent music. The opera is set in Persia in 480 BC and is very loosely based upon Xerxes I of Persia, though there is little in either the Baroque libretto or music that is relevant to that setting, the main focus is on the characters ( Serse , Arsamene, Amastre, Romilda, Atalanta, Ariodate and Elviro - some of which are based on real historical persons) and their plotting. The English version for the opera in three acts was made for the English National Opera's production, first performed in 1985, on the 300th anniversary of Händel 's birth. In this edition of the Vocal score with the original Italian and the later English lyrics accompaniment is provided by the instruments indicated in the orchestration (2 Recorders (or Flutes), 2 Oboes, 2 Horns in F, Trumpet in D, Strings and Continuo [Harpsichord, Cello, Double Bass, Bassoon]), but can also be played by the Piano. Serse 's part, originally sung by a castrato, can be performed by a Soprano or a Countertenor. / Chant Et Piano
56.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Acte de Ballet. Par RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE. Rameau Io RCT 45 (Vocal Score) In Rame...
Acte de Ballet. Par RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE. Rameau Io RCT 45 (Vocal Score) In Rameau's operatic oeuvre, 'Io' is certainly the work shrouded in the most mystery: the acte de ballet has survived only in the form of a copy of the score and parts which was made by a collector from the generation after Rameau from the autograph that now is lost. Although the copy seems to have been used, presumably for a trial read-through, the work was apparently never regularly performed during Rameau's lifetime. And for good reason: the work breaks off abruptly at the beginning of the divertissement; neither the librettist nor a plan for a theatre location are known. Because of its incompleteness, 'Io' was long regarded as Rameau's last work, but there is much to suggest that the composition must have been written between 1740 and 1745. The introduction to this edition examines the references regarding the dating as well as various hypotheses about performance possibilities and librettists. The plot revolves around one of those typical mythological flirtations that are inevitably to be expected when Jupiter and a nymph, here Io, are involved. With the appearance of madness, La Folia, the work reaches a dramaturgical climax. However after this, the opera breaks off. In order to make the piece performable, the editors of ?Opera Omnia Rameau? propose an addition to the divertissement as well as an ending borrowed from the ballet bouffon 'Platée' in its 1745 version, which shows numerous parallels to 'Io'. Thus, these additions come as close as possible to Rameau's style of the 1740s while bringing the plot to a conclusion. - Fragmentary work completed with original music by Rameau - Based on the score of ?Opera Omnia Rameau?, Volume V/1 - Particularly suitable for academies and conservatories as few soloists are required and the few choral movements can be sung by soloists / Date parution : 2023-06-01/ Répertoire / Opéra
23.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Music to "Soliman second, ou Les Trois Sultanes" (GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD)
Music to "Soliman second, ou Les Trois Sultanes" (GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD)
Comédie (Laxenburg 1765) Gluck Complete Works IV/4. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBA...
Comédie (Laxenburg 1765) Gluck Complete Works IV/4. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. The critical edition presents the music to the verse comedy “Soliman second, ou Les Trois Sultanes” by Charles-Simon Favart (1710–1792), which was performed before the Viennese courtly audience in the Schlosstheater Laxenburg by the French troupe of the Burgtheater on 18 May 1765. This is the first time that Gluck’s music to the Favartian comedy has appeared in print. A popular comedy which in particular was known for its exotic colour, “Soliman second” quickly made its mark on many European stages. Through the good offices of the court theatre director Count Durazzo, the libretto made its way to Vienna too. As “Direttore della Musica” at Vienna’s Burgtheater and an accomplished writer of French opéras-comiques, Gluck may have been commissioned to compose the vocal numbers – four solo airs and a duet – which were meant to be performed in the comedy. As far as can be established, Gluck’s involvement in incidental music is an exception in his artistic output. In addition to the detailed introduction to the history of the work, the volume contains the Critical Report providing exhaustive information on the source material, editorial technique and performance practice. The libretto for the premiere performance and illustrative extracts from the sources are reproduced in facsimile./ Répertoire / Opéra
161.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Tempest - Limited Edition (ADES THOMAS)
The Tempest - Limited Edition (ADES THOMAS)
Faber Music Limited
Full Score. Par ADES THOMAS. Thomas Adès' The Tempest, one of the most striking...
