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26 823
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73 910
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Vous avez sélectionné:
For He
Violon et Piano
Piano, Voix et Guitare (9395)
Piano seul (7623)
Orchestre d'harmonie (4193)
Formation musicale - Solfège (3918)
Guitare notes et tablatures (2367)
Guitare (2235)
Piano, Voix (1660)
Violon et Piano (1562)
Chorale SATB (1547)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (1266)
Violon (1251)
Orchestre (1071)
Flûte traversière et Piano (1005)
Ensemble de cuivres (1003)
Orgue (932)
Divers (923)
Flûte traversière (906)
Clarinette (728)
Fanfare (697)
Orchestre à Cordes (695)
Trompette (658)
Paroles et Accords (612)
Violoncelle (563)
Saxophone Alto (557)
Piano Facile (540)
Batterie (539)
1 Piano, 4 mains (518)
Basse electrique (491)
Orchestre de chambre (486)
Soli, choeur mixte et accompag… (477)
Violoncelle, Piano (455)
Ukulele (450)
Clarinette et Piano (449)
Saxophone (437)
Clavier (385)
Voix seule (384)
Chorale 3 parties (381)
Ligne De Mélodie, (Paroles) e… (345)
Tous Les Instruments (325)
Trombone (324)
Alto seul (303)
Accordéon (289)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (287)
Piano et Orchestre (272)
Chorale (260)
Instruments en Do (252)
Saxophone Tenor (240)
Trompette, Piano (235)
Théorie de la musique (219)
Ensemble Jazz (214)
Flûte à Bec (214)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (210)
Orchestre, Violon (208)
Cor (208)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (199)
Alto, Piano (186)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (176)
Voix haute, Piano (163)
Banjo (162)
Mandoline (158)
Biographie (149)
Parties Orchestrales (147)
Instruments en Sib (146)
Harpe (146)
2 Violons (duo) (144)
Chant (142)
Contre Basse (140)
Ensemble à vent (139)
Chorale 2 parties (137)
Violoncelle, Orchestre (132)
Voix Soprano, Piano (128)
Hautbois (127)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (126)
Ensemble A Vent (122)
Conducteur (122)
Flûte et Guitare (119)
Voix basse, Piano (118)
Tuba (116)
DVD concert (116)
Harmonica (113)
Cor et Piano (108)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (106)
Opéra (101)
Percussion (100)
Trio à Cordes: violon, alto, … (99)
Voix Soprano, Orchestre (97)
Clavecin (97)
Trombone et Piano (95)
Voix moyenne, Piano (92)
Voix d'Enfants (90)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (87)
Voix Baryton, Piano (85)
Flûte à bec Soprano (84)
Instruments en Mib (82)
Voix Tenor, Piano (81)
Quintette de Cuivres: 2 trompe… (80)
Voix, Guitare (80)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (79)
Piano Quintette: piano, 2 viol… (79)
Chorale TTBB (77)
Partition de Poche (76)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano, Piano (75)
Basson (75)
CD (73)
Eveil Musical (73)
Violon 1 (6 parts) Violon 2 (6… (72)
2 Guitares (duo) (72)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (70)
Educatif (68)
Concert Band/Harmonie (66)
2 Saxophones (duo) (65)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (64)
Saxophone et Piano (64)
Papeterie (63)
Flûte à bec Alto (62)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (61)
Partitions De Groupes (61)
Ensemble de Flûtes (60)
Dictées Musicales (60)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (59)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (58)
Accompagnement Piano (57)
Piano, Voix, Guitare tablature… (57)
Tuba ou Euphonium ou Saxhorn (56)
Flûte traversière, Orchestre… (56)
Basson, Piano (duo) (53)
Dulcimer (53)
Chorale SSAA (52)
Diverses Formations (51)
Quatuor de Cuivres (50)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (50)
Chorale SSAATTBB (45)
Voix et Orchestre (44)
Flûte irlandaise (43)
Caisse Claire (43)
Clarinette, Orchestre (42)
Ensemble d'Accordéons (41)
Guitare Electrique (41)
Travaux Pour Choeurs (41)
Chorale SSATB (40)
Trio à Cordes (40)
2 Trompettes (duo) (39)
2 Flûte à bec (duo) (39)
Bass Clef Instruments (37)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Piano (37)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (36)
Ensemble d'École (36)
Quintette à vent (35)
Scores (35)
Euphonium Ou Saxhorn Et Piano (35)
Voix Soprano (35)
Instrumentation Flexible (35)
Tuba et Piano (35)
Trio de Flûtes: 3 flûtes (34)
Partie séparée (33)
Quintette à Cordes (33)
Marimba (33)
Trio avec Piano (32)
Balalaika (31)
Voix duo, Piano (31)
Fanfare Band (31)
Contes et comptines (31)
Alto et orchestre (31)
DVD Opéra et Ballets (31)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, In… (30)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (30)
Quatuor de Flûtes : 4 flûtes… (30)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (29)
Flûte, Hautbois, Clarinette, … (28)
Ensemble Instrumental et Petit… (28)
Quatuor de Flûtes à bec (28)
2 Hautbois, 2 Clarinettes, 2 B… (28)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (28)
Guitare, Quatuor à cordes (28)
Livret (28)
Conducteur de poche, d'étude (28)
Flûte, Violoncelle, Piano (tr… (27)
Accessoire (27)
Quintette avec Piano (27)
Guitare (Fingerpick) (27)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (27)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, vio… (26)
Orchestre d'harmonie, Chorale-… (26)
2 Altos (duo) (26)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ba… (26)
Clavecin et Cordes (25)
Harpe, Flûte (duo) (25)
Voix haute (25)
Big band (25)
Chorale, Orchestre (25)
Viole de Gambe (25)
2 Clarinettes, 2 Violons, Orgu… (24)
2 Hautbois, 3 Trompettes, Timb… (24)
Choeur Mixte (SATTB/SATTB), So… (24)
Exemplaire Complet (24)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (24)
2 Trombones (duo) (24)
Ensemble (24)
Percussions (24)
Piano Quintette: piano, violon… (24)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Piano… (23)
Piano grosses notes (23)
Saxophone Ténor et Piano (23)
Parties Supplémentaires (23)
Chorale Unison (23)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (23)
Voix basse (22)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (22)
Chant et Guitare (22)
Piano, Guitare (duo) (22)
Voix Tenor (22)
Piano, Guitare (grilles d'acco… (22)
Ensemble de Percussions (21)
Quintette de Cuivres (21)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (21)
Clarinette Basse (21)
Violon, Basse continue (21)
Voix Mezzo-Soprano (21)
Voix Mixtes (21)
Timbales (21)
Guitare, Orchestre (21)
Saxhorn ou Euphonium (20)
1 Piano, 6 mains (20)
Luth (20)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (19)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Guitare et Musique de Chambre (19)
Saxophone Baryton (19)
Matériel D'Orchestre (19)
Vibraphone (19)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse (duo)… (18)
