free account creation
1) Login information
Your E-mail :
Please enter a value.This email is not valid.
Your pseudo :
The pseudo must be valid.
Avoid using accents, spaces, or special characters when creating your nickname. This nickname will be visible to the public (e.g. "firstname-lastname"). Please be aware that it cannot be modified afterwards.

Your password must be at least: 8 characters including 1 capital letter + 1 number + 1 special character

Enter a password.
Minimum number of 8 characters not reached.The password complexity level is not valid: at least 1 capital letter + 1 digit + 1 special character
Confirm password:
Please confirm your password.The 2 passwords are not the same.
2) Information about you
Your name :
Please indicate your name.
Your first name :
Please indicate your first name.
Your nationality :
What type of instrument do you practice ?

3) Membership Agreement :
Please read and accept the Agreement.I agree to the General conditions

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