Full Score. Par ADES THOMAS. Thomas Adès' The Tempest, one of the most striking and successful operas of recent years, is available for the first time as a beautifully produced, limited-edition full score. Featuring the stunning image 'Octopus' by artist Claire Burbridge, this unique cased edition includes colour plates of exclusive images from Ades' original handwritten score and sketches. Each copy is signed and numbered by the composer. Limited to 250 copies, with signed and numbered limitation page. Cased, square back and sewn. Endpapers feature original artwork 'The Firmament' by Claire Burbridge. Case features original artwork 'Octopus' by Claire Burbridge, printed in neon Pantone 809, with scratch-proof matt lamination and high gloss uv. Black book-block edges, ribbon and head and tail bands. From the turbulent orchestral prelude with which it begins to Ariel's stratospheric yet ethereal 'Five fathoms deep' and the radiant quintet of reconciliation in its final act, Thomas Adès conjures up a wholly compelling musical world in The Tempest. Responding to librettist Meredith Oakes' clear, unfussy refashioning of Shakespeare into formalised rhyme schemes, Adès has created a new kind of tonal language that is both direct and communicative but also indelibly contemporary. / Opéra-opérette / Répertoire / Opéra
366.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Phaedra (Vocal Score)
Phaedra (Vocal Score)
[Vocal Score]
Phaedra by German composer Hans Werner Henze is a 'concert opera' in two acts wh...
Phaedra by German composer Hans Werner Henze is a 'concert opera' in two acts whose first performance was given at the Berlin State Opera in 2007. Phaedra was Henze's penultimate opera, and this item presents the vocal score, with the entire work lasting around 75 minutes. The parts are for Mezzo-Soprano, Soprano, Tenor, Countertenor, Bass Baritone, as well as a mime.Featuring a unique libretto by Christian Lehnert and sound effects by Francesco Antonioni, this opera presents the wonderful story of Phaedra, filled with drama and fantastic music. This Vocal Score presents the work in German and English language, with German lyrics.Phaedra was co-commissioned and co-produced by Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, Berliner Festspiele, Théâtre de la Monnaie Brussels, Alte Oper Frankfurt and Wiener Festwochen. Hans Werner Henze was a hugely prolific composer who drew influences from a wide number of sources. Phaedra is regarded as among his greatest works and would certainly make for a stunning performance. / Chant Et Piano
70.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
Full Score. Par PUCCINI GIACOMO. The premiere of La Bohème took place at the Te...
Full Score. Par PUCCINI GIACOMO. The premiere of La Bohème took place at the Teatro Regio in Turin on 1 February 1896. Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica based their libretto for this opera on Scènes de la vie de Bohème by Henry Murger. It took Puccini only a fewmonths to complete a score brimming with wonderful melodic invention and orchestrational genius. The music is a surprisingly supple and sensitive medium for depicting a variety of emotions that animate the young: reckless living full of stop-gapexpedients, erratic feelings and sudden explosions of noble sentiment, the driving ambitions of one’s art. Puccini’s musical imagery illuminates the different moments and moods of the story with a delicate yet intense lyrical quality; just as therapid decline and death of Mimì, subtle yet invincible, remind us of the universal reality that all things must inevitably come to an end. On the cover: “Al Quartiere Latino”, sketch by Riccardo Salvadori, as a variation on the sketch by Adolf Hohenstein for the world premiere in Turin of Bohème, 1896 © Archivio Storico Ricordi/ Répertoire / Oeuvres Théâtrales/Oratorios et Ballets
46.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Zoroastre rct 62B (RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE)
Zoroastre rct 62B (RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE)
Oper in Funf Akten Version 1756. Par RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE. Richer than ever ? Ra...
Oper in Funf Akten Version 1756. Par RAMEAU JEAN-PHILIPPE. Richer than ever ? Rameau?s ?Zoroastre? in the version of 1756. Opera in five acts. Rameau?s revised version of his opera ?Zoroastre?, which could be heard and seen between 20 January 1756 and 26 March 1757 at the Académie royale de musique, was favourably received. Also from today?s point of view the work profits dramaturgically from many of the changes and seems altogether richer and more tightly woven than the original of 1749. The subject matter of the libretto, derived from Ancient Persian sources, is timeless: the struggle between good and bad. The good is embodied by the religious reformer Zoroastre, a representative of the supreme light being Orosmade. He is opposed by the ambitious magician Abramane who serves Ariman, the spirit of the dark. The opera includes some of Rameau?s most ecstatic and spiritual musical numbers, such as the episode of sun worship in Act 3 with the sublime ?Hymne à la Lumière?, which, for unknown reasons, was not integrated in the revision of 1756. It is therefore included in Appendix 3 of this Bärenreiter edition. Incidentally, with ?Zoroastre? the prologue, wh ich had been customary since the beginnings of French opera in the 1670s, was abandoned. Instead Rameau was the first to introduce an overture which set the scene for the entire drama and thereby anticipated Gluck?s opera reform by many years. - One of Rameau?s main works for the stage, now available with all its versions - With a straight-forward piano reduction in the vocal score by François Saint-Yves - Available on sale full score (B0A8867-01) and vocal score (BA08867-90) - Performance material available for hire BA08867-72 - Jean-Philippe Rameau - Opera Omnia (OOR) IV/26 / Date parution : 2022-07-30/ Répertoire / Chant et Piano
567.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Wagner R. - Tristan Und Isolde Wwv 90 - Facsimile
Wagner R. - Tristan Und Isolde Wwv 90 - Facsimile
Edition no.: BVK 2270ISBN: 9783761822708Volume / Series: Documenta musicologica ...