Guitare Tab, Voix, Basse, Batt… (18)
Violon, Alto (duo) (18)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trombone… (18)
Partition D'Orchestre (18)
Euphonium (18)
Voix Moyenne (18)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (18)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (18)
Clavier ou Orgue Electronique (17)
Trio à cordes: 3 violins (17)
Orchestre Symphonique (17)
Voix Mixtes SAB et Piano (17)
Solistes STBB, Choeur SATTBB, … (17)
Guitare Pedal Steel (17)
Film musical (17)
Alto (Viole) (17)
Clarinette et Orchestre (17)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (17)
Flûte à bec Alto, Basse cont… (17)
Balalaïka Et Piano (17)
Ensemble Mixte (17)
Batterie et Percussions (17)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (16)
2 Violons, Violoncelle et Orgu… (16)
Hautbois, Violin, Alto et Viol… (16)
2 Violons et Violoncelle ou 3 … (16)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et C… (16)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (16)
2 Violons et 2 Violoncelles (16)
Flûte à bec Alto, Piano (16)
Quintette de Clarinette: Clari… (16)
Basse electrique, Batterie (16)
Trompette, Orchestre (16)
Piccolo (16)
Livres (16)
Solo SATB, Choeur SATB, Hautbo… (15)
Voix Baryton (15)
Hautbois et Orchestre (15)
Tuba Solo (15)
Dobro (15)
Choeur SATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Cla… (15)
Cajon (15)
Guitare Flatpick et Plectre (15)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (15)
Petit Ensemble Contemporain (14)
Soli et Orchestre (14)
Clavier Electronique et Ligne … (14)
Piccolo, Piano (14)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (14)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (14)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (14)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (14)
2 Bassons (duo) (14)
Ensemble de guitares (14)
Violon, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (13)
Choeur Mixte (SATB/SATB), Soli… (13)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (13)
3 Saxophones (trio) (13)
Piano, Basse, Batterie (trio) (13)
Voix duo (13)
DVD Spectacles (13)
Aucune valeur (13)
4 Guitares (Quatuor) (13)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SSATB, 2… (12)
Clarinette et Quatuor à Corde… (12)
Violon ou Violoncelle, Violonc… (12)
Hautbois, Clarinette et Basson… (12)
Quintette à cordes : 2 violon… (12)
Quatuor de Cuivres: 2 trompett… (12)
Quatuor à Cordes et Quintette… (12)
Flûte Traversière ou Flûte … (12)
3 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (12)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (12)
Quintette (12)
Baryton ou Tuba et Brass Band (12)
Saxophone et Orchestre (12)
Guitare Flatpick et Fingerpick… (12)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (12)
Choeur d'Enfants, Flûte Trave… (12)
Ukulélé Soprano (12)
Flûte, Clarinette (duo) (12)
Choeur d'Enfants à 2 Parties … (12)
3 Guitares (trio) (12)
3 Hautbois et Cor Anglais (12)
Cor en Fa (12)
Cor, Orchestre (12)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (12)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Cl… (11)
Solo A, Choeur SATB/SATB, 2 Or… (11)
Violoncelle, Basse continue (11)
Orgue, Piano (duo) (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Solo B, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (11)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (11)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, Tro… (11)
Accordéon - Piano, Voix, Guit… (11)
Solistes SBar, Choeur SATB, 2 … (11)
Partition D'Orchestre In 16 Po… (11)
Guitare Tablatures Electrique (11)
Documentaire (11)
Cornet et Brass Band (11)
Ocarina (11)
Saxophone (partie séparée) (11)
Cornemuse (11)
Violon 1 (11)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (11)
Quatuor (10)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Alto, Violoncelle (duo) (10)
Solistes SST, Choeur SSAATB, 2… (10)
Gemischter Chor (SATB) und Orc… (10)
Cor anglais, Piano (10)
Guitare Tablatures Classique (10)
Base Musicale (10)
Choeur Mixte et Orchestre (10)
3 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (10)
Solistes SAT, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (10)
Solistes SB, Choeur SATB, 2 Ha… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (10)
Cor en Mib (10)
Solistes STBarB, Choeur SATB, … (10)
Orgue, 2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 V… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Trompette et Concert Band ou H… (10)
Orgue, Trompette (duo) (10)
Choeur SSAATTBB, 2 Cornetti, 3… (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Choeur et Orchestre (10)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (10)
Ensemble à Cordes (10)
Choeur SATB et Orchestre (10)
Instruments à Vent (10)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (10)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (10)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (10)
Quintet à cordes (9)
Solistes SST, Choeur SATB/SATB… (9)
Choeur SATB/SATB, (Instruments… (9)
2 Violons Solo, 2 Violons, Alt… (9)
4 Violoncelles (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (9)
Orchestre: Solistes SATB, Choe… (9)
Solistes, Choeur SATB, 2 Flût… (9)
Trombone et orchestre (9)
Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes Travers… (9)
Bugle (9)
Sextuor à Cordes (9)
Solistes S (A) TB, Choeur SATB… (9)
Solistes, Choeur Mixte (SATB) … (9)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Flûtes… (9)
Violon, Ensembles de Cordes et… (9)
4 Compagnons, 4 Voleurs, Direc… (9)
Solo S, 2 Hautbois ou 2 Flûte… (9)
Orchestre: Choeur SSA, Flûte … (9)
Saxhorn en Sib Basse Continue (9)
Opéra Full Score (9)
Saxhorn en Sib (9)
Violon 2 (9)
Clarinette Basse, Piano (9)
2 Violons, Piano (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 3 … (9)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, 3 F… (9)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (9)
Percussions Diverses (9)
Concert Band et Solistes (9)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (9)
Guitare et Voix (9)
Choeur de Femmes (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
CD only (9)
Clarinette en Sib (1 Partition… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Ba… (8)
Violoncelle, Orgue (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
2 Flûtes à Bec Soprano, Flû… (8)
Ensemble De Contrebasse (8)
Orgue, Instruments Cuivre et P… (8)
Solistes SS, 2 Altos, 2 Violon… (8)
Saxophone Soprano, Saxophone A… (8)
Solo A, Choeur SATB, 2 Hautboi… (8)
Solo ST (T) B, Choeur SATB, Ha… (8)
Clarinette en Sib 1 Clarinette… (8)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Combo… (8)
Solistes ST, Choeur SSAATB, 2 … (8)
