Tullius Clinton O
Tullius Clinton O'Kane (1830 - 1912)
États-Unis États-Unis
O?Kane re­ceived his AB de­gree from Ohio Wes­ley­an Un­i­ver­si­ty in 1852, and his AM de­gree in 1855. Im­me­di­ate­ly up­on grad­u­a­tion, he ac­cept­ed a po­si­tion there as Tu­tor of Ma­the­ma­tics. Even though he was on­ly a tu­tor, the stu­dents al­ways re­ferred to him as ?Pro­fess­or.? In addition, in re­cog­ni­tion of his mu­sic­al abil­i­ties, O?Kane was for years the mu­sic­al pre­cen­tor in the dai­ly cha­pel de­vo­tions. He al­so or­ ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

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