Jean Pierre Prudent
Jean Pierre Prudent (1960 - )
France France, LEFOREST
About the artist
Associate : SACEM | code IPI de l'artiste : 00491 21 69 51
What about JPP: he is primarily a creator. Making music is first of all an invention. Among other influences he cites Olivier Messiaen, Bach, Debussy, or Frank Zappa, but also progressive rock, or magma and pink-floyd. Above all, his music is multifaceted and unconstrained. There are passages of classical music, modern jazz, rock, or new-age atmosphere with medieval overtones. The pipe organ rubs the electric guitar, the string orchestra and the synthesizer. The pieces sound like mysterious atmo ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Jean Pierre Prudent


Piano Sonata No.8 in C minor (Pathétique), Opus 13