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24 838
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26 823
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73 910
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Vous avez sélectionné:
For He
Orchestre d\'harmonie
Piano, Voix et Guitare (9395)
Piano seul (7623)
Orchestre d'harmonie (4193)
Formation musicale - Solfège (3918)
Guitare notes et tablatures (2367)
Guitare (2235)
Piano, Voix (1660)
Violon et Piano (1562)
Chorale SATB (1547)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (1266)
Violon (1251)
Orchestre (1071)
Flûte traversière et Piano (1005)
Ensemble de cuivres (1003)
Orgue (932)
Divers (923)
Flûte traversière (906)
Clarinette (728)
Fanfare (697)
Orchestre à Cordes (695)
Trompette (658)
Paroles et Accords (612)
Violoncelle (563)
Saxophone Alto (557)
Piano Facile (540)
Batterie (539)
1 Piano, 4 mains (518)
Basse electrique (491)
Orchestre de chambre (486)
Soli, choeur mixte et accompag… (477)
Violoncelle, Piano (455)
Ukulele (450)
Clarinette et Piano (449)
Saxophone (437)
Clavier (385)
Voix seule (384)
Chorale 3 parties (381)
Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) e… (345)
Tous Les Instruments (325)
Trombone (324)
Alto seul (303)
Accordéon (289)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (287)
Piano et Orchestre (272)
Chorale (260)
Instruments en Do (252)
Saxophone Tenor (240)
Trompette, Piano (235)
Théorie de la musique (219)
Ensemble Jazz (214)
Flûte à Bec (214)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (210)
Orchestre, Violon (208)
Cor (208)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (199)
Alto, Piano (186)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (176)
Voix haute, Piano (163)
Banjo (162)
Mandoline (158)
Biographie (149)
Parties Orchestrales (147)
Instruments en Sib (146)
Harpe (146)
2 Violons (duo) (144)
Chant (142)
Contre Basse (140)
Ensemble à vent (139)
Chorale 2 parties (137)
Violoncelle, Orchestre (132)
Voix Soprano, Piano (128)
Hautbois (127)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (126)
Ensemble A Vent (122)
Conducteur (122)
Flûte et Guitare (119)
Voix basse, Piano (118)
Tuba (116)
DVD concert (116)
Harmonica (113)
Cor et Piano (108)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (106)
Opéra (101)
Percussion (100)
Trio à Cordes: violon, alto, … (99)
Voix Soprano, Orchestre (97)
Clavecin (97)
Trombone et Piano (95)
Voix moyenne, Piano (92)
Voix d'Enfants (90)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (87)
Voix Baryton, Piano (85)
Flûte à bec Soprano (84)
Instruments en Mib (82)
Voix Tenor, Piano (81)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompe… (80)
Voix, Guitare (80)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (79)
Piano Quintette: piano, 2 viol… (79)
Chorale TTBB (77)
Partition de Poche (76)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano, Piano (75)
Basson (75)
CD (73)
Eveil Musical (73)
Violon 1 (6 parts) Violon 2 (6… (72)
2 Guitares (duo) (72)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (70)
Educatif (68)
Concert Band/Harmonie (66)
2 Saxophones (duo) (65)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (64)
Saxophone et Piano (64)
Papeterie (63)
Flûte à bec Alto (62)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (61)
Partitions De Groupes (61)
Ensemble de Flûtes (60)
Dictées Musicales (60)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (59)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (58)
Accompagnement Piano (57)
Piano, Voix, Guitare tablature… (57)
Tuba ou Euphonium ou Saxhorn (56)
Flûte traversière, Orchestre… (56)
Basson, Piano (duo) (53)
Dulcimer (53)
Chorale SSAA (52)
Diverses Formations (51)
Quatuor de Cuivres (50)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (50)
Chorale SSAATTBB (45)
Voix et Orchestre (44)
Flûte irlandaise (43)
Caisse Claire (43)
Clarinette, Orchestre (42)
Ensemble d'Accordéons (41)
Guitare Electrique (41)
Travaux Pour Choeurs (41)
Chorale SSATB (40)
Trio à Cordes (40)
2 Trompettes (duo) (39)
2 Flûte à bec (duo) (39)
Bass Clef Instruments (37)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Piano (37)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (36)
Ensemble d'École (36)
Quintette à vent (35)
Scores (35)
Euphonium Ou Saxhorn Et Piano (35)
Voix Soprano (35)
Instrumentation Flexible (35)
Tuba et Piano (35)
Trio de Flûtes: 3 flûtes (34)
Partie séparée (33)
Quintette à Cordes (33)
Marimba (33)
Trio avec Piano (32)
Balalaika (31)
Voix duo, Piano (31)
Fanfare Band (31)
Contes et comptines (31)
Alto et orchestre (31)
DVD Opéra et Ballets (31)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, In… (30)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (30)
Quatuor de Flûtes : 4 flûtes… (30)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (29)
Flûte, Hautbois, Clarinette, … (28)
Ensemble Instrumental et Petit… (28)
Quatuor de Flûtes à bec (28)
2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 B… (28)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (28)
Guitare, Quatuor à cordes (28)
Livret (28)
Conducteur de poche, d'étude (28)
Flûte, Violoncelle, Piano (tr… (27)
Accessoire (27)
Quintette avec Piano (27)
Guitare (Fingerpick) (27)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (27)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, vio… (26)
Orchestre d'harmonie, Chorale-… (26)
2 Altos (duo) (26)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ba… (26)
Clavecin et Cordes (25)
Harpe, Flûte (duo) (25)
Voix haute (25)
Big band (25)
Chorale, Orchestre (25)
Viole de Gambe (25)
2 Clarinettes, 2 Violons, Orgu… (24)
2 Hautbois, 3 Trompettes, Timb… (24)
Choeur Mixte (SATTB/SATTB), So… (24)
Exemplaire Complet (24)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (24)
2 Trombones (duo) (24)
Ensemble (24)
Percussions (24)
Piano Quintette: piano, violon… (24)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Piano… (23)
Piano grosses notes (23)
Saxophone Ténor et Piano (23)
Parties Supplémentaires (23)
Chorale Unison (23)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (23)
Voix basse (22)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (22)
Chant et Guitare (22)
Piano, Guitare (duo) (22)
Voix Tenor (22)
Piano, Guitare (grilles d'acco… (22)
Ensemble de Percussions (21)
Quintette de Cuivres (21)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (21)
Clarinette Basse (21)
Violon, Basse continue (21)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano (21)
Voix Mixtes (21)
Timbales (21)
Guitare, Orchestre (21)
Saxhorn ou Euphonium (20)
1 Piano, 6 mains (20)
Luth (20)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (19)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Guitare et Musique de Chambre (19)
Saxophone Baryton (19)
Matériel D'Orchestre (19)
Vibraphone (19)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse (duo)… (18)
Guitare Tab, Voix, Basse, Batt… (18)
Violon, Alto (duo) (18)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trombone… (18)
Partition D'Orchestre (18)
Euphonium (18)
Voix Moyenne (18)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (18)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (18)
Clavier ou Orgue Electronique (17)
Trio à cordes: 3 violins (17)
Orchestre Symphonique (17)
Voix Mixtes SAB et Piano (17)
Solistes STBB, Choeur SATTBB, … (17)
Guitare Pedal Steel (17)
Film musical (17)
Alto (Viole) (17)
Clarinette et Orchestre (17)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (17)
Flûte à bec Alto, Basse cont… (17)
Balalaïka Et Piano (17)
Ensemble Mixte (17)
Batterie et Percussions (17)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (16)
2 Violons, Violoncelle et Orgu… (16)
Hautbois, Violin, Alto et Viol… (16)
2 Violons et Violoncelle ou 3 … (16)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et C… (16)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (16)
2 Violons et 2 Violoncelles (16)
Flûte à bec Alto, Piano (16)
Quintette de Clarinette: Clari… (16)
Basse electrique, Batterie (16)
Trompette, Orchestre (16)
Piccolo (16)
Livres (16)
Solo SATB, Choeur SATB, Hautbo… (15)
Voix Baryton (15)
Hautbois et Orchestre (15)
Tuba Solo (15)
Dobro (15)
Choeur SATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cla… (15)
Cajon (15)
Guitare Flatpick et Plectre (15)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (15)
Petit Ensemble Contemporain (14)
Soli et Orchestre (14)
Clavier Electronique et Ligne … (14)
