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Llegó la Banda
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Llegó la Banda
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33 sheet music found
Llegó la Banda
Concert band
William Ortiz
Llegó la Banda
William Ortiz
Concert Band - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1008995 Composed by William Ortiz. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score and parts. 140 pages. William Ortiz...
Concert Band - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1008995 Composed by William Ortiz. 20th Century,Contemporary. Score and parts. 140 pages. William Ortiz #6078983. Published by William Ortiz (A0.1008995). A kind of musical protest march with street and Rock music overtones framed in a contemporary sound idiom. The work for Concert Band or Wind Ensemble draws attention to social awareness chanted by the musicians. It is a reflection and catharsis of this modern age of anxiety, racism and social injustice. The outcome is a positive transformation and solution thru the power of music.
Sones y Jarabes Mixes - Cuarteto para Clarinetes
Clarinet Quartet: 4 clarinets
Rito Marcelino Rovirosa
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
Sones y Jarabes Mixes - Cuarte
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
Clarinet Quartet,Woodwind Ensemble - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1240957 Composed by Rito Marcelino Rovirosa. Arranged by Everardo GarcÃa Varga...
Clarinet Quartet,Woodwind Ensemble - Level 3 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1240957 Composed by Rito Marcelino Rovirosa. Arranged by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas. Chamber,Classical,Holiday,Multicultural,Traditional,World. 17 pages. Everardo GarcÃa Vargas #836352. Published by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas (A0.1240957). Sones y Jarabes Mixes - Cuarteto para ClarinetesLa obra musical ceremonial “Sones y Jarabes Mixesâ€, compuesta por Rito Marcelino Rovirosa, es ampliamente reconocida como uno de los himnos representativos de la región Mixe. Además de ser una pieza musical, también es un baile que forma parte integral de la cultura Mixe del estado de Oaxaca, México. El mismo autor también compuso un himno especÃfico para la región titulado “Himno Mixeâ€. En la tradición y costumbres de esta región, se realizan ceremonias y ritos para agradecer o pedir a las potencias naturales como el rayo, el viento, el agua, el sol, la montaña, la madre tierra y al rey “Konk ëy†(rey bueno), quien representa el vÃnculo con lo sagrado. Estas ceremonias pueden tener como objetivo tener una buena cosecha, alejar un mal sobrenatural, mejorar las condiciones de vida, tener abundancia económica o un buen año. Durante estas ceremonias se ofrendan bebidas como tepache y mezcal, alimentos y música, incluyendo sones y jarabes para bailar.Rito Marcelino Rovirosa, es un ilustre compositor mexicano conocido como el “hijo de la sierra mixeâ€, nació en Asunción Cacalotepec, Mixe, Oaxaca el 07 de abril de 1908 y falleció en Santiago Zacatepec Mixe, Oaxaca el 05 de julio de 2000 a la edad de 92 años. Rovirosa dejó un legado de más de 200 obras que se extendieron más allá de su región y fueron interpretadas por las bandas filarmónicas de casi todos los estados de la República Mexicana. Entre sus creaciones se encuentran sones y jarabes mixes, himno mixe, los mixes, fandango mixe, raza mixe, rey condoy, lustre, fiesta animada, viuda alegre, alegrÃa de mi alma, nueva esperanza, mi paisano y pájaro montañero. Sin embargo, no todas sus obras fueron conocidas o grabadas; dejó muchas inéditas e incluso escribió varias piezas a petición de otros músicos quienes le solicitaron que las dejara sin tÃtulo ni autorÃa. Marcelino Rovirosa vivió como cualquier otro campesino; dedicaba su tiempo a cuidar sus cultivos de café, maÃz y frijol. Las noches eran sus momentos favoritos para escribir sus obras inspirándose en la naturaleza, el canto de los pájaros y las convivencias con sus paisanos. Nadie hubiera imaginado que un indÃgena mixe iba a trascender con su música más allá de la frontera mixe. En la década de los años cuarenta del siglo pasado fue humillado por el mandamás de su pueblo quien lo envió a la cárcel acusándolo falsamente. Fue llevado a pie amarrado de las manos y sujetado por una cuerda por los guardianes desde su natal Asunción Cacalotepec hasta la cabecera distrital de Santiago Zacatepec un pueblo que lo adoptarÃa más tarde, después de caminar más de 10 horas en plena serranÃa fue conducido directamente a la cárcel donde permaneció durante tres años. Mientras estaba en la cárcel su creciente fama como buen músico llegó a oÃdos de las autoridades del pueblo, del agente del ministerio público, del juez que llevaba su caso y también de don Luis RodrÃguez Jacob, lÃder de la comunidad y del distrito mixe. A pesar de estar privado de su libertad gozaba de algunos tratos preferenciales que los demás no tenÃan. Fue incluido en la banda de música que viajó a la ciudad de Oaxaca, junto con las autoridades municipales para participar en un evento oficial que resultó ser todo un éxito. Al término de la misión y de regreso a Zacatepec don Luis RodrÃguez encomendó a los maestros de música y al distinguido Marcelino Rovirosa que escribieran una melodÃa representativa de la región mixe. Rito regresó como era natural a la cárcel municipal y puso manos a la obra; le facilitaron papel pautado y pluma y en pocos dÃas la obra solicitada quedó lista y lo tituló “fandango mixe†nombre sugerido por don Luis RodrÃguez.
