Grant Colfax Tullar
Grant Colfax Tullar (1869 - 1950)
États-Unis États-Unis
Tullar was named af­ter the Amer­i­can Pre­si­dent and Vice-Pre­si­dent, Ulys­ses S. Grant & Schuy­ler Col­fax. His fa­ther was un­a­ble to work, hav­ing been wound­ed in the Amer­i­can ci­vil war Bat­tle of An­tie­tam. So, af­ter Tul­lar’s mo­ther died when he was two years old, the fam­i­ly split up. Grant had no set­tled home af­ter that day un­til he be­came an adult.

As a child, he worked in a wool­en mill and as a shoe clerk, and re­ceived vir­tu­al­ ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

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