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26 823
Librairie Musicale
6 644
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73 910
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Vous avez sélectionné:
For He
Piano, Voix et Guitare (9395)
Piano seul (7623)
Orchestre d'harmonie (4193)
Formation musicale - Solfège (3918)
Guitare notes et tablatures (2367)
Guitare (2235)
Piano, Voix (1660)
Violon et Piano (1562)
Chorale SATB (1547)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (1266)
Violon (1251)
Orchestre (1071)
Flûte traversière et Piano (1005)
Ensemble de cuivres (1003)
Orgue (932)
Divers (923)
Flûte traversière (906)
Clarinette (728)
Fanfare (697)
Orchestre à Cordes (695)
Trompette (658)
Paroles et Accords (612)
Violoncelle (563)
Saxophone Alto (557)
Piano Facile (540)
Batterie (539)
1 Piano, 4 mains (518)
Basse electrique (491)
Orchestre de chambre (486)
Soli, choeur mixte et accompag… (477)
Violoncelle, Piano (455)
Ukulele (450)
Clarinette et Piano (449)
Saxophone (437)
Clavier (385)
Voix seule (384)
Chorale 3 parties (381)
Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) e… (345)
Tous Les Instruments (325)
Trombone (324)
Alto seul (303)
Accordéon (289)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (287)
Piano et Orchestre (272)
Chorale (260)
Instruments en Do (252)
Saxophone Tenor (240)
Trompette, Piano (235)
Théorie de la musique (219)
Ensemble Jazz (214)
Flûte à Bec (214)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (210)
Orchestre, Violon (208)
Cor (208)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (199)
Alto, Piano (186)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (176)
Voix haute, Piano (163)
Banjo (162)
Mandoline (158)
Biographie (149)
Parties Orchestrales (147)
Instruments en Sib (146)
Harpe (146)
2 Violons (duo) (144)
Chant (142)
Contre Basse (140)
Ensemble à vent (139)
Chorale 2 parties (137)
Violoncelle, Orchestre (132)
Voix Soprano, Piano (128)
Hautbois (127)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (126)
Ensemble A Vent (122)
Conducteur (122)
Flûte et Guitare (119)
Voix basse, Piano (118)
Tuba (116)
DVD concert (116)
Harmonica (113)
Cor et Piano (108)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (106)
Opéra (101)
Percussion (100)
Trio à Cordes: violon, alto, … (99)
Voix Soprano, Orchestre (97)
Clavecin (97)
Trombone et Piano (95)
Voix moyenne, Piano (92)
Voix d'Enfants (90)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (87)
Voix Baryton, Piano (85)
Flûte à bec Soprano (84)
Instruments en Mib (82)
Voix Tenor, Piano (81)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompe… (80)
Voix, Guitare (80)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (79)
Piano Quintette: piano, 2 viol… (79)
Chorale TTBB (77)
Partition de Poche (76)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano, Piano (75)
Basson (75)
CD (73)
Eveil Musical (73)
Violon 1 (6 parts) Violon 2 (6… (72)
2 Guitares (duo) (72)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (70)
Educatif (68)
Concert Band/Harmonie (66)
2 Saxophones (duo) (65)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (64)
Saxophone et Piano (64)
Papeterie (63)
Flûte à bec Alto (62)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (61)
Partitions De Groupes (61)
Ensemble de Flûtes (60)
Dictées Musicales (60)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (59)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (58)
Accompagnement Piano (57)
Piano, Voix, Guitare tablature… (57)
Tuba ou Euphonium ou Saxhorn (56)
Flûte traversière, Orchestre… (56)
Basson, Piano (duo) (53)
Dulcimer (53)
Chorale SSAA (52)
Diverses Formations (51)
Quatuor de Cuivres (50)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (50)
Chorale SSAATTBB (45)
Voix et Orchestre (44)
Flûte irlandaise (43)
Caisse Claire (43)
Clarinette, Orchestre (42)
Ensemble d'Accordéons (41)
Guitare Electrique (41)
Travaux Pour Choeurs (41)
Chorale SSATB (40)
Trio à Cordes (40)
2 Trompettes (duo) (39)
2 Flûte à bec (duo) (39)
Bass Clef Instruments (37)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Piano (37)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (36)
Ensemble d'École (36)
Quintette à vent (35)
Scores (35)
Euphonium Ou Saxhorn Et Piano (35)
Voix Soprano (35)
Instrumentation Flexible (35)
Tuba et Piano (35)
Trio de Flûtes: 3 flûtes (34)
Partie séparée (33)
Quintette à Cordes (33)
Marimba (33)
Trio avec Piano (32)
Balalaika (31)
Voix duo, Piano (31)
Fanfare Band (31)
Contes et comptines (31)
Alto et orchestre (31)
DVD Opéra et Ballets (31)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, In… (30)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (30)
Quatuor de Flûtes : 4 flûtes… (30)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (29)
Flûte, Hautbois, Clarinette, … (28)
Ensemble Instrumental et Petit… (28)
Quatuor de Flûtes à bec (28)
2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 B… (28)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (28)
Guitare, Quatuor à cordes (28)
Livret (28)
Conducteur de poche, d'étude (28)
Flûte, Violoncelle, Piano (tr… (27)
Accessoire (27)
Quintette avec Piano (27)
Guitare (Fingerpick) (27)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (27)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, vio… (26)
Orchestre d'harmonie, Chorale-… (26)
2 Altos (duo) (26)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ba… (26)
Clavecin et Cordes (25)
Harpe, Flûte (duo) (25)
Voix haute (25)
Big band (25)
Chorale, Orchestre (25)
Viole de Gambe (25)
2 Clarinettes, 2 Violons, Orgu… (24)
2 Hautbois, 3 Trompettes, Timb… (24)
Choeur Mixte (SATTB/SATTB), So… (24)
Exemplaire Complet (24)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (24)
2 Trombones (duo) (24)
Ensemble (24)
Percussions (24)
Piano Quintette: piano, violon… (24)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Piano… (23)
Piano grosses notes (23)
Saxophone Ténor et Piano (23)
Parties Supplémentaires (23)
Chorale Unison (23)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (23)
Voix basse (22)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (22)
Chant et Guitare (22)
Piano, Guitare (duo) (22)
Voix Tenor (22)
Piano, Guitare (grilles d'acco… (22)
Ensemble de Percussions (21)
Quintette de Cuivres (21)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (21)
Clarinette Basse (21)
Violon, Basse continue (21)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano (21)
Voix Mixtes (21)
Timbales (21)
Guitare, Orchestre (21)
Saxhorn ou Euphonium (20)
1 Piano, 6 mains (20)
Luth (20)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (19)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Guitare et Musique de Chambre (19)
Saxophone Baryton (19)
Matériel D'Orchestre (19)
Vibraphone (19)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse (duo)… (18)
Guitare Tab, Voix, Basse, Batt… (18)
Violon, Alto (duo) (18)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trombone… (18)
Partition D'Orchestre (18)
Euphonium (18)
Voix Moyenne (18)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (18)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (18)
Clavier ou Orgue Electronique (17)
Trio à cordes: 3 violins (17)
Orchestre Symphonique (17)
Voix Mixtes SAB et Piano (17)
Solistes STBB, Choeur SATTBB, … (17)
Guitare Pedal Steel (17)
Film musical (17)
Alto (Viole) (17)
Clarinette et Orchestre (17)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (17)
Flûte à bec Alto, Basse cont… (17)
Balalaïka Et Piano (17)
Ensemble Mixte (17)
Batterie et Percussions (17)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (16)
2 Violons, Violoncelle et Orgu… (16)
Hautbois, Violin, Alto et Viol… (16)
2 Violons et Violoncelle ou 3 … (16)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et C… (16)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (16)
2 Violons et 2 Violoncelles (16)
Flûte à bec Alto, Piano (16)
Quintette de Clarinette: Clari… (16)
Basse electrique, Batterie (16)
Trompette, Orchestre (16)
Piccolo (16)
Livres (16)
Solo SATB, Choeur SATB, Hautbo… (15)
Voix Baryton (15)
Hautbois et Orchestre (15)
Tuba Solo (15)
Dobro (15)
Choeur SATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cla… (15)
Cajon (15)
Guitare Flatpick et Plectre (15)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (15)
Petit Ensemble Contemporain (14)
Soli et Orchestre (14)
Clavier Electronique et Ligne … (14)
Piccolo, Piano (14)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (14)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (14)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (14)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (14)
2 Bassons (duo) (14)
Ensemble de guitares (14)
Violon, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (13)
Choeur Mixte (SATB/SATB), Soli… (13)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (13)
3 Saxophones (trio) (13)
Piano, Basse, Batterie (trio) (13)
Voix duo (13)
DVD Spectacles (13)
Aucune valeur (13)
4 Guitares (Quatuor) (13)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SSATB, 2… (12)
Clarinette et Quatuor à Corde… (12)
Violon ou Violoncelle, Violonc… (12)
Hautbois, Clarinette et Basson… (12)
Quintette à cordes : 2 violon… (12)
Quatuor de Cuivres: 2 trompett… (12)
Quatuor à Cordes et Quintette… (12)
Flûte Traversière ou Flûte … (12)
3 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (12)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (12)
Quintette (12)
Baryton ou Tuba et Brass Band (12)
Saxophone et Orchestre (12)
Guitare Flatpick et Fingerpick… (12)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (12)
Choeur d'Enfants, Flûte Trave… (12)
Ukulélé Soprano (12)
Flûte, Clarinette (duo) (12)
Choeur d'Enfants à 2 Parties … (12)
3 Guitares (trio) (12)
3 Hautbois et Cor Anglais (12)
Cor en Fa (12)
Cor, Orchestre (12)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (12)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Cl… (11)
Solo A, Choeur SATB/SATB, 2 Or… (11)
Violoncelle, Basse continue (11)
Orgue, Piano (duo) (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Solo B, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (11)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, Tro… (11)