Solistes ATB, Choeur SATB, (Tr… (8)
Trompette Sib, Cor en Fa, Trom… (8)
Clarinette, Violon et Piano (8)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (8)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Choeur (8)
Musique De Chambre, Voix Et Ba… (8)
Clarinette et Orchestre à Cor… (8)
Hautbois, 2 Flûtes Traversiè… (8)
Clarinette, Violon, Violoncell… (8)
Solo Baryton, Choeur SATB, 2 H… (8)
Flûte Traversière, 2 Violons… (8)
Solo A, Timbales, Percussions … (8)
Solistes SATB, 2 Cors, 2 Violo… (8)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (8)
Ensemble de Bassons (8)
Guitare Classique et Fingerpic… (8)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Pian… (8)
Solistes SSAATTB, Choeur SATB,… (8)
Flûte Traversière (1 Partiti… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Hautbois (1 Partition) Violons… (8)
Flûte Traversière, Cor des A… (8)
String Quartet (8)
Solistes, 1-2stg Choeur d'Enfa… (8)
Harpe et Quintette à Cordes (… (8)
Violon, Violoncelle, Alto et C… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 4 … (8)
Trompette Sib (1 Partition) Vi… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (8)
Livre Musical (8)
Orchestre à Cordes et Percuss… (8)
Voix Et Instruments Divers (8)
Solo S, Flûte Traversière, 2… (8)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SATB, 2 F… (8)
Choeur D'Enfants (SSA) Et Pian… (8)
Harpe ou Piano et Violon (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
Clarinette, Piano, Violon et V… (8)
Trio à Cordes: 2 violons, alt… (8)
Hautbois 1 Clarinette en Sib 1… (8)
Quatuor à Cordes ou Orchestre… (8)
Harpe et Quatuor à Cordes (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (8)
4 Hautbois (8)
Choeur SSA, 2 Flûtes Traversi… (8)
2 Violons, 2 Altos et 2 Violon… (8)
Petit Orchestre: Récitant, So… (8)
Gemischter Chor (SSATB/SSATB/S… (8)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Basson (… (8)
Soprano, Alto, Cordes et Basse… (8)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tu… (8)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (8)
2 Hautbois, 2 Cors et 2 Basson… (8)
Trompette Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tr… (8)
Instrument seul et Orgue (8)
A Cappella (8)
Guitare Fingerpicking (8)
Hautbois, Quatuor à cordes (8)
Piano, Chant et Guitare Tablat… (8)
Voix d'Enfants, Instruments (8)
Euphonium, Piano (duo) (8)
Flûte, Violoncelle (8)
5 Solistes, Choeur(s) Et Orche… (8)
Fake Book (8)
Voix, Orgue (8)
Violon, Orgue (8)
Quintette de Saxophone: 5 saxo… (8)
Viole de Gambe, Basse continue… (8)
Ensemble Flexible (8)
Percussions et Concert Band ou… (8)
Percussion, Piano (duo) (8)
Ensemble de cuivres, Orgue (8)
Trio à Cordes: 3 violoncelles… (8)
Piano Trio: Violon, Alto, Pian… (7)
Solistes SSATB, Choeur SSATB, … (7)
SB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Orches… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, (a… (7)
Saxophone Soprano (7)
Solistes SSA, Choeur SSA, 2 Vi… (7)
Trombone et Brass Band (7)
Contrebasse, Orchestre (7)
Cornet et orchestre (7)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Alto, … (7)
Trombone ou Euphonium (7)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Viole de Ga… (7)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (7)
Solistes TT, 2 Violons, 2 Alto… (7)
Voix Et Orff-Instruments (7)
Clarinette Alto et Piano (7)
Accordéon et Orchestre (7)
Conga (7)
Chorale d'Enfants et Piano (7)
Tout Instrument (7)
Ensemble Instrumental (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Flûte Traversière et Cordes (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Or… (7)
Violon, Instruments à Cordes … (7)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Cornets à Bou… (7)
Flûte, Violon, Piano (7)
Saxophone Alto et Concert Band… (7)
Choeur Mixte a Cappella (7)
Piccolo, 2 Flûtes Traversièr… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Soprano (7)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Choeur SSATTB et Basse Continu… (7)
Harpe, Orchestre (7)
Guitare Tablatures Classique e… (7)
Soli (SATB), Choeur Mixte (SAT… (7)
Flûte, Trio Piano (basse, bat… (7)
Trompette en Sib (7)
Saxophone Soprano et Piano (7)
2 Clarinettes, Piano (7)
Basson, Orchestre (7)
Harmonie (7)
Baryton et Orchestre (7)
Marimba, Piano (duo) (7)
Chanson (7)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 cors (7)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (7)
Drums-Marching band (6)
Solo Ms, Flûte à Bec F1, 2 V… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants (6)
Instrument A Cordes (6)
3 Trombones et Fanfare (6)
2 Flûtes traversières, Violo… (6)
Paroles Seulement (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Petit Orchestre (6)
Solistes (STB), Choeur Mixte (… (6)
Solo S (T), Viola da braccio (… (6)
Guitare et Quintette à Cordes… (6)
Flûte Traversière et Orchest… (6)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes et Inst… (6)
Piano/Vocal/Guitare (PVG) (6)
Solo S (T), 2 ViolonS Basse Co… (6)
Solistes SSATBB, Choeur SATB/S… (6)
Choeur d'Enfants, Solistes, R… (6)
Choeur d'Hommes (TTBB) et Ense… (6)
Guitare, Flûte, Clarinette (6)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Violons… (6)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Pa… (6)
Flûte à Bec F1, 2 Violons et… (6)
Chorale, Orgue (6)
Orgue et Orchestre (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Solo S, 2 Violons, Alto et 2 V… (6)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons, Violon… (6)
Flûte, alto et harpe (6)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, (Ba… (6)
Choeur Mixte (SATB) Avec Alto … (6)
Euphonium Ensemble (6)
Flûte, Hautbois (duo) (6)
Solistes SS, Choeur SATB, 2 Vi… (6)
Concert Band / Harmonie (6)
Cordes (6)
2 Hautbois (duo) (6)
Batterie Fanfare En Mib (6)
Alto, Guitare (duo) (6)
Trombone (partie séparée) (6)
Musique de chambre (6)
Trio (6)
Baryton (6)
Violon Solo (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Fl… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Tr… (6)
Petit Choeur SATB et Choeur SA… (6)
Tuba et Brass Band (6)
Flûte à bec, Guitare (duo) (6)
Saxhorn en Sib en Clé de Sol … (6)
Solo B, Trompette, Violon, Alt… (6)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et Ch… (6)
Voix Hautes (6)
Cordes, Basse Continue et Inst… (6)
Clarinette, Orchestre et Piano… (6)
Piano Quatuor: piano, 2 violon… (6)
3 Tubas (6)
Gemischter Chor (SSAATBB) und … (6)
Trio de Cuivres (6)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (6)
Ensemble Divers (6)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (6)
Oud (6)
Trompette, Trombone (duo) (6)
Violon II (6)
Cornet A Pistons (6)
SATBasse (2 Grands Choeurs Mix… (6)
Trompette Solo (6)
Tous instruments (6)
Ensemble de saxophones (6)
