PIANOVasas, Judit
In Memory of Richard Kearns
Vasas, Judit - In Memory of Richard Kearns
Piano seul

VoirPDF : In Memory of Richard Kearns (3 pages - 39.21 Ko)775x
MP3 : Audio principal (39.21 Ko)156x 2340x
In Memory of Richard Kearns
MP3 (2.98 Mo) : (par Leonard Anderson)185x 380x
Compositeur :
Judit Vasas
Vasas, Judit (1987 - )
Instrumentation :

Piano seul

Genre :


Arrangeur :
Editeur :
Date :May, 2014
Droit d'auteur :Copyright © Judit Vasas
Titre alternatif :Richard Kearns emlékére
Ajoutée par judit-vasas, 11 Mai 2014
Don à Vasas, Judit

Before you listen to/play this piece, let me tell you how it "was born".

As I experienced, learning how to compose when you're on your own with it is like decoding other people's music scores. Finding out a melody is not that difficul - people do it all the time when they're humming or whistling, but composing a song that is not boring also requires a sense and knowledge of rythm structure. When I find a piece with a style that I like, I try to compose in that style by putting my melody into it's rythm structure - for example, when I composed "Dancing Raindrops", I did it in the style of Ludovico Einaudi (simpilified, of cousre :P) - I make some changes that add my own style into the piece, and by this method I compose a new song and learn a new technique as well, thanks to others who actually know what they do :)

A few weeks ago I found here on free-scores Richard Kearns's Study No.6 "Forgotten Memories", and I absolutely fell in love with it: it's sweet and gentle, easy to play, but not boring, filled with emotions, just what I like! When I downloaded the scores, I didn't know he was dying, I only knew that the rythm of the piece I have to try out. A few days later it was announced on free-scores that he had passed away, which made me even more determined to do it, I was and I still am very grateful for him sharing his music with us, which for me was not only beautiful to listen to, but also edifying.

I didn't know him personally, and I had never exchanged e-mails with him, but now we have this little link of music between us, so I dedicate this song to him. May he rest in peace while his songs keep on making their small but delightful changes in the world.

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2 commentaires

Par flitternote , 19 Jui 2018 à 02:10

How beautiful your song, and the sentiment behind it are! I doubt there could be a sweeter honor for a composer.
Par strikermozul , 31 Janv 2015 à 12:46

Thank you for sharing this piece and your story!

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