Accordéon - Piano, Voix, Guit… (11)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Partition D'Orchestre In 16 Po… (11)
Guitare Tablatures Electrique (11)
Documentaire (11)
Cornet et Brass Band (11)
Ocarina (11)
Saxophone (partie séparée) (11)
Cornemuse (11)
Violon 1 (11)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (11)
Quatuor (10)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Alto, Violoncelle (duo) (10)
Solistes SST, Choeur SSAATB, 2… (10)
Gemischter Chor (SATB) und Orc… (10)
Cor anglais, Piano (10)
Guitare Tablatures Classique (10)
Base Musicale (10)
Choeur Mixte et Orchestre (10)
3 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (10)
Solistes SAT, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (10)
Solistes SB, Choeur SATB, 2 Ha… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (10)
Cor en Mib (10)
Solistes STBarB, Choeur SATB, … (10)
Orgue, 2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 V… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Trompette et Concert Band ou H… (10)
Orgue, Trompette (duo) (10)
Choeur SSAATTBB, 2 Cornetti, 3… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Choeur et Orchestre (10)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (10)
Ensemble à Cordes (10)
Choeur SATB et Orchestre (10)
Instruments à Vent (10)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (10)
Quintet à cordes (9)
Solistes SST, Choeur SATB/SATB… (9)
Choeur SATB/SATB, (Instruments… (9)
2 Violons Solo, 2 Violons, Alt… (9)
4 Violoncelles (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (9)
Orchestre: Solistes SATB, Choe… (9)
Solistes, Choeur SATB, 2 Flût… (9)
Trombone et orchestre (9)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (9)
Bugle (9)
Sextuor à Cordes (9)
Solistes S (A) TB, Choeur SATB… (9)
Solistes, Choeur Mixte (SATB) … (9)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (9)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (9)
4 Compagnons, 4 Voleurs, Direc… (9)
Solo S, 2 Hautbois ou 2 Flûte… (9)
Orchestre: Choeur SSA, Flûte … (9)
Saxhorn en Sib Basse Continue (9)
Opéra Full Score (9)
Saxhorn en Sib (9)
Violon 2 (9)
Clarinette Basse, Piano (9)
2 Violons, Piano (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (9)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, 3 F… (9)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (9)
Percussions Diverses (9)
Concert Band et Solistes (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (9)
Guitare et Voix (9)
Choeur de Femmes (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
CD only (9)
Clarinette en Sib (1 Partition… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Ba… (8)
Violoncelle, Orgue (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
2 Flûtes à Bec Soprano, Flû… (8)
Ensemble De Contrebasse (8)
Orgue, Instruments Cuivre et P… (8)
Solistes SS, 2 Altos, 2 Violon… (8)
Saxophone Soprano, Saxophone A… (8)
Solo A, Choeur SATB, 2 Hautboi… (8)
Solo ST (T) B, Choeur SATB, Ha… (8)
Clarinette en Sib 1 Clarinette… (8)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Combo… (8)
Solistes ST, Choeur SSAATB, 2 … (8)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, (Tr… (8)
Trompette Sib, Cor en Fa, Trom… (8)
Clarinette, Violon et Piano (8)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (8)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Choeur (8)
Musique De Chambre, Voix Et Ba… (8)
Clarinette et Orchestre à Cor… (8)
Hautbois, 2 Flûtes Traversiè… (8)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (8)
Solo Baryton, Choeur SATB, 2 H… (8)
Flûte Traversière, 2 Violons… (8)
Solo A, Timbales, Percussions … (8)
Solistes SATB, 2 Cors, 2 Violo… (8)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (8)
Ensemble de Bassons (8)
Guitare Classique et Fingerpic… (8)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Pian… (8)
Solistes SSAATTB, Choeur SATB,… (8)
Flûte Traversière (1 Partiti… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Hautbois (1 Partition) Violons… (8)
Flûte Traversière, Cor des A… (8)
String Quartet (8)
Solistes, 1-2stg Choeur d'Enfa… (8)
Harpe et Quintette à Cordes (… (8)
Violon, Violoncelle, Alto et C… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 4 … (8)
Trompette Sib (1 Partition) Vi… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Livre Musical (8)
Orchestre à Cordes et Percuss… (8)
Voix Et Instruments Divers (8)
Solo S, Flûte Traversière, 2… (8)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (8)
Choeur D'Enfants (SSA) Et Pian… (8)
Harpe ou Piano et Violon (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
Clarinette, Piano, Violon et V… (8)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, alt… (8)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (8)
Quatuor à Cordes ou Orchestre… (8)
Harpe et Quatuor à Cordes (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
4 Hautbois (8)
Choeur SSA, 2 Flûtes Traversi… (8)
2 Violons, 2 Altos et 2 Violon… (8)
Petit Orchestre: Récitant, So… (8)
Gemischter Chor (SSATB/SSATB/S… (8)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Basson (… (8)
Soprano, Alto, Cordes et Basse… (8)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tu… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (8)
2 Hautbois, 2 Cors et 2 Basson… (8)
Trompette Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tr… (8)
Instrument seul et Orgue (8)
A Cappella (8)
Guitare Fingerpicking (8)
Hautbois, Quatuor à cordes (8)
Piano, Chant et Guitare Tablat… (8)
Voix d'Enfants, Instruments (8)
Euphonium, Piano (duo) (8)
Flûte, Violoncelle (8)
5 Solistes, Choeur(s) Et Orche… (8)
Fake Book (8)
Voix, Orgue (8)
Violon, Orgue (8)
Quintette de Saxophone: 5 saxo… (8)
Viole de Gambe, Basse continue… (8)
Ensemble Flexible (8)
Percussions et Concert Band ou… (8)
Percussion, Piano (duo) (8)
Ensemble de cuivres, Orgue (8)
Trio à Cordes: 3 violoncelles… (8)
Piano Trio: Violon, Alto, Pian… (7)
Solistes SSATB, Choeur SSATB, … (7)
SB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Orches… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, (a… (7)
Saxophone Soprano (7)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SSA, 2 Vi… (7)
Trombone et Brass Band (7)
Contrebasse, Orchestre (7)
Cornet et orchestre (7)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Alto, … (7)
Trombone ou Euphonium (7)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Viole de Ga… (7)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (7)
Solistes TT, 2 Violons, 2 Alto… (7)
Voix Et Orff-Instruments (7)
Clarinette Alto et Piano (7)
Accordéon et Orchestre (7)
Conga (7)
Chorale d'Enfants et Piano (7)
Tout Instrument (7)
Ensemble Instrumental (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Flûte Traversière et Cordes (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Or… (7)
Violon, Instruments à Cordes … (7)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Cornets à Bou… (7)
Flûte, Violon, Piano (7)
Saxophone Alto et Concert Band… (7)
Choeur Mixte a Cappella (7)
Piccolo, 2 Flûtes Traversièr… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Soprano (7)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Choeur SSATTB et Basse Continu… (7)
Harpe, Orchestre (7)
Guitare Tablatures Classique e… (7)
Soli (SATB), Choeur Mixte (SAT… (7)
Flûte, Trio Piano (basse, bat… (7)
Trompette en Sib (7)
Saxophone Soprano et Piano (7)
2 Clarinettes, Piano (7)
Basson, Orchestre (7)
Harmonie (7)
Baryton et Orchestre (7)
Marimba, Piano (duo) (7)
Chanson (7)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 cors (7)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (7)
Drums-Marching band (6)
Solo Ms, Flûte à Bec F1, 2 V… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants (6)
Instrument A Cordes (6)
3 Trombones et Fanfare (6)
2 Flûtes traversières, Violo… (6)
Paroles Seulement (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Petit Orchestre (6)
Solistes (STB), Choeur Mixte (… (6)
Solo S (T), Viola da braccio (… (6)
Guitare et Quintette à Cordes… (6)
Flûte Traversière et Orchest… (6)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Inst… (6)
Piano/Vocal/Guitare (PVG) (6)
Solo S (T), 2 ViolonS Basse Co… (6)
Solistes SSATBB, Choeur SATB/S… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, R… (6)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Ense… (6)
Guitare, Flûte, Clarinette (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Pa… (6)
Flûte à Bec F1, 2 Violons et… (6)
Chorale, Orgue (6)
Orgue et Orchestre (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Alto et 2 V… (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Flûte, alto et harpe (6)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, (Ba… (6)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Alto … (6)
Euphonium Ensemble (6)
Flûte, Hautbois (duo) (6)
Solistes SS, Choeur SATB, 2 Vi… (6)
Concert Band / Harmonie (6)
Cordes (6)
2 Hautbois (duo) (6)
Batterie Fanfare En Mib (6)
Alto, Guitare (duo) (6)
Trombone (partie séparée) (6)
Musique de chambre (6)
Trio (6)
Baryton (6)
Violon Solo (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Fl… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tr… (6)
Petit Choeur SATB et Choeur SA… (6)
Tuba et Brass Band (6)
Flûte à bec, Guitare (duo) (6)
Saxhorn en Sib en Clé de Sol … (6)
Solo B, Trompette, Violon, Alt… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ch… (6)
Voix Hautes (6)
Cordes, Basse Continue et Inst… (6)
Clarinette, Orchestre et Piano… (6)
Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violon… (6)
3 Tubas (6)
Gemischter Chor (SSAATBB) und … (6)
Trio de Cuivres (6)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (6)
Ensemble Divers (6)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (6)
Oud (6)
Trompette, Trombone (duo) (6)
Violon II (6)
Cornet A Pistons (6)
SATBasse (2 Grands Choeurs Mix… (6)
Trompette Solo (6)
Tous instruments (6)
Ensemble de saxophones (6)
Banjo Tenor (6)
Trombone Solo (6)
Piano et Orchestre à Cordes (6)
Solo S, Violon et Basse Contin… (5)
