Ioan Dobrinescu
Ioan Dobrinescu (1960 - )
Roumanie Roumanie, Bucharest
About the artist
Associate : UCMR-ADA | code IPI de l'artiste : 00 262 54 16 76
Ioan Dobrinescu was born in 1960 and studied the violin at the George Enescu Music High school and then composition at the University of Music in Bucharest, which he graduated in 1986 as head of his class. Among the masters that have marked his artistic path are the late composers and professors Aurel Stroe, Tiberiu Olah, Stefan Niculescu, Alexandru Pascanu, Dan Constantinescu, Anatol Vieru and Constantin Bugeanu.

After a short career in teaching, Ioan Dobrinescu becomes an editor for Act ... (Read all)
Artists > Composers > Ioan Dobrinescu

Intermediate / Advanced Level : Grade 5-7