El Aventurero - Cuarteto para Clarinetes
Clarinet Quartet: 4 clarinets
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
El Aventurero - Cuarteto para
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
Clarinet Quartet,Woodwind Ensemble - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1235762 Composed by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas. Chamber,Classical,Holiday,Multicul...
Clarinet Quartet,Woodwind Ensemble - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1235762 Composed by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas. Chamber,Classical,Holiday,Multicultural,Traditional,World. 48 pages. Everardo GarcÃa Vargas #831269. Published by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas (A0.1235762). El Aventurero - Cuarteto para ClarinetesEn julio de 2019, se lanzó esta nueva versión oficial definitiva de la composición Nº 07 “El Aventureroâ€, un cuarteto para clarinetes.Esta actualización fue posible gracias a la valiosa retroalimentación proporcionada por maestros, compañeros, alumnos y público en general, quienes solicitaron la incorporación de nuevos temas y una mayor duración de la obra para satisfacer la demanda de una experiencia auditiva más completa.Los aspectos más destacados y significativos de esta nueva versión radica en la incorporación de nuevos temas inéditos, tales como dos estribillos, un trÃo y un montuno extendido en forma de improvisación. Este último elemento fue fundamental para desarrollar, expandir y aventurarme nuevamente en la obra. A través de él, pude plasmar los ciclos de mi vida y transportar el pasado hacia el presente. Asimismo, se incorporó un desenlace explÃcito y coherente para garantizar que el oyente comprenda de manera inequÃvoca la conclusión de la obra. Esto contrasta con la versión anterior, que dejaba cierta ambigüedad sobre si la pieza continuaba o habÃa llegado a su fin.Además de los nuevos temas, se realizaron mejoras en los ya existentes ampliando algunas frases y motivos y se añadieron puentes para facilitar la unión y repetición, y también se introdujeron cambios en los contrapuntos y armonÃas en frases especÃficas.En su obra “El Aventureroâ€, el compositor mexicano comparte su historia personal a través de las distintas etapas que ha experimentado a lo largo de su vida. Originario de la comunidad de Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, Oaxaca, el autor creció hablando la lengua mixe y se sumergió en las tradiciones, usos y costumbres de una comunidad rica en cultura. Desde temprana edad, estuvo expuesto a bandas filarmónicas con repertorios de sones y jarabes.A la edad de diez años, tuvo su primer acercamiento a la música a través de lecciones impartidas por su padre. Posteriormente, continuó su aprendizaje de manera autodidacta y se unió a la banda municipal del pueblo. Con el paso del tiempo, la banda municipal, ahora conocida como BASTLAM, alcanzó su máximo potencial en la década de los 90. Fue entonces cuando comenzaron las giras musicales y el autor tuvo la oportunidad de visitar las ciudades de Oaxaca, México y Veracruz. Quedó impresionado por la belleza de las grandes ciudades y sus distintas tradiciones, pero sobre todo por su rica cultura musical.Posteriormente, se trasladó a la Ciudad de México para residir allà temporalmente. Sus viajes musicales continuaron por casi todos los estados de la República Mexicana. Durante estos viajes, adquirió experiencias y conocimientos valiosos, maravillándose ante la magnificencia de las diferentes culturas, tradiciones y estilos musicales de cada estado.En conclusión: “El Aventurero†es una obra fascinante en la que el compositor mexicano relata su historia personal a través de las distintas etapas de su vida. Desde sus orÃgenes en la comunidad de Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, Oaxaca, hasta sus viajes musicales por la República Mexicana, el autor ha tenido la oportunidad de experimentar y aprender de las ricas culturas y tradiciones de su paÃs. Su pasión por la música lo ha llevado a lugares y experiencias inolvidables, y esta obra es un testimonio conmovedor de su viaje. La nueva versión de “El Aventurero†representa una evolución enriquecedora de la obra original. Gracias a la incorporación de nuevos temas y desarrollos que invita al oyente a sumergirse en un emocionante viaje musical. Las sugerencias y comentarios recibidos permitieron mejorar y expandir esta composición para ofrecer una experiencia única.