Piccolo, Piano (14)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (14)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (14)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (14)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (14)
2 Bassons (duo) (14)
Ensemble de guitares (14)
Violon, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (13)
Choeur Mixte (SATB/SATB), Soli… (13)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (13)
3 Saxophones (trio) (13)
Piano, Basse, Batterie (trio) (13)
Voix duo (13)
DVD Spectacles (13)
Aucune valeur (13)
4 Guitares (Quatuor) (13)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SSATB, 2… (12)
Clarinette et Quatuor à Corde… (12)
Violon ou Violoncelle, Violonc… (12)
Hautbois, Clarinette et Basson… (12)
Quintette à cordes : 2 violon… (12)
Quatuor de Cuivres: 2 trompett… (12)
Quatuor à Cordes et Quintette… (12)
Flûte Traversière ou Flûte … (12)
3 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (12)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (12)
Quintette (12)
Baryton ou Tuba et Brass Band (12)
Saxophone et Orchestre (12)
Guitare Flatpick et Fingerpick… (12)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (12)
Choeur d'Enfants, Flûte Trave… (12)
Ukulélé Soprano (12)
Flûte, Clarinette (duo) (12)
Choeur d'Enfants à 2 Parties … (12)
3 Guitares (trio) (12)
3 Hautbois et Cor Anglais (12)
Cor en Fa (12)
Cor, Orchestre (12)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (12)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Cl… (11)
Solo A, Choeur SATB/SATB, 2 Or… (11)
Violoncelle, Basse continue (11)
Orgue, Piano (duo) (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Solo B, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (11)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, Tro… (11)
Accordéon - Piano, Voix, Guit… (11)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Partition D'Orchestre In 16 Po… (11)
Guitare Tablatures Electrique (11)
Documentaire (11)
Cornet et Brass Band (11)
Ocarina (11)
Saxophone (partie séparée) (11)
Cornemuse (11)
Violon 1 (11)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (11)
Quatuor (10)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Alto, Violoncelle (duo) (10)
Solistes SST, Choeur SSAATB, 2… (10)
Gemischter Chor (SATB) und Orc… (10)
Cor anglais, Piano (10)
Guitare Tablatures Classique (10)
Base Musicale (10)
Choeur Mixte et Orchestre (10)
3 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (10)
Solistes SAT, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (10)
Solistes SB, Choeur SATB, 2 Ha… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (10)
Cor en Mib (10)
Solistes STBarB, Choeur SATB, … (10)
Orgue, 2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 V… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Trompette et Concert Band ou H… (10)
Orgue, Trompette (duo) (10)
Choeur SSAATTBB, 2 Cornetti, 3… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Choeur et Orchestre (10)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (10)
Ensemble à Cordes (10)
Choeur SATB et Orchestre (10)
Instruments à Vent (10)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (10)
Quintet à cordes (9)
Solistes SST, Choeur SATB/SATB… (9)
Choeur SATB/SATB, (Instruments… (9)
2 Violons Solo, 2 Violons, Alt… (9)
4 Violoncelles (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (9)
Orchestre: Solistes SATB, Choe… (9)
Solistes, Choeur SATB, 2 Flût… (9)
Trombone et orchestre (9)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (9)
Bugle (9)
Sextuor à Cordes (9)
Solistes S (A) TB, Choeur SATB… (9)
Solistes, Choeur Mixte (SATB) … (9)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (9)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (9)
4 Compagnons, 4 Voleurs, Direc… (9)
Solo S, 2 Hautbois ou 2 Flûte… (9)
Orchestre: Choeur SSA, Flûte … (9)
Saxhorn en Sib Basse Continue (9)
Opéra Full Score (9)
Saxhorn en Sib (9)
Violon 2 (9)
Clarinette Basse, Piano (9)
2 Violons, Piano (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (9)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, 3 F… (9)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (9)
Percussions Diverses (9)
Concert Band et Solistes (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (9)
Guitare et Voix (9)
Choeur de Femmes (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
CD only (9)
Clarinette en Sib (1 Partition… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Ba… (8)
Violoncelle, Orgue (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
2 Flûtes à Bec Soprano, Flû… (8)
Ensemble De Contrebasse (8)
Orgue, Instruments Cuivre et P… (8)
Solistes SS, 2 Altos, 2 Violon… (8)
Saxophone Soprano, Saxophone A… (8)
Solo A, Choeur SATB, 2 Hautboi… (8)
Solo ST (T) B, Choeur SATB, Ha… (8)
Clarinette en Sib 1 Clarinette… (8)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Combo… (8)
Solistes ST, Choeur SSAATB, 2 … (8)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, (Tr… (8)
Trompette Sib, Cor en Fa, Trom… (8)
Clarinette, Violon et Piano (8)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (8)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Choeur (8)
Musique De Chambre, Voix Et Ba… (8)
Clarinette et Orchestre à Cor… (8)
Hautbois, 2 Flûtes Traversiè… (8)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (8)
Solo Baryton, Choeur SATB, 2 H… (8)
Flûte Traversière, 2 Violons… (8)
Solo A, Timbales, Percussions … (8)
Solistes SATB, 2 Cors, 2 Violo… (8)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (8)
Ensemble de Bassons (8)
Guitare Classique et Fingerpic… (8)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Pian… (8)
Solistes SSAATTB, Choeur SATB,… (8)
Flûte Traversière (1 Partiti… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Hautbois (1 Partition) Violons… (8)
Flûte Traversière, Cor des A… (8)
String Quartet (8)
Solistes, 1-2stg Choeur d'Enfa… (8)
Harpe et Quintette à Cordes (… (8)
Violon, Violoncelle, Alto et C… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 4 … (8)
Trompette Sib (1 Partition) Vi… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Livre Musical (8)
Orchestre à Cordes et Percuss… (8)
Voix Et Instruments Divers (8)
Solo S, Flûte Traversière, 2… (8)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (8)
Choeur D'Enfants (SSA) Et Pian… (8)
Harpe ou Piano et Violon (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
Clarinette, Piano, Violon et V… (8)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, alt… (8)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (8)
Quatuor à Cordes ou Orchestre… (8)
Harpe et Quatuor à Cordes (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
4 Hautbois (8)
Choeur SSA, 2 Flûtes Traversi… (8)
2 Violons, 2 Altos et 2 Violon… (8)
Petit Orchestre: Récitant, So… (8)
Gemischter Chor (SSATB/SSATB/S… (8)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Basson (… (8)
Soprano, Alto, Cordes et Basse… (8)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tu… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (8)
2 Hautbois, 2 Cors et 2 Basson… (8)
Trompette Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tr… (8)
Instrument seul et Orgue (8)
A Cappella (8)
Guitare Fingerpicking (8)
Hautbois, Quatuor à cordes (8)
Piano, Chant et Guitare Tablat… (8)
Voix d'Enfants, Instruments (8)
Euphonium, Piano (duo) (8)
Flûte, Violoncelle (8)
5 Solistes, Choeur(s) Et Orche… (8)
Fake Book (8)
Voix, Orgue (8)
Violon, Orgue (8)
Quintette de Saxophone: 5 saxo… (8)
Viole de Gambe, Basse continue… (8)
Ensemble Flexible (8)
Percussions et Concert Band ou… (8)
Percussion, Piano (duo) (8)
Ensemble de cuivres, Orgue (8)
Trio à Cordes: 3 violoncelles… (8)
Piano Trio: Violon, Alto, Pian… (7)
Solistes SSATB, Choeur SSATB, … (7)
SB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Orches… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, (a… (7)
Saxophone Soprano (7)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SSA, 2 Vi… (7)
Trombone et Brass Band (7)
Contrebasse, Orchestre (7)
Cornet et orchestre (7)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Alto, … (7)
Trombone ou Euphonium (7)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Viole de Ga… (7)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (7)
Solistes TT, 2 Violons, 2 Alto… (7)
Voix Et Orff-Instruments (7)
Clarinette Alto et Piano (7)
Accordéon et Orchestre (7)
Conga (7)
Chorale d'Enfants et Piano (7)
Tout Instrument (7)
Ensemble Instrumental (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Flûte Traversière et Cordes (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Or… (7)