Edition no.: BVK 2270ISBN: 9783761822708Volume / Series: Documenta musicologica II/45 / Bärenreiter FacsimileEditor: Konrad, UlrichLanguage(s) of work: English, GermanProduct format: FacsimileBinding: Half-leather bindingPages / Format: 405 S. - 41,7 x 30,0 cm 'This Tristan will be something formidable! This last act!''I fear the opera will be banned ' if the whole work is not parodied through bad performance: only mediocre performances can save me! Thoroughly good ones will surely drive people crazy.'Richard WagnerWhile working on the score to 'Tristan und Isolde', Richard Wagner expressed his excitement and elation about his new musical drama. Indeed, the radical originality of the work proved to be both unique and forward-looking: Over 150 years ago it signified the 'dawn' of the modern era and to this day it has not lost any of its fascination. Throughout his life, Richard Wagner was proud of his even handwriting.He constantly strove to produce manuscripts of a high calligraphic standard. The Tristan manuscript is also clearly written. More so than in his other scores however, traces of his working process are evident. It is precisely this aspect of the autograph that makes it fascinating. Reading it, one is witness to Wagner's highlyconcentrated, powerful and relentless writing. This manuscript is in every possible way unparalleled reflecting individuality and uniqueness.In time for the 200th anniversary of Wagner's birth in 2013, this great work will be published as a BÄRENREITER FACSIMILE in cooperation with the National Archive of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung Bayreuth. In addition to the complete score, the edition includes the autograph concert ending of the Vorspiel as well as three pages that Wagner rejected while composing and later used for sketches.Ulrich Konrad, the renowned musicologist describes the genesis and performance history of the work in his comprehensive commentary. He also details the physical appearance and condition of the autograph as well as giving an insight into the musical language of Wagner.
917.90 EUR - vendu par Woodbrass
Sur commande
Articles Similaires
Die Harmonie der Welt Teil C (HINDEMITH PAUL)
Die Harmonie der Welt Teil C (HINDEMITH PAUL)
Par HINDEMITH PAUL. The opera is set in a variety of locations between the years...
Par HINDEMITH PAUL. The opera is set in a variety of locations between the years 1608 and 1630 and throws a spotlight on individual scenes, sometimes presented simultaneously, from the life of the astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630); the opera takes its name from Kepler’s theoretical work ‘Harmonices mundi’. Hindemith utilises substantial historical studies as the basis for his sketches of individuals within Kepler’s circle who each accompany the astronomer’s scientific endeavours with a variety of personal ambitions. The military commander Wallenstein attempts to utilise Kepler’s astrological abilities to realise his own pretensions to power while Kepler’s assistant Ulrich aspires to scientific fame and recognition. Kepler’s mother urges her son to apply his scientific abilities to the services of her black magic and the Lutheran minister Hizler forbids the astronomer to receive communion because Kepler questions the doctrine of Holy Communion in the Lutheran church and expresses sympathy for Calvinist doctrine. The few figures shed in a positive light include Kepler’s wife Susanna who supports her husband’s pursuit of truth and knowledge and the child Susanna who listens to the voices of nature and the moon in her childish naivety, thereby gaining revelatory knowledge. At the end of his life, Kepler takes stock of his situation, succumbs to a state of resignation and considers death as the greatest harmony of all. In his state of agony, music of the spheres can be heard; the constellations appear as allegorical figures in the opera and contradict Kepler’s negative concepts: lying beyond all that can be researched by mankind is a final majestic realm with the powers to ‘permit us to be amalgamated into a gigantic harmony of the spheres.’ / Date parution : 2022-07-20/ Répertoire / Opéra
268.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Dunvagen Music Publishers
Par GLASS PHILIP. The third in Glass' trilogy of operas about men who changed th...