El Aventurero - Ensamble para Coro de Clarinetes
Clarinet Ensemble
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
El Aventurero - Ensamble para
Everardo GarcÃa Vargas
Clarinet Choir,Woodwind Ensemble Bass Clarinet,E-Flat Clarinet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1240964 Composed by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas. Chambe...
Clarinet Choir,Woodwind Ensemble Bass Clarinet,E-Flat Clarinet - Level 4 - Digital Download SKU: A0.1240964 Composed by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas. Chamber,Classical,Holiday,Multicultural,Traditional,World. 62 pages. Everardo GarcÃa Vargas #836358. Published by Everardo GarcÃa Vargas (A0.1240964). El Aventurero - Ensamble para Coro de ClarinetesEn abril de 2022, se lanzó esta nueva versión oficial definitiva de la composición Nº 07 “El Aventureroâ€, un ensamble para coro de clarinetes. Esta actualización fue posible gracias a la valiosa retroalimentación proporcionada por maestros, compañeros, alumnos y público en general, quienes solicitaron la incorporación de nuevos temas y una mayor duración de la obra para satisfacer la demanda de una experiencia auditiva más completa. Los aspectos más destacados y significativos de esta nueva versión radica en la incorporación de nuevos temas inéditos, tales como dos estribillos, un trÃo y un montuno extendido en forma de improvisación. Este último elemento fue fundamental para desarrollar, expandir y aventurarme nuevamente en la obra. A través de él, pude plasmar los ciclos de mi vida y transportar el pasado hacia el presente. Asimismo, se incorporó un desenlace explÃcito y coherente para garantizar que el oyente comprenda de manera inequÃvoca la conclusión de la obra. Esto contrasta con la versión anterior, que dejaba cierta ambigüedad sobre si la pieza continuaba o habÃa llegado a su fin. Además de los nuevos temas, se realizaron mejoras en los ya existentes ampliando algunas frases y motivos y se añadieron puentes para facilitar la unión y repetición, y también se introdujeron cambios en los contrapuntos y armonÃas en frases especÃficas. En su obra “El Aventureroâ€, el compositor mexicano comparte su historia personal a través de las distintas etapas que ha experimentado a lo largo de su vida. Originario de la comunidad de Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, Oaxaca, el autor creció hablando la lengua mixe y se sumergió en las tradiciones, usos y costumbres de una comunidad rica en cultura. Desde temprana edad, estuvo expuesto a bandas filarmónicas con repertorios de sones y jarabes. A la edad de diez años, tuvo su primer acercamiento a la música a través de lecciones impartidas por su padre. Posteriormente, continuó su aprendizaje de manera autodidacta y se unió a la banda municipal del pueblo. Con el paso del tiempo, la banda municipal, ahora conocida como BASTLAM, alcanzó su máximo potencial en la década de los 90. Fue entonces cuando comenzaron las giras musicales y el autor tuvo la oportunidad de visitar las ciudades de Oaxaca, México y Veracruz. Quedó impresionado por la belleza de las grandes ciudades y sus distintas tradiciones, pero sobre todo por su rica cultura musical. Posteriormente, se trasladó a la Ciudad de México para residir allà temporalmente. Sus viajes musicales continuaron por casi todos los estados de la República Mexicana. Durante estos viajes, adquirió experiencias y conocimientos valiosos, maravillándose ante la magnificencia de las diferentes culturas, tradiciones y estilos musicales de cada estado. En conclusión: “El Aventurero†es una obra fascinante en la que el compositor mexicano relata su historia personal a través de las distintas etapas de su vida. Desde sus orÃgenes en la comunidad de Tlahuitoltepec Mixe, Oaxaca, hasta sus viajes musicales por la República Mexicana, el autor ha tenido la oportunidad de experimentar y aprender de las ricas culturas y tradiciones de su paÃs. Su pasión por la música lo ha llevado a lugares y experiencias inolvidables, y esta obra es un testimonio conmovedor de su viaje. La nueva versión de “El Aventurero†representa una evolución enriquecedora de la obra original. Gracias a la incorporación de nuevos temas y desarrollos que invita al oyente a sumergirse en un emocionante viaje musical. Las sugerencias y comentarios recibidos permitieron mejorar y expandir esta composición para ofrecer una experiencia única.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Piccolo Duo
2 Flutes (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piccolo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612839 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 â?? 1720). Arr...
Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Piccolo - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612839 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 â?? 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222035. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612839). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto â?? Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for English Horn Duo
