Thomas Koschat
Thomas Koschat (1845 - 1914)
Autriche Autriche
Austrian composer and choir leader, born 8 August 1845 in Viktring, Austria, died 19 May 1914 in Vienna, Austria.

Koschat stu­died chem­is­try in Vi­en­na, and sang as a bass in the Hof­oper (court op­e­ra) choir, and event­u­al­ly be­came choir di­rect­or. He lat­er found­ed the Ko­schat Quar­tet and toured Eur­ope and Amer­i­ca ex­ten­sive­ly. He was well known for his Ca­rin­thi­an folk songs. Em­per­or Wil­helm award­ed him the Ad­ler Orden (Order of the Re ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia


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