SSATB choir SKU: CA.140400 Aus: Deutsche Sonntagliche Evangelienspruch...(+)
SSATB choir
Deutsche Sonntagliche
Composed by Andreas
Raselius. German title:
Raselius: Und ich sage
euch auch: Machet euch
Freunde. Sacred, Motets;
Use during church year:
Trinity. Full score.
Composed 1594. Carus
Verlag #CV 01.404/00.
Published by Carus Verlag
By Andreas Raselius. Edited by Hermann Stern / Herbert Nitsche. This edition: pa...(+)
By Andreas Raselius.
Edited by Hermann Stern /
Herbert Nitsche. This
edition: paperbound.
Sacred, Motets; Choral
Collections, Mixed Choir;
Occasions: Peace and
Justice, Baptism; Use
during church year:
Advent, Special Days,
Epiphany, Easter and
Eastertide, Pentecost,
Trinity, Christmas.
Collection. 184 pages.
Published by Carus Verlag
Choir SKU: CA.891100 Composed by Various. This edition: Paperbound. Chora...(+)
Composed by
Various. This edition:
Paperbound. Choral
collections. Chordienst
im Kirchenjahr I. Sacred
vocal music, Hymn
settings, Whole church
year / Omni tempore.
Choir Book. Carus Verlag
#CV 08.911/00. Published
by Carus Verlag