Violon, Instruments à Cordes … (7)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Cornets à Bou… (7)
Flûte, Violon, Piano (7)
Saxophone Alto et Concert Band… (7)
Choeur Mixte a Cappella (7)
Piccolo, 2 Flûtes Traversièr… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Soprano (7)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Choeur SSATTB et Basse Continu… (7)
Harpe, Orchestre (7)
Guitare Tablatures Classique e… (7)
Soli (SATB), Choeur Mixte (SAT… (7)
Flûte, Trio Piano (basse, bat… (7)
Trompette en Sib (7)
Saxophone Soprano et Piano (7)
2 Clarinettes, Piano (7)
Basson, Orchestre (7)
Harmonie (7)
Baryton et Orchestre (7)
Marimba, Piano (duo) (7)
Chanson (7)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 cors (7)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (7)
Drums-Marching band (6)
Solo Ms, Flûte à Bec F1, 2 V… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants (6)
Instrument A Cordes (6)
3 Trombones et Fanfare (6)
2 Flûtes traversières, Violo… (6)
Paroles Seulement (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Petit Orchestre (6)
Solistes (STB), Choeur Mixte (… (6)
Solo S (T), Viola da braccio (… (6)
Guitare et Quintette à Cordes… (6)
Flûte Traversière et Orchest… (6)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Inst… (6)
Piano/Vocal/Guitare (PVG) (6)
Solo S (T), 2 ViolonS Basse Co… (6)
Solistes SSATBB, Choeur SATB/S… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, R… (6)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Ense… (6)
Guitare, Flûte, Clarinette (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Pa… (6)
Flûte à Bec F1, 2 Violons et… (6)
Chorale, Orgue (6)
Orgue et Orchestre (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Alto et 2 V… (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Flûte, alto et harpe (6)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, (Ba… (6)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Alto … (6)
Euphonium Ensemble (6)
Flûte, Hautbois (duo) (6)
Solistes SS, Choeur SATB, 2 Vi… (6)
Concert Band / Harmonie (6)
Cordes (6)
2 Hautbois (duo) (6)
Batterie Fanfare En Mib (6)
Alto, Guitare (duo) (6)
Trombone (partie séparée) (6)
Musique de chambre (6)
Trio (6)
Baryton (6)
Violon Solo (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Fl… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tr… (6)
Petit Choeur SATB et Choeur SA… (6)
Tuba et Brass Band (6)
Flûte à bec, Guitare (duo) (6)
Saxhorn en Sib en Clé de Sol … (6)
Solo B, Trompette, Violon, Alt… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ch… (6)
Voix Hautes (6)
Cordes, Basse Continue et Inst… (6)
Clarinette, Orchestre et Piano… (6)
Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violon… (6)
3 Tubas (6)
Gemischter Chor (SSAATBB) und … (6)
Trio de Cuivres (6)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (6)
Ensemble Divers (6)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (6)
Oud (6)
Trompette, Trombone (duo) (6)
Violon II (6)
Cornet A Pistons (6)
SATBasse (2 Grands Choeurs Mix… (6)
Trompette Solo (6)
Tous instruments (6)
Ensemble de saxophones (6)
Banjo Tenor (6)
Trombone Solo (6)
Piano et Orchestre à Cordes (6)
Solo S, Violon et Basse Contin… (5)
Ensemble d'Instruments à Vent… (5)
Choeur A L'Unisson Et Orgue (5)
Solo à (Ms), 2 Violons, Alto … (5)
Orchestre Scolaire (Piano Ad L… (5)
Violoncelle, Orchestre à Cord… (5)
Ensemble de cuivres, Percussio… (5)
Basse et Piano (5)
Solo à (S ou T), Choeur SATB,… (5)
Viole de Gambe Solo ou Alto ou… (5)
Concertina (5)
Solistes SA (TBar), Choeur SS … (5)
Flûte, Violon, Alto (5)
Solistes (SATB), Choeur Mixte … (5)
CD Chorale (5)
Quatuor avec Piano (5)
Trombone ou Tuba et Piano (5)
Quatuor à Vent : 4 instrument… (5)
2 Violons et Basse continue (5)
Quatuor Variable (5)
3 Hautbois (5)
Solo à (B), 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
3 Percussions (5)
Entraînement Auditif (5)
5 Solistes, Choeur, Cordes et … (5)
Alto, Orgue (5)
Clarinette Solo (5)
Euphonium et orchestre (5)
Cloudlifter (5)
Cor en Mib et Brass Band (5)
2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 Violonce… (5)
Solistes s ATB, Choeur SATB, 2… (5)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, (2 … (5)
Voix et Piano Réduction (5)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Clarinettes (2 … (5)
Solistes SA, Choeur SA (SAB), … (5)
Trompette 2 (5)
Flûte Traversière et Piccolo… (5)
Voix (5)
Instruments Divers (5)
Hautbois, Clarinette, 4 Violon… (5)
Guitare Acoustique (5)
Guitare Tablatures Country - S… (5)
Piano ou Orgue (5)
Flûte Traversière et Orgue (5)
2 Violoncelles, Piano (5)
Cloches (5)
Violon, 2 Violons 'Per Eco' et… (5)
Euphonium et Brass Band (5)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et O… (5)
Clarinette, Alto et Piano (5)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (5)
Piano et Clavier (5)
Choeur SATTB (5)
Voix et Instruments (5)
Soprano ou Ténor et Piano (5)
Trompette en Do ou et Trompett… (5)
Quatuor à cordes: 4 violons (5)
Choeur de Femmes (SMezA) (5)
DVD (5)
3 Trombones (trio) (5)
Voix, piano (5)
Alto Solo (5)
3 Trompettes (trio) (5)
Mezzo-Soprano et Orchestre (5)
Orchestre et Piano (5)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (5)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (5)
Guitare ou Luth (5)
Orff-Instruments (5)
Instruments A Vent (5)
Clarinette en Bb [Violon] et O… (4)
1 à 3 Solistes Ad Libitum, Ch… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec, 2 Cors, 2 Vi… (4)
Violon, Cor Anglais et Piano (4)
Livre DVD (4)
Violon, Contrebasse, Accordéo… (4)
Quatuor à Vents variable (4)
2 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec Alto ou Flût… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Cor de Basset, Vibraphone et G… (4)
Flûtes Traversières et Clari… (4)
Violon Ou Flûte, Violoncelle … (4)
Flûte à Bec F1, Violon et Ba… (4)
Clarinette Alto (4)
Choeur Mixte, Soprano et Orche… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Vibraphone et 2 Marimbas (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Clarine… (4)
Soprano, Choeur Mixte à 4 Voi… (4)
Children's Choeur 1 Piano (4)
Guitare, Violon, Mandoline, ba… (4)
Voix Soprano, Orgue (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte (2 parts) Clarinette en… (4)
Cor Anglais, 2 Violons et Viol… (4)
Violon, Clarinette (Alto) et P… (4)
Flûte et Mandoline (4)
Hautbois, Violon, Alto, Violon… (4)
C Trumpetor et Trompette Sib/C… (4)
3 Bassons (4)
Ensemble de Trompettes (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Cornet Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tromb… (4)
Alto, Tuba et Electronique (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Hautbois et Cordes (4)
3 Trombones Ténor et 1 Trombo… (4)
2 Guitares, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec F1 (… (4)
Flûte Traversière Harpe et A… (4)
Violon, Viole et Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons et Clavecin (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Alto, Guitar… (4)
2 Altos de Gambe et Clavecin (4)
Violon, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Hautbois (Cor Anglais), Alto e… (4)
Violon, Piano et Vibraphone (4)
Clarinette, Piano et Quatuor … (4)
Trombone, Violoncelle et Piano… (4)
Hautbois, Instruments à Corde… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Piano (4)
Contrebasse, Orchestre à Cord… (4)
Violon et Clarinette (4)
Violoncelle Solo (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Violon, Violoncelle et 2 Piano… (4)
Basson, Violoncelle et Piano o… (4)
Violon, Cordes et Basse Contin… (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Saxophone Alto Solo (4)
Hautbois et Harpe (4)
Clarinette, Violon, Alto, Viol… (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Viole e… (4)
Percussion et Violoncelle (4)
Score (4)
Orchestre à Cordes, Guitare e… (4)
Violon, Trompette et Orchestre… (4)
2 Trompette en Dos 1 Cor en Fa… (4)
Orgue et Musique de Chambre (4)
2 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (4)
Piano, Piccolo, Flûte Travers… (4)
Clavier Et Autres Instruments (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Cor en Mi… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants (SSA) (4)
Quatuor ou Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Flûte, Alto et Piano (4)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, ou … (4)
Piano Trio: piano, violin, cel… (4)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (4)
Choeur D'Hommes Sans Accompagn… (4)