2 English horns and Pianoforte
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet English Horn,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612807 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1...
Instrumental Duet English Horn,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612807 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222001. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612807). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Alto Flute Duo
2 Flutes (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612783 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthr...
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612783 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221977. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612783). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Tuba Duo
2 Tubas (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612848 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Ar...
Instrumental Duet Instrumental Duet,Tuba - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612848 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222044. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612848). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Violin Duo
2 Violins (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Violin Duet Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612852 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Gut...
Violin Duet Violin - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612852 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222047. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612852). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - Allegro Sonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Gavott Sonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for French Horn Duo
2 French horns (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
French Horn Duet Horn - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612821 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. ...
French Horn Duet Horn - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612821 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222017. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612821). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Flute Duo
2 Flutes (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612814 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthr...
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612814 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222009. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612814). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Bass Clarinet Duo
2 Clarinets (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Clarinet Duet Clarinet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612794 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M....
Clarinet Duet Clarinet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612794 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. 2 scores. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221988. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612794). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Clarinet Duo
2 Clarinets (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Clarinet Duet Clarinet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612799 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M....
Clarinet Duet Clarinet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612799 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. 2 scores. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221993. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612799). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Trumpet Duo
2 Trumpets (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Trumpet Duet Trumpet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612846 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. G...
Trumpet Duet Trumpet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612846 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222042. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612846). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Contrabassoon Duo
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Contrabassoon,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612801 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – ...
Instrumental Duet Contrabassoon,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612801 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221995. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612801). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Trombone Duo
2 Trombones (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Trombone Duet Trombone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612844 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M....