Ensemble d'Instruments à Vent… (5)
Choeur A L'Unisson Et Orgue (5)
Solo à (Ms), 2 Violons, Alto … (5)
Orchestre Scolaire (Piano Ad L… (5)
Violoncelle, Orchestre à Cord… (5)
Ensemble de cuivres, Percussio… (5)
Basse et Piano (5)
Solo à (S ou T), Choeur SATB,… (5)
Viole de Gambe Solo ou Alto ou… (5)
Concertina (5)
Solistes SA (TBar), Choeur SS … (5)
Flûte, Violon, Alto (5)
Solistes (SATB), Choeur Mixte … (5)
CD Chorale (5)
Quatuor avec Piano (5)
Trombone ou Tuba et Piano (5)
Quatuor à Vent : 4 instrument… (5)
2 Violons et Basse continue (5)
Quatuor Variable (5)
3 Hautbois (5)
Solo à (B), 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
3 Percussions (5)
Entraînement Auditif (5)
5 Solistes, Choeur, Cordes et … (5)
Alto, Orgue (5)
Clarinette Solo (5)
Euphonium et orchestre (5)
Cloudlifter (5)
Cor en Mib et Brass Band (5)
2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 Violonce… (5)
Solistes s ATB, Choeur SATB, 2… (5)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, (2 … (5)
Voix et Piano Réduction (5)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Clarinettes (2 … (5)
Solistes SA, Choeur SA (SAB), … (5)
Trompette 2 (5)
Flûte Traversière et Piccolo… (5)
Voix (5)
Instruments Divers (5)
Hautbois, Clarinette, 4 Violon… (5)
Guitare Acoustique (5)
Guitare Tablatures Country - S… (5)
Piano ou Orgue (5)
Flûte Traversière et Orgue (5)
2 Violoncelles, Piano (5)
Cloches (5)
Violon, 2 Violons 'Per Eco' et… (5)
Euphonium et Brass Band (5)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et O… (5)
Clarinette, Alto et Piano (5)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (5)
Piano et Clavier (5)
Choeur SATTB (5)
Voix et Instruments (5)
Soprano ou Ténor et Piano (5)
Trompette en Do ou et Trompett… (5)
Quatuor à cordes: 4 violons (5)
Choeur de Femmes (SMezA) (5)
DVD (5)
3 Trombones (trio) (5)
Voix, piano (5)
Alto Solo (5)
3 Trompettes (trio) (5)
Mezzo-Soprano et Orchestre (5)
Orchestre et Piano (5)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (5)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (5)
Guitare ou Luth (5)
Orff-Instruments (5)
Instruments A Vent (5)
Clarinette en Bb [Violon] et O… (4)
1 à 3 Solistes Ad Libitum, Ch… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec, 2 Cors, 2 Vi… (4)
Violon, Cor Anglais et Piano (4)
Livre DVD (4)
Violon, Contrebasse, Accordéo… (4)
Quatuor à Vents variable (4)
2 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec Alto ou Flût… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Cor de Basset, Vibraphone et G… (4)
Flûtes Traversières et Clari… (4)
Violon Ou Flûte, Violoncelle … (4)
Flûte à Bec F1, Violon et Ba… (4)
Clarinette Alto (4)
Choeur Mixte, Soprano et Orche… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Vibraphone et 2 Marimbas (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Clarine… (4)
Soprano, Choeur Mixte à 4 Voi… (4)
Children's Choeur 1 Piano (4)
Guitare, Violon, Mandoline, ba… (4)
Voix Soprano, Orgue (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte (2 parts) Clarinette en… (4)
Cor Anglais, 2 Violons et Viol… (4)
Violon, Clarinette (Alto) et P… (4)
Flûte et Mandoline (4)
Hautbois, Violon, Alto, Violon… (4)
C Trumpetor et Trompette Sib/C… (4)
3 Bassons (4)
Ensemble de Trompettes (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Cornet Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tromb… (4)
Alto, Tuba et Electronique (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Hautbois et Cordes (4)
3 Trombones Ténor et 1 Trombo… (4)
2 Guitares, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec F1 (… (4)
Flûte Traversière Harpe et A… (4)
Violon, Viole et Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons et Clavecin (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Alto, Guitar… (4)
2 Altos de Gambe et Clavecin (4)
Violon, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Hautbois (Cor Anglais), Alto e… (4)
Violon, Piano et Vibraphone (4)
Clarinette, Piano et Quatuor … (4)
Trombone, Violoncelle et Piano… (4)
Hautbois, Instruments à Corde… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Piano (4)
Contrebasse, Orchestre à Cord… (4)
Violon et Clarinette (4)
Violoncelle Solo (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Violon, Violoncelle et 2 Piano… (4)
Basson, Violoncelle et Piano o… (4)
Violon, Cordes et Basse Contin… (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Saxophone Alto Solo (4)
Hautbois et Harpe (4)
Clarinette, Violon, Alto, Viol… (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Viole e… (4)
Percussion et Violoncelle (4)
Score (4)
Orchestre à Cordes, Guitare e… (4)
Violon, Trompette et Orchestre… (4)
2 Trompette en Dos 1 Cor en Fa… (4)
Orgue et Musique de Chambre (4)
2 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (4)
Piano, Piccolo, Flûte Travers… (4)
Clavier Et Autres Instruments (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Cor en Mi… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants (SSA) (4)
Quatuor ou Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Flûte, Alto et Piano (4)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, ou … (4)
Piano Trio: piano, violin, cel… (4)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (4)
Choeur D'Hommes Sans Accompagn… (4)
Clarinette (partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse, Bass… (4)
Clarinette, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Flûte à Bec, 2 Flûtes Trave… (4)
Flûte Traversière (Piccolo),… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto, 2 Violons … (4)
Basson et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Flûte Traversière ou Violon … (4)
Clarinette, Basson, Cor, 2 Vio… (4)
Basson, Clarinette, Orchestre … (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Alto et… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Enregistr… (4)
Flûte, Violon, Clavier (basse… (4)
Alto, Violon et Violoncelle (4)
Grande Formation (4)
Alto, Flûte Traversière (Aus… (4)
Guitare, Cordes et Orchestre (4)
Musique originale (4)
Quatuor à Cordes (Piano ad li… (4)
Violon (1 Partition) Violons 1… (4)
3 Violons, Alto et Violoncelle… (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Orgue (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Musi… (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SMezA) Et Pi… (4)
Orchestre à Cordes et Basse C… (4)
Trompette, Cordes et Basse Con… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Clarinett… (4)
3 Flûtes à Bec (SSA), Piano … (4)
Piano, Violoncelle et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Marimba e… (4)
Clarinette en La, Alto et Pian… (4)
Bois et Flûte Traversière et… (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Euphonium… (4)
Trompette et Réduction pour P… (4)
Flûte, Clarinette et Accordé… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Hautbois, Cor… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (4)
Piccolo / Flûte 1 (1 Partitio… (4)
Sextuor (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Accordéo… (4)
Voix et Orchestre à vent (4)
Trompette, Piano, Instruments … (4)
Accordéon et Quatuor à Corde… (4)
Hautbois Solo (4)
Clarinette et 4 Violoncelles (4)
Piano et Quintette à Cordes (4)
Ukulele Baryton (4)
Hautbois, Alto et Orchestre à… (4)
Alto, Violoncelle et Clavecin (4)
Baryton, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Cor, Basso… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Basson, V… (4)
Trio A Vent-Bois (4)
Flûte (Piccolo), Clarinette e… (4)
Clarinette Basse, Violoncelle … (4)
Orchestre D'Harmonie avec Soli… (4)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: Clarin… (4)
3 Violons, Bas Viol et Basse C… (4)
Accordéon, Vibraphone et Mari… (4)
Trompette Solo, Orchestre à C… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes Flexible et… (4)
4 Tubas (4)
Flute, Violin, Cello and Piano… (4)
Piano, 2 Violons, Alto, Violon… (4)
ENS::Ensemble (4)
Cor, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano, Vio… (4)
2 Violons, 2 Violoncelles et B… (4)
Trompette (partie séparée) (4)
2 Pianos et Orchestre (4)
6 Voix (SSATTB) (4)
Piano, Clavier ou Orgue (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Electroni… (4)
Flûte et Basson (4)
Flûte Traversière Orchestre … (4)
Piano, Violon et Orgue (4)
Piano, Violon et Cor ou Alto o… (4)
Soli [AT] et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière Basson et … (4)
4 Instruments à Vent (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Violoncelle, Alto et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Choeur SATB, Orgue, Saxophone … (4)
Clarinette, Saxophone, Trompet… (4)
Petit Orchestre, Basson, Clari… (4)
Violoncelle et 2 Pianos (4)
3 Pianos (4)
Cor et Orgue (4)
2 Flûtes Traversières et Fl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Alto et V… (4)
Clarinette en Sib, 2 Violons, … (4)
2 Trompettes Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1… (4)
Guitare, Harpe (4)
Quatuor à Cordes/Trio Pour Co… (4)
Flûte Traversière hautbois o… (4)
Mezzo-Soprano, Flûte Alto, Al… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants et Piano (4)
Flûte Traversière (Ensemble … (4)
Trombone (1 Partition) Violons… (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Ténor et Pi… (4)
Chamber Orchestra (4)
Clarinette Basse et Violoncell… (4)
Saxophone et Orgue (4)
Violon, Alto Et Orchestre (4)
Livre CD (4)
Orgue, Cordes, Cuivres et Timb… (4)
Violoncelle et Cordes (4)
Violon, Guitare et Accordéon (4)
Flûte à Bec Solo (4)
Basson et Concert Band ou Harm… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Violon et… (4)
Flûte [Piccolo], Hautbois, Cl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Guitare, … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Trombone en Sib Basse Continue… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle o… (4)
Guitare et Orchestre de Chambr… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Cor en Fa Solo (4)
Orgue et Concert Band ou Harmo… (4)
2 Guitares et Orchestre (4)
5 Instruments à Vent (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette en A, Bas… (4)
2 Violons, Alto ou Violon et V… (4)
Ligne De Mélodie, Piano (4)
