Frederic Marc Antonie Venua
Frederic Marc Antonie Venua (1788 - 1872)
Italie Italie
Born: 1788, Par­is, France. Died: Cir­ca No­vem­ber 1872, St. Thom­as (near Ex­e­ter), De­von­shire, Eng­land. Born to an Ital­i­an fam­i­ly in France, Ve­nua at­tend­ed the Par­is Con­serv­a­to­ry, & stu­died com­po­si­tion in Lo­ndon. He di­rect­ed and com­posed for the bal­let or­chest­ra at the King?s The­a­ter, and be­longed the Brit­ish Roy­al So­ci­e­ty of Mu­si­cians. He re­tired to Ex­e­ter in 1858.
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia
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