Banjo Tenor (6)
Trombone Solo (6)
Piano et Orchestre à Cordes (6)
Solo S, Violon et Basse Contin… (5)
Ensemble d'Instruments à Vent… (5)
Choeur A L'Unisson Et Orgue (5)
Solo à (Ms), 2 Violons, Alto … (5)
Orchestre Scolaire (Piano Ad L… (5)
Violoncelle, Orchestre à Cord… (5)
Ensemble de cuivres, Percussio… (5)
Basse et Piano (5)
Solo à (S ou T), Choeur SATB,… (5)
Viole de Gambe Solo ou Alto ou… (5)
Concertina (5)
Solistes SA (TBar), Choeur SS … (5)
Flûte, Violon, Alto (5)
Solistes (SATB), Choeur Mixte … (5)
CD Chorale (5)
Quatuor avec Piano (5)
Trombone ou Tuba et Piano (5)
Quatuor à Vent : 4 instrument… (5)
2 Violons et Basse continue (5)
Quatuor Variable (5)
3 Hautbois (5)
Solo à (B), 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Violons et Bass… (5)
3 Percussions (5)
Entraînement Auditif (5)
5 Solistes, Choeur, Cordes et … (5)
Alto, Orgue (5)
Clarinette Solo (5)
Euphonium et orchestre (5)
Cloudlifter (5)
Cor en Mib et Brass Band (5)
2 Violons, 2 Altos, 2 Violonce… (5)
Solistes s ATB, Choeur SATB, 2… (5)
Solistes SAB, Choeur SATB, (2 … (5)
Voix et Piano Réduction (5)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (5)
Choeur SATB, 2 Clarinettes (2 … (5)
Solistes SA, Choeur SA (SAB), … (5)
Trompette 2 (5)
Flûte Traversière et Piccolo… (5)
Voix (5)
Instruments Divers (5)
Hautbois, Clarinette, 4 Violon… (5)
Guitare Acoustique (5)
Guitare Tablatures Country - S… (5)
Piano ou Orgue (5)
Flûte Traversière et Orgue (5)
2 Violoncelles, Piano (5)
Cloches (5)
Violon, 2 Violons 'Per Eco' et… (5)
Euphonium et Brass Band (5)
Violon, Alto, Violoncelle et O… (5)
Clarinette, Alto et Piano (5)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (5)
Piano et Clavier (5)
Choeur SATTB (5)
Voix et Instruments (5)
Soprano ou Ténor et Piano (5)
Trompette en Do ou et Trompett… (5)
Quatuor à cordes: 4 violons (5)
Choeur de Femmes (SMezA) (5)
DVD (5)
3 Trombones (trio) (5)
Voix, piano (5)
Alto Solo (5)
3 Trompettes (trio) (5)
Mezzo-Soprano et Orchestre (5)
Orchestre et Piano (5)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (5)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (5)
Guitare ou Luth (5)
Orff-Instruments (5)
Instruments A Vent (5)
Clarinette en Bb [Violon] et O… (4)
1 à 3 Solistes Ad Libitum, Ch… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec, 2 Cors, 2 Vi… (4)
Violon, Cor Anglais et Piano (4)
Livre DVD (4)
Violon, Contrebasse, Accordéo… (4)
Quatuor à Vents variable (4)
2 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (4)
2 Flûtes à Bec Alto ou Flût… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Cor de Basset, Vibraphone et G… (4)
Flûtes Traversières et Clari… (4)
Violon Ou Flûte, Violoncelle … (4)
Flûte à Bec F1, Violon et Ba… (4)
Clarinette Alto (4)
Choeur Mixte, Soprano et Orche… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Vibraphone et 2 Marimbas (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Clarine… (4)
Soprano, Choeur Mixte à 4 Voi… (4)
Children's Choeur 1 Piano (4)
Guitare, Violon, Mandoline, ba… (4)
Voix Soprano, Orgue (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte (2 parts) Clarinette en… (4)
Cor Anglais, 2 Violons et Viol… (4)
Violon, Clarinette (Alto) et P… (4)
Flûte et Mandoline (4)
Hautbois, Violon, Alto, Violon… (4)
C Trumpetor et Trompette Sib/C… (4)
3 Bassons (4)
Ensemble de Trompettes (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Cornet Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1 Tromb… (4)
Alto, Tuba et Electronique (4)
Flûte Traversière Clarinette… (4)
Hautbois et Cordes (4)
3 Trombones Ténor et 1 Trombo… (4)
2 Guitares, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec F1 (… (4)
Flûte Traversière Harpe et A… (4)
Violon, Viole et Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons et Clavecin (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Alto, Guitar… (4)
2 Altos de Gambe et Clavecin (4)
Violon, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Hautbois (Cor Anglais), Alto e… (4)
Violon, Piano et Vibraphone (4)
Clarinette, Piano et Quatuor … (4)
Trombone, Violoncelle et Piano… (4)
Hautbois, Instruments à Corde… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Piano (4)
Contrebasse, Orchestre à Cord… (4)
Violon et Clarinette (4)
Violoncelle Solo (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Violon, Violoncelle et 2 Piano… (4)
Basson, Violoncelle et Piano o… (4)
Violon, Cordes et Basse Contin… (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Saxophone Alto Solo (4)
Hautbois et Harpe (4)
Clarinette, Violon, Alto, Viol… (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Viole e… (4)
Percussion et Violoncelle (4)
Score (4)
Orchestre à Cordes, Guitare e… (4)
Violon, Trompette et Orchestre… (4)
2 Trompette en Dos 1 Cor en Fa… (4)
Orgue et Musique de Chambre (4)
2 Violons et Basse Continue ou… (4)
Piano, Piccolo, Flûte Travers… (4)
Clavier Et Autres Instruments (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Cor en Mi… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants (SSA) (4)
Quatuor ou Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Flûte, Alto et Piano (4)
Solistes STB, Choeur SATB, ou … (4)
Piano Trio: piano, violin, cel… (4)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (4)
Choeur D'Hommes Sans Accompagn… (4)
Clarinette (partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle, Contrebasse, Bass… (4)
Clarinette, Flûte Traversièr… (4)
Flûte à Bec, 2 Flûtes Trave… (4)
Flûte Traversière (Piccolo),… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto, 2 Violons … (4)
Basson et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Flûte Traversière ou Violon … (4)
Clarinette, Basson, Cor, 2 Vio… (4)
Basson, Clarinette, Orchestre … (4)
Clarinette, 2 Violons, Alto et… (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Enregistr… (4)
Flûte, Violon, Clavier (basse… (4)
Alto, Violon et Violoncelle (4)
Grande Formation (4)
Alto, Flûte Traversière (Aus… (4)
Guitare, Cordes et Orchestre (4)
Musique originale (4)
Quatuor à Cordes (Piano ad li… (4)
Violon (1 Partition) Violons 1… (4)
3 Violons, Alto et Violoncelle… (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres et Orgue (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Musi… (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SMezA) Et Pi… (4)
Orchestre à Cordes et Basse C… (4)
Trompette, Cordes et Basse Con… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Clarinett… (4)
3 Flûtes à Bec (SSA), Piano … (4)
Piano, Violoncelle et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Marimba e… (4)
Clarinette en La, Alto et Pian… (4)
Bois et Flûte Traversière et… (4)
Trompette ou Cornet, Euphonium… (4)
Trompette et Réduction pour P… (4)
