Brother of William Perkins, Henry inÂherÂitÂed muÂsicÂal talÂent from his parÂents: his faÂther was a notÂed singÂing teachÂer, and his moÂther an exÂcelÂlent voÂcalÂist. He reÂceived his first muÂsicÂal trainÂing from his faÂther, and atÂtendÂed some of the best liÂterÂary schools in his youth. His forÂmal muÂsic edÂuÂcaÂtion beÂgan in 1857, when he enÂtered the BosÂton MuÂsic School, where he gradÂuÂatÂed in 1861. For over 20 years, he deÂvotÂed conÂsidÂerÂaÂble time to conÂductÂing muÂsic fesÂtiÂvals and conÂvenÂtions throughÂout AmerÂiÂca, from Maine to CalÂiÂforÂnia, and in teachÂing in ?norÂmal? muÂsic schools in New York, Ohio, InÂdiÂaÂna, WisÂconÂsin, IoÂwa, ColÂoÂraÂdo, KanÂsas, and TexÂas. He alÂso served as ProÂfessÂor of MuÂsic at the UnÂiÂverÂsiÂty of IoÂwa (1867-1869); prinÂciÂpal of the IoÂwa AcadÂeÂmy of MuÂsic, IoÂwa CiÂty, for five years; and prinÂciÂpal at the KanÂsas NorÂmal MuÂsic School for five conÂseÂcuÂtive sumÂmers. He alÂso comÂposed voÂcal muÂsic for choirs, SunÂday school, pubÂlic schools, chorÂal soÂciÂeÂties, conÂvenÂtions and fesÂtiÂvals. He helped orÂganize the MuÂsic TeachÂers? NaÂtionÂal AsÂsoÂciÂaÂtion in in 1876, and served in nearÂly evÂery ofÂfiÂcial caÂpaÂciÂty in that orÂganÂiÂzaÂtion beÂtween 1887 and 1897. He alÂso orÂganÂized the IlÂliÂnois MuÂsic TeachÂers? AsÂsoÂciÂaÂtion in 1886, and served as its preÂsiÂdent for 10 years. He setÂtled in ChiÂcaÂgo, IlÂliÂnois, in 1872, and was a notÂed muÂsic criÂtic for the paÂpers there. In 1891, he esÂtabÂlished the ChiÂcaÂgo NaÂtioÂnal CollÂege of MuÂsic. (Hide extended text)...(Read all) Source : Wikipedia