Clarinette (partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse, Bass… (4)
Clarinette, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Flûte à Bec, 2 Flûtes Trave… (4)
Flûte Traversière (Piccolo),… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto, 2 Violons … (4)
Basson et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Flûte Traversière ou Violon … (4)
Clarinette, Basson, Cor, 2 Vio… (4)
Basson, Clarinette, Orchestre … (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Alto et… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Enregistr… (4)
Flûte, Violon, Clavier (basse… (4)
Alto, Violon et Violoncelle (4)
Grande Formation (4)
Alto, Flûte Traversière (Aus… (4)
Guitare, Cordes et Orchestre (4)
Musique originale (4)
Quatuor à Cordes (Piano ad li… (4)
Violon (1 Partition) Violons 1… (4)
3 Violons, Alto et Violoncelle… (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Orgue (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Musi… (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SMezA) Et Pi… (4)
Orchestre à Cordes et Basse C… (4)
Trompette, Cordes et Basse Con… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Clarinett… (4)
3 Flûtes à Bec (SSA), Piano … (4)
Piano, Violoncelle et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Marimba e… (4)
Clarinette en La, Alto et Pian… (4)
Bois et Flûte Traversière et… (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Euphonium… (4)
Trompette et Réduction pour P… (4)
Flûte, Clarinette et Accordé… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Hautbois, Cor… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (4)
Piccolo / Flûte 1 (1 Partitio… (4)
Sextuor (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Accordéo… (4)
Voix et Orchestre à vent (4)
Trompette, Piano, Instruments … (4)
Accordéon et Quatuor à Corde… (4)
Hautbois Solo (4)
Clarinette et 4 Violoncelles (4)
Piano et Quintette à Cordes (4)
Ukulele Baryton (4)
Hautbois, Alto et Orchestre à… (4)
Alto, Violoncelle et Clavecin (4)
Baryton, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Cor, Basso… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Basson, V… (4)
Trio A Vent-Bois (4)
Flûte (Piccolo), Clarinette e… (4)
Clarinette Basse, Violoncelle … (4)
Orchestre D'Harmonie avec Soli… (4)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: Clarin… (4)
3 Violons, Bas Viol et Basse C… (4)
Accordéon, Vibraphone et Mari… (4)
Trompette Solo, Orchestre à C… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes Flexible et… (4)
4 Tubas (4)
Flute, Violin, Cello and Piano… (4)
Piano, 2 Violons, Alto, Violon… (4)
ENS::Ensemble (4)
Cor, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano, Vio… (4)
2 Violons, 2 Violoncelles et B… (4)
Trompette (partie séparée) (4)
2 Pianos et Orchestre (4)
6 Voix (SSATTB) (4)
Piano, Clavier ou Orgue (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Electroni… (4)
Flûte et Basson (4)
Flûte Traversière Orchestre … (4)
Piano, Violon et Orgue (4)
Piano, Violon et Cor ou Alto o… (4)
Soli [AT] et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière Basson et … (4)
4 Instruments à Vent (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Violoncelle, Alto et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Choeur SATB, Orgue, Saxophone … (4)
Clarinette, Saxophone, Trompet… (4)
Petit Orchestre, Basson, Clari… (4)
Violoncelle et 2 Pianos (4)
3 Pianos (4)
Cor et Orgue (4)
2 Flûtes Traversières et Fl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Alto et V… (4)
Clarinette en Sib, 2 Violons, … (4)
2 Trompettes Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1… (4)
Guitare, Harpe (4)
Quatuor à Cordes/Trio Pour Co… (4)
Flûte Traversière hautbois o… (4)
Mezzo-Soprano, Flûte Alto, Al… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants et Piano (4)
Flûte Traversière (Ensemble … (4)
Trombone (1 Partition) Violons… (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Ténor et Pi… (4)
Chamber Orchestra (4)
Clarinette Basse et Violoncell… (4)
Saxophone et Orgue (4)
Violon, Alto Et Orchestre (4)
Livre CD (4)
Orgue, Cordes, Cuivres et Timb… (4)
Violoncelle et Cordes (4)
Violon, Guitare et Accordéon (4)
Flûte à Bec Solo (4)
Basson et Concert Band ou Harm… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Violon et… (4)
Flûte [Piccolo], Hautbois, Cl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Guitare, … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Trombone en Sib Basse Continue… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle o… (4)
Guitare et Orchestre de Chambr… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Cor en Fa Solo (4)
Orgue et Concert Band ou Harmo… (4)
2 Guitares et Orchestre (4)
5 Instruments à Vent (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette en A, Bas… (4)
2 Violons, Alto ou Violon et V… (4)
Ligne De Mélodie, Piano (4)
Carillon (4)
Hautbois et Orchestre à Corde… (4)
Trompette et Cordes (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Percu… (4)
Clarinette, Basson et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Basson et Piano (4)
Percussions et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière Violon ou … (4)
2 Voix et Piano (4)
Violoncelle et Quintette à ve… (4)
Voix solo - piano (4)
Flûte traversière basse (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres, Orgue et V… (4)
Ligne Mélodique, Paroles Et A… (4)
Concert Band/Harmonie et Corne… (4)
Flûte Traversière Ou Hautboi… (4)
Clavier ou Piano (4)
Guitare Acoustique Tablatures (4)
Quintette à Cordes (Fac-simil… (4)
Clavier et Synthétiseur (4)
Set de Cordes (4)
Violoncelle et Orchestre de Ch… (4)
Choeur et Piano (4)
Flûte à Bec Basse ou Flûte … (4)
Flûte Traversière Alto et Gu… (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle et Pia… (4)
Mandoline I, Mandoline II, Man… (4)
Voix, Clarinette, Piano (4)
Quatuor de Saxophones (SATBar)… (4)
Hautbois, Violon ou 2 Violons … (4)
Instruments Acoustiques (4)
Orchestre de Chambre, Alto et … (4)
Mandoline, Guitare et Harpe (4)
Flûte et Trio à cordes (4)
Clarinette en A, Flûte Traver… (4)
Cor et Brass Band (4)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Clarine… (4)
Violon, Clarinette, Violoncell… (4)
Violon, Alto ou Violoncelle (4)
Flûte Traversière, Flûte Tr… (4)
Trompette, Saxophone, Piano, B… (4)
Violon et Clarinette en Sib et… (4)
Trombone en Sib (4)
Violon et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Cor et B… (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Tamb… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Trio à… (4)
Harmonica Chromatique (4)
1 Instrument Clé de Sol en Mi… (4)
Ensemble Flexible à 5 Parties… (4)
Violon et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Voix Soprano, Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle e… (4)
Choeur de Femmes (SSA) et Pian… (4)
Violon 1, Violon 2, Alto, Viol… (4)
Partition D'Orchestre In 8 (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Xylophone (4)
Violon, Cordes et Electronique… (4)
Flute (partie séparée) (4)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois … (4)
Guitare Classique et Orchestre… (4)
Cor Anglais (4)
Flûte Traversière Cordes et … (4)
Ensemble flexible à 4 parties… (4)
Streichorchester (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Alto et Vi… (4)
4 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (4)
Harpe, Voix (4)
Littérature Musicale (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SA) (4)
Violon, Violoncelle, Guqin et … (4)
Alto (Partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle (Partie Séparée)… (4)
Conducteur De Poche (4)
Fiddle (4)
Soprano et Ensemble (4)
Livres Education (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (4)
Fac-similé (4)
Grand Ensemble Contemporain et… (4)
Violon I (4)
Mandoline, Guitare (duo) (4)
Guitare et Basse Tablatures, A… (4)
Marches militaires (4)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trompett… (4)
Choeur et ensemble vocal (4)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] et Orchest… (4)
Soprano, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Violon, Harpe et Ensemble de C… (4)
Ukulélé Baryton (4)
SSA et Piano (4)
2 Accordéons (4)
Choeur Mixte Et Instruments Di… (4)
Djembe (4)
Alto (4)
Etudes (4)
Trompette ou Bugle et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (3)
Orchestre Juniors (3)
Choeur SA Et Piano (3)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (3)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec et B… (3)
Piano, Guitare, Basse (3)