Flûte, Clarinette et Accordé… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Hautbois, Cor… (4)
Flûte à Bec Alto et Basse Co… (4)
Piccolo / Flûte 1 (1 Partitio… (4)
Sextuor (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Accordéo… (4)
Voix et Orchestre à vent (4)
Trompette, Piano, Instruments … (4)
Accordéon et Quatuor à Corde… (4)
Hautbois Solo (4)
Clarinette et 4 Violoncelles (4)
Piano et Quintette à Cordes (4)
Ukulele Baryton (4)
Hautbois, Alto et Orchestre à… (4)
Alto, Violoncelle et Clavecin (4)
Baryton, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Cor, Basso… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Basson, V… (4)
Trio A Vent-Bois (4)
Flûte (Piccolo), Clarinette e… (4)
Clarinette Basse, Violoncelle … (4)
Orchestre D'Harmonie avec Soli… (4)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: Clarin… (4)
3 Violons, Bas Viol et Basse C… (4)
Accordéon, Vibraphone et Mari… (4)
Trompette Solo, Orchestre à C… (4)
Ensemble à Cordes Flexible et… (4)
4 Tubas (4)
Flute, Violin, Cello and Piano… (4)
Piano, 2 Violons, Alto, Violon… (4)
ENS::Ensemble (4)
Cor, Trombone et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano, Vio… (4)
2 Violons, 2 Violoncelles et B… (4)
Trompette (partie séparée) (4)
2 Pianos et Orchestre (4)
6 Voix (SSATTB) (4)
Piano, Clavier ou Orgue (4)
Quatuor à Cordes et Electroni… (4)
Flûte et Basson (4)
Flûte Traversière Orchestre … (4)
Piano, Violon et Orgue (4)
Piano, Violon et Cor ou Alto o… (4)
Soli [AT] et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière Basson et … (4)
4 Instruments à Vent (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Violoncelle, Alto et Violon (4)
Flûte Traversière, Violon et… (4)
Choeur SATB, Orgue, Saxophone … (4)
Clarinette, Saxophone, Trompet… (4)
Petit Orchestre, Basson, Clari… (4)
Violoncelle et 2 Pianos (4)
3 Pianos (4)
Cor et Orgue (4)
2 Flûtes Traversières et Fl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Alto et V… (4)
Clarinette en Sib, 2 Violons, … (4)
2 Trompettes Sib 1 Cor en Fa 1… (4)
Guitare, Harpe (4)
Quatuor à Cordes/Trio Pour Co… (4)
Flûte Traversière hautbois o… (4)
Mezzo-Soprano, Flûte Alto, Al… (4)
Choeur d'Enfants et Piano (4)
Flûte Traversière (Ensemble … (4)
Trombone (1 Partition) Violons… (4)
Flûte, Saxophone Ténor et Pi… (4)
Chamber Orchestra (4)
Clarinette Basse et Violoncell… (4)
Saxophone et Orgue (4)
Violon, Alto Et Orchestre (4)
Livre CD (4)
Orgue, Cordes, Cuivres et Timb… (4)
Violoncelle et Cordes (4)
Violon, Guitare et Accordéon (4)
Flûte à Bec Solo (4)
Basson et Concert Band ou Harm… (4)
Clarinette en Sib et Violon et… (4)
Flûte [Piccolo], Hautbois, Cl… (4)
Flûte Traversière, Guitare, … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Trombone en Sib Basse Continue… (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle o… (4)
Guitare et Orchestre de Chambr… (4)
2 Violons, Orchestre à Cordes… (4)
Cor en Fa Solo (4)
Orgue et Concert Band ou Harmo… (4)
2 Guitares et Orchestre (4)
5 Instruments à Vent (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette en A, Bas… (4)
2 Violons, Alto ou Violon et V… (4)
Ligne De Mélodie, Piano (4)
Carillon (4)
Hautbois et Orchestre à Corde… (4)
Trompette et Cordes (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle, Percu… (4)
Clarinette, Basson et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Basson et Piano (4)
Percussions et Orchestre (4)
Flûte Traversière, Clarinett… (4)
Flûte Traversière Violon ou … (4)
2 Voix et Piano (4)
Violoncelle et Quintette à ve… (4)
Voix solo - piano (4)
Flûte traversière basse (4)
Quatuor de Cuivres, Orgue et V… (4)
Ligne Mélodique, Paroles Et A… (4)
Concert Band/Harmonie et Corne… (4)
Flûte Traversière Ou Hautboi… (4)
Clavier ou Piano (4)
Guitare Acoustique Tablatures (4)
Quintette à Cordes (Fac-simil… (4)
Clavier et Synthétiseur (4)
Set de Cordes (4)
Violoncelle et Orchestre de Ch… (4)
Choeur et Piano (4)
Flûte à Bec Basse ou Flûte … (4)
Flûte Traversière Alto et Gu… (4)
Clarinette, Violoncelle et Pia… (4)
Mandoline I, Mandoline II, Man… (4)
Voix, Clarinette, Piano (4)
Quatuor de Saxophones (SATBar)… (4)
Hautbois, Violon ou 2 Violons … (4)
Instruments Acoustiques (4)
Orchestre de Chambre, Alto et … (4)
Mandoline, Guitare et Harpe (4)
Flûte et Trio à cordes (4)
Clarinette en A, Flûte Traver… (4)
Cor et Brass Band (4)
Solo S, Choeur SATB, 2 Clarine… (4)
Violon, Clarinette, Violoncell… (4)
Violon, Alto ou Violoncelle (4)
Flûte Traversière, Flûte Tr… (4)
Trompette, Saxophone, Piano, B… (4)
Violon et Clarinette en Sib et… (4)
Trombone en Sib (4)
Violon et Marimba (4)
Hautbois, Clarinette, Cor et B… (4)
Flûte à Bec, Guitare et Tamb… (4)
Flûte Traversière et Trio à… (4)
Harmonica Chromatique (4)
1 Instrument Clé de Sol en Mi… (4)
Ensemble Flexible à 5 Parties… (4)
Violon et Orchestre de Chambre… (4)
Voix Soprano, Violoncelle (4)
2 Violons, Alto, Violoncelle e… (4)
Choeur de Femmes (SSA) et Pian… (4)
Violon 1, Violon 2, Alto, Viol… (4)
Partition D'Orchestre In 8 (4)
Flûte Traversière Hautbois, … (4)
Xylophone (4)
Violon, Cordes et Electronique… (4)
Flute (partie séparée) (4)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, 2 … (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois … (4)
Guitare Classique et Orchestre… (4)
Cor Anglais (4)
Flûte Traversière Cordes et … (4)
Ensemble flexible à 4 parties… (4)
Streichorchester (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Alto et Vi… (4)
4 Clarinettes en Sib et Clarin… (4)
Harpe, Voix (4)
Littérature Musicale (4)
Choeur De Femmes (SA) (4)
Violon, Violoncelle, Guqin et … (4)
Alto (Partie séparée) (4)
Violoncelle (Partie Séparée)… (4)
Conducteur De Poche (4)
Fiddle (4)
Soprano et Ensemble (4)
Livres Education (4)
Flûte Traversière, Hautbois,… (4)
Fac-similé (4)
Grand Ensemble Contemporain et… (4)
Violon I (4)
Mandoline, Guitare (duo) (4)
Guitare et Basse Tablatures, A… (4)
Marches militaires (4)
Quatuor de cuivres: 4 trompett… (4)
Choeur et ensemble vocal (4)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] et Orchest… (4)
Soprano, Clarinette et Piano (4)
Violon, Harpe et Ensemble de C… (4)
Ukulélé Baryton (4)
SSA et Piano (4)
2 Accordéons (4)
Choeur Mixte Et Instruments Di… (4)
Djembe (4)
Alto (4)
Etudes (4)
Trompette ou Bugle et Piano (4)
Flûte, Clarinette, Piano (tri… (3)
Orchestre Juniors (3)
Choeur SA Et Piano (3)
Concert Band ou Harmonie et 3 … (3)
Solo S (T), Flûte à Bec et B… (3)
Piano, Guitare, Basse (3)
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2 vendeurs
Sonata Movement For Violin And Piano C Minor Woo 2
Sonata Movement For Violin And Piano C Minor Woo 2
Violon et Piano
Johannes Brahms:The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositi...
