Clay Hess
Clay Hess
États-Unis États-Unis
Clay Hess is a Grammy award winner who first burst upon the nationalBluegrass music scene as the red-hot flat-picking guitarist with RickySkaggs & Kentucky Clay_HessThunder, with whom he toured for three years. With his amazing speed and tasty sense of syncopation, Hess has established himself as one of the top flat-pickers in the business...
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia


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Partitions numériques (guide d'achat) Recherche #Clay-Hess #Country - Bluegrass
Matériel de musique
Peter Hess : phKSET-4kids
(4 commentaires)
Bol universel + bol petit coeur + bol bassin- Ensemble standard professionnel pour massage...(+)

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