Charles Henry Purday
Charles Henry Purday (1799 - 1885)
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
Born: Jan­u­a­ry 11, 1799, Folke­stone, Eng­land.

Died: Ap­ril 23, 1885, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Purday was ap­point­ed con­duct­or of psalm­o­dy at Crown Court Scots Church in Co­vent Gar­den, Lon­don, in the 1840?s, dur­ing the min­is­try of Dr. John Cum­ming. Dr. Cum­ming?s church was so pop­u­lar that it was said traf­fic could not move in Bow Street and Dru­ry Lane for the throng of car­ri­ag­es mak­ing their way to ser­vic­es. Pur­day was a fine vo­cal­i ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia


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