Johannes Brahms:The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositions for one instrument and piano have been standards in chamber music literature ever since their inception. These works were written with specific performers in mind and Brahms worked closely with them when refining the final texts. Nevertheless, we rarely approach the music taking into consideration the possibilities of the instruments for which Brahms wrote or the performing practices of the individual players who first performed these compositions, including Brahms himself.The New Urtext EditionsBärenreiter's pioneering new scholarly-critical editions of Brahms' works for one instrument and piano are edited by a team of musicologists who are also performers. They offer today's musicians not just a reliable musical text based on all known sources, but also a comprehensive approach to the works, which aims to place them in their historical context and to elucidate the complex of meanings that the composer wished his notation to convey to performers.In addition to the musical text these editions offer an informative Introduction laying out the genesis, publication history and reception of the works. At the same time there is a complete list of the sources, an explanation of the editorial procedures and a Critical Commentary. Also, each volume contains a detailed discussion of specific performing practice issues raised by individual works.An integral part of Bärenreiter's Brahms publication complex is a text booklet which approaches general performance practice issues of the 19th century with regard to e.g. tempo, rubato, rhythmic flexibility and articulation. Furthermore musicians will find valuable information concerning vibrato, portamento and bowing. Last but not least characteristics of Brahms' own piano playing as well as that of his circle and contemporaries are discussed.The violin and viola sonata editions come not only with an Urtext part freed from all editorial emendations, but also with an additional part including fingering and bowing based on the practices of Joseph Joachim and his colleagues. These markings especially draw on publications of the sonatas edited by Joachim's pupils Leopold Auer and Ossip Schnirlin as well as those by Brahms' associate Franz Kneisel. A similar approach has been used for the violoncello sonatas, drawing on performance markings by Robert Hausmann (for whom Brahms wrote the Sonata in F major), Hugo Becker, with whom Brahms performed it, and Julius Klengel who was also close to his circle.Bärenreiter's new Brahms complex also importantly brings two neglected works back into the player's hands, namely the splendid versions of the op. 120 sonatas, originally written for viola or clarinet and piano. Brahms' arrangements for violin and piano unaccountably disappeared from the standard repertoire early in the 20th century. In these versions Brahms did not simply adjust the solo part for the violin, he made many alterations to the piano part, casting thought-provoking light on the clarinet and viola versions.- A pioneering set of Urtext editions- String editions include an Urtext solo part and a second part with fingering as well as performance markings- Each edition offers a preface on performance practice aspects pertaining to the respective works- A separate text booklet includes pioneering texts on general issues of performance practice in the 19th century as well as on specific issues with regard to Johannes Brahms' chamber music / Violon Et Piano
15.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Sonata For Violin And Piano A Major Op. 100
Sonata For Violin And Piano A Major Op. 100
Violon et Piano
Johannes Brahms:The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositi...
Johannes Brahms:The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositions for one instrument and piano have been standards in chamber music literature ever since their inception. These works were written with specific performers in mind and Brahms worked closely with them when refining the final texts. Nevertheless, we rarely approach the music taking into consideration the possibilities of the instruments for which Brahms wrote or the performing practices of the individual players who first performed these compositions, including Brahms himself.The New Urtext EditionsBärenreiter's pioneering new scholarly-critical editions of Brahms' works for one instrument and piano are edited by a team of musicologists who are also performers. They offer today's musicians not just a reliable musical text based on all known sources, but also a comprehensive approach to the works, which aims to place them in their historical context and to elucidate the complex of meanings that the composer wished his notation to convey to performers.In addition to the musical text these editions offer an informative Introduction laying out the genesis, publication history and reception of the works. At the same time there is a complete list of the sources, an explanation of the editorial procedures and a Critical Commentary. Also, each volume contains a detailed discussion of specific performing practice issues raised by individual works.An integral part of Bärenreiter's Brahms publication complex is a text booklet which approaches general performance practice issues of the 19th century with regard to e.g. tempo, rubato, rhythmic flexibility and articulation. Furthermore musicians will find valuable information concerning vibrato, portamento and bowing. Last but not least characteristics of Brahms' own piano playing as well as that of his circle and contemporaries are discussed.The violin and viola sonata editions come not only with an Urtext part freed from all editorial emendations, but also with an additional part including fingering and bowing based on the practices of Joseph Joachim and his colleagues. These markings especially draw on publications of the sonatas edited by Joachim's pupils Leopold Auer and Ossip Schnirlin as well as those by Brahms' associate Franz Kneisel. A similar approach has been used for the violoncello sonatas, drawing on performance markings by Robert Hausmann (for whom Brahms wrote the Sonata in F major), Hugo Becker, with whom Brahms performed it, and Julius Klengel who was also close to his circle.Bärenreiter's new Brahms complex also importantly brings two neglected works back into the player's hands, namely the splendid versions of the op. 120 sonatas, originally written for viola or clarinet and piano. Brahms' arrangements for violin and piano unaccountably disappeared from the standard repertoire early in the 20th century. In these versions Brahms did not simply adjust the solo part for the violin, he made many alterations to the piano part, casting thought-provoking light on the clarinet and viola versions.- A pioneering set of Urtext editions- String editions include an Urtext solo part and a second part with fingering as well as performance markings- Each edition offers a preface on performance practice aspects pertaining to the respective works- A separate text booklet includes pioneering texts on general issues of performance practice in the 19th century as well as on specific issues with regard to Johannes Brahms' chamber music / Violon Et Piano
17.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Sonata For Violin And Piano D Minor Op. 108
Sonata For Violin And Piano D Minor Op. 108
Violon et Piano
The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositions for one inst...
The Works for one Instrument and PianoJohannes Brahms' compositions for one instrument and piano have been standards in chamber music literature ever since their inception. These works were written with specific performers in mind and Brahms worked closely with them when refining the final texts. Nevertheless, we rarely approach the music taking into consideration the possibilities of the instruments for which Brahms wrote or the performing practices of the individual players who first performed these compositions, including Brahms himself.The New Urtext EditionsBärenreiter's pioneering new scholarly-critical editions of Brahms' works for one instrument and piano are edited by a team of musicologists who are also performers. They offer today's musicians not just a reliable musical text based on all known sources, but also a comprehensive approach to the works, which aims to place them in their historical context and to elucidate the complex of meanings that the composer wished his notation to convey to performers.In addition to the musical text these editions offer an informative Introduction laying out the genesis, publication history and reception of the works. At the same time there is a complete list of the sources, an explanation of the editorial procedures and a Critical Commentary. Also, each volume contains a detailed discussion of specific performing practice issues raised by individual works.An integral part of Bärenreiter's Brahms publication complex is a text booklet which approaches general performance practice issues of the 19th century with regard to e.g. tempo, rubato, rhythmic flexibility and articulation. Furthermore musicians will find valuable information concerning vibrato, portamento and bowing. Last but not least characteristics of Brahms' own piano playing as well as that of his circle and contemporaries are discussed.The violin and viola sonata editions come not only with an Urtext part freed from all editorial emendations, but also with an additional part including fingering and bowing based on the practices of Joseph Joachim and his colleagues. These markings especially draw on publications of the sonatas edited by Joachim's pupils Leopold Auer and Ossip Schnirlin as well as those by Brahms' associate Franz Kneisel. A similar approach has been used for the violoncello sonatas, drawing on performance markings by Robert Hausmann (for whom Brahms wrote the Sonata in F major), Hugo Becker, with whom Brahms performed it, and Julius Klengel who was also close to his circle.Bärenreiter's new Brahms complex also importantly brings two neglected works back into the player's hands, namely the splendid versions of the op. 120 sonatas, originally written for viola or clarinet and piano. Brahms' arrangements for violin and piano unaccountably disappeared from the standard repertoire early in the 20th century. In these versions Brahms did not simply adjust the solo part for the violin, he made many alterations to the piano part, casting thought-provoking light on the clarinet and viola versions.- A pioneering set of Urtext editions- String editions include an Urtext solo part and a second part with fingering as well as performance markings- Each edition offers a preface on performance practice aspects pertaining to the respective works- A separate text booklet includes pioneering texts on general issues of performance practice in the 19th century as well as on specific issues with regard to Johannes Brahms' chamber music / Violon Et Piano
17.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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The Christmas Fiddler
The Christmas Fiddler
Violon et Piano
Boosey and Hawkes
Christmas fiddlers can draw on a rich and varied repertoire. This collection spa...
