Born inÂto a muÂsicÂal famÂiÂly, ElÂvey startÂed his caÂreer as a boy, singÂing at CanÂterÂbury CaÂthedÂral. LaÂter, he reÂceived more forÂmal trainÂing at the RoyÂal AcadÂeÂmy of MuÂsic. Around 1835, he was apÂpointÂed ?masÂter of the boys? and orÂganÂist at St. George?s ChaÂpel, WindÂsor, EngÂland (one of his tunes, ?St George?s WindÂsor? takes its name from this loÂcaÂtion). He served at St. George?s for alÂmost half a cenÂtuÂry. He was knightÂed in 1871 for his FesÂtivÂal March, played at the wedÂding of PrincÂess LouÂise.