Trombone Duet Trombone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612844 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222039. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612844). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Baritone Horn Duo
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Baritone Horn TC,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612791 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 â€...
Instrumental Duet Baritone Horn TC,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612791 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221985. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612791). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Euphonium Duo
2 Euphoniums (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Euphonium,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612811 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720...
Instrumental Duet Euphonium,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612811 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222005. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612811). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Bass Flute Duo
2 Flutes (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612795 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthr...
Flute Duet Flute - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612795 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221989. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612795). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Bassoon Duo
2 Bassoons (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Bassoon,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612796 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720)....
Instrumental Duet Bassoon,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612796 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221990. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612796). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Double Bass Duo
2 Double basses (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Instrumental Duet Double Bass,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612803 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 17...
Instrumental Duet Double Bass,Instrumental Duet - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612803 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score and parts. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221996. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612803). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Alto Sax Duo
2 Saxophones (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Alto Saxophone Duet Alto Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612787 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged...
Alto Saxophone Duet Alto Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612787 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. 2 scores. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221981. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612787). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Baritone Sax Duo
2 Saxophones (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Baritone Saxophone Duet Baritone Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612788 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). ...
Baritone Saxophone Duet Baritone Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612788 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. 2 scores. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #221982. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612788). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Soprano Sax Duo
2 Saxophones (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Soprano Saxophone Duet Soprano Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612840 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Ar...
Soprano Saxophone Duet Soprano Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612840 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222036. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612840). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No. 2 Complete for Tenor Sax Duo
2 Saxophones (duet)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghen
James M
Loeillet: Six Sonatas Op. 5 No
Tenor Saxophone Duet Tenor Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612843 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arrang...
Tenor Saxophone Duet Tenor Saxophone - Level 2 - Digital Download SKU: A0.612843 Composed by Jean Baptiste Loeillet of Ghent (1688 – 1720). Arranged by James M. Guthrie. Baroque,Contest,Festival,Standards,Traditional,Wedding. Score. 59 pages. Jmsgu3 #222038. Published by jmsgu3 (A0.612843). John Baptist Loeillet, a Flemish Baroque composer, wrote six sonatas for flute and basso continuo in his Op. 5 No. 2. This work is widely considered to be some of his most significant compositions, and they are still performed today.The sonatas are divided into three movements each, with two slow movements and one faster one. The flute part is very demanding, as Loeillet often wrote in the high register, and the accompanying basso continuo part provides a solid foundation for the piece. The music has an emotional intensity that was characteristic of the Baroque era, and it features various ornamentations, like trills and mordents. The influence of Corelli can be heard in the contrapuntal textures, and the melodic lines are often based on the scales and modes of the period.Loeillet's Op. 5 No. 2 is a beautiful and captivating work, and its timelessness is a testament to its quality. It has been transcribed and adapted for other instruments, and it remains a popular choice for many classical musicians.Contents:Sonata No. 1 Duration: 9:45 Score: 8 pages 1. Vivace 2. Affetuoso e Poco Vivace 3. Allegro 4. Largo 5. AllegroSonata No. 2 Duration: 16:00, Score: 12 pages 1. La¬rgo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. Vivace 5. Vivace 6. Largo 7. GigaSonata No. 3 Duration: 19:20, Score: 14 pages 1. Vivace 2. Largo 3. Gavotto – Allegro 4. Sarabanda 5. Allegro 6. Largo 7. Menuet 8. Giga - AllegroSonata No. 4 Duration: 11:08, Score: 10 pages 1. Vivace 2. Gavott 3. Largo 4. Allegro 5. Sarabanda - Largo 6. AllegroSonata No. 5 Duration: 7:49, Score: 7 pages 1. Largo 2. Allegro 3. Largo 4. GavottSonata No. 6 Duration: 9:42, Score: 8 pages 1. Andante 2. Adagio 3. Allegro 1 4. Allegro 2.
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