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The Book Of Urizen (DE HAAN JACOB)
The Book Of Urizen (DE HAAN JACOB)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
De Haske Publications
Par DE HAAN JACOB. The Book of Urizen is a work for concert band, solo soprano, ...
Par DE HAAN JACOB. The Book of Urizen is a work for concert band, solo soprano, and a male narrator in which sound collages of religious expressions are used. The piece is inspired by the compelling visionary poem of the same name (which the poet illustratedhimself) by the Englishman William Blake (1757-1827), who occupies a unique position in western literature and the visual arts. He was not just a poet and a writer, but he was also a graphic artist, a painter, an illustrator, a spiritualist, areligious visionary, and a mystic philosopher. For the performance of this work, a professional sound system, including two microphones and a CD player, is needed. The three sound collages are three separate tracks on the enclosed CD and can beplayed easily at the right moment. The Book of Urizen bears resemblance to Genesis and Exodus, of which the contents form the basis of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faith. Blake adhered to the principle that all religions are in fact one, and that deities reside in human beings. In The Book of Urizen this is represented in “The Net of Religion, ” which is spanned over the earth by Urizen. The sound collages, compiled by Jacob de Haan in the studio, find their origin inJerusalem, the Holy City, where the afore-mentioned faiths “come together. ” In the first movement of this composition, The Vision, Urizen prepares his vision of the world, and he presents this to the “Eternals. ” His vision is rejected, and Urizen locks himself up in his own abstract world. When he does emerge again, he is confronted with rage by the gathered Eternals. Urizen flees the wrath of the Eternals, “the flames of eternal fury, ” and enwombs himself in his own world. Whenthe Eternals see Urizen in his “stony sleep, ” they wonder if this is death. The blacksmith Los is torn by grief because of the isolation of Urizen. It brings him to rouse his fires, prepare his forge, and to give Urizen’s world concrete form. In the second movement, The Creation, Urizen’s world, but also man, woman, and child are created. Los is horrified with the appearance of Urizen’s body. He mourns and pities Urizen, and from his blood a female form comes into being, with thename Enitharmon. The Eternals, fearful of the female form, decide to erect a tent to obstruct their view to eternity. Enitharmon and Los beget a son, called Orc. Los baptizes him as a child of the “fallen world. ” Orc is fed at Enitharmon’s breast, which makes a girdle of jealousy restrict Los’ chest. He takes the child to the top of the mountain and chains him down. The cries of Orc awaken Urizen, who explores his world creating instruments of scientific measurement to do so. Los encircles theface of Enitharmon from the sight of Urizen and Orc. She then populates the earth by giving birth to an enormous race. The Web, third movement of The Book of Urizen is now available: DHP 1125252 / Niveau : 5 / Pièce de concert / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
148.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
De Haske Publications
Par VAN DER ROOST JAN. This major concert work cosists o five movements. 1st mov...
Par VAN DER ROOST JAN. This major concert work cosists o five movements. 1st movement: La Laguna del ShimbeSituated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powersand for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside hispatient. The biggest lagoon is the “Laguna del Shimbe”, one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream. 2nd movement: Los AguarunasFurther downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It’s a proud, beautiful andindependent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants, . . . . They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their ownhands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways. 3rd movement: MekaronMekaron is an Indian word meaning “picture”, “soul”, “essence”. The Indians are theorigina inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music andmedicine. “Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him”, wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone, 80 tribes have vanished completely). 4th movement: KêêtuajêThis is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krahô tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with redpaint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound. 5th movement: Paulino FaiakanIn 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam inBrazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribesaround Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of theBrazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was -albeit temporarily - stopped. / Niveau : 6 / Pièce de concert / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
254.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Orchestre d'harmonie
De Haske Publications
Par VAN DER ROOST JAN. This major concert work cosists o five movements. 1st mov...
Par VAN DER ROOST JAN. This major concert work cosists o five movements. 1st movement: La Laguna del ShimbeSituated high up in the Andes mountains in Northern Peru are the Huaringas, a group of lagoons in isolated and mysterious surroundings. The water has healing powersand for centuries traditional healers have settled there in small villages. From far the sick come to the Huaringas to be treated in nightly rituals, in which the hallucinating juice of the San Pedro cactus gives the prophet a look inside hispatient. The biggest lagoon is the “Laguna del Shimbe”, one of the countless wells of the immense Amazon stream. 2nd movement: Los AguarunasFurther downstream in Northern Peru we come across the rain tribe of Los Aguarunas. It’s a proud, beautiful andindependent race, which has never succumbed to domination, not even from the Incas. They live from everything the forest has to offer: fish, fruit, plants, . . . . They also grow some crops and live as semi-nomads. They take their fate into their ownhands and after having made contact with modern civilisation, they have integrated new elements into their lives without betraying their own ways. 3rd movement: MekaronMekaron is an Indian word meaning “picture”, “soul”, “essence”. The Indians are theorigina inhabitants of the Amazon region. They either live in one place as a group or move around a large region. They all have their own political system, their own language and an intense social life. At the same time they are master of music andmedicine. “Everywhere the white man goes, he leaves a wilderness behind him”, wrote the North American Indian leader Seatl in 1885. As a result of these contacts with the whites, the disruption of most Indian societies began. (In this century alone, 80 tribes have vanished completely). 4th movement: KêêtuajêThis is the name of the initiating ceremony of the Krahô tribe in the Brazilian state of Goias, in which young boys and girls enter adult life. They are cleansed with water, painted with redpaint and covered with feathers, after which the ritual dance holds the entire tribe spell-bound. 5th movement: Paulino FaiakanIn 1988 the Indian chiefs Faiakan and Raoni Kaiapo came to Europe to protest against the building of the Altamira dam inBrazil. As a result of the dam the Indians would be driven from their traditional land and enormous artificial would be created. The project was supported financially by, amongst others, the European Community. In February 1989 the Indian tribesaround Altamira held a protest march for the first time in their history together. Amongst other things they paid tribute tot Chico Mendez, who, murdered in 1988, was the leader of the rubber syndicate and a fierce opponent of the destruction of theBrazilian rain forest. Brazilian and world opinion was awakened. The building of the dam was -albeit temporarily - stopped. / Niveau : 6 / Pièce de concert / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
57.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Winterfest (BULLA STEPHEN)
Winterfest (BULLA STEPHEN)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
Curnow Music
Par BULLA STEPHEN. An endlessly effulgent offering, Stephan Bulla’s WINTERFEST...