Par GLASS PHILIP. The third in Glass' trilogy of operas about men who changed the world in which they lived through the power of their ideas, Akhnaten's subject is religion. The Pharaoh Akhnaten was the first monotheist in recorded history, and his substitution of a one-god religion for the multi-god worship in use when he came to power was responsible for his violent overthrow. The opera describes the rise, reign, and fall of Akhnaten in a series of tableaux. This newly typeset edition is in accord with the vocal score, DU11199, first released in 2017./ Répertoire / Opéra
294.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
L'Amour De Loin (Vocal Score)
L'Amour De Loin (Vocal Score)
[Sheet music]
Saariaho's L'armour De Loin is an opera in five acts and was premiered in Salzbu...
Saariaho's L'armour De Loin is an opera in five acts and was premiered in Salzburg in August 2000, with additional productions being staged at the theatre Bern in Switzerland. The story is based on the life of Prince of Bleye , one of the first great troubadours of the 12th century, and follows his glowing passion for a woman from the East of whom he has only heard is the central theme of the libretto. Libretto written by Amin Maalouf. This is the Vocal Score of Saariaho's remarkable opera. / Chant Et Piano
64.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Berenice, Regina d'Egitto HWV 38 (HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH)
Berenice, Regina d'Egitto HWV 38 (HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH)
Operas in three acts Version of the premiere, London 1737. Par HAENDEL GEORG FRI...
Operas in three acts Version of the premiere, London 1737. Par HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH. “Charming Berenice” – the Earl of Shaftesbury attended a rehearsal of the opera on 12 May 1737 and went into raptures about this “inexpressible delight”. “Berenice” was premiered at Covent Garden Theatre in London just a few days later on 18 May 1737. “Berenice” is one of the “light” operas and offers a wealth of musical gems, the second movement of the overture having become famous as “The Minuet from Berenice”, for instance, as has Berenice’s extended aria in the third act, in which she reflects on the inconstancy of the god Amor in duet with the solo oboist. The musical imagery which Handel worked into the opera is likewise enchanting, such as the imitation of bees humming in Fabio’s “Vedi l’ape” and the sorrowful cooing of a dove in Selene’s “Tortorella che rimira”. The scholarly-critical new edition contains the musical text of the first performance together with pieces in the appendix which Handel excised or shortened in preparation for the premiere. As is customary with our editions, a preface provides a detailed introduction to the genesis of the work, the story’s historical context, the source material and reception. Furthermore, the edition includes a translation of the libretto and an exhaustive Critical Report./ Répertoire / Opéra
423.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Camelot (Libretto) (LERNER A)
Camelot (Libretto) (LERNER A)
Faber Music Limited
Par LERNER A. / LOEWE F.. Camelot is a popular Musical, which also received a fi...
Par LERNER A. / LOEWE F.. Camelot is a popular Musical, which also received a film adaptation in 1967. Available here is the Libretto for the Musical, with book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner, and music by Frederick Loewe. The show is based on the King Arthur legend as based on the T.H. White novel The Once and Future King ./ Recueil / Livret
12.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Pensiero Musicale V.1 (DELFRATI CARLO)
Pensiero Musicale V.1 (DELFRATI CARLO)
Par DELFRATI CARLO. Il pensiero musicale, articolato in tre volumi, sviluppa i c...
Par DELFRATI CARLO. Il pensiero musicale, articolato in tre volumi, sviluppa i concetti della teoria musicale e gli elementi della notazione in modo progressivo. Ogni volume è corredato da CD audio per le attività di ascolto, ear-training, dettato musicale. IMPOSTAZIONE E METODOLOGIA: Il corso è frutto di oltre quarant'anni di studi e di insegnamento dell'autore, Carlo Delfrati, e della sua concezione fortemente innovativa della didattica musicale: la formazione teorica va di pari passo con attività pratiche, creative e analitiche. INOLTRE: L'apprendimento della lettura è graduale e progressivo, grazie ad un approccio basato sull'immediatezza percettiva di melodie e figurazioni ritmiche. Per le letture (ritmiche e melodiche) viene utilizzato il repertorio musicale di ogni periodo storico: dal Medioevo a oggi, dal tradizione popolare alla musica etnica. Un'antologia che servirà anche negli studi più avanzati./ Solfège/Formation Musicale / Opéra Théorique ou Didactique
31.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Universal Edition
Oper in 3 Akten aus dem mährischen Bauernleben. Par JANACEK LEOS. With his thir...