Carillon (4)
Hautbois et Orchestre à Corde… (4)
Trompette et Cordes (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Percu… (4)
Clarinette, Basson et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Basson et Piano (4)
Percussions et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière Violon ou … (4)
2 Voix et Piano (4)
Violoncelle et Quintette à ve… (4)
Voix solo - piano (4)
Flûte traversière basse (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres, Orgue et V… (4)
Ligne Mélodique, Paroles Et A… (4)
Concert Band/Harmonie et Corne… (4)
Flûte Traversière Ou Hautboi… (4)
Clavier ou Piano (4)
Guitare Acoustique Tablatures (4)
Quintette à Cordes (Fac-simil… (4)
Clavier et Synthétiseur (4)
Set de Cordes (4)
Violoncelle et Orchestre de Ch… (4)
Choeur et Piano (4)
Flûte à Bec Basse ou Flûte … (4)
Flûte Traversière Alto et Gu… (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle et Pia… (4)
Mandoline I, Mandoline II, Man… (4)
Voix, Clarinette, Piano (4)
Quatuor de Saxophones (SATBar)… (4)
Hautbois, Violon ou 2 Violons … (4)
Instruments Acoustiques (4)
Orchestre de Chambre, Alto et … (4)
Mandoline, Guitare et Harpe (4)
Flûte et Trio à cordes (4)
Clarinette en A, Flûte Traver… (4)
Cor et Brass Band (4)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Clarine… (4)
Violon, Clarinette, Violoncell… (4)
Violon, Alto ou Violoncelle (4)
Flûte Traversière, Flûte Tr… (4)
Trompette, Saxophone, Piano, B… (4)
Violon et Clarinette en Sib et… (4)
Trombone en Sib (4)
Violon et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Cor et B… (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Tamb… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Trio à… (4)
Harmonica Chromatique (4)
1 Instrument Clé de Sol en Mi… (4)
Ensemble Flexible à 5 Parties… (4)
Violon et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Voix Soprano, Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle e… (4)
Choeur de Femmes (SSA) et Pian… (4)
Violon 1, Violon 2, Alto, Viol… (4)
Partition D'Orchestre In 8 (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Xylophone (4)
Violon, Cordes et Electronique… (4)
Flute (partie séparée) (4)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois … (4)
Guitare Classique et Orchestre… (4)
Cor Anglais (4)
Flûte Traversière Cordes et … (4)
Ensemble flexible à 4 parties… (4)
Streichorchester (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Alto et Vi… (4)
4 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (4)
Harpe, Voix (4)
Littérature Musicale (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SA) (4)
Violon, Violoncelle, Guqin et … (4)
Alto (Partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle (Partie Séparée)… (4)
Conducteur De Poche (4)
Fiddle (4)
Soprano et Ensemble (4)
Livres Education (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (4)
Fac-similé (4)
Grand Ensemble Contemporain et… (4)
Violon I (4)
Mandoline, Guitare (duo) (4)
Guitare et Basse Tablatures, A… (4)
Marches militaires (4)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trompett… (4)
Choeur et ensemble vocal (4)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] et Orchest… (4)
Soprano, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Violon, Harpe et Ensemble de C… (4)
Ukulélé Baryton (4)
SSA et Piano (4)
2 Accordéons (4)
Choeur Mixte Et Instruments Di… (4)
Djembe (4)
Alto (4)
Etudes (4)
Trompette ou Bugle et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (3)
Orchestre Juniors (3)
Choeur SA Et Piano (3)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (3)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec et B… (3)
Piano, Guitare, Basse (3)
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3 Poemes D'Henri Michaux (Score)
3 Poemes D'Henri Michaux (Score)
[Sheet music]
Trois poèmes d'Henri Michaux was written for the Zagreb Biennale and first perf...
Trois poèmes d'Henri Michaux was written for the Zagreb Biennale and first performed there by the orchestra and choir of Radio Zagreb, conducted by the composer and Slavko Zlatic on 9 May 1963. It is composed for 20-part choir and an orchestra similar to that of the Symphony of Psalms, though without the lower strings of the latter.Lutoslaswski has said that the general outline of the work came to him first, and only then did he choose the three poems. These reflect his Francophile taste: Henri Michaux was born in Belgium in 1899 and later became a painter: the trenchant Le Grand Combat, with its onomatopoeic invented words, dates form the 1920s- the other two texts, which are more philosophic than pictorial, form the 1930s. Choir and orchestra need separate conductors even though throughout they alternate more often than they combine.A description of the course of the music itself will be more useful than any discussion of its technical processes or of its notation. A quiet section of orchestral polyphony, which brass sforzandi punctuate with increasing frequency, frames the beginning and end of Pensées. After the choir's first unaccompanied passage, the woodwind have a staccato section over which the female voices, singing downward glissandi, are superimposed ('Ombre de mondes infimes?'). Then the woodwind and both pianos join in a lapping ostinato which illustrates the text of the next forte choir entry 'Pensées à la nage merveilleuse?' The climax of the movement comes as these characteristic woodwind figures alternate with the tintinnabulation of a gamelan-like ensemble of vibraphone, céleste, harp and pianos. / Orchestre
36.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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...Le Ciel, Tout A L'Heure Encore Si Limpide, Soudain Se Trouble Horriblement... (JARRELL MICHAEL)
...Le Ciel, Tout A L'Heure Encore Si Limpide, Soudain Se Trouble Horriblement... (JARRELL MICHAEL)
En Français
Lemoine, Henry
Par JARRELL MICHAEL. De la nature... du musical Michael Jarrell, né en 1958, e...
Par JARRELL MICHAEL. De la nature... du musical Michael Jarrell, né en 1958, est l'un des compositeurs les plus en vue de sa génération. Dans une démarche toute personnelle, qui ne s'est inféodée à aucun mouvement, et dans une quête intérieure inlassablement poursuivie, il a opéré une synthèse de l'héritage des musiques d'après-guerre dont il a extrait certaines caractéristiques techniques pour les mettre au service d'une véritable poétique musicale. En effet, contrairement à ses aînés, il explore moins le langage pour lui-même, faisant des nouvelles techniques le lieu d'une mutation dans la pensée musicale, qu'il ne cherche à le mettre au service de l'expression. Aussi se méfie-t-il d'une conceptualisation excessive, et de l'utopie dont l'oeuvre serait porteuse, préférant mettre en valeur les vertus d'un artisanat qu'il enseigne par ailleurs à Vienne et à Genève, ainsi que lors de nombreux séminaires à travers l'Europe. Ses oeuvres, facilement identifiables dans l'abondante production contemporaine, sont toutes liées les unes aux autres, non seulement par une certaine forme de sensibilité, leur tonalité propre, mais aussi par la récurrence de certains traits que Jarrell retravaille dans des contextes différents. Il s'est ainsi très tôt constitué un univers qu'il ne cesse de remodeler, visant moins l'originalité apparente de chacune des pièces qu'un déplacement constant des perspectives dans lesquelles les mêmes idées, en elles, peuvent être appréhendées. 'Cent fois sur le métier...' voilà quelle pourrait être sa devise. On trouve ainsi dans chacune de ses oeuvres quelque chose de familier qui acquiert en même temps une certaine étrangeté, sentiment qui constitue peut-être un élément essentiel de son expressivité. La musique de Jarrell arpente les régions du rêve et de l'irréalité, à la recherche de son moment de vérité, souvent situé dans les sonorités les plus graves et tes plus lentes, là où le temps, ailleurs agité, s'immobilise. C'est peut-être ce qui confère à sa musique une forme de tendresse inséparable de la beauté sonore, allant jusqu'à un esthétisme raffiné, loin des recherches extrêmes et des formulations autoritaires. Chez lui, même les techniques instrumentales les plus inhabituelles, ou les sonorités électroniques, auxquelles il a souvent recours, sont rapatriées dans un monde sensible emprunt de pureté où ce sont les qualités expressives qui dominent. Celles-ci ne renvoient pas forcément au moi du compositeur, qui tend au contraire à s'effacer, mais davantage à l'essence même du musical, au phénomène en soi, porteur d'une présence singulière au monde. On retrouve de telles qualités dans sa dernière oeuvre, ...Le ciel, tout à l'heure si limpide, soudain se trouble horriblement..., commandée par l'Orchestre de la Suisse Romande. Elle fait appel à un grand orchestre symphonique standard: 3 flûtes (dont alto et piccolo, 2 hautbois et cor anglais, 2 clarinettes et clarinette basse, 2 bassons et contrebasson, 4 cors, 3 trompettes, 3 trombones, tuba, harpe, timbales, 4 percussions (vibraphone, glockenspiel, cloches tubes, cymbales, bongos, tam-tam, grosse caisse, temple blocks, tom grave, spring coils, triangle, mark tree) et cordes. Malgré un titre qui pourrait sous-entendre un élément programmatique, l'oeuvre appartient à la catégorie de la musique pure. L'orchestre y est traité de façon conventionnelle, mais avec une virtuosité d'écriture, un raffinement dans la sonorité qui exige beaucoup de ses interprètes. D'un seul tenant, l'oeuvre se divise en quatre parties principales d'inégale longueur, les deux premières étant plus importantes que les deux suivantes: la première est constituée d'un continuum de notes rapides réparties entre les cordes et Les bois, tandis que les trompettes, doublées par différents instruments, lancent une figure d'appel incisive qui s'allonge progressivement. L'écriture est d'une grande virtuosité, les figurations en triples croches passant d'un instrument ou d'un groupe à un autre. Les notes rapides se figent une première fois dans des oscillations jouées notamment par les cordes divisées, puis à travers des notes répétées qui