Christmas fiddlers can draw on a rich and varied repertoire. This collection spans seven centuries, from the boisterous medieval Song of the Ass to contemporary tunes like Sleigh ride, taking in such traditional carols as Away in a manger and O little town of Bethlehem along the way. There is music in The Christmas Fiddler from England, Wales, France, Germany and North America.Of course Christmas time is not only a religious festival. Much of the music here - the Welsh carol Deck the hall, the 'fireside' movement from The Four Seaons, the modern classic Chestnuts roasting on an open fire - is as much a celebration of the ancient secular festival of the Winter Solstice.The arrangements in this collection can be performed as solos or duets, or by larger ensembles. The keyboard accompaniments are there for a multitude of purposes, from concert performances to playing at home- and the violin accompaniments will be invaluable for those Christmas busking sessions.The full range of traditional fiddle repertoire is now at your fingertips! Using these generous collections, you can create your own ceilidh, barn dance, jazz club, Sarajevo street-café or Gypsy gathering. Some of this music is familiar, some more exotic, but all of it is absolutely authentic, faithfully arranged and, above all, hugely enjoyable. Each title in the series is available in two formats: the violin edition (with an optional easy violin part and guitar chord)- or the complete edition, which also includes both keyboard and violin accompaniments. Either format is hugely flexible, which means the music can be played as solos, duets or trios as well as with larger ensembles. Edward Huws Jones has travelled extensively researching fiddle-playing traditions. In each book he explains the background of the particular musical style, giving his own suggestions for a lively performance. And to help recreate the spirit of the music, every book in the series is beautifully illustrated. / Violon Et Guitare
21.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
Sonatas In F Minor And E-Flat Major For Violin And Piano
Sonatas In F Minor And E-Flat Major For Violin And Piano
Violon et Piano
Brahms had already announced his ?retirement' from composition when in the sprin...
Brahms had already announced his ?retirement' from composition when in the spring of 1894 he played chamber music with the cellist Robert Hausmann and the clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld. This encounter apparently renewed his enthusiasm for Mühlfeld's much admired playing and inspired him to write two clarinet sonatas in the summer of the same year. Brahms conceived an alternate version of the works for viola from the beginning and already before the publication of these two versions he intended to do another one for violin, a version which was to require changes and was to result in an independent edition. While the clarinet and viola versions have developed a rich performance tradition, the violin version is almost unknown. Yet for the violin version the composer revised the original clarinet part much more extensively than he did for the viola version and also rewrote the piano part to achieve a thoroughly convincing violin and piano idiom. This Bärenreiter edition aims to bring the neglected violin sonatas op. 120 back into players' hands.An important part of this edition is the extensive preface. Firstly it informs about the sonatas' origins, their compositional process, pre-publication performances, their publication history as well as early reception. Truly remarkable is the unique Performance Practice Commentary. Here the editors start from the premise that already a few decades after Brahms' death, a widening gulf developed between the composer's expectations and the performance practices of the early 20th century. On the basis of manifold sources which include memoirs by pupils and chamber music partners, treatises and essays, early instructive editions and historical recordings, the editors deal with key issues in understanding Brahms' notation. By a section-by-section analysis of rhythm and timing, dynamics and accentuation, dots and strokes, slurring and non legato, piano pedalling and overholding, piano arpeggiation and dislocation, string instrument fingering, string instrument harmonics and vibrato, the editors provide an indispensable assistance for a historically informed interpretation of the works.At the same time, the edition offers an exciting and often surprising insight into musical interpretation of the German Romantic Era in general.- A pioneering Urtext edition- With an unmarked Urtext part- With a second part including fingering and bowing based on the practices of contemporaries of Brahms- With an extensive Performance Practice Commentary- For further information on Romantic performance practice we recommend the text booklet: 'Performance Practices in Johannes Brahms' Chamber Music?, BA 9600 / Violon Et Piano
37.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Violon et Piano
Universal Edition
10 Easy Pieces. Par IGUDESMAN ALEKSEY. 'In the Zoo 2” is a further collection ...
10 Easy Pieces. Par IGUDESMAN ALEKSEY. 'In the Zoo 2” is a further collection of intermediate pieces for violin and piano by Aleksey Igudesman, depicting many of a child's favourite animals. Spanning from UK Grade 2 to 4, they will inspire young violinists to interpret the sounds and actions of the animals as notated by the composer and help them understand how abstract music can depict something very real. But what makes these compositions ingenious as teaching pieces is that, hidden within, are very useful technical studies. For example, in 'The Turtle”, steady bowing is needed to make a good tone in the long notes depicting this slow-moving creature. In 'The Crocodile”, short, staccato double stops (easy ones!) depict the snapping jaws and are contrasted with legato, sinuous passages as the animal creeps up on its prey! A clever piano part allows the teacher to support his or her young student and perhaps make a captivating concert piece for the end of term presentation. / Niveau : Facile / Recueil / Violon et Piano
21.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Concerto For Violin And Orchestra E Minor Op. 64 (MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX)
Concerto For Violin And Orchestra E Minor Op. 64 (MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX)
Violon et Piano
Piano Reduction Of The Well-Known Late 1845 Version. Par MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY F...
Piano Reduction Of The Well-Known Late 1845 Version. Par MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX. (replaces BA 9050-90) Mendelssohn' s Violin Concerto op. 64, is a key work of the 19th century, adhering to the classical style of Beethoven while pointing the way to the romantic ethos of Brahms. It has long been known that Mendelssohn performed the work with three soloists in succession: Ferdinand David, who worked closely with the composer during its composition and played it at the première- the 'child prodigy' Joseph Joachim- and Hubert Léonard, a young Belgian virtuoso about whom little is known. As proof sheets for the Violin Concerto in E minor were long considered lost, it could be described as somewhat of a sensation when proofs for the solo violin part resurfaced together with a letter from Mendelssohn to Léonard. The letter informs us that the composer invited Léonard to his home in Frankfurt in order to make his acquaintance. It was already known that Mendelssohn had given proof sheets to David- now we know that he also gave some to Léonard. The recently discovered proofs reveal how Léonard played the concerto with Mendelssohn on that memorable evening in February 1845. Besides containing bowing marks and fingering, they also show how Léonard executed shifts of position and where he employed open strings. Furthermore modifications made to dynamic markings and additional legato bowing are shown. It is safe to assume that all of this was done with Mendelssohn' s approval. That the young violinist made a positive impression on the composer is confirmed in the latter' s correspondence following their joint performance. Mendelssohn is full of praise for Léonard' s playing and offers to lend his support in finding employment in Germany. This revised edition of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto (only the orchestral parts remain unchanged) includes a separate booklet on performance practice. The editor, Clive Brown, is an acknowledged expert on Romantic performance practice. - New source situation owing to recently rediscovered proofs - Revised Urtext edition - With a separate booklet on performance practice (Eng/Ger)/ Répertoire / Violon et Piano
31.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Concerto For Violin And Orchestra E Minor Op. 64 (MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX)
Concerto For Violin And Orchestra E Minor Op. 64 (MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX)
Violon et Piano
Piano Reduction Of The Early 1844 Version. Par MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX. Mend...