Oper in 3 Akten aus dem mährischen Bauernleben. Par JANACEK LEOS. With his third opera Jenufa Leoš Janácek succeeded in making his breakthrough as an operatic composer. Since the premiere of this moving story about the fate of the sexton and her stepdaughter Jenufa at the Brno National Theatre in 1904, it has become one of the composer's most frequently performed works. Janácek was the first to succeed in transforming everyday speech directly into music. His method of using speech-melodic motives is clearly distinctive. It is known that the composer preserved everyday conversations in the form of little musical sketches: 'Jotting down genuine speech melody is, as it were, music's life class,' he said./ Répertoire / Opéra
667.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
I Puritani - Opera Seria In Tre Atti (BELLINI VINCENZO)
I Puritani - Opera Seria In Tre Atti (BELLINI VINCENZO)
Crit. Ed. Fabrizio Della Seta. Par BELLINI VINCENZO. I PURITANI is the last work...
Crit. Ed. Fabrizio Della Seta. Par BELLINI VINCENZO. I PURITANI is the last work of Vincenzo Bellini: composed in nine months, from April 1834 to January 1835 (a gestation unusually long for that time), was performed for the first time in Paris, Théâtre Italien, 24 January 1835. The new Critical Edition is based on the autograph, on the libretto of the first performance and on four manuscript copies produced in the context of the Théâtre Italien in the first months of life of the work, three of which contain autographinterventions (these sources are now kept at the Biblioteca Comunale in Palermo, at the Museo Civico Belliniano in Catania, at the Archivio Storico Ricordi in Milano and at the Staatsbibliothek zur Preussischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin). This edition presents for the first time all the music composed by Bellini, it restores the sections deleted before or after the first performance in Paris and returns the modified sections of the Naples version. It consists of three-score volumes -introduced by a detailed reconstruction of the historical context - and of a 'Apparati' volume with a description of the Sources and the Critical Commentary to the musical text. / Opéra-opérette / Répertoire / Opéra
613.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
[Conducteur d'étude / Miniature]
Universal Edition
Par JANACEK LEOS. With his third opera Jenufa Leoš Janácek succeeded in making...
Par JANACEK LEOS. With his third opera Jenufa Leoš Janácek succeeded in making his breakthrough as an operatic composer. Since the premiere of this moving story about the fate of the sexton and her stepdaughter Jenufa at the Brno National Theatre in 1904, it has become one of the composer's most frequently performed works. Janácek was the first to succeed in transforming everyday speech directly into music. His method of using speech-melodic motives is clearly distinctive. It is known that the composer preserved everyday conversations in the form of little musical sketches: 'Jotting down genuine speech melody is, as it were, music's life class,' he said/ Répertoire / Opéra
134.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Opera In Three Acts. Par SAINT-SAENS CAMILLE. Today, 'Samson et Dalila? is undou...
Opera In Three Acts. Par SAINT-SAENS CAMILLE. Today, 'Samson et Dalila? is undoubtedly one of the best-known of Camille Saint-Saëns's thirteen operas, being more present in the repertoire of international stages than most other French 19th century compositions. During Saint-Saëns's lifetime, the opera was already regarded as the pinnacle of his dramatic stage works. The fact that the work's genesis and first performances nonetheless posed substantial difficulties is shown in this edition by Andreas Jacob and Fabien Guilloux (libretto edition). A detailed recount of this complex history, based on meticulous comparisons of all libretti and other musical sources, is the great merit of this critical edition. The edition contains the full score, edited versions of both original libretti, a historical Foreword (Fr/En/Ger), a Critical Commentary (Eng), facsimile pages of 'Livret de mise-en-scène? from the first Paris production, and a musical appendix containing the 'Air de Ballet? (which was inserted before the Bacchanale in act 3 for performances at the Paris Opéra). The underlaid text in the score is presented in two languages and contains the libretto text by Ferdinand Lemaire as well as the text of the Weimar premiere by Richard Pohl (1877), a performance that was initiated by Franz Liszt./ Répertoire / Chant et Orchestre
1011.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Prima La Musica E Poi Le Parole (Salieri dans ce ' théâtre dans le théâtre ' dans le arias aussi parodié la musique de Giuseppe Sarti de ' Giulio Sabino , ' il joue avec pré- existant , le public de première de la musique bien connue)
Prima La Musica E Poi Le Parole (Salieri dans ce ' théâtre dans le théâtre ' dans le arias aussi parodié la musique de Giuseppe Sarti de ' Giulio Sabino , ' il joue avec pré- existant , le public de première de la musique bien connue)
Le projet ' OPERA ' - spectre de théâtre musical européen dans Einzeleditione...