Par BULLA STEPHEN. An endlessly effulgent offering, Stephan Bulla’s WINTERFEST is the perfect choice for making spirits bright at your next winter concert! Buoyant settings of five traditional carols include Hark The Herald Angels Sing, Ding Dong Merrily On High, The First Noel, While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks, and Angels From The Realms Of Glory. This is the kind of exciting Christmas medley that audiences long to hear when they attend a winter performance. WINTERFEST is filled with dynamic effects such as sudden shifts to opposite levels of volume. Lots of upper Woodwind action helps to assure that every player has an enjoyable and memorable experience in rehearsal andperformance. You won’t regret placing WINTERFEST in a key position at this year’s Christmas concert. It’s great fun for everyone! / Niveau : 4 / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
130.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Orchestre d'harmonie
Oktavian Music
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). Par BRUCKNER ANTON / DOSS THOMAS (Arr.). Anton Bruck...
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). Par BRUCKNER ANTON / DOSS THOMAS (Arr.). Anton Bruckner (b. 4.9.1824, Ansfelden, d. 11.10.1896, Vienna) didn?t have it easy. Throughout his life, the Austrian composer was plagued by self-doubt. Anton Bruckner came from a simple, rural background. After the death of his father, he was accepted as a choirboy at the monastery of Sankt Florian in 1837. After several years as a school assistant and his own organ and piano studies, he first worked as organist in St. Florian, then from 1855 as cathedral organist in Linz. Introduced to music theory and instrumentation by Simon Sechter and Otto Kitzler, he discovered Richard Wagner as an artistic role model, whom he admired throughout his life and also visited several times in Bayreuth. In 1868 Anton Bruckner became professor of basso continuo, counterpoint and organ at the Vienna Conservatory; ten years later court organist; and in 1891 finally honorary doctor of the University of Vienna. He was considered an important organ virtuoso of his era, but had to wait a long time for recognition as a composer. It was not until Symphony No.7 in E major, composed between 1881 and 1883, with the famous Adagio written under the effects of Wagner's death, that he achieved the recognition he had hoped for, even if he was reluctant to accept it given his inclination towards scepticism and self-criticism. Anton Bruckner was a loner who did not want to follow a particular school or doctrine. He composed numerous sacred vocal works, such as his three masses, the Missa Solemnis in B flat minor (1854), the Te Deum (1881-84) and numerous motets. As a symphonic composer, he wrote a total of nine symphonies and many symphonic studies from 1863 onwards, tending to revise completed versions several times over. Bruckner's orchestral works were long considered unplayable, but in fact were merely exceptionally bold for the tonal language of their time, uniting traditions from Beethoven through Wagner to folk music, on the threshold between late Romanticism and Modernism. Hymns for four-part mixed choir a cappella (1846, St. Florian) No. 1 in E flat major (WAB 41/3): Quite Slow No. 2 in C major (WAB 41/4): Andante No. 3 in B flat major (WAB 41/1): Slow No. 4 in A flat major (WAB 41/2): Slow Hymn for five-part (2 S, A, T, B) mixed choir and organ No. 5 in D major: Solemnly They are simple works, completely subordinate to their liturgical use, which nevertheless already show numerous characteristics of personal expression. These small pieces were able to stand up to the harsh scrutiny of the mature master: in 1888, Bruckner subjected them to a revision in which he made only minor corrections. / Date parution : 2023-08-12/ Répertoire / Concert Band/Harmonie
152.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
Orchestre d'harmonie
Curnow Music
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this avail...
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this available at the Grade 1 level! Even young bands love to play enchantingly beautiful melodies. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort in helping your students learn to play full value notes, breathe in appropriate places, and stretch out their phrases so that they sound more mature and less like beginners. In the Bleak Mid-Winter by Holst is a perfect opportunity for them to truly realise the value of these things you’ve been teaching. Your musicians will come away from the experience of preparing this piece with a better understanding of how to shape a melodic phrase and play with warm, reserved elegance. / Niveau : 1 / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
15.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
Curnow Music
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this avail...
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this available at the Grade 1 level! Even young bands love to play enchantingly beautiful melodies. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort in helping your students learn to play full value notes, breathe in appropriate places, and stretch out their phrases so that they sound more mature and less like beginners. IN THE BLEAK MID-WINTER by Holst is a perfect opportunity for them to truly realize the value of these things you’ve been teaching. Your musicians will come away from the experience of preparing this piece with a better understanding of how to shape a melodic phrase and play with warm, reserved elegance. Captivating! / Niveau : 1 / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
75.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées + CD]
Curnow Music
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this avail...
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this available at the Grade 1 level! Even young bands love to play enchantingly beautiful melodies. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort in helping your students learn to play full value notes, breathe in appropriate places, and stretch out their phrases so that they sound more mature and less like beginners. In the Bleak Mid-Winter by Holst is a perfect opportunity for them to truly realise the value of these things you’ve been teaching. Your musicians will come away from the experience of preparing this piece with a better understanding of how to shape a melodic phrase and play with warm, reserved elegance. / Niveau : 1 / Répertoire / Concert Band
75.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
In The Bleak Mid-Winter (CURNOW JAMES)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
Curnow Music
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this avail...
Par CURNOW JAMES. What a wonderful idea! Make beautiful music such as this available at the Grade 1 level! Even young bands love to play enchantingly beautiful melodies. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort in helping your students learn to play full value notes, breathe in appropriate places, and stretch out their phrases so that they sound more mature and less like beginners. IN THE BLEAK MID-WINTER by Holst is a perfect opportunity for them to truly realize the value of these things you’ve been teaching. Your musicians will come away from the experience of preparing this piece with a better understanding of how to shape a melodic phrase and play with warm, reserved elegance. Captivating! / Niveau : 1 / Répertoire / Concert Band
75.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Fischer Eric : OctOp.Et The Moon. Conducteur
Fischer Eric : OctOp.Et The Moon. Conducteur
Orchestre d'harmonie
Pour orchestre d'harmonie.Conducteur et parties séparées.'Octopus and the Moon...