traversent toute la texture orchestrale. Après un passage intermédiaire privilégiant les sons graves, l'écriture vive reprend jusqu'à un sommet dramatique marqué par des trilles, aussitôt suivi d'une désintégration qui mène à la seconde partie. Celle-ci débute avec des quintes jouées par les cordes graves divisées et colorées par les percussions (les contrebasses, qui doivent modifier leur accord, jouent des sons harmoniques). La musique semble vouloir repartir d'un point originel, elle se réinvente à partir d'une structure élémentaire, dans une extrême douceur. L'impétuosité du début laisse place à une grande délicatesse des sonorités. C'est un trait que l'on retrouve dans de nombreuses pièces de Jarrell: après l'effervescence d'une écriture brillante, agitée, nerveuse, que l'auditeur suit dans sa course folle, vient un moment réflexif et profond, qui nécessite une réorientation de l'écoule, une plongée dans la nature même du phénomène sonore. La trame qui se déploie dans un tempo lent offre ainsi une autre image de la sonorité orchestrale, comme si une musique des origines, au caractère de litanie, était soudain dévoilée sous la couche éclatante du début. Elle donne le sentiment d'avoir commencé bien avant son moment d'apparition, comme si elle provenait des couches profondes de la conscience, d'une mémoire archaïque. D'ailleurs, Jarrell réélabore ici un passage d'une pièce antérieure, Music for a While, lui reprenant son matériau de base. Le sentiment de profondeur est dû au formidable ralentissement du temps, qui nous met soudainement en apesanteur, mais aussi à une forme en spirale, qui tranche avec la musique directionnelle qui précédait. L'effet que provoque la distance sensible entre de tels contrastes est onirique: on ne sait plus si la première partie, qui nous échappe en se projetant vers l'avant, n'était qu'une forme illusoire, ou si nous entrons, avec la partie lente, dans une sorte de rêve éveillé. Un passage central, dans cette seconde partie, s'organise autour de guirlandes sonores à la harpe et aux cloches que tout l'orchestre remplit de sonorités suaves. Les arpèges descendants des vents doublés par des pizzicatos de cordes, que transpercent des notes répétées aux trompettes et aux cors, dans un climat encore doux, annoncent la reprise du mouvement frénétique. Mais cette fois, ce sont moins des figures virevoltantes qui passent à travers les pupitres que des blocs de notes joués par la masse des instruments: des figures qui s'élancent vers le haut aboutissent à des notes répétées, en une forme d'antiphonie, et mènent à un sommet d'intensité. Après quoi, en guise de coda, une quatrième partie nous conduit à une fin mourante: l'harmonie se fige, les polyrythmes annulent toute sensation de mesure, les longues tenues des instruments graves chutent chromatiquement, les percussions jouant des figures rituelles, en résonance, jusqu'à l'immobilité finale. Le titre de la pièce provient de Lucrèce (De la nature). Il n'a pas de signification structurelle immédiate, comme souvent chez Jarrell, mais exprime en quelques mots l'idée qui avait présidé au morceau. Le trouble s'apparente ici à une forme d'étrangeté, à quelque chose d'inquiétant qui n'apparaît pas de façon narrative, tel un vent d'orage dans un ciel serein, mais comme l'essence même de l'articulation formelle entre deux types d'écriture, deux types d'expression qui exigent des temporalités opposées l'une à l'autre. La soudaineté, c'est le renversement entre les deux. Pourtant, on retrouve un même noyau entre les parties vives et les parties lentes, la quinte jouant dans les deux cas un rôle structurel, et le mib apparaissant comme une note polaire (toute la musique de Jarrell est aimantée par des pôles qui orientent l'écoute). Si le passage du limpide au trouble se traduit par la sonorité orchestrale, par le maniement très sensible des timbres qui provient en grande part de la tradition orchestrale française, il se manifeste aussi par des figures qui évitent tout profil thématique, toute forme mélodique au sens traditionnel du terme, et qui composent la texture. L'auditeur a directement à faire avec la matière sonore. Et celle-ci est composée de part en part. L'adjectif poétique vient à l'esprit pour définir une invention qui s'écarte aussi bien des formes illustratives que des constructions schématiques, et qui repose essentiellement sur l'organisation des hauteurs au détriment des effets, des sonorités bruiteuses ou des gestes iconoclastes. Et malgré les passages brillants, malgré les explosions sonores toujours maîtrisées et un maniement virtuose de l'orchestre, cette poétique révèle un caractère fondamental plutôt intimiste. Philippe Albèra / contemporain / Répertoire / Orchestre
46.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Small Pieces Composed In Homage To The Saxon Court
Small Pieces Composed In Homage To The Saxon Court
Carl Maria von Weber's fame rests mainly on ?Der Freischütz'. The unprecedented...
Carl Maria von Weber's fame rests mainly on ?Der Freischütz'. The unprecedented success of this opera overshadowed all his other works and contributed to their increasing fall into oblivion. Certain works such as ?Preciosa', ?Oberon', and ?Euryanthe', the overtures, solo concertos and piano sonatas, the lieder and chamber works enjoyed great popularity and were widely known in Germany and abroad as late as the second half of the 19th century. However, any chance of a revival of Weber's influential and substantial oeuvre was wasted in the 1920s, when a complete edition - begun by Hans Joachim Moser and with potential contributors including Wilhelm Kempff, Hans Pfitzner, Max von Schillings, Fritz Stein and Richard Strauss - failed after the third volume.Ever since there have been numerous attempts to restart a complete edition of Weber's works, but as this kind of project would have required the co-operation of scholars from both sides of the inter-German border, the political situation after 1945 was not conducive to any such enterprise. Careful negotiations led to the first tangible steps in the 1980s. The intention, right from the beginning, was to place Weber's work in context, and not to separate his musical output from his influential work as a writer, critic and organiser in the musical field, but to publish his compositions together with his letters, diaries and other literary output as the best way to document the cross-fertilisation between his musical, literary and practical activities.Since the German re-unification both working-parties concerned - at the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, and at the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, Detmold/Paderborn - have co-operated on the complete edition of the musical works (c. 45 volumes in 10 series: sacred music - cantatas, odes and other occasional works - stage works - lieder and vocal works - orchestral works - chamber music - music for piano - piano reductions - miscellanea, arrangements and orchestrations - works of doubtful attribution). The diaries (6-8 vols.) are edited in Berlin and the letters (8-10 vols.) and other writings (2 vols.) in Detmold. This complete edition aims to be a reliable basis of scholarly debate as well as for the authentic performance practice of Carl Maria von Weber's music. Conforming to the standards of recent historico-critical editions, the textual material will be based on all available authentic sources, accompanied by a detailed documentation of the genesis and a list of variants for each work. The musicological importance of the works will be evaluated by placing them in their historical context, the presentation of their genesis, history and Critical Commentaries. The letters, writings and diaries will be treated as inter-related and relevant to each other in the commentaries, therefore readers should benefit from a wealth of concise information and cross-references. / Score
350.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Symphonie Fantastique-Harold (BERLIOZ HECTOR)
Symphonie Fantastique-Harold (BERLIOZ HECTOR)
Dover Publications
Full Score. Par BERLIOZ HECTOR. Hector Berlioz (1803–1869), considered the fat...
Full Score. Par BERLIOZ HECTOR. Hector Berlioz (1803–1869), considered the father of modern orchestration, possessed an intuitive musical genius all the more remarkable for his limited formal musical education. A brilliant colorist, a master of the unexpected rhythmic break, he brought a new symphonic richness to Romantic music. Both damned and venerated by his contemporaries — Mendelssohn considered him devoid of talent, Paganini declared him the one true heir to the spirit of Beethoven — Berlioz seems to have sought in music a way to soothe and give voice to the turbulent psychological instabilities and contradictions of what has come to be called 'program music' — i. e. , instrumental music with an extramusical significance. He strove to communicate musically the experiences, psychological themes, scenic description, and literary allusions more commonly associated with the confessional writings of Romantic poets. This Dover edition presents two of the greatest of these 'program' pieces: the Symphonie Fantastique (1830) and Harold in Italy (1834). Here are the full scores of both major symphonic works — painstakingly reproduced from the authoritative Breitkopf & Härtel edition, available for the first time in one convenient volume — plus Berlioz's 'program' for the Symphonie Fantastique. Musicians and music lovers everywhere will value this high-quality, inexpensive edition — ideal for study and performance. Reprint of Nos. 1 and 3 of Serie I, Symphonien (1900), of Werke von Hector Berlioz, Breitkopf and Härtel, Leipzig, 1900–1910. Breitkopf & Hartel edition./ Répertoire / Orchestre
47.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
En Stock
Articles Similaires
Le Livre Des Illusions (MANTOVANI BRUNO)
Le Livre Des Illusions (MANTOVANI BRUNO)
En Français
Lemoine, Henry
Par MANTOVANI BRUNO. Lorsque Frank Madlener m'a proposé le projet de confronter...