Le projet ' OPERA ' - spectre de théâtre musical européen dans Einzeleditionenwidmet l' édition critique des oeuvres marquantes du théâtre européen de la musique du 17e 20 Siècle.Emis un total de 21 compositions en franCais, italien , allemand, anglais , scandinaves et d'origine slave , qui genres aussi ciblés sont inclus , qui ont reCu peu d'attention dans les entreprises éditoriales précédentes et apportent chacun leurs propres problèmes éditoriaux avec elle , comme le ballet , la musique de théâtre , mélodrame ou opérette .Une nouvelle fonctionnalité est la présentation sous la forme d' éditions dits hybrides , publié par les scores welchendie dans les sources de tissu lié , et la undtextlichen musical traditionnel , les éditions des textes dramatiques et les rapports critiques sont préparés et présentés sur une plate-forme électronique ( Edirom ) .Les décisions de l'éditeur est grâce complètement transparent pour la capacité à accéder aux sources sous-jacentes de l'utilisateur . Ce particulier de ' OPERA ' poursuivi accès éditoriale ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour la science , la scène et concert semblables.La présentation numérique des éditions OPERA utilise le Edirom logiciel , qui a été développé dans le même , basé sur le projet de la Fondation allemande pour la recherche ( DFG ) Université de Paderborn . Tous les composants de la partie électronique sont codés selon les normes modernes en XML , les portions de texte utilisant la norme de la ' Text Encoding Initiative ' ( TEI ) .Les premiers volumes de la série avec Edirom ( Digital Music Edition) :- Antonio Salieri , Giambattista Casti : ' Prima la musica e poi le parole ' (1786 ) , Ed . Thomas Betzwieser / Adrian La Salvia ( BA 8811 )- Adolphe Beno t Blaise , Marie -Justine- Beno te Favart : ' Annette et Lubin ' (1762 ) , Ed . Andreas Münzmay ( BA 8812 )- Thomas Arne , Isaac Bickerstaff , ' Love in a village ' (1762 ) , Ed . N.N. ( BA 8814 )- Ferdinando Paër , Giacomo Cinti : ' Leonora ossia L'amor conjugale ' (1804 ) , Ed . Norbert Dubowy ( BA 8813 )- Pierre de Lindpaintner , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Carl Seydelmann : ' Ouverture , entreacte , des choeurs et des chansons à Faust de Goethe par le cadre pittoresque de Carl Seydelmann ' (1832) , Ed . Antje Tumat ( BA 8815 )' Prima la musica e poi le parole ' ( BA 8811 ) :Le 7 Février 1786 s'inscrivait dans le cadre d'un festival , avait invité à l'empereur Joseph II dans l'Orangerie du château de Schönbrunn , un concours musical mémorable . L'Italien ' Hofoperisten ' a présenté le ' Impresario ' de Mozart , qui a été présenté par un ensemble Singspiel allemand , en face de l' opéra-bouffe ' Prima la musica e poi le de libération conditionnelle ' par Antonio Salieri . Cette satire délicieux opéra appartient au genre de la ' metamelodramma ' dans laquelle l'opéra est l'objet de l' action elle-même . Les personnes impliquées dans une production d'opéra , comme poète , compositeur et Prima Donna , se produisent même en apparence . De cette faCon , il ya une auto-réflexion humoristique de l'artiste dans les personnages de théâtre . Par Salieri dans ce ' théâtre dans le théâtre ' dans le arias aussi parodié la musique de Giuseppe Sarti de ' Giulio Sabino , ' il joue avec pré- existant , le public de première de la musique bien connue . Grâce à sa réflexion musicale sur le style musical et dramatique et la discussion de la priorité de parole ou de son, ce chef-d'oeuvre s'avère précurseur précoce de Richard Strauss ' Capriccio ' .La nouvelle édition de la partition dans le cadre de ' OPERA - spectre de théâtre musical européen dans les éditions simples ' a apporté de nombreux changements avec lui ( livret , les indications scéniques , articulation , ornements , etc.) / Opéra
592.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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