Pour orchestre d'harmonie.Conducteur et parties séparées.'Octopus and the Moon': ...pourquoi ce titre?!D'une part, comme beaucoup de gens ( mais peu osent l'avouer), à minuit les soirs de pleine lune, je me transforme en poulpe.D'autre part et d'un point de vue structurel, la pièce enchaîne huit états de son évolution, des vagues, autrement dit flux et reflux, car il ne s'agit pas de développements.Chaque nouvel état sonore émerge puis disparaît.Cet ouvrage n'est pas dans l'usage habituel d'un orchestre d'harmonie mais est à coup sûr ce que j'aimerais souvent lui entendre jouer: un temps suspendu, introspectif voire intime, la richesse de la nomenclature liée à ce type de formation permettant à l'infini la recherche de couleurs sonores et de combinaisons.Eric FISCHER est l'auteur d'environ 200 opus, allant de la pièce pour instrument seul à la forme symphonique, en passant par tout type de nomenclature et d'expériences diverses, musique de chambre, dispositif électronique, oeuvres vocales, musiques de scène, musique improvisée, oeuvre pluridisciplinaires, etc...De fait, sa musique, aujourd'hui régulièrement jouée à travers le monde (USA, Canada, France, Suisse, Belgique, Hollande, Lettonie, Japon?) recherche toujours un espace privilégié avec les artistes qu'il admire, quel que soit leur instrument et l'univers stylistique dont ils sont issus.Entre 1988 and 1991, il dirige l'ensemble à cordes ' Antigone ' avec lequel il crée une partie de son oeuvre concertante, cette forme lui étant spécifiquement inspirante.(Ex : ' concerto pour marimba and orchestre ' 1987, éditions Notissimo - ' les mélodies provisoires ' pour accordéon and orchestre 1991, créée par Richard Galliano à St Eustache Paris - ' Concerto No3 ' pour saxophone soprano and orchestre à cordes, enregistré et créé par J.P.Baraglioli and l'orchestre philharmonique de chambre de Lettonie 1998, CD Daphénéo 9802, éditions Misterioso?)Sa curiosité à tout type de rencontre le mènera à d'autres échanges artistiques tout à fait privilégiés :À noter depuis 1989, un parcours de fidélité réciproque avec le chorégraphe japonais Shiro Daïmon (Dernières créations : ' Oni ', Oguni, Jp, sept.2004 - ' Kou, la lune rouge ' Paris, janvier 2005)Cofondateur du ' Collectif de la dernière tangente ' avec le plasticien Bernard Garo et le comédien François Chattot, proposant d'étonnantes immersions pluridisciplinaires, avec des spectacles comme ' Temps Morts ' (création Far, Nyon, 2003/ théâtre Vidy, Lausanne, 2004/ Scène nationale de Sénart, 2005/ festival de Dijon 2007) et ' 9 pictures from 99 body ritual tales ' (création Far, Nyon, 2005/ tournée automne 2006?)' Wasser wind und Stahl ' en préparation (création prévue saison 2008/2009)Musique de film pour ' l'oeil sauvage ' de Johanna Vaude (2006)Travail régulier avec des poètes, dont Dominique Brand et Emmanuel DamonÀ écrit pour Richard Galliano, David Liebman, François Bou, Jacqueline Méfano, Marianne Muller, le quatuor de Riga, l'ensemble FA 7, Jean-Pierre Baraglioli, le quatuor boréal, le collectif Rock Adélaïde, l'orchestre philharmonique de chambre de Lettonie, Sylvain Kassap?Egalement saxophoniste and claviers, il a joué et/ou enregistré aux côtés de Steve Lacy, David Liebman, Sylvain Kassap, Hozan Yamamoto, Andy Emler, Marc Ducret, Archie Shepp,?oeuvres sur CD :(ordre chronologique)1998 : ' Concerto No3 ' pour saxophone soprano and orchestre à cordessur le CD ' 52 fils tendus ' de J.P.Baraglioli (Daphénéo)2000 : ' le Rituel ' pour 5tet de saxophonessur le CD ' le Pont Mirabeau ' quatuor de saxophones de Riga (Kulturas Parvalde)2001 : ' Concerto Grosso ' (2o and 4o Mouvements) pour orchestre d'harmoniesur le CD ' Changer d'air ' produit par Ariam Ile-de-France/ Cepia2002 : ' Même si la lumière? 'Chamber music, monographie (Daphénéo)En cours de réalisation ' Eau vent acier ' pour quatuor à cordes. Sortie prévue en mars 2008 / Orchestre D'Harmonie
353.10 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Greatest Orchestral Masterworks Vol.51-75 Box Set
The Greatest Orchestral Masterworks Vol.51-75 Box Set
Orchestre d'harmonie
The most important concert and orchestral works from the Baroque era to the Roma...
The most important concert and orchestral works from the Baroque era to the Romantic period in the 'Eulenburg Audio Score' series: All scores are presented in a reader-friendly format, including CD with excellent recordings of the masterpieces.NEW: 25 masterpieces in a handy slipcase at the special price of 199.- ? as a complement to the existing set of '50 Masterpieces' (EAS 100-50, 399.- ?).The basis of every music library!The 'Eulenburg Audio Score' series contains the orchestral world's greatest musical treasures from the baroque, classical and romantic repertoire. - Over 80 volumes of clearly-presented and authoritative scores, with informative prefaces detailing the biographical and creative background- - CDs of great performances of each work in full length, from orchestras including the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Philharmonia Orchestra. Amazing value: almost 50% cheaper than buying each volume separately! This is the perfect gift for any music-lover. 'Eulenburg Audio Score' is the new way to hear, read and understand music. Eulenburg is the 130 year-old world-famous publishing brand, renowned for its top-quality, reliable study scores at reasonable prices. Focussing on the fields of opera, orchestral music, chamber music and vocal music, it is the favourite choice of conductors, orchestra musicians, soloists, students, teachers and music lovers generally. The more you read, the more you hear! / Concert Band
291.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Pacific Dreams (DE HAAN JACOB)
Pacific Dreams (DE HAAN JACOB)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
De Haske Publications
Par DE HAAN JACOB. Pacific Dreams describes the experience of Miguel, a travelin...
Par DE HAAN JACOB. Pacific Dreams describes the experience of Miguel, a traveling composer from Spain who, feeling somewhat alienated from his homeland, is wandering through an area of Sydney known as The Rocks. At a small outdoor market in a typical street of this oldcolonial neighbourhood, he discovers a print of William DeShazos painting 'Pacific Dreams' Portrayed in the painting is the surf of one of the exotic islands in the Pacific. Next, with the impressive Sydney Harbour Bridge looming over the narrowstreets of The Rocks, he envisions sultry Pacific beaches. Suddenly a theme he once composed about the lakes in Japan comes to him. Is it the Asian influences present in cosmopolitan Sydney that bring this theme to mind? Or perhaps the waters aroundSydney, over which he could sail to Tahiti? He is uncertain. Could this same theme be used to create a new composition about his feelings for the metropolis Sydney? How then to work his Pacific Dreams into the mix? Miguel is certainly no fan ofHawaiian music. Mayby he could use the vocabularies of islands like Hawaii and Tahiti, their beautiful vowel combinations being sung ad libitum by a mixed choir. With these ideas and his newly purchased print of 'Pacific Dreams', he boards the Metroat Circular Quay. He has a final glimpse of the harbour and the Sydney Opera House as the train races into the ground. On to the hotel! To work! He must compose!Maestoso : Miguel is impressed as he gazes upon the Sydney Harbour Bridge. And yet, hewants to go away from this city. Away, to an exotic island in the Pacific. Steady Rock : In the Rocks, musicians are playing at a square. Miguel basks in the atmosphere but at the same time he is fantasizing about Hawaii and Tahiti. Andante Lamentoso :In his hotel room, Miguel is feeling sad and lonely in this big city. He takes comfort in his 'Pacific Dreams'. Allegro : Miguel boards the boat that takes him from Darling Harbour to Circular Quay. In his mind he is traveling on to Hawaii. Or is ithome, where the bolero is playing? He is pulled back to reality by the skyline of Sydney. / Niveau : 3 / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
198.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Orchestre d'harmonie
Oktavian Music
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). Par BRUCKNER ANTON / DOSS THOMAS (Arr.). Anton Bruck...
