As far as I can remember, I have always had a tune in my head, which accompanied me in all circumstances and which, sometimes, came out whistling, humming, or even throwing my voice at the top of my lungs (like in the bathroom, for example). This music does not belong to me: it was given to me.
Then, becoming an apprentice musician, I learned to write down on paper everything that springs from the inside or inspired from the outside on any occasion. Through my eclectic and partly self-taught career as a musician, pianist, choirmaster, singer, teacher, performer, I have been led to compose various works in different contexts.
To compose, for me, is not "to create", it is to make grow and bear fruit, it is to transform, it is to communicate: it is about listening, seeking, inventing, exploring, finding, shaping, choose, give up, think, and work a lot. Although this work and this know-how deserve a salary, especially when it comes to an order, the music does not belong to me: I can only return and give for free what I have received for free. (Hide extended text)...(Read all)
DUMI (1996) / Licence professionnelle en pratiques chorales et spectacle vivant (2001) / CAPES d'éducation musicale et chant choral (2003) / M1 de recherche en musique (2005)