Par MANTOVANI BRUNO. Lorsque Frank Madlener m'a proposé le projet de confronter un orchestre symphonique avec la lutherie électronique, j'ai tout de suite accepté ce défi sachant qu'il me faudrait rapidement fixer des contraintes très fortes, tant le champ des possibles, qu'il soit instrumental ou électroacoustique, était infini. Mon idée initiale était d'utiliser pour la première fois des transformations en temps réel, afin d'assouplir les rapports de verticalité et d'utiliser l'informatique comme un moyen d'orchestration. Celle de Frank était de se demander comment l'électronique pouvait créer l'illusion d'un orchestre déployé dans l'espace, entourant le public, et créant des configurations acoustiques inouïes. Afin de travailler sur cette problématique, j'ai décidé d'utiliser une formation orchestrale défective, ou certains instruments (notamment ceux qui étaient les moins localisables à l'écoute, comme le basson ou le cor) seraient absents et 'remplacés' dans la texture générale par l'ordinateur. Qui dit 'illusion' dit aussi 'surprise', et j'avais besoin, pour élaborer la forme de l'oeuvre, de prendre comme point de départ une source qui ait à la fois une grande diversité interne (une succession d'instants pourraient être traduits musicalement par autant de configurations acoustiques) et une cohérence. Rapidement, il m'est apparu que mes recherches étaient finalement très similaires à celles de l'immense chef espagnol Ferran Adrià, dont la cuisine joue en permanence sur le conflit entre connu et inconnu, entre référence et invention abstraite, et dont les menus sont 'composés' avec un sens de la forme absolument saisissant. Très régulièrement, je tente d'établir des liens entre la musique et les arts de la bouche (gastronomie, oenologie), par l'improvisation au piano sur des vins ou des mets, et par l'écriture (notamment d'un duo pour alto et piano, Quelques effervescences, qui s'inspire de vins pétillants du monde). Les deux univers me semblent intimement liés, dans l'immédiateté de la réception, et dans le parallélisme entre les sensations éprouvées (de nombreux musiciens font appel à des métaphores gustatives pour parler de leur travail : un accord 'épicé', une sonorité 'grasse', une orchestration 'acide'...). Le menu que j'ai eu l'honneur de déguster en 2007 au restaurant 'El Bulli' s'articulait autour de 35 plats que j'ai utilisés chronologiquement, tant l'articulation entre le salé et le sucré, les mets marins et terriens, le végétal et l'animal était, en soi, une dramaturgie parfaite. L'illusion était présente dès le premier instant. Ainsi, 'l'olive sphérique' qui débutait ce repas jouait sur le contraste entre un objet visuellement identifiable (une olive) et son 'interprétation' surprenante (il s'agissait en fait d'une reconstruction visuelle de l'olive, mais qui n'était autre que de l'huile d'olive emprisonnée dans une fine couche gélatineuse verte : aspect et goût étaient en phase, mais la texture, elle, était inouïe). Musicalement, la traduction de ce plat était assez évidente : un impact reprenant l'explosion de cet met en bouche débute la pièce, et une texture plus continue vient évoquer le déploiement de l'huile dans la bouche. Certains plats sont assez unitaires, d'autres contiennent en eux un parcours que j'ai fidèlement reproduit (par exemple la 'framboise au wasabi', qui se déguste en trois temps successifs). J'ai aussi mis en relation certains plats entre eux, afin de créer des 'retours' qui permettent à la structure musicale de sortir d'une logique de catalogue (par exemple, une fleur de capucine, dégustée avant les desserts, renvoie gustativement, et donc musicalement, à une amande fraîche qui, elle, est présente dans le premier quart du repas). Ce 'livre' s'achève sur la texture aérienne d'un papier effervescent au cassis qui conclut de façon suspensive une pièce particulièrement animée, où les masses sonores s'opposent de façon frontale, et viennent occuper tout l'espace de la salle de concert. Commande de l'Orchestre de Paris et de l'Ircam, le Livre des illusions (hommage à Ferran Adrià) est dédié à Marie Linden et Grégoire Biasini. Cette oeuvre a été créée à la salle Pleyel le 11 juin 2009 sous la direction de Jean Deroyer. Bruno Mantovani Liste des plats au menu du restaurant 'El Bulli' de Ferran Adrià, illustrés dans l'oeuvre de Bruno Mantovani: - Olives sphériques - Gin Fizz - Chocolat sans chocolat #1 (pistache) - Snack doré - Mercedes - Frites d'ananas lyophilisé - Chocolat sans chocolat #2 (ananas) - Meringue de betterave au yaourt - Boule de cacao amer - Chocolat sans chocolat #3 (cassis) - G.P. - Galette curry/cacahuètes - Meringue à la pistache avec espuma de yaourt - Eponge de sésame - Dacquoise de pignons - Framboise au wasabi - Fleur de horchata - Amande fraîche et huile d'amande - Haricot géant à l'ail japonais - Meringue au Schweppes avec fraises lyophilisées - Anchois à la fleur de basilic - Assiette italienne - Risotto de pamplemousse - Gnocchi de polenta - Ravioles de graines de pimientos del Padron - Couteaux aux algues - Caviar d'escargots - Concombres de mer avec cannelloni d'algues - Anguille à la moelle/fleur de capucine/concombre - Barbe à papa, glace à la banane - Mûres à la liqueur de mûre - Dessert blanc - Fraises au vinaigre de Jerez - Sablés mandarine/thé vert/menthe - Papier effervescent au cassis / contemporain / Répertoire / Orchestre
84.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Schumann R. - Great Works For Piano And Orchestra
Schumann R. - Great Works For Piano And Orchestra
Dover Publications
Clara Wieck?s sincerest wish was that her future husband, Robert Schumann, turn ...
Clara Wieck?s sincerest wish was that her future husband, Robert Schumann, turn his extraordinary genius toward the larger and more challenging task of composing orchestral music. Confiding in her diary in 1839, just one year before her marriage, she explained that ?it would be best if he composed for Orchestra: his imagination cannot find sufficient scope in the Piano?? In the years that followed their marriage Robert Schumann continued to devote much of his attention to Piano music, but he also found the time to comply with his beloved Clara?s wish by creating a number of musical pieces composed specifically for Piano and Orchestra. Although Schumann?s genius is most in evidence in his masterful solo Piano compositions and superb lieder, his lively and provocative imagination manifests itself with equal aplomb in the works composed for Piano and Orchestra. The same compelling romantic and lyrical qualities that captivate lovers of Schumann?s Piano music are evident in these compositions. Three of his finest are presented here in full score, including the A Minor Piano Concerto, one of the most popular and frequently performed concertos ever written. All demonstrate his remarkably innovative approach to music, diverting substantially from the classic models of the day, and display his immense creativity as well as his warmth and sensitivity. Included in this collection of Schumann?s compositions for Piano and Orchestra are: Piano Concerto In A minor, Op. 54 (published 1846) Concertstück, Op.92 (Introduction and Allegro appassionato; published 1852) Introduction and Allegro, Op. 134 (published 1855) These three works by one of the greatest masters of romanticism will delight musicians, music lovers and students, as well as devotees of Schumann. Pianists will be especially pleased to have these appealing Schumann works in one convenient edition available at an affordable price.
24.50 EUR - vendu par Woodbrass
Sur commande
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Concerto For Orchestra (BARTOK BELA)
Concerto For Orchestra (BARTOK BELA)
G. Henle
Par BARTOK BELA. With the “ Concerto for Orchestra , ” Henle inaugurates a s...
Par BARTOK BELA. With the “ Concerto for Orchestra , ” Henle inaugurates a series of affordable study scores based on the text of the Bartók Complete Edition. When Bartók received the commission to compose this piece from Serge Koussevitsky in May 1943, it meant not only financial support, but also an important creative impetus for the gravely ill composer. By October, the five-movement concerto, which Koussevitsky enthusiastically dubbed “the best orchestral work of the last 25 years, ” was already complete. The first performances in the winter of 1944–45 were also very successful. Nevertheless, Bartók was moved to set down an alternate ending, which thecomposer, who passed away in September 1945, would never be destined to hear. Bartók specialist Klára Móricz includes both versions in her edition and summarises the history and transmission of the “Concerto for Orchestra” in a fascinating foreword. A brief commentary section provides information about the principles underlying the edition. / Móricz, Klára / Répertoire / Orchestre
26.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Giulio Cesare in Egitto HVW 17 (HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH)
Giulio Cesare in Egitto HVW 17 (HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH)
Par HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH. ?Giulio Cesare in Egitto? is by far Handel?s most f...
Par HAENDEL GEORG FRIEDRICH. ?Giulio Cesare in Egitto? is by far Handel?s most frequently performed opera owing its success not least to its subject matter, one of the best known love stories in world history. Already during Handel?s lifetime the popular work was often staged and therefore adapted by Handel for each of the performance conditions. The editor Hans Dieter Clausen has succeeded in editorially defining and practically presenting these adaptations ? essentially four versions ? on the basis of a meticulous study of the sources within the framework of the ?Halle Handel Edition?. The new edition allows for a performance of each of the four versions. The version of 1725 is particularly noteworthy because Handel newly devised the role of Sesto for the famous tenor Francesco Borosini. The libretto shows the Roman dictator Cesar in a friendly light. He instructs his enemy, the Egyptian tyrant Tolomeo, how to treat adversaries: he reconciles the widow and son of his enemy Pompeo who was murdered by Tolomeo: he is generous and just, hands on, but also diplomatic, thoughtful, aware of the limits of his power, and susceptible for art and nature. However, the actual protagonist of the opera is Cleopatra. In a masterly way Handel develops her character musically. In his extensive Foreword Hans Dieter Clausen not only decribes the genesis, historical background, reception and the edition of the opera, he also examines the musical and dramaturgical reworking of individual numbers in ?Giulio Cesare?. Handel was such an expert in adapting arias for new purposes and other characters that he did not only meet the needs at hand but often the new version surpassed the original. In this way, the reader gains, in passing, a well-founded insight into Handel?s work methods when designing and redevising his characters. The detailed Critical Commentary includes information on the comprehensive and highly complex source situation as well as on individual editorial decisions./ Répertoire / Chant et Orchestre
985.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Under The Skin
Under The Skin
This is the study score featuring the complete original music by Mica Levi compo...