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896). Par BRUCKNER ANTON / DOSS THOMAS (Arr.). Anton Bruckner (b. 4.9.1824, Ansfelden, d. 11.10.1896, Vienna) didn?t have it easy. Throughout his life, the Austrian composer was plagued by self-doubt. Anton Bruckner came from a simple, rural background. After the death of his father, he was accepted as a choirboy at the monastery of Sankt Florian in 1837. After several years as a school assistant and his own organ and piano studies, he first worked as organist in St. Florian, then from 1855 as cathedral organist in Linz. Introduced to music theory and instrumentation by Simon Sechter and Otto Kitzler, he discovered Richard Wagner as an artistic role model, whom he admired throughout his life and also visited several times in Bayreuth. In 1868 Anton Bruckner became professor of basso continuo, counterpoint and organ at the Vienna Conservatory; ten years later court organist; and in 1891 finally honorary doctor of the University of Vienna. He was considered an important organ virtuoso of his era, but had to wait a long time for recognition as a composer. It was not until Symphony No.7 in E major, composed between 1881 and 1883, with the famous Adagio written under the effects of Wagner's death, that he achieved the recognition he had hoped for, even if he was reluctant to accept it given his inclination towards scepticism and self-criticism. Anton Bruckner was a loner who did not want to follow a particular school or doctrine. He composed numerous sacred vocal works, such as his three masses, the Missa Solemnis in B flat minor (1854), the Te Deum (1881-84) and numerous motets. As a symphonic composer, he wrote a total of nine symphonies and many symphonic studies from 1863 onwards, tending to revise completed versions several times over. Bruckner's orchestral works were long considered unplayable, but in fact were merely exceptionally bold for the tonal language of their time, uniting traditions from Beethoven through Wagner to folk music, on the threshold between late Romanticism and Modernism. Anton Bruckner composed about 40 motets during his lifetime, the earliest a setting of Pange lingua around 1835, and the last, Vexilla regis, in 1892. Thomas Doss has compiled some of these motets in this volume for symphonic wind orchestra. These motets show many characteristics of personal expression, especially Bruckner's colourful harmony in the earlier works, which is in places aligned with Franz Schubert (changes between major and minor; and movements in thirds). Later works are characterised by many components which, in addition to the expanded stature of the movements, include above all a sense of the instrumentation as an outward phenomenon and the harmony as a compositional feature that works more internally. Some aspects of Bruckner's work are the result of his long period of study, which familiarised him not only with the tradition of his craft, but also gave him insights into the 'modernity' of his time in such composers as Wagner, Liszt and Berlioz. From this developed his personal standpoint, which always pursues the connection between the old and the new. / Date parution : 2023-08-12/ Répertoire / Concert Band/Harmonie
406.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Enemy God And The Dance Of The Spirits (PROKOFIEV SERGEI)
The Enemy God And The Dance Of The Spirits (PROKOFIEV SERGEI)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
De Haske Publications
Par PROKOFIEV SERGEI. The Russian ballet director Sergei Diaghilev commissioned ...
Par PROKOFIEV SERGEI. The Russian ballet director Sergei Diaghilev commissioned many composers to write music for the theatre. This was what caused Serge Prokofiev to compose the four part Scytische Suite (also known as Ala and Lolli) in 1916, from which The Enemy God and the Dance of the Spirits can be heard on this CD. This suite is one of Prokofiev's first works, and received negative criticism following its first performance on account of its being 'uncivilised'. Prokofiev himself wrote after this first performance '. . . The timpani player beat the skin of the timpani to tatters, and the whole orchestra voiced a protest. A cellist complained that he only put up with the violence, createdby the blaring brass, on account of his sick wife and three children. . . '. / Niveau : 5 / Pièce de concert / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
189.81 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Earl Of Oxford's March (BYRD WILLIAM)
The Earl Of Oxford's March (BYRD WILLIAM)
Orchestre d'harmonie
Anglo Music
Arr. Philip Sparke. Par BYRD WILLIAM. The Battell was written during the late 14...
Arr. Philip Sparke. Par BYRD WILLIAM. The Battell was written during the late 14th Century when England was in a mood of national celebration after victory over the Spanish and French Armadas. The movement which Byrd called Marche Before The Battell became known as The Earl of Oxford?s Marchand it appears with that title in an early manuscript copy of the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Written while Byrd was at the height of his powers, it still stirs the soul to this day. A perfect opener for your concert performances. / Niveau : 4 / Transcription / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
29.30 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
The Earl Of Oxford's March (BYRD WILLIAM)
The Earl Of Oxford's March (BYRD WILLIAM)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
Anglo Music
Arr. Philip Sparke. Par BYRD WILLIAM. The Battell was written during the late 14...
Arr. Philip Sparke. Par BYRD WILLIAM. The Battell was written during the late 14th Century when England was in a mood of national celebration after victory over the Spanish and French Armadas. The movement which Byrd called Marche Before The Battell became known as The Earl of Oxford?s Marchand it appears with that title in an early manuscript copy of the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book. Written while Byrd was at the height of his powers, it still stirs the soul to this day. A perfect opener for your concert performances. / Niveau : 4 / Transcription / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
151.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Festa Paesana (DE HAAN JACOB)
Festa Paesana (DE HAAN JACOB)
Orchestre d'harmonie
[Conducteur et Parties séparées]
De Haske Publications
Par DE HAAN JACOB. Lunteren, a village on the Veluwe (a wooded region in the Net...
Par DE HAAN JACOB. Lunteren, a village on the Veluwe (a wooded region in the Netherlands), sets the scene annually for a village festival dominated by folklore. Festa Paesana (Italian for village festival) is set to music by several folkloric sketches. The theme in Festa Paesana is partly based on a Dutch anthem (Wien Neerlands bloed); when other lyrics are used it is also known as the Lunteren anthem. The work begins with a festive introduction, completed by chimes and drums, in which pieces of the Lunteren anthem are heard. The music then transitions to represent a horse auction. We hear horses run their first rounds in the auction ring while being whipped. The following theme is partly basedon the anthem. The tension of the traditional auction is amplified by an ever-increasing cadence, reaching its climax when the word ?Sold!? is shouted. The night ends with a majestic variation on the Lunteren anthem. The next morning, when the tower clock hits seven times, the village is awaked by the reveille of the heralds. In a fugatic version of the anthem, we can hear the village slowly come to life. This evolves with the chiming of all towers in the village; the celebration can begin. Carriages drawn by horses rumble through the village and thus, it is easy to hear when a horse hesitates or runs amuck. A traditional folk dance group then dances a whirling waltz while the audience shares their pleasure. Musicians march along the scene and take over the waltz theme in their march. Until deep in the night, the musicians are still heard playing in the streets. Meanwhile, we hear the anthem theme being played in a choral variation (in minor). The first time it is played quietly, as a preparation for Sunday. Then it is played in a celebrating way, enabling the devout village residents to remember the past pleasant celebration with satisfaction. / Niveau : 3 / Pièce de concert / Répertoire / Concert Band ou Harmonie
206.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Works for Wind Orchestra (HINDEMITH PAUL)
Works for Wind Orchestra (HINDEMITH PAUL)
Orchestre d'harmonie
Par HINDEMITH PAUL. The work of Paul Hindemith is encyclopedic in nature. From t...
Par HINDEMITH PAUL. The work of Paul Hindemith is encyclopedic in nature. From the outset, he worked in all musical genres and devised several of his musical ideas and projects not as individual, self-contained works but as work cycles with different functional relationships. These contrasting pieces complement each other if experienced as part of the overall structure. Hindemith himself not only wanted a complete edition of his collected works but had begun planning it; at his death he left a detailed list of ?Unpublished pieces for an eventual complete edition?. The Complete Works contain all finished works in all extant versions, newly engraved for the edition. Sketches and fragments are published in appendices of the relevant volume, and are evaluated in the Introduction and Critical Commentary by the respective volume editor. Each volume contains a preface by the editorial directors and an introduction by the volume editor, delineating the genesis and performance history of the work, with authentic performance instructions, an evaluation of extant recordings by Paul Hindemith himself and a Critical Commentary. The Complete Works of Paul Hindemith are thus presented in a critical, scholarly edition which is equally appropriate for study and performance. Hindemith researchers will welcome the numerous first publications of works by the composer, and practical musicians will appreciate the newly prepared, philologically ordered performance material. / Date parution : 2022-07-30/ Recueil / Concert Band
204.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
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