John Robson Sweney
John Robson Sweney (1837 - 1899)
États-Unis États-Unis
Sweney?s mu sic al gift showed it self at an ear ly age. While still a boy, he be gan to teach mu sic in the pub lic schools and lead Sun day school per form ances. At age 19, he start ed stu dy ing mu sic in ear nest un der Pro fess or Bau er, a cel e brat ed Ger man teach er. He took vi o lin and pi a no les sons, and about this time be came a choir lead er. He was al so in con stant de mand for child ren?s con certs and for con duct ing glee clubs.

At age 22, Swe ney was called to teach in ... (lire la suite)

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