This is the study score featuring the complete original music by Mica Levi composed for Jonathan Glazer's stunning 2013 film Under the Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson. The score for this critically-acclaimed film is a vivid sound world constructed from Flute, Strings, Percussion and Synthesisers.Mica Levi is a classically-trained musician whose work is characterised by the experimental use of distortion, noise and found-object sounds. Her collaboration with the London Sinfonietta caught Jonathan Glazer's attention, who wanted to use her talents with creating uncomfortable and jarring yet beautiful soundscapes to complement his starkly unusual imagery. Levi won a European Film Award for best composer for this work, and she was also nominated for a BAFTA. / Conducteur De Poche
31.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Sämtliche Kantaten, 19 Bände Im Versand-Schuber (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
Sämtliche Kantaten, 19 Bände Im Versand-Schuber (BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN)
[Conducteur d'étude / Miniature]
19 Bände im Versand-Schuber. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. Awarded with the German...
19 Bände im Versand-Schuber. Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. Awarded with the German Music Edition Prize 'Best Edition' 2008. Johann Sebastian Bach: Sämtliche Kantaten, Motetten, Choräle und Geistliche Lieder. The complete cantatas, chorales and motets in study editions in 19 volumes. This special edition exclusively offers the authoritative text of the New Bach Edition meeting Bärenreiter Urtext standards. It is well presented on high quality paper and has a durable sewn binding. A MUST for everyone who is passionate about Bach´s music! No group of works in Johann Sebastian Bach?s output is as wide-ranging as the cantatas. This is hardly surprising considering that for over five years Bach was required to compose a work, or at least re-work an existing one, for every Sunday and festival of the church year, as well as for numerous secular occasions such as council inaugurations, school and university celebrations and royal birthdays. Unfortunately, not all cantatas have survived. However, over 200 sacred and secular works exist and form a corpus of works suitable for all possible occasions. This rich musical heritage is still as relevant today as it was then. Bärenreiter?s unique edition, which encompasses more than 11, 000 pages, includes all cantatas together with the motets, chorales and sacred songs in the Urtext of the ?New Bach Edition? (NBA Series I and III). As a special extra, the recently rediscovered aria ? Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn ? ihn ? is also included. Only available here is an additional volume with an introduction (German/English) by Christoph Wolff and an index. The Barenreiter study scores are a prime example of how Barenreiter takes a musical text and transfers it into a practical format. The Barenreiter Study Scores, format 16. 5 x 22. 5cm, are ideal for musical analysis, rehearsal purposes and even conducting. The Study Scores are distinguished by high quality paper and binding as well as an excellent layout. In this way masterworks of musical history are made available as compact sized scores at extremely affordable prices! Barenreiter presents the Complete Cantatas, Chorales and Motets in a handy, readable and affordable paperbackformat. The special ediion of 19 volumes (including an index) exclusively offers the authoritative musical text of these masterworks. Each volume is printed on high quality paper and has a durable sewn binding A must for everyone who is passionate about Bach's music. These scores are the last word in Bach scholarship and an extraordinary publishing achievement / Mottet / Répertoire / Partition de Poche
704.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler
The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler
Faber Music Limited
Par . The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler is a fascinating and accessible guid...
Par . The Symphony: From Mannheim to Mahler is a fascinating and accessible guide that considers the development of the symphony from a number of different perspectives: analytical, historical, and critical. Exploring important milestones, touchpoints, events, key works, and the composers that surround the genre, it also includes a composer timeline, detailed case studies and comprehensive music examples. This handy and informative book is ideal for GCSE, A-Level, and undergraduate music students, as well as anyone wanting to study and learn more about the genre. Christopher Tarrant is Lecturer in Music Analysis at Newcastle University. He received his PhD from Royal Holloway, University of London and now teaches and writes about concert music of the long nineteenth century with a special emphasis on theory of form and the Nordic symphony. Christopher is also a violinist and conductor. Natalie Wild is Director of Research and Deputy Director of Music at the Music in Secondary Schools Trust (MiSST). Her research focuses on the role a classical music education can play in breaking down social barriers. Natalie has taught both GCSE and A-Level Music for many years as Head of Music in various inner-city schools. / Date parution : 2022-05-17/ Livre / Orchestre
25.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Timbres Espaces Mouvements Ou 'La Nuit Etoilee' Partition Orchestre In 8 Ph307 (DUTILLEUX HENRI)
Timbres Espaces Mouvements Ou 'La Nuit Etoilee' Partition Orchestre In 8 Ph307 (DUTILLEUX HENRI)
Par DUTILLEUX HENRI. Composed in 1978 by Henri Dutilleux, Timbres, Espace, Mouve...
Par DUTILLEUX HENRI. Composed in 1978 by Henri Dutilleux, Timbres, Espace, Mouvement Ou La Nuit Etoileé is a work for Orchestra, also named “The Starry Night” after the painting by Van Gogh. It was commissioned by Mstislav Rostropovich for the National Symphony Orchestraof Washington and is dedicated to Charles Münch. This work for Orchestra lasts approximately 20 minutes and depicts the content of the painting. It is scored for a full Orchestra without Violins or Violas. The Cellos serve to represent space, with swirling solos alongside calmer sections, while thelack of Violins and Violas epitomises for the quiet and motionless sections of the painting. The solo of the Wind instruments and Drums characterizes the clouds and the light of the moon and stars. It is divided into two parts: 1. Nébuleuse (Nebula) and 2. Constellations, which are divided by a Cello interlude. Composed in 1978 by Henri Dutilleux, Timbres, Espace, Mouvement Ou La Nuit Etoilee is a work for Orchestra, also named ; The Starry Night after the painting by Van Gogh. It was commissioned by Mstislav Rostropovich for the National Symphony Orchestra of Washington and is dedicated to Charles Munch. This work for Orchestra lasts approximately 20 minutes and depicts the content of the painting. It is scored for a full Orchestra without Violins or Violas. The Cellos serve to represent space, with swirling solos alongside calmer sections, while the lack of Violins and Violas epitomises for the quiet andmotionless sections of the painting. The solo of the Wind instruments and Drums characterizes the clouds and the light of the moon and stars. It is divided into two parts: 1. Nebuleuse (Nebula) and 2. Constellations, which are divided by a Cello interlude. Henri Dutilleux was internationally acclaimed for his work, winning prizes such as the Gold Medal of the Royal Philharmonic Society and the UNESCO's International Rostrum of Composers, among many others. His work also includes a Piano sonata, two symphonies, the Violin concerto 'L'Arbre Des Songes' (The Tree Of Dreams) and the Cello concerto 'Tout Un Monde Lointain' (A Whole Distant Word)./ Répertoire / Orchestre
92.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Concerto For Violoncello And Orchestra B Minor Op. 104 (DVORAK ANTONIN)
Concerto For Violoncello And Orchestra B Minor Op. 104 (DVORAK ANTONIN)
Par DVORAK ANTONIN. This study score is based on the score and complete performa...
Par DVORAK ANTONIN. This study score is based on the score and complete performance material of Dvorák's famous B minor Cello Concerto (BA 9045) edited by Jonathan Del Mar and published in 2011. In addition the study score contains a Foreword by Dvorák scholar Jan Smaczny. Like every other major 19th-century cello concerto, Dvorák's concerto resulted from a collaboration between the composer and a virtuoso musician. Several passages in Dvorák's autograph were written by the cellist Hanus Wihan but Bärenreiter's edition now reveals that some details in the orchestral parts are also in his writing, showing just how closely the two musicians were working together. The editor Jonathan Del Mar has conscientiously examined every available source, including two that have hitherto been either ignored or crucially undervalued. His research has led to a benchmark edition that reconstructs, for the first time since its initial publication in 1896, Dvorák's definitive version of the solo part. It differs from previous editions in practically every measure and hundreds of corrections have also been made to the orchestral parts. - Includes Dvorák's final and definitive version of the solo cello part - Incorporates new discoveries regarding the collaboration between Dvorák and Wihan - With Feuermann's and Casals's alternative versions of a passage in the first movement - Detailed Foreword (Eng/Cz/Ger)/ Répertoire / Violoncelle et Orchestre
20.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
Overture no. 2 for the opera "Leonore" (1805) (BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN)
Overture no. 2 for the opera "Leonore" (1805) (BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN)
G. Henle
Par BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN. / Répertoire / Orchestre
17.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Overture no. 1 for the opera "Leonore" (1807) (BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN)
Overture no. 1 for the opera "Leonore" (1807) (BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN)
G. Henle
Par BEETHOVEN LUDWIG VAN. / Répertoire / Orchestre
15.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
La Mer
La Mer
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Orchestre
124.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
La Mer
La Mer
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Ensemble A Vent
179.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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La Mer
La Mer
[Partie séparée]
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Violon I
11.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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La Mer
La Mer
[Partie séparée]
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Contrebasse
11.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
La Mer
La Mer
[Partie séparée]
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Alto
11.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
La Mer
La Mer
[Partie séparée]
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed bet...
'La Mer?, which is an impressionistic work through and through, was composed between 1903-1905. Debussy however refined this work up until at least 1913. These corrections are found in a score which Debussy gave to his wife as a present for her private library in 1913.The new scholarly-critical edition draws on several important sources previously unavailable to musicologists, resulting in an array of new readings and corrections. In addition, there are many changes, a.o. in terms of articulation and dynamics.This new edition includes the famous 'fanfare? in Movement III, clearly marked in small print and brackets. This fanfare was excised in the 1910 reissue of the work, but was reinstated by a number of great conductors who knew Debussy, i.e. Monteux, Münch, Mitropoulos and Ansermet. They felt that the excision was a misunderstanding and that the fanfare was necessary for the structure of the movement. And so, the Bärenreiter edition presents the revival of a performing tradition which is committed to the fanfare.- New Urtext edition with numerous corrections in comparison to other editions- Important sources which were previously inaccessible have been taken into account- Score and orchestral parts in large format (25.5 x 32.5cm)- Score and orchestral parts with an impeccable generous layout- Includes an informative introduction (Eng/Fr/Ger), facsimiles, source descriptions and a Critical Commentary (Eng) / Violon II
11.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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No other people (BARRY GERALD)
No other people (BARRY GERALD)
[Conducteur d'étude / Miniature]
for orchestra. Par BARRY GERALD. 'The title, No other people., is taken from Ray...
for orchestra. Par BARRY GERALD. 'The title, No other people., is taken from Raymond Roussel's New Impressions of Africa, a fifty-nine page poem which took him fifteen years to write - a length of time mainly caused by his tortuous compositional methods. In Roussel, sentences are broken down in maze-like ways, often producing others which relate to the sound of the original. I'm not aware of any direct, illustrative connection between the music of No other people. and Roussel's book. But I was very struck by the everydayness of Zo's drawings. There is something poignant in his not knowing what he was illustrating. Like the drawings of a blind person. Their banality takes on a mysteriousness by being placed by Roussel in his book, seeming to illustrate bizarre events unknown to Zo. They are impersonal, the people in them unaware that they lead another life in a poem of which they know nothing. Something of this is in the music.' Gerald Barry, 2009/ Répertoire / Orchestre
21.19 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Couverture Rigide. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. For his Paris 'Cythère assié...
Couverture Rigide. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. For his Paris 'Cythère assiégée?, Gluck drew on his eponymous opéra comique from 1759, transforming it into an opéra-ballet. The libretto which was expanded by Charles Simon Favart was adapted: Gluck added recitative passages, reworked individual sections and also added his own compositions, modifying them in parts. By March 1775, the compositional work had progressed sufficiently for Gluck to leave behind a copy of the score as he departed from Paris. However, he was unable to supervise rehearsals or be present at the premiere (1 August 1775) or any of the subsequent 21 performances. Due to these particular circumstances, three versions of the work are to be distinguished: the original version, the performed version and the printed version. This edition of 'Cythère assiégée? contains the original version of the main part and is printed here for the first time. The reconstruction which was necessary in order to determine the original form of this opera draws on all orchestral parts, the printed score and with regard to a large gap in Act III, pages were taken from the score copy. The four-part appendix includes the changes made to this score copy, sections that deviate from the printed score as well as the final version of Act III, also from the printed score. The last part of the appendix also presents a Divertissement in six movements by Berton, which is only available as a rare contemporary set of printed parts. The Foreword offers detailed information regarding the work's genesis, subject matter, preparations for performance and print, premiere, reception, and this edition. Selected pages from significant musical sources, the libretto of the premiere performance, and images illuminating the performance context, have been added as facsimiles./ Répertoire / Conducteur
812.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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12 Oratorios From One Year -For The 8Th To 19Th Sunday After Trinity-
12 Oratorios From One Year -For The 8Th To 19Th Sunday After Trinity-
/ Orchestre
684.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Sinfonias / Individual Instrumental Pieces (GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD)
Sinfonias / Individual Instrumental Pieces (GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD)
Gluck Complete Edition V/2. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. While Christoph Willi...
Gluck Complete Edition V/2. Par GLUCK CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD. While Christoph Willibald Gluck dedicated his artistic life almost entirely to the composition of works for the opera stage, he also produced a number of instrumental works which have been somewhat marginalized until recently. This volume of the 'Gluck Complete Edition” (GGA) is the first to present 17 symphonies attributed to Gluck in a historical-critical edition - furthermore, the volume includes a new version of one of the trio sonatas published in 1961 as part of the GGA. Current research indicates that no reliable information about the genesis of the respective works exists for any of the symphonies attributed to Gluck. This is due to a lack of both autograph sources and reliable data pertaining to the history and first performances of these works. It is assumed that some of the existing symphonies might in fact be the lost overtures of Gluck's earlier operas. Others were possibly written to be performed in private or public concerts. The greatest challenge for the editors of this volume was posed by the question of authenticity and authorship of the works presented here. As no autographs exist for any of the symphonies bearing Gluck's name, the only indicators of authorship are attributions in the copies of score and parts, either original or added at a later time. The reliability of these attributions for individual works largely depends on the respective state of source material, meaning available sources as well as the condition of the respective copy. A thorough authenticity analysis concluded Gluck's authorship as valid in the case of 13 symphonies, while in the case of four other symphonies, diverging attributions lead to the acceptance of open authorship. As a result, this volume includes all compositions for which, according to the most current research, Gluck's authorship has not been refuted. In the case of two symphonies, one concerto for flute, and six trio sonatas published in 1961 as part of the GGA, Gluck's authorship has been disproven - detailed explanations are included in the volume's Foreword (Ger). The Foreword also discusses the individual instrumental works attributed to Gluck by various encyclopedias. In addition to the detailed Foreword, the volume includes facsimiles of representative source excerpts. The Critical Commentary (Ger) analyzes the state of sources and includes extensive information on editorial principles and performance practice./ Répertoire / Orchestre
443.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Cunning Little Vixen (JANACEK LEOS)
The Cunning Little Vixen (JANACEK LEOS)
Opera in three acts. Par JANACEK LEOS. Leos Janacek began composing his seventh ...
Opera in three acts. Par JANACEK LEOS. Leos Janacek began composing his seventh opera, 'The Cunning Little Vixen', based on the popular feuilletons of Rudolf Tesnohlidek, in January 1922. The first copy of the score, was completed by Vaclav Sedlacek in October 1923 but is now lost, while the second copy was prepared by Jaroslav Kulhanek in January 1924. The world premiere took place on 6 November 1924 under the direction of Ota Zitek and was conducted by Frantisek Neumann. The vocal score was published in Czech before the event and then again in 1925 along with the German translation by Max Brod, which is something of a separate version of the text in its own right. This volume of the complete edition reprints the critical edition by Jiri Zahradka, which was published by Universal Edition in 2010. The present edition newly includes transcriptions of the libretto in three languages (Cz/Eng/Ger) and a detailed Critical Report (Eng). The edition draws on all extant sources and - in consideration of Janacek's active participation in rehearsals for the premiere production - integrates both the dynamics of Frantisek Neumann and the performance markings of Sir Charles Mackerras into the musical text./ Répertoire / Chant et Orchestre
819.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
Now My Soul Exalts The Lord Bwv 10 -Cantata For The Feast Of Visitation B. V. M.-
Now My Soul Exalts The Lord Bwv 10 -Cantata For The Feast Of Visitation B. V. M.-
With his cantata 'Meine Seel erhebt den Herren? which Bach composed for the Visi...
With his cantata 'Meine Seel erhebt den Herren? which Bach composed for the Visitation of Mary (2 July), he created a Magnificat setting of a different kind: The German text source is a combination of biblical text and a free interpretation, the basis being the Marian hymn of praise from the Gospel according to Luke. The 9th psalm tone acts as the chorale melody and becomes a recurring musical theme.With a small scoring of one trumpet (which if need be can be omitted), two oboes, strings and basso continuo along with four soloists and choir, Bach succeeds in writing a festive music of 20-25 minutes. This performing edition is based on the Urtext of the 'New Bach Edition?.- Festive cantata based on the Urtext of the 'New Bach Edition?- With a duration of 20-25 minutes / Conducteur De Poche
13.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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[Conducteur d'étude / Miniature]
Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. Study Score Format 22. 5 x 16. 5cm The St. John Passi...
Par BACH JOHANN SEBASTIAN. Study Score Format 22. 5 x 16. 5cm The St. John Passion was first performed in Leipzig on Good Friday of 1724. Written three years before the St. Matthew Passion, it was a work Bach revised during the rest of his life, in fact he did not leave us a definitive version either in print or fair copy. The sources give evidence of four different versions used at four performances - 1724, 1725, around 1730 and during the last years of Bach 's life. They often contain two or more readings for the same passage, or even different movements that on different occasions occupied the same place in the work. Our edition uses the final version IV asits basis with alternative movements and readings contained in the appendices. A comprehensive preface in the study score (German/English) TP197 gives full information. - Full score, performance material (BA5037), vocal score (BA5037-90) and study score (TP197) available for sale./ Répertoire / Partition de Poche
32.71 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Dramatic Poem. Par GADE NIELS WILHELM. 'Kalanus”, a 'dramatic poem for soloist...
Dramatic Poem. Par GADE NIELS WILHELM. 'Kalanus”, a 'dramatic poem for soloists, choir and orchestra” op. 48 was composed between June 1867 and March 1869 and is based on a text by Carl Andersen. A historical event during Alexander the Great's Indian campaign (326 AD) serves as the origin of the material: Alexander met Indian philosopher Kaljana, referred to as Kalanos in ancient sources. Gade had originally intended to unite the composition with 'Korsfarerne” (The Crusaders) (1866), and another work with Jewish-historical content in 'a type of trilogy”, however, he later abandoned his plan and 'Kalanus” remained in its singular form. The reception of the work was predominantly positive in regard to the music, while form and subject received a somewhat reserved response./ Répertoire / Orchestre
548.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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