Piano Reduction Of The Early 1844 Version. Par MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY FELIX. Mendelssohn' s Violin Concerto op. 64, is a key work of the 19th century, adhering to the classical style of Beethoven while pointing the way to the romantic ethos of Brahms. It has long been known that Mendelssohn performed the work with three soloists in succession: Ferdinand David, who worked closely with the composer during its composition and played it at the première- the 'child prodigy' Joseph Joachim- and Hubert Léonard, a young Belgian virtuoso about whom little is known. As proof sheets for the Violin Concerto in E minor were long considered lost, it could be described as somewhat of a sensation when proofs for the solo violin part resurfaced together with a letter from Mendelssohn to Léonard. The letter informs us that the composer invited Léonard to his home in Frankfurt in order to make his acquaintance. It was already known that Mendelssohn had given proof sheets to David- now we know that he also gave some to Léonard. The recently discovered proofs reveal how Léonard played the concerto with Mendelssohn on that memorable evening in February 1845. Besides containing bowing marks and fingering, they also show how Léonard executed shifts of position and where he employed open strings. Furthermore modifications made to dynamic markings and additional legato bowing are shown. It is safe to assume that all of this was done with Mendelssohn' s approval. That the young violinist made a positive impression on the composer is confirmed in the latter' s correspondence following their joint performance. Mendelssohn is full of praise for Léonard' s playing and offers to lend his support in finding employment in Germany. This revised edition of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto (only the orchestral parts remain unchanged) includes a separate booklet on performance practice. The editor, Clive Brown, is an acknowledged expert on Romantic performance practice. - New source situation owing to recently rediscovered proofs - Revised Urtext edition - With a separate booklet on performance practice (Eng/Ger)/ Répertoire / Violon et Piano
36.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
Violin Recital Album, Vol.1
Violin Recital Album, Vol.1
Violon et Piano
These two collections (BA 9668, BA 9669) give young students and teachers a rich...
These two collections (BA 9668, BA 9669) give young students and teachers a rich selection of recital pieces, either to complement the Sassmannshaus 'Early Start on the Violin? method or to play independently from it. As all the pieces are written entirely in first position, they can be used after just a few months of lessons.The piano part may be played by the teacher or an advanced student. As an alternative, the accompaniment can be played by a second violin.All the pieces are available in exemplary recordings on YouTube.From the contents of Volumes 1 and 2:Nursery rhymes, folksongs but also less well-known gems, as well as original pieces by the editors, all precisely tailored to meet the needs of young students.- New recital pieces for the tried and trusted Sassmannshaus violin method- All pieces written in first position- With a second violin part for duet performance- Available in freely accessible recordings on YouTubeKurt Sassmannshaus, the editor of a great many string editions in the Bärenreiter catalogue, continues the tradition founded by his father Egon Sassmannshaus in the 'Early Start? string methods. He developed these two new editions together with his wife Melissa Lusk and his son Christoph Sassmannshaus.Similar editions are in preparation for the cello. / Violon Et Piano
22.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Sonatinas For Piano And Violin Op. Post. 137 (SCHUBERT FRANZ)
Sonatinas For Piano And Violin Op. Post. 137 (SCHUBERT FRANZ)
Violon et Piano
G. Henle
Par SCHUBERT FRANZ. Tout jeune violoniste connaît les sonatines de Schubert pou...
Par SCHUBERT FRANZ. Tout jeune violoniste connaît les sonatines de Schubert pour violon et piano. Le titre de sona-tines remonte à l’édition posthume de 1836, Schubert lui-même les désignait par le terme de «sonates». La forme diminutive fut choisie sans doute parce que ces pièces ne sont en effet pas très difficiles, mais peut-être aussi pour des raisons commerciales. Leurs mélodies typi-quement schubertiennes et leur vivacité en font des oeuvres pour piano et violon particulière-ment appréciées qui ont toujours été un bestseller du catalogue des éditions Henle (sous l’«ancien» numéro d’édition: HN 6). Schubert les composa en 1816, c’est-à-dire à l’âge de 19 ans. La première édition diffèreparfois de manière assez importante du manuscrit autographe qui a été conservé fort heureusement dans sa totalité, hormis le finale de la 2e sonatine. La première édition a donc été utilisée comme source pour ce mouvement final. / Partition brochée / Répertoire / Violon et Piano
26.70 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Pop Performance Pieces
Pop Performance Pieces
Violon et Piano
Pop Performance Pieces includes 10 carefully selected contemporary and classic p...
Pop Performance Pieces includes 10 carefully selected contemporary and classic pop songs in special arrangements for Violin with a Piano accompaniment suitable for Grade 2-5 students, as well as teachers. With a Piano score, separate Violin part and performance hints and tips, these fun pieces will hone your skills and develop ensemble playing.These pieces present a fun alternative to graded exam material, and many are suitable for GCSE performance exams. The tunes will be familiar to most players, with classics like Simon and Garfunkel\'s Bridge Over Troubled Water and Elton John\'s Your Song, as well as contemporary pop songs like Adele\'s When We Were Young and Katy Perry\'s Firework. These 10 songs can be played in instrumental lessons, in the classroom and, of course, on stage. The separate booklet with the Violin part features tips by professional musicians, with some fingering guidance, while the Piano score also includes the tips, along with chord symbols and helpful fingering suggestions. / Violon Et Piano
22.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Violon et Piano
Carl Fischer
Par GERSHWIN GEORGE. Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987) and George Gershwin (1898-1937),...
Par GERSHWIN GEORGE. Jascha Heifetz (1901-1987) and George Gershwin (1898-1937), two of the best known figures in American music, were good friends and often played together. Heifetz had urged Gershwin to write a violin concerto for him, but unfortunately Gershwin died before the project got off the ground. These transcriptions by Heifetz are the next best thing. The five excerpts from Porgy and Bess'« and the Three Preludes are well known and Heifetz often played them as encores, but the substantial concert excerpt from An American in ParisTM has never been published before and may not have been performed by Heifetz in public at all. The infectious rhythms and gorgeous tunes of thisAmerican classic are brilliantly served by Heifetz as transcriber, and the Porgy excerpts (which include 'Bess, You Is My Woman Now,' 'Summertime' and 'My Man's Gone Now') sizzle with virtuoso pizzazz in these wonderful arrangements. This edition is a must-have for lovers of the violin and the music of Gershwin! / Date parution : 2022-11-04/ Recueil / Violon et Piano
61.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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Violin Lullabies
Violin Lullabies
Violon et Piano
Carl Fischer
Following the birth of her first child, violinist Rachel Barton Pine went lookin...
Following the birth of her first child, violinist Rachel Barton Pine went looking for a collection of lullabies written for violin and piano. After finding nothing in existence, she set about gathering sheet music and recording her own versions with pianist Matthew Hagle. This new collection celebrates the beauty of new life and parenthood with familiar tunes and new discoveries by composers such as Brahms, Ravel, Fauré, and Gershwin. Meticulously edited, these are short and elegant while remaining compositionally sophisticated, perfect for intermediate or advanced violinists. As an additional resource, the collection contains downloadable piano accompaniments and tracks performed by Matthew Hagle. / Violon Et Piano
56.00 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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2 vendeurs
2 vendeurs
The Violin Collection - Book - Online Media
The Violin Collection - Book - Online Media
Violon et Piano
[Partition + Accès audio]
This exclusive collection contains eight pieces by Ludovico Einaudi for Saxophon...
This exclusive collection contains eight pieces by Ludovico Einaudi for Saxophone and Piano, with full score and pull-out Saxophone part.Pieces include: The Crane Dance, Dna, Elegy For The Arctic, Four Dimensions, Night, Nuvole Bianche, Primavera and Una Mattina.As well as the printed score, this book includes a range of supporting digital features:SoundCheck - This unique assessment and feedback software lets you use your phone, tablet or computer to help you practice. Simply open up the piece you're working on and SoundCheck gives you an instant report on your performance and advice on how to improve!Ebook - A digital edition of your music to read on any device.Audio - Full demonstration recordings of each piece plus accompaniment-only and solo-only backing tracks. / Violon